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Document Creation Date: 
September 25, 2024
Document Release Date: 
September 8, 1976
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
June 26, 1956
- - - Purpose: To provide c3cploratory research in the US. cf alcohol, the eitersder" effect, and the psycho-genic-drugs, and to provide other medical consultation � Initiated: Continuation.- Current year's Aulde approved 30 June 1961: Contractor: Coat: $5,500.00 Status: Continuing, lias recently started testing the suitability of *- a1ohT31414pearing-cli1nks for use as alcohol_extenders. (When Filled In ACCOUNTING BY I ND IV I DUAL FOR ADVANCE NOTE: Follow Instructions on Reverse SUBMITTED BY litCOLMIA 63 VOUCHER NO. (Finance use only) PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FROM 1 Jattuary 1962 TO 31 December 1962 RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS . CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD i VOUCHER NUM1ER DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Ia. 7..aEcEtPT , DATE DESCRIPTION I!...tra_47 r_i_UNLA 0.i� A aCte6 Certif tion, 1 , 14 1 1 1 -...-- - -___ 1 : I , 1 ' a 0, , IS � 0 A. REFUNDED HEREWITH I CASH l!C ECK itIONEY ORDC11' ' H S. CASH ON RAND END OF PERIOD I TOTAL TO ACCOUNT OR It I ! 1 !I 1 TOTAL :ACCOUNTED! FOR . . I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE I APPROVED 1! ; !!!! ! ! r certify on any Moses 'cretti thiii attachments of 4 Wrefor'has ccowint that the expenditure listed wore incurred for I official confidential netUre, that Hvot been received. int ler true and cerrect. hereon 'payment and . end PUP'. or that 101IL I GATION REFERENCE NO. , CHARGE ALLOTMENT I6125-1390-3902 NO. . DATE 25 AUG . I , SIGNATURE 1 1: 6 ..i dniep OF 1 APPROVING 1:00~' OFF CER, ...,., ,,�.... ' 11W1 1 0 ATE : 26 AUG !, 1,934 " ! SIGNATURE OF AUTHOR, Z NG, : 1 OFFICER I 1 I II CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT! OR! CREDIT S I GNATURE. 1 I F PAYEE . 11 I! I ! / ATE : ' SIIGNATURE. : F CERTIFYINGOFFICER !!,1 SPACE :BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE,' OF FINANCE DIVISION PREPARED BY ,--H, , ! I REVIEWED By . , I., 11 'VOUCHER NO. 7-12 N .4 23.39 . DESCRIPTION � ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 40.4245.44 I' . I PAY. *PENOIPER.. 47.52 OBLIG REF:,..NO.. 53 Fl 54.57 GENERAL 53.67 5B1O 71.4V AMOUNT DESCRIPTION . A P ITEMS 13.3, 11 34-39 1 I ,COEIE L' 0, 1 ADVAI:Ci kct.T.7.100. YR LEDGER ACCT , NO 1..n;:r!"... ' ti R7 ...171C.. OEIJEICT OESCR t A T I ON . ADVANCE ACCOUNTS I 3. 24 P AY AOL E � OU AO. COPE I ' ' , 'two.. ,mo: 1 I VOU.NO. CLASS DENIT 011tOOT �, 1 H , 1 11 1! : , d 1 FORM ilcio USE PREVIOUS :6.57 L'Ar. EDITIONS. April 8, 1964 Accounting on Received by-tile Paid by th invoices: 1962 Jan. 10 Mar. 26 May 31 Oct. 22 Dec. 7 Total paid to Project December 1961 1961 25 on receipt of individual /3 / ,680.00 28 -days @ 60 17 days.@&0iI_ 1,020.00 17 days-@_60 1,020.00 16days_@ 60 _ 960.00 _ 16days @ 60 960.00 1962 $5,640,00 This is-a-trueaccounting based 1� Ithe signed invoices received-from certifj.�taat zerv[nc,7 1-.9rIals have Veen 8Atisfactori17 1 fT,r, cNp,:nditures were incurred 3.71 icI $558000 RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following: Check No. SE 3771, dated Decemb ZO,i961, ayable to the in the amount o $558OOO. Date: 64-241., TDecernber 1961 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE-RECORD SUBJECT _ . TraKSfer-of-Project MKULTRA, Subproject No. 63 t 1. The research of funded to date through Subproject-No. cur .en 1 bein ed qt e total research effort of th vhich has been 2. The balance 0 und4 for Subproject No. 63 -will be sent to the for disbursal t Accotuttin fir these un s s a -1-accord_to practices _establish for th With the transfer of the remaining`funds, Subproject_ o-63 shall be-c.onsidered closed. TSd/Research Branch r., , i CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER r . t VOUCHER NO. 7.12 .4.,,.....,.,J.,..; , 8 L...',h 1 DATE 2-3 VOUCHER NO. 7.12 ,,2061 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 34.39 STATION 40.42 43 F U N D S 45.46 PAY PER. 47.52 OBL1G. REF. NO. " OAP. NO. 53 CA YR 58.67 ,54.57 ALLOT. OR COST GENERAL , ACCT. NO. 68.70 DUE DATE 71-80 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 p .0. ��,� CODE I POOP. NO. EXPEND CODE LEDGER ACCT. NO. 62.67 CR. NO. ......... X REA'. NO. 011./XeY CLASS DEBIT CRFDIT k 1 + � WA P N 0.0.E.C1*. ;CZ 01X. . Y � � � � OOOOO 'I�. -. � 0 � � /All : :/ 0.1 ,P, 4 � if,. 