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Publication Date: 
June 22, 1956
- Purposes To study the role of the human brain in overall adaptive behavior. Specifically, to show the relationship of changes in behavior due to stress (mental disorders, sensory deprivation, peptic ulcers, threatening life situations, etc.) to changes in behavior brouaht about by actual loss of cerebral tistrue WCULTRA. 61)� Initiated in 1956 as part of t. Current research initia as a grantee of - Cost: 460,70/7. (Thi0 is the last year in vbich this activity will be funded by the Agency,) Status: . � vo Cr="1 7olctims Table II Tfic Boobs � . - S--4,t11,1 i rrtif &Nadalteattmd thMib1a 4.,r 0.)rrec Gentle We are pleased to be able to transmit to you the following funds: 177038 338,36,da ptedber 1 1960. These funds represent a contribution for the use of your directors in carrying out the very worthwhile reaearth goals of your organisation. Yours truly, Encl. Checks (2) MOW= FORi FIRANCS DIV1 VIA t TM/Budget Officer SUBJSCT AOJtc%6I, 'Mice Allotment Number 152 40094902. 1. Invoice A4,4 6 covering the above edhproject is attached. Payment should be made 63 follows: Cashier' ble_ Cash% able drawn- t of 58 -- amount co f% . Plca torwi the checks to Chief, TED Research _ Branch through TSD/Zudget Officer, no later then Ihtursday, 8 September 1960. 3. This is a final illY0100. Weever, since it is anticipatod that additional funds_vill be obligated 'for this projeet, the files should not be closed. . Attached: Invoice & Certit1cattis Distribution: Orig & 2 - 1k4drea CHECK T' Igneo tet_ ISD/Research Division C RTIFY THAT rUNDS. ARE AVAIL-ASV( CVAATIOrstuct.r.Na Nz. 4/7 CmokROF TO _ t.,v;;:::;UNT Ears MOWS CERIVICATION8 (1) It is hereby certified that this is Invoice N. 6 applying to Svbprojeet 61 of WULTRA, that perforoence is satisfactory, that services are being accoeTlished in accordance vith mutual agree.. tents, that a detailed agenda of the payments and receipts is filed in 2$D/R74 that this bill is just and correct and that payment thereof has not yet been made, Date: (2) it Is hereby certified that this invoice applies to Subproject 61 under MKULTRA which VAS duly approvol and the project is being ea/Tied out in accordance with the memorandum dated 13 April 1953 fro the DO/ to the DD/A, and the extension of this authority in subsequent memoranda, r No. 4/7 Cost Account Object Class Date 3 1 1' 9u6S Remarks and References Obligations Incurred Obligations Unliquidated Liquidated Balance 7 SEP � tat t9eo t� fiff ig� wet 1960 14224C1VIDU4 tO1s OWTAOLLFA Axlsorrou Finance Division SUMO' s HOLM, Subproject 61 r the authority granted in the oran ated 13 Wit 1953 from the DOI to the DD/A, and the extension of Ole authority in MAIMOTATA memoranda, Subproject 61 has been approved and 460:79746 of the oYer-all MULTP,A project funds hao been Obligated to cover the eUbproject's expensea. ,Thie Obligation of funde should he charged to Allotment ty25.1o0- 19o2. AV a OTtED Poit MUIR: ON OF I CERTIFY THAT FUNDS ARE AVAILABLEI OsucAnom FunENCE NQ. 4/7 _ P.99CE TO ALIO TMENT N.".010,2 AUThQZNG Cr)i.FICER Dietribution; Orig. & 2 - M4resee For 12 Months: September 1, 1960 throuh Au 1 1961 Animals (Purchase $800; Maintenance $500) $1300.00 Chemicals � 1700.00 Glassware and Apparatus 1150.00 Books 390.00 Apparatus for scanning EEG alpha waves for brain function studies 4290.00 Special Payments for Experimental Sublects (for brain function studies) , 1800.00 Overhead (approximately 6%) (includes retirement and Social Security) 3329.00 Win; etZ Salaries echnician icion) e ary�typist Biochemical Technician Psychological Technician Port-time Diener $44,500.00 $ 58-74-0 1...�11^91111101111111.110. L.:;=.1sra ty Oztc; 1:.77 ; 137!7 . F2 !CF)E7', CL BY 187475 1.4 ��� r YZMORANDUM FOR TEE RECORD SUBJECT: Continuation of Project MULTRA, Subproject 61 purposeof this Subproject is for support for one year of Dr udies On the role of the human brain in overall adaptive behavior. It has been shown that charges in behavior due to various kinds of stress (sensory deprivation, threatening life situations, mental dieorders, peptic ulcere, etc.) are comparable to those behavioral changes 'which are brought about by actual loss of cerebral tissue. In the course of this research new techniques of measurement and new inetrumentation is being developed with appli- cations in other areas of TSD nterests. It is anticipated that this will be:Abe last year in which this research activitywill,be funded by us.- Although several por- tione of the work have been and will continue to be supported from ether sources, it is felt that Dr. d his group can obtain total research support for continuing work in this area from other Government and private sources after this next year. 11 function as cover and cutout for this project.�The attached proposal indicates a cost of $58,459 for one year. To this must be added $2,338.36 whAch represents the 4% service charge due to the cutout. The cost of the project for one year will therefore not exceet $60,797.36. Charges - should be made against, -alio spt _#1525-10094902. :=12, 177 ill reque Submit to them a summary accounting on an annual basis of all, monies received from the Society. Also, it has been requested that any unexpended funds be returned as soon as possible upon the close of the grant year. 5. Title to any permanent equipment purchased by funds granted the University shall be retained by the University in lieu of higher overhead rates. 6. In connection with travel under this project, it is agreed that the Agency will accept the_travel documentation and accounting which conform with the practices or the University. Chie TSD/Research Branch APPROVED FeR OBLIGATION 0f FUNDS: Attached: Proposal and Budget Distribution: �rig only. - F1oposed Activities from September 1 1960 through Au y Grou 6 roc ton The group will continue to investigate the role of.the central nervous syst In human disease. 1. One branch of these activities will be concerned with extending and analyzing phenomenon established In previous studies that the functional capacity of the central nervous system is impaired following prolonged periods of kadequate and unsuccessful adoptetion. Two projects will be carried out. The first is on extensive analysis and comprehensive formulation of data already gotherecisin which the highest integrative function of patients diagnosed as having chronic and of patients with prolonged and scve ere assessed. As the analysis proceeds additional psychological tests and observations of such subjects will be required. The second is concerned with the observation that subjects kit as well as ostensibly Intact patients'with prolonged on are defective In their capacity to form "temporary cerebral, connections" or "conditioned reactions" as demonstrated by the ciattrotncephaidoraph. Those observations will be extended to include hospitalized patients with schizophrenic reactions, patients with lesions of the brain in regions other than the cerebral hemispheres, and subjects who ore experiencing severe stress and/ or anxiety, especially in subjects who are adapil9g to a new environment. 2. Studies designed to examine the hypothesis that the mediator substance of axon reflex vasodilatation (neurokin1n) is implicated In the mechanism of a variety of disease, states. -2- a) it has been established that neurokinin Is present in Increased *moan in the painful and tender regions of the scalp during vascular headache of the migraine type. Further characterization of the pharmocodynarnic and biochemical features of this subcutaneous perfusate will be carried out. Also, a laboratory rreathoci will be sought for screentng of agents possibly useful in treatment of migraine headache, This method would be based � on the potperties of agents that antagonize neurokinin or the neurokinin forming enzyme. b) Attempts will be made to measure the neurokinin content of petM�s� "washes" of abdominal viscera before-and during interviews dealing with aspects of the patients' life situation that are particularly threatening. Patients-with colostomies Of ileostomies with and withourWierattve colitis will be one group studied. Subcutaneous perfusote of urticorious regions of skin will also be studied. hemical and pharmacological studies of neurokinin will continue. Methods are now being developed to prepare large quantities of neurokinin: b) In cooperation with the Deportment of characterization of neuroktnin will be attempted. c) Phormatol:gical studies of the properties of neurokinin will be continued. Preliminary studies have indicated that neurokinin is antagonized in vitro by the steroid hormones of the adrenal cortex and by solicylote. This observation may be pertinent to potification and chemical the anti-inflammetocy Gotten of these agents. Studies of the action of these �gents on the enzyme that forms neurokinin will be undertaken, Also it has been observed that LSD-25, an agent that induces delirium when administered In extremely small amounts, strongly potentiates one apparent action of neuraktnin (stimulation of respiration). Related substances 801, UML, do this to a lesser dcgree. These observations are porticutarly interesting In view of our observation of the abnormally high levels of neurokintn-formIng enzyme in cerebrospinal fluid collected from patients wi Also, preliminary observations of the behavior of unanesthetized cats receiving intraventicular Injections of neurokinin suggest that a cototonic state Is Induced. These observations will be exten0dAn gn attempt to gain additional background information to guide studies with human subjects - concerning the role of neurokinin in the Impartment of the highest integrative functions of thebt.oin observed 'n in those with tsychosis. Thus a number of agents will be examined � In the s rch for antagonists and potentiators of nem-01(1(1in. ) A book le gth monograph, tentatively entitled summarizing and reporting the previous activities of this up will be prepared. b) A revision of the be under way by C, Jw1517 6, 1960 Lear er Enclosed please-find our check in_the_amount of $14,614.75 _which rcpreents the third payment of the grant our institution for work inunan Ecology directed by SinccroVe P�no. September 30, 1959 - Enclosed please find our check in the amount of $9,614.73 which represents the second ayment of the grant made to your 17edic C.11 fo _work ' rected by Dr.- Sincerely, Erie. July I, 1939 Er.cioled pla.ase find our ch8ck in the a4lo-unt-of $14,614.75 which rof:refAdnts the firA quarteriy of 't-1 t made 4� !! 1.4- - College for work i rectod : by 4., 5inceroly, nolo:vire - Septeiber 19,. 1960 sum of of tr. with his p Solit n of the Attached is the accounting for the period _J through June 30, 1960. We forwarded directly t 3 9.00 and held back $5,000.00.. h o was des ous of having tr. t. tr. as_retirpd_f oil. He then becate from the $5,000.00 in 5LVAMAR1 Of EXPENRIS ON Total SGloolos loottodee *44101 payments kritipono 4114.r.R441 Libra), Wantlkselosx sustascatios Infamous) Treve1-_, Telephone Matta**No ii Divisicn FOR FISCAL YEAR 231, S02. 66 1,122.54 14411.29 133.64 1, 203. U 415.53 10, 620.00 X11.33 5,024.91 Total Expeooilttets $51, 925. 76 impahl foo oat rot 44004 4,643.92 ORAND TOTAL Moat Pesalved kola Seeloty tar the twoostlisstion (Inelvaitkiv Waves oartliesi ellef ftets provlovs year) TOO oltamss Fres betanso $54 Sfif. 56, 599. 64 3, 134.64 above the sum of $5,000.00 was paid directly to n the form of salary in monthly installments during Ths above accounting is a true statement of expenses on the above ac AS showed to me RECELFT _ I hereby acknowledge receipt of ,the following: - check No. A222106 in_the amoimt of i 859OOd�iT: ted A Cost Account /40, Object Class Date Remarks and References: Obligations - Incurred Obligation Liquidated Unliquidated Balance 7 JUL -7,.195g P) AUG 4zed tro4.41- Aco -"Po _II NO. at ISMORAND114 CH/HP, IFINANCH DIVISION VIA : TM/Budget Officer 11 Auguet 1959 MEC? MIURA, Subproject 61, Invoice 15 1. Invoice No, 5 for the above subproject is attached. Peireent should be made as follows: in tba amoUnt of 458 459. to 2. Please forward check to Chief, TSS/Chenical Division Through TSS/Dudget Officer by Friday, 21. August 1959. �3. This is a final invoice. However, since it is. antici- pated that additional funds will be obligated- for this project, the files should not closed. TSS/Chemical Diiision 13 1A9u5S Invoice 4 Cetifitions Distribution: Orig & 2 Aiidrssee FASB TSS 7f -E -_E, ira � 4-0 eveif-- 'MICE For services 418, 459 .90 0ea flSees-S5eee.eae 000 000 000 000000 0 00000 CERTIFICATIONS (1) It is herby certified that this is Invoice #5 applying to Sub. project 61 of MuLTRA, that performance is satisfactory, that services are being accomplished in accordance vith mutual agreements, that a detailed agenda of the payments and receipts is on file in TSB/CD, that this bill is just and correct and that payment thereof has not yet been made. Chief, /Ceicsl Division Date I (2) It is hereby_certified that this invoice applies to SubProiect 61 under MIURA which vas duly approved and that the project is being carried out in_accordance with the memorandum dated 13 April 1953 from the DCI to the DD/A, and the extension of this