0 I c).';'' C ..11/ - : � OO : .. ..? .... :T: i,t' . � � � )1;) fr . . -.01' 3, 0 ,,,..) , 6 -- - - ... ..1. I All 1 I 1 1 I � . � � � . . � . . � . � . I ; : � � 1, 1 I 1 h . . . � I. � � . � . : . . . � . . OOOOO � 0 a il 4 � 10 ��� �� .... i���� ..... ��� � � " � M " ,..� ; � � . . 1 1 1 , . . ' . � � � EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS . . '''' ...� -- , , � iff A---tr- I 1 1 I DATE /2 � A , . DATE REVIEWED SY 1 1 CERT IF I ED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE DE,t A71ATUIVE 6 6I FORM , 6.5v 606 use �S- 7 Dc 4-abet 1961 MC-MORAN U FOR: Chief, ranee Divielo VIA SUB/1;0T TSD/Budget Offieer 1.1KULTRAISutproject 631 Invoice 1\10,. 14, _ _ Allotmeat-05a5-19,19.-4902. 11.11otuwat 1,125A393.3�a 1. Invoice No. 14 cover n the, above out attached. This le tho fl:' invoice. It is roquet bo made Cash1eri4 ' a the at of $5583. L o th deas.vric oct 2., Please forward-the c eel( to Chief. TSD!aesearch1111 D arcti thr:Jugh 1_%'--Dilludget Officer aS Soon as possible. � Attachments: iavoice tit _CertilVatIons Distribution:- Orig .St Z A,d4ressee, 1 TSD/FASS -TSD/RI3 e; 4111 CHECK-tr - THE AMOUNT -oFs-c.,,c:=04-2� RECtii\IPT.).� I CEF-..';FY . � -�� - z Ori}Vnef',,�,, 154 ecifee INVOICE For Services CERTIFICATIONS (1) It is hereby. certifIed that this 1r4 applying to Sub-project No, _63 of MHULARA,, tha it,rforrnance is iatisfactory� that services are_bedng accomplishbd in a...cordance with mutual_agree ments, that a detailed agenda of the payments dd receipts is on file - in TSD,MB, that this bill is just 3rd correct and that payment thereof has nt,t yet been made. Date: Chief, TSD/Research Branch Z) It is herelycerlift_ed that this invoice applies to Subproject of MKULTRA_which_was duly aporovecL and that the project is being carried ota in accordance with-the mernora.ndurn 4 n April 1953 from the DCI to the DD/A,, and the exteasion of this authority in l'ilbsequent rn ern Or en dao Date: --� R&erch Dir acter RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following: e, ck No,: 22111, dated November Z,_1961, - pay (When Filled n) CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER 'VOUCHER NO. 7.12 DATE 2-6 VOUCHER NO. 7.12 DESCRIPTION- ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 94-39 STATION 40.42 EXPEND CODE 4F3 u N 0 45.46 PAY P ER.. LIEF. COOE .417C05 5. REF. NO. .. . awm . EMP. NO. 53 CA YR 54.57 GENERAL LEDGER ACCT. NO . 58-67 ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. NO. 68-70 DUE DATE 71.80 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 33 i A NO. � P.O. No, .. . . ... , .lc&A,PROJECT DIV. CODE " PROP. NO ........ NO. 62.67 CA. NO. ......... X REF. NO. E ORJcT CLASS DEDIT CREDIT *FY s � . .. .,.,.. - � . . . J/':.42 )7../X 4 //4 .. -.3 - 4 /- . . . . 1'4 .. � . � � 9 � 0 0 I . . //: igr. 10: .. . . .. . . . . . . 1 . . . : � � . . . , I . . . . . 1 EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS 1.- /I /A .0 4 ' _ 1 JOATE "///, 4,4 PREP DATE REVIEWED BY CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE I 1 I S IGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICE 1 I I 1FORM 10.55 606 USE,OREVIOUs EDITIONS. e- ILEMOitANJDUMYO Cuisr, rum' DivisIorsr VIA TSD/Suciget Officei ober 1 St713.TZCT - MictilintA Stibproject 63. invoice No. 13 Allotment 525.1009=490Z 1. In,voice No. 13 cove ring the above subpro 14 attached. Other invoices will follow. It is requested that payment be mado an follows: C!- Chock in the amount ZO awn on 2. The check should be forwarded to Chiel,--TSDiRceearch Branch. through TSD/D$get Officer later than-3-November_1961. Attachmenta: Invoice tie Certiflca.tiono Distribution: Orig k Z M Ad ee hieftItiiI TD/Research Branch CHECK :h1.0 N THE AMOUNT OF October 9, '1961 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: 17 days at $60. per-day - $4020 INVOICE For Services