authority in eubaequent memoranda. -441 MEMORANDUM FOR: CQMPTROLLEF ATTENTION : Finance Division SUBJECT lv 1 : MKULTRA. Subproject Additional Authorisation WS -- Under the authority granted in th memorandum dated 13 April 1953 from the DCI to the DD/A. and the extension of this authority in subsequent memoranda, Subproject 61 has been approved and $38.36080 of the over all MKULTRA project funds has been obligated to cover the subproject' expenses. This obligation of funds should be charged to Allotment 0525-1009-490Z. APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Resea ir Date: Distribution: Orkg it = Addressee TSS/C 1 - TSS/OC 1 TSS/FASB Z - hi TSS/Chomical Division 29 June 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR:_COMPTROLLER ATTENTION SUBJECT : Finance Division : MKULTRA, Subproject 61, Additional Authorisation #4 Under the authority granted in the memorandum dated 13 April 1953 from the DCI to the DID/A, and the extension of this authority in subsequent memoranda, Subproject 61 has been approved and $20,198.20 of the over-all MKULTRA project funds has been obligated to cover the subproject's expenses. This obligation of funds should be charged to Allotment 9-2502-75-902. Chief TSS/Chemical Division APPROVED FOR�OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Research Director Data: Distribution: Orig & Z - Addressee 1 TSS MOO 1 - 2 - TS TSS /CI) Janua 9. 1959 Enclosed please find-our-check Irk the amount -of $14.614.73 which the third quarterly payment of t :ivo to th. �l].ee to-support the work of Dr 5incerely. Enc. /5( � SUMMARY OF EXPENSES Total Salaries thnuding special payments Equipment Supplies Reference Library Miscellaneous (Including malpractice insurance) Travel Rental charges f Telephone Administrative Fee Amount obligated for unpaid _bills Total Rxpendi n:res 958-59 03,217888 75.65 1,270.66 49.2o 273.12 779.36 9,790.00 298.60 2=87MZ--- Tot l expendltures 58,633.64 GRAND TOTAL Free Balance. ii74 gz�d WatitttA fistofifillur05. of Ta/Chamteal Division t.',Vefr,Ls-- $63,507.47 $64,459.00 951.53 Datoti BUDGET 1959-1960 Salaries - 45,650.00 Retirement and Social Security 2/93440 Office amd TeChnital atones and materials 1,150.00 Travel and Meetings 500.00 15$ University Overhead 7,625.00 580459.00 TOTAL Downgraded by nut Cate:,J E2 'MET; CL 187475 NEMORANDUM R: THE RECORD SUBJECT : Continuation of Project WUITRA, Subproject 61 . 'Me purpose of thin subproject is the continued support of tudies on brain damage in human beings. Work in this field has made good progress during the past year. Highlights re- lating to this are quantitative clinical demonstrations of a much more precise nature than was ever before possible of the actual performance deficit brought about by suppeession of the-activity of various areas of the central nervous system. New methods of measurement-of-circulation changes involving the use of implanted thermistors of a very-sensitive type have served to reduce the uncertainty of many of the experiments in this field of researCh. 2. During the coming year it is anticipated that many of the investigative techniques worked out in the past will begin to show their 5 effects in terms of a vastly increased rate of significant data production. 3. This project has been-reviewed,andapproved by the -Board of /0 Directors Of It should be noted that Dr ceives no (I, stipend under the attached budget and that several portions of the work to be coveted will be supported by other than government sources. _4, The cost of the program for a period of one yeart starting_ 1 Ji.11.1959 is estimated to be $58,459.00 U. be used as a cutout for transferring the money the funds required for one year $20,198.20 is -- being obligated at this time. Charges should be made against Allotment 9-2502- 75-902. Remainder of funds revl be obli Avhen FY60 funds become vailable. :angrad. .nuthl:qty o 11:ca El VTDZT: 1Q7,4,70. 0 Dotngraded to; by autno -date: J- E2 ILTDET; 76 on an annual basis -all monies redeived_f been requested that any unexpended funds be returned as soon as possible upon the close of the grant year. Title to any permanent equipment parch& ed by funds granted the University shellte retained by the University in lieu of higher over- head rates. 7. In connection with travel under this project, it is agreed that the Agency will accept the travel-documentation and_accounting which conform with the practices_of_the_Univerdity. APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Date: Attachment: Budget Distribution: Original only Dormgradod, t by authority of: eat� : Ju APPROVED FOR ADDITIONAL-APPROPRIATION?c- OF $38,360.80. E2 OnIT; CL BY 1274'A irector,.. RECEIPT I hereby acknowledged receipt of the following: Cashier's Check #A203172, in he amount of 567. 96 dtaWa n d ed Oc Cashier's Check #A20317_4,_ithe_arn payable t 22,891. 04 drawn on the f dated October 9, 1958, --- October 1958 MEMORANDUM FOR: CHIE FINANCE DIVISION VIA SUBJECT 18$/Bud et Officer t MKULTRA. Subproject 61, Invoice 14 Allotments 8-2502-10-001 and 9-2502-73-902 1, Invoice No. 4 for the above subproject is attached. Payment hould be made as follows: Two cashier's checks, one in the amount of $35.567.96, obligated under this subproject during FY 59, and one in the amount of $12.891.04 obi' t under this subproject Y 5 tit Table Z Pleas. forward the checks to Chief, TSS/Chemical Division through TSS/Budget Officer by Friday, 10 October 1958. 3. This is a final invoice. However, since ills anticipated that additional funds will be obligated for this projeci, the files should not be closed. Attachments: Invoice It Certifications Distribution; Orig It a Addressee � TTS �TSS/ CD At cue( Tssiatemical Division Pt 1111.0 INVOICE -- 58,459. 00 CERTIFICATIONS � (1) 3 is hereby certified that this ie Invoice 14 applying to Subproject 61 of_ MKULTRA, that performance is satisfactory. that services are being accomplished in accordance with mutual agreements, that a detailed agenda of the payments and receipts is on file in TSS/CD, that this bill is just and correct and that payment thereof has not yet been made. Chief, TSS/Chemical Division Date: (Z) It is hereby certified that this invoice appliea to Subproject 61 under MKULTRA which was duly approved and that the project is being carried out in accordance with the memorandum dated 13 April 1953 from the DCI to the DD/A, and the extension of this authority in subsequent memoranda. Date: Res arch-Director Enclosed pleas $14.614.75 which reproz the gmnt of Dr FrIC� October 2, 1958 nd-our-cheok-in the amount of econd-quarterly pa:meat of : liege to suport, the work Sincerely -- July ?. 1958 Enclosed please find our check in the amount of $)),61&.75 which rep irst quarterly payment of the grant liege to suprort the work of Dr. otal J-rant for the period July 1, 1958 30, ii59 - Sincerely; No. Cost Account Object Class Date Remarks and References Obligations Obligations Incurred Liquidated Unliquidated Balance J U L 1959 Zkieri( la;( iq AUG - w 195:i -64414�44. - , .40 /ICY -ee",76 94 OCT 1958 ... 1 I A 1 July 1950 CONTTIVELSR I Finance Diiisioa ULTRA, SUbproject 61 . Under the authority granted 1n -the tomovaodUM dated -11 1953 'WU the DCI to the DD/A, and the extention of this authority in sUbsequett memoranda, Subproject 61 has been approved and 435456746 of the over-all NOMA project funds bee been ohlizated to cover the subprojoet'o-expenses. This obligation of funds shoed be 0114111161 to_Allotteht 9-2502-10-001.� -- TION OF cti rector Distr Butioet Orig & 2 - AAdressee CEkTiFY AT F,JNS ARE AVA1LA3LE: - MEMORANDUM FOR: CHIEF, FINANCE DIVISION VIA : ?SS/Budget Officer SUBJECT 2.4KULTRA, Subproject 61, Invoice 14 Allotments 8450240.001 and 9;250Z-75.90 I. Invoice No. 4 for the above_subproject is attached._ Payment should be made as follows: Two cashier's cheeks one in the amount of $35,567.96, obligated under this subproject during FT 59, and one la the amount of $22,891.04, obligated uader this subproject FT 58Iboth drawaona ank a made a able 2. Please forward the checks to Chief, TSS/Chenalcal Division through TSS/Budget Officer by Friday, 10 October 1938. I. This is a final lavolce._However, since it is anticipated that aadttionel funds will be obligated for this project, the files should not be closed'. GHEE-A-a k Attachments: o Invoice & Certifications Distribution: itg & 2 - Addressee� R.EE:" CHK54)42...4i, --/� S7 .-.'? ,-c,27/ erec. / szis-c:, i&-t." a 7 e-e t ,,-- e 6 7 t . .,--, ....... ,--, e, ----- ,,,---2.-/ ' C.. ler--2,e),--- cc, / X2_, /7 =2- 771- 0 c.77LINT. OK- -Q.V/a1,7/cil t3c-Ce7 =.,����� V); f-P74A _ Af,�1-0.114ENT -uv 4er - -,-,0-47, 1 I gankkIONS - OELISkiXON3 LAttamsD -_ -- - TiLXQUITAIW it- - BittueaCE - - FLt4AFX8 KO Fiif,,ZEsB.'�TS - - 117(ArtM eli, sr, JUN .z..1..1 ,F...9.4 ,--" 4- 3 �GT I 9Z8 ... �,,.... --. ... _... . ..--7-.�. �,.. - ..... --. A 0 el; e. 0 1 I -------- - - - �.---...---, _!--- .......-,... _ .......55..� - -.F -_..�.. ,.,,,4401--C-��*_ ..�--tei.e" -.-,--..--.,.---- ---.- - -,...., ... ,.... e I-. .., - .5,1�,....i., 35. 1-50,....05.-01�1,1,.., 5.115 _ -,,..5.5,1�1.- _ �r..1,a Imo a.--=-2, ,1,- . A! I- -- - ...- 55,mp....����50,....ano. 1 ..-... . - ...........a......... ...5-,.. I I ....-5-5.5r ..5,...,. ,551.055155,...E.,....S._aal...,s5 - . .....,.......=- ,s................,....... ..... ...................,....... ,........ 1 i a ) I .........,..........- ...... 5.,,,,,,,,... ........ 1 ,..,....................................... .4.5.1. N.*, fe................ "mere, .......... ,R5T55-.......... I-5.......-.5.5,,m - - ..5q5515/e5--III...5-.5.5 .5...5, .5, a_1.5 .i..�55. A. ,11,5 M. .................- I . ................. -....1=, . ........_,...... .............. ........ - _.......... ..... ...v.*" m....,.... _- . - -_ .......--Tee................... _- ......�,....-...ew...........� - ........ e med.. ....N. -.a - _ _ 1............. er-se ..-...............r "....... ......... ....ea" -.atm rm.*, a.... res. weer.. -- ..... 1 _ _ .......m. -... ........ ,...............-.... _, 1-..----o- - ......, ................... e ...rm.."... - _...e. . .. ..._ ....... .." ._- m ........ a _-.........-=................. .............- .. -,5 .5. � _,.,_ ,15.......-....-,............ ...v.55.56 -s.......-5. _ _- _ 51.. - ..5.- - - 5,5 ......5,t 51E..�4.11. 5.1E.,. 5 _ _ ...55.5.5+.5.11�51�55 A 000131011AR _Finance Division XIMILTRAII3tibprOjobt 6i 30 June 1958 Undikr_the autherity granted. In the memorandum astei 13 April 1933 frock the DOI-te-the WA, and the extension of thie authority in-subsectuent memoranda, Subfiroject 61 has_bsen sPPrond erri "89144 or the over-all WILMA pro,leot fun- is hes teen obii.gatedto *over the aubprojeatte mews. Thia obligation ot_fuoitia be charged to-AllotMont,8-2502.10-001 AMOCO -OBLIOA71011 Of roost_ rA sd: Date* Beaten ., � I C.SIZT;Fy AT "Vee, ();LICA;i0N * 4 CF,AW:;E .570 - - - Dietributiorti - Orig 6 2 Mt MOMS ' _Sutiprejte Mance Division LI tittly 19,0 Deder_the authority granted in the randuci_dats 13. April 19,3 frets the Dal to the DD/A, bud the WAVIISIon_of thts authority subsequeut nenorando, Subproject 61 MI beta approved sad $50,67,96 of-the over-all-MtutiVA protot Nide Ina teen oblitatei to cover the subproject's espouses@ Tbi 3 oblivation of fende should be to Allotteut 9-2502,1040j. -00140ATICei OF FLIMS; Da &march Dietritfution; Orig 2 Mares 1 - T 2 - TS3 (30 June 1958) -.....inumummximiniumpoor Ammon - ri vision _14404TU Subproleal 61 4111114, Mir1the authority &vatted In the reoureatun 13 1 19jtzoIt the WI tn. the NI% eta the extenetanor thte utherity in beequent nenariniat SubprNeet 61 Ma he swrovel and "4,e01404 of the over-ell NMI% proleat fun4e has been obli4fatect to :cover the sub?raleatis (morsels Th10 oblisation.of Anti: shoal be oheres4 to Allottent 6i.t302-10-40/. TIM rate DietributiOnt� Orig& 2 - Ailinseas � RAPi _ CL BY 187475 30 June 195 MEMORANDUM FORt THE RECORD SUBJECT :Continuation-of Project MKULTRA� Subproject 61- � C./ e-Of this subproject is the continued support_ of udies_on brain damp in-hUman beings. The attac ed proposallou nea progress in this field toidate and indicates the plans for_nev_Vork�to be done during the cominglyeari-: -In-general, the current and future emphaais of-the program will:involve studiad-of metabolic and_bitChemical Changes associated with -impaired brain function related to Other_types-of brain damage than actual tissue _loss,_ revieved and apprevedl)y Board of Directors- t should be noted that Dr budget and thatiseveral=P _ ceives no stipendiUn the at the work to be covered vill-ba Supported by-other ,than government sources ., 3. -Thecoat_of the program f 1 J 1958:4_ tirla �7458,459.00 I be use cu out fiitransfe C Oney t ment 9-2502- , 4 has requeste an annual b of a moniee ived f � requested that_any_unexpended funds be ratu the close of:the-grant-year. harges should_be-made-against allot - o submit a-summary-accounti so, it has been pessiblaupon 5. Title to any permanent equipment purchased-by funds granted the University_shall:he retained by the University in lieu of higher overhead rates. 6.--_-_-_InIconnection with travel under this project, it is agreed that the Agency.will_acCept_the travel documentation and accounting which conform _ with the practices of the_University. FUNDS: T8S/Chemical Division Date: ),,IC / AI. J3' Attachlent: Proposal & Budget by authority_or: 187475 Distribution: Original only SUMMARY OF EXP Total salaries Special payrents (Dr Special payments-(Dr Equipment (Er � Supplies Supplies ( Reference Lltrary_( oject) -MtaCellaTi0013 typewriter maintenance contract Travel ( Travel ( Rental chargesEf Telephone AdminIstratlye'Fce oject) $77,602.44 519611,34 150.00 r6ject) 493.05 ncluding July 158) Total expenditures Amount obligated-for. tutpaid�bVils -(inclUding security on_Phipps-Honse) GRAND:DOTAL-T- 94.73-- 11457040-- 12AJLS.1, $112)331.34 _ 6.0'7'2.00 Overdraft Unpaid bills serried forward to FY 1958-59 6,022,00 gr-leWSiinttliEeciai'AIIIAtt VIValttotor paymcnt. 1.416(.1,36 expenditures. TSS/Chemical Division $118,353134 $7,438,26: _ Janua2y=59.58-- to th in -Foes .Business Manape please find our check in the uctint=ef_t50,000.00 the e nd-half paynent of theL support the work ef. Sincerely, Wove r 15, 1957 Lear closed is thi Society's check in the amount_of_W#000.00. Thi first half payment of t)e ve support the work of he second half payment vi1I # Enc. CE IRT I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: r's Check #A181201, in the amount, of ier's Ck_i#A18120.0 7... payable t op�. 00 drawn on the ed N ber 8, 1957, 00.00 drawn on the Nove ber 8, 1957, Date: 13 November 1957 28 October 1957 MEMOR DUM OR: _CHIEF, FINANCE DIVISION VIA: TSS/Budget Officer SUBJECTS MKULTRA Subproject 61, Invoice N . Allotment 8-25-02.10=001-. 1. Invoice No. 3 for the above subproject is attached. Payment should be made as follows: � Tivoicashior's chocks, one in the amount of $30, 000.00, d one in the amount of $20,000. -thArawn_on a an k. a abl� 2. Please forward the checks to Acting Chief, TSS/Chemial _ Division through TSS/Budget Officer by Friday, 8 November 1957. 3. This is a final invoice. A total of $50, 000. Q0 was obit'. gated under this subproject during FY 58. However since-it is antic-L. pated that additional funds will be obligatid for thie-project, the files should not be closed. Acting TSS/Chernical Division Attachments: Invoice it_CertUtcattons 1.,Vribution: rig & 2 - Addressee 1 sCoxnptroUezi ? 411) 44-e. I / A 4: . e.73 0 , For servic � ite# we sr � moo res *0..10 CERTIFICATIONSIIII (1) It is hereby certified that this is LaVoie. No. 3 applying to Subproject 61 of MICULTRA, that performance has been satisfactory, that the serv. ices have been accomplished in accordance with mutual agreements, that a detailed agenda of the payments and receipts is on file in TSS/CD, that this bill is just and correct and that payment thereof has not yet been _ made. Acting,Chief, T$S/ChCinicat Divisio Date: (2) It is hereby certified that this invoice applies to Subproject 61 under IIKIILTRA_wbich_was_dufy approved-and that the project is _ being carried out in accordance with the memorandum date' 1-3 April 1953-frorn the DC1 to the DIVA, and the extension of this authority in subsequent memoranda. Date: Research_Director � eif cezi. 0 - ed. CCT). CO amr%=��oem% OSSUCti Finstioo Division Ma Subtirtloot 61 Water the authority grated In the aismortughla dated _ _ _ 13 April-1953 from tho WI to tiWICVAI an& the extension - of this_autliority in subsequent temoranial Subprojaot 61 has been approved -ancli-MOX,00 of the orarall WAILTRA pxojest fails hae been obligated to cover the_evibProJect`o expenses* - Thin_obligatiton ct rums sued be -ohnrgad- to mutatentie4,724.0.on. triatributiota �rigI2ies 1 - TsSiw 1 - TWARB a-A. ass/n.0 T88/CD �79.�R Study of Righost Integrative "unotionsi Progress Report, and Proposal for Aba-IComing fear. I, Present $tatus_of-the-Studyi The in-mitigations afithe-hithest integrative-functiene are fundamentally- aimed at increasing:oar-understanding of the ridnetiOnfrof the human cerebral hemispheres in overall adaptive behayier;\ They:arose-cut of our laboratory and clinical experience durini the past twenty years, and eapecially_out-of our interest inith.T7pheneszene exhibited by-men_exposedito extremely-threaten- ing life situstions; end they were initiated during .the period when we were investigating the-Untoward_effeets of Communist police procedures. The body of eV/dance ettumulated during theso-studieiAndioated_that_____ _ under extremely adverse circumstanoes-men-may develop symptoms clinically -- diffieult to distinguish ft674-tbow4 prod4Ced by grossLbraindamege or by agents that impair oerebral-Metabolismi lack of diacrielnatiOnvp9oritelerance of frustration, heightened suggettibility, illogical_thinini. breakdown of defense mechanisms, mental olaudintldisorientation, and frank delirium. The initial effoMa_te elucidate these phenomena began-several-years ago, and have largely been brought to a conolusion durinuth�speet twelve months, The firet_stekin this study was the systematic investigetion Of the highest integrative functions of people vho_hadisufferod damage to their cerebral hemispheres, the aMount and location of vsa known as precisely - as possible,- Daring the coarse of four years, 230 Suoh7people were otUdied. In order to provide them with the widest poesible-Opportunity to expose their defeats in function, many areas of their adaptive activity were explored, both outside and vithin_the laboratory. Subjects were observed In tbetr_ performanoe on essay procedures, inclOdintsame that-axe-well knOWn AS wellas others that were new devised. They were-exposed also to procedures espieially designed to investiga � areas of bobovior sth as perseveration, which were of special interest, In Addition to thief opoh-was atu410._ extensively by the usual clinical, neurological, and payohletrie Methods, Finally, an extensivoirevieW was made of his life history-or-both befere-And after his brain injury, with epeolal Attention to his performance in the more complex area of his_lifmaidjustmenti-such as his capacity_to_deal-Wtth the requirementt end_chillenges arising in his twill), and in bis work, The second step in the investigation was a eleilar-study_ot Ostensibly intact people with no _known gross-daemge-t0-their cerebral heblepheres. WO groups of such people have been inveatigetedt 50 peciPewith_disorders such as chronic anxiety, tension, depression, and schitophreniaimand-25 people with bodily illnesses-such as peptic ulcer, ulcerativecelitie or alvelps headaches. findings to_datet - ii'rom the integration of all of the data obtained fromrpeople with damage to the cerebral hemIspheresljt has been poSsible-to deftne_some of the adaptive functione-of_the_human that are primarilyeutlerved by the noopellium-. These have been called _the "highest integrative functions" of the organise, and they have been placed in four general categories, vial_ (e) The tntsot7teopellium enables a an to expreesihis-eppetites driv4so and feelings in. a manner7appropriate to life in a complex society. (b) It provides hitt With:mechaniee for theachisvement_otoocp 44:- goals (learaln.gaereory. Iogtes etc.). (c) It enables him -to Maintain a high:degree of-telortnoe fOr-fr4Stre- tion and failure when confronted by conflioting drives' and _to recover promptl/ from the effects of frustration_and_failure when_they-pocur.-- ���� 11(d) It provides tax with_theapeoity to maintain effective end well. eeduleted defense reactiene (i.e., repression, deettriel pretendineo ittona1i- tation, blaming, withdrawal, phantasy, depersonalization, ebeessive-eompulalve behavior, and bodily reaction patterns involving tlimentetion, respiration, metabolism, etc.). Evidence from-tho_stuey ofethe_brain-damaged indicateseth tethesehighest integrative functions are net leemlited within the hemispheres. :hey fell off in a graded fashion dependent upon the amount of hemisphere_tiesue that is lost, and without. regard to its location. Moreover, they fall off long before less highly orgteized functions, such as simple memorY, the ability to calculate, or the ability to carry out taeks of sole complexity learned prior to the brain injury, are -lost. ividence fro* the study of-the chronically anxious, tense depressed and schizophrenic subjects inditetes that their highest integrative_fungtione, as judged by theireparforeence on the tests tnd in their life adjueteent, falls off in a manner not distinguishable from that of people whe have sustained brain damage. They can, of course, be distinguished fro% people with gross brainedtmtge by the_absence_of localizing neurological signs, and by the intactness of somoLof_their_lass_complex functions; bet In their inability to express their feelings appropriately, to-etilite theiregeeleachieving 104049.111313 offectivelyito tolerate frustration and failure, and to maintain well-modulated defense reactions, they are indistinguishable from those who have sustained direct damage to their brans. In matey inataeces-their functions are impoired to a degree equivalent to that produced by a large loss of hemisphere tissue (100 grams). Similar degrees of iepairment of the highest integrative functions have been found in people with disturbances of bodily adaptive reaction patterns such as peptic ulcer, which are intiettely tied up with the general life \ adjustment. Mete two groupe-of chronically ill people, in shorti show manifestations of an impairment of their-cerebral-hemispheres, 300auee some Of the disturbances of these people ars transient, the impairment of their hemispheres ls to Nome extent reversible and is eald to be functionalmi but since many of their illnesses, like schizophrenie, ulcerative colitis, and ohronio psychonearoses, and their accompanying failures of life adjustment, are notoriously unremitting, It seems quite likely that some_of_these_peeple have In effect, a severe end permanent impairment of their neopalliume This evidenoe-of severe, and possibly permanent, impairment of the function of the cerebral hemiepheres ralsed_the_question of whether other, and chemically detectable, evidences of altered brain_metabolism_might be found in people In whom, up to the present, only symptoms -of disturbed funotiwhad_been_described, It seemed possible:that substancevessoolated_with_distUrbod_cerebral metebollsm might appear in the spinal fluid, snd might be found there in people with-dis- turbanota of cerebraI7funotion,_ Therefore, the-initial search_was_directad toWard_the detection, in the spinal fluid, of substances_that_might be related to disturbed brain metabolism.:- . This Investigation has been unexpectedly fruitful. 4y_exposing to beef globulin spinal fluid taken from people with known damage to the cerebrum, it has been shown that these spinal Maids contain a substance with the -char. acteristics of an swap, which breaks down the globulin to a polypeptide,-- This polypeptids bat not been identified_chemioally, but in biological prepares tions it has.meny of the_charaoteristios_of_a_polypeptide found in_blieter fluid and other inflammatory_exudetes, which has been called mbradykinin", This enzyme has been found to be present in the spinal fluids of 45 out of 50 people with various forma of active brain damage,It has been found also in the spinal fluids of 13 out of 15 people during attacks of vascular headache. It has not been found in_the_spinal_fluida7ef 50 persons who had no evidence of disease of the oentral nervous &piton It Wei tOtInd in thq fluid of some persons who were experiencing much-stroes. Of perhaps 'meatiest intereet, it has been found tn the spinal-fluids of 45 out of 50 people_with aotivo schizophrenia, blit witheout_other evidenee of disesse. Ye believe that the finding of this entymeliks substance and pelypeptide under the oircumatences deaorlbed supports other evidence that matabolie-dit.i. turbances occur In the brains-of people with headache and schizophrenia' e expeot that the same substsnte will be found in the spthal fluids-of people-With other chronic disturbances-of-their highest integrative functions.-- It Is well known_that procdund disturbances of the highest-intevativa_ functions, accompanied by pronounced disturbances of mood, thought, ond behavior, My be produced in people 0y-exposing them to environments to which-they Ckri make no reisquste sdaptstion, such ta concentration-camps, or prison procedures aimod at Interrogation and indoctrination. Therefore, it teems ressonable to infer that exposure to_suoh a situation In itself producee=an-lftPeirmont or cerebral hemisphere-function; and that this impairment msy-sometimes be very grave. Proposal forAhe-Coming-Year: 1. monogrsph_tItled is plannod for completion -during 1958. The major gosl-of_this_publlcation will be to define the defects In highest level sdaptive oapaolty that-oocur with disease of tho reopallium, and to illustrate-how Chess defeats ate similer to those produced by prolonged existence In an unudapted state. It is intended that the description of the oomponents of the highest integrative functions will be cosprehensive eneuh tO take into account the various elements of diseases oharaotocrized by prolonged-diaiturbtncee or nood, thought, Oid: -havicr. This projeet will he Undertaken primarily -by .Pr tt #n editorial setistant. 2. in order to assess-further the highest Integrative tunctIone_of t people= ---- with chronic illness net ostensibly involving the-central nonvousisysteni-a study or A cirefully chosen grolp of young pesple-with-Clabetes Oollttus wil�o Under- ,. taken. 1:'tsta with regard :to their health, personalities, and interaction with their social onvirennent_will be tethered by rwbera ofthe ataffiunderithe direction of sing methods similar to those used in th study. "ucport for this investigative offort-in general it being sought -from other sourees; but for-the_special psychological _testing needed_for_tbia allpe9t: of it 4 fUli-tile ptychologiell teChnician and s psychologist will be required, 3:�The folican-,uply on the 11 likewiseTprovlde an7opportunity for the study of theirhighost integrative funCtions, t6.3 an7eatimate-of_0740_ influence of their life_experiences upon this. The Methodswill_be these that have been deacribedvmeet of the necessary data vro already available, -and only - & moderate amount of addltionaiTtestin need be done. h. J!. similar stud',usIng a caretaly selected groopof worktng won, largely homogeneous 1n -its composittoni-Will bo carried out! :Aecorda Of healtbi attendance, and performanoe on the 10b, oovering period or-Mere:than twenty years, are available for these won. Those to-te-tested will be seleoted to inOlude some with recordsof-O4tstandlngly good health tnedperformance, some with oatstandingly poor health-_end_perforeance, and sone Whose performance -was near the radian in these resosots. A large part Of the-bost_ct_Ably.p;PiootA1149- vi11 be borne by other . 5. In order to make a-further assessment of th"-effebt of damage -to the neopalliam upon general-heelth, a-Kroup of thirty "objecte. with focal removals of seior and minor Portions_e_the_oerebral hemispheres will be exallned to 4acertain the illness episode rate of thees_people before and after the damalie-was viatbine44 Interest wIll also tiei Centered on the manner in which thlodotage-to the cerebrum, altered the indlvidualle perceptions of tha threate_anc_challenges presented te him by his environment. v. :ha 3tud1e3ofthe4roteolyt1e onzireas in spinal flaid_will be oantimied, with, ia.41kIlate -- a. c.eVeaokx-nt_of_a_silpleiredily repeatable method for _the quantitative ustimltion_of_tbe prOteo4tic activity el: spinal :luid.__Ile_pressnt btu-assay teohniclue -oxabersose_and_techni.,-Ially dentalding. A simple 2he.misal 'test 0$4:f be possiolo. if such_a_Astb.)d an_be_dovelopad, a_lsrge series oL- meaeurementa_of proteblytIc actIviti 14. spinal :laic will-be-lndertt-.1kon uzang species obt.e.ined eroltbe neurological se47licu_lci Hospital and-possibly'AA- . lhe ap2raisal-of-theistinificance of the ouservailon_thev_increased amounts of proteolytio activity _are in spinal fltadot sols_times and in 30A0 people. -:-n�vspproach -to this proolen will os 1_4rouo aecertaininz-the effect o: a sterilei inject-r.ele giant, In the for. ohymotry-psin. The effeote_of_Intr44enO4A-,' intramatcUlar, end-Terhaps intratheoai. inlectiOnS-of'this and-eirlltrielab4tanoeti after suitable prcceutiuns have :been talcen to ascertain the safety _of swhprecodurea, will .Ce und4rtaXen in people: with nigraine he&laohe and ,-schisoprren1c.� o. Phartacelogioal studies will be undertstIcen in orderto_estb.tsh whethar or not the proteolytio kinin libsratitc st,Lyms. 7. itietpts to dovelop- w:mothodsifer_the_study_pf:the-hiEbeet integretlye- fanotloc,s will continuo; one method ncw beind-considered is that of condiUoning.. _obstArved 13 Identical with a--Known brcdy. the alectreancephaloiraphio_reeponse in brain-damage4 persona. 8. rnvestigatione_of_the_looal oorabtal cixoulAtion win liVoywise be continued. 3t1Dairf .-8tu4 of Vagbost Integrative Funottons FT 1958-1959 Dlrfttor hots PhIslologlosVPsycholoilat $11000 Masai Investigators 3euro1igist--- 9,000 gssesrob Assistant 41400 Piphologlit 7000- Teohnlolan . 3,800 Secretary 3,700 Typist 2,950 Iditoriml Militant (bait-MA) 1,700 5 Ratiri Planliand 24 300. see). 2034_ Pormardirit:Ifioo_Tquivaent. 750 ffIce snd Pithnl.421-30011as 1,000 Tiosvel and Mostings tinlyeralty 'Ntirbiad,I5 1425_ $581459 Cate:-Jvme-1977 Oetob�sr 1957 -to pf-Dtr, MOORAHDUK FOR: Tii iic6 CL-BY-187475 SUBJECT: : Continuation of Project MKULTRA Subproject 61 tfs this subproject is the continued support of es on 'brain damage inihmman_beings. The ines progress in this fie/d_to_date_and_indicates the plans for_new:work to be done during the coming ;rear. In general, the current and fUture emphasis of the prop= villAilvolve_studof metabolic-and biocbAmical changes associated with impaired:brain fun- ction releted_to_other_types of brain damage thancaetual tissue loss. roject was reviewed and approved by the Board of Direetors t the meeting of 11 March 1957. - -that the indicates an expenditure of $614605.00. agieed tocehtein411,605.00 of this from other than ,Agencylover- Lug our contributiOhlthereby-tb 450,000;00. 3.. The coot_of_tbe_program for a pe od one starting 0 1 July is estimated to be-450300N it) the money_ allotment _8 1>-4eques submit to an annual basis or an monies received. fr requested-that_any_unexpended funds be ret the close ofithe_grant year. 00 011 leo, it has been _pOssible�Upon_ 5. Titleito:any permanent equipment purchased by funds granted the University_shall_be_retained,by the University ii_lieu-of_higher overhead rates. 6. In connection with travel unaer this project, it is agreed that the Agency wilt accept the travel-documentation aa-accounting which con- form 'with the practices of the University. Attechment:__Proposal & Budget Distribution: Dovingrado to Original Only - TSS/OD- by alAthoritY orI 18 ' tot June 1977,31 137475 The investigations in Brain Funotion initiateden t Program were based on the postulate that the-funotions-of the human brain and poseibly itaatreeture may be damaged as a consequeece_ofprolonged stress. _ _ This thesis is now tamest fully documented. Early tn-the studyvimpairment of the higheatietegrative AU-lotions was-defieed through the elaboration of methods for theestudy_orhighly seleeted subjeots vith_loss of known amounts Of tissue frem_the cerebral hemispheres. These pereonsewere-studied by a large aggregate of: quantitative behavioral indicators and by mane of exteneivel information frometheir_faMilies and theie-esseolateee---/tivas then demonstrated that the highest integrative fUnotions are impaired!to_a_degree closely linked to the Mass of tie-6110_1*es, regardless of site, and in_a mannerdetermined the subjectle_developient, previous life experience:and-prevailing high level adaptive reections. These methods were next applied to several greapseof_persoes_vho had suffered prolonged stress. The evidence gathered indicates that the brain is vulnerable vhen-severe threat is prolenged, end maybe_damaged when there is a failure in high level edaptation for long pertedS. Those persons who perceived themselves as-most threatenedpand vho exhibited the most_seriousabreactionss _ were those vho_wereemost_seeerely impaired in their highest integrative functions. Such defects were-aometikee Major and in some instances incompletely reversible. To explain such defects, a thesis currently entertained by the _laboratory is that the observed dysfunction may he related to neurohumoral and biochemical aspects of inappropriate and faulty metaboliam that are-capabae_of-investigation. The program-for the current year will include extensive-further documenta- tion of the above theeis with explorations Of the biologic mechanists behind these damaging processes. It is hoped thatpby so doing, ways and msens of - avoiding and eliminating the above desoribed abreactions v The personne1 and equipment will re in the _sde The funds Involved at's detilled on the attached sheet. Dr, Dr. Dr. Die. 141 Mis Xis Mis - project director neurologists par time, Mx:psychologist, rull time neurologist, part time psycholelitt, 581517 research asst. Secretary - technician 3I-pist � Retire. and 20 Soc. Sec.-- Special Payments - General Supplies Technical Equipment Technical Supplies _ Miscellaneous _Travel Reference Library - Statistical Servics3 Admin. Pee7 10, Moo Moo 4,000 4,750 6,000 3,00 3,400 47�40o 50,837 200 500 1'o0 300 100 750 1001- 2;14.0(1 36 9 187 $61,805 SUMMARY OF EXPENSES _O OUNT. FOR FISCAL 1956.57 Ag9untsOblislZaAC)z_-FkX95_ti-V, Equipment 399,55 Supplies 352.76 Reference Library 23.29_1_ Miscellaneous 120,09 Telephone, electricity & exterinator 190.79 Travel (including taxis)------ Eq 2,114.49 Supplies 2,534.46 . Reference Library . 129415_ Miscellaneous (incl house -bill, settlement with Mr 1practice (..., insurance, install, nditioners, and reprints AMA Neurc-&-Psych-.) 2,050.28 Salaries (includi Soci_Sec.- and 5% Retire. Plan) 37803,68 Special payments 4,635.74 Utilities 869-.80_ _ Travel 11337.98 Administrativ4 Fee = Sup Reference Library Miscellaneous , Salaries (includ; Soc. Plan) . Special payments- Travel Administrative Fe 520.55- 24.86 57.99 nd-O-Retire. 45,120.02 285.41 435;18 -. - 3.75 Rooms (for interpreter-&Anformants)350.00 - Meals, Taxis & Misc._for'infcralants 1,165;00 Informant Fees , 1,400.00 Reference Library 11,85 Salaries (includ. See, See. and 5% Retire.) 11,630.65 Special payments. 5400.98 '- Travel 1 21,22�, Rent f Obligated for Administrative Fee - Total unpaid bills (including security on $1,402.90 54 063.43 48 � 485.96 19,983.45 _ 6t675,90_ Total 1111NOMPIIIIINNal 130,610.74.: 6,300.00 2.051,02_ $138,961,74 Receipt Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following fou checks; Treasu check No. 1-152550a-dated January 23, 1957 drawn on t the amount o Cashi -check No. Al 35 dated January 14, 1957, drawn o in the an Offici check No. 209=271-130 dated nuary 14, 1957, drawn � in the amount of $10, 000. Cashier' heck No. D1%439739, dated January 11, 1957- drawns-pn th the amount Receipt Receipt b hereby acknowledged of the following four checks: - Treasur I check No. 1- 2550,-d ted January 231 drawn on th the amount o $6, 512,50. . C drawn on In the amount Of $6, 512. 50. Cashier drawn on th the amount_ dated Januar 14 1957, 209-271130, da ed J uary 14, 1957, the amount of 1 MEMORA Uhf-FOR: _CHIEF, FINANCE D VIA: US/Budget Officer. - SUBJECT" 1,1KULTIla Subprojec In4-o1eo No, 2, Allotment 6-2502-40-001 1, Invoice NO. 2 for the above subproject is attached.-- Pay - inent should_bertnade as follows: heck in the amount of $6,512.50, drawn on a a heck in the amount of _48, 5t2.50, drawn on a - k in the amount of $16, 030.00, drawn on a nk, In the amount of $10,000.00, drawn on a ks sh-ould be made 2. Please forward the checks to Chief, TSS/Chernical Divi- sion through- TSS/Budget Officer by Friday, ; 18 January 1657. 3. This is a final invoice. A total of $58,612.00 was obligated under this subproject daring FY 56, ilowever-since it is anticipated that additional funds will be obligated for this project, the files should not be closed. Attachments: SIDNE'Y GOTTLIEB ChiW,�TSS/Cliernical Division Invoice-6 Certifications Distribution: Orig & 2 - Addressee 1 - Comptroller �43 07,(0e 10-0_,I-17.1- � a,,rdeo HEMORATI R E CE I PT eN, TO: FROM:, . SUBJECT: I hereby acknowledco.-.s Please return signed_copyliesl of this receipt To FORM NO. 36� 65 MAR 1941 _ ; ; /4, too $/Z � s RE OF DATE RECEIVED DATE iiECEIPT Receipt is hereby-acknowled d of the following cheek: _ Cashier's Cheek, No. M24715, datedDecemher 13 1936, in the am lint of $19,537.00 vable rawn o For servic CERTIFICATIONS 0.. MMMMM .. (1) It is-hareby certified that this is Invoice 2 applying to Sub- project 61 of MKULTRA, that performance has been satisfactory, that the services_have_been accomplished in accordance with mutual agreements, that a detailed agenda of the payments and receiptsAs_on file in TSS/CD, that this bill is. just and correct and that payment thereof has not yet been made. � --------- Chief, TS/Chemical Division Date: (2) It is hereby_cel*tified that this invoice applies_to Subproject 61 under MKULTRA which_was_duly approved and that the project is _ being carried out, in accordance_with the roemorandum_dated 13 April 1953 from _the DCI to_the_DD/A, and the extension of_this authority in subsequent memoranda. Research Director Date: 6 December 1056 MEMORANDUM FO CHIEPI-FINANCE DIVISION VIA: ' TSS/Bud et Officer SUBJECT: MKULTRA Subproject 61, Invo et 1 Allotment-6-2502-10-001 I. Invoice No. I is attached covering Payment should be made as follows: t? above subyruject. 'hierti check t the amount o 19 $37.00- ra on a Li The check should be forwarded to Chief. TSS/Chemical Division through TSS/Budget Officer1 no later than Thursday 1 13 December 1956. _Other invoices will follcTw. SIDNEY corruEB Chief TSS/Chernical Division Attachments: Invoice and Certifications Distribution: Orig Addressee 1 - Comptroller TSS/YASA3 2 -SS/� TSS/CD 6 December 1956) _ K E 1 t b � ew INVOICE Foie services $19,537.00 CERTIFICATIONS (1) It is hereby_certifted_that thisis Invoice I applying to Sub- project_61:of 1401KU1TRA, that performance has been satisfactory, that the services_have_been accomplished in accordance with mutual agreements, that a detailed agenda of the payments and ,receipts_is_on_filein_TSS/CD, that this bill is just and correct and that payment thereoLhas not yet been made. Date: ClWrss- cheT�ZiTaTITTision (2) It is_hereby certified that this invoice applies to Subproject 61 under MICULTRA whicwas duly approved and that the project is being carried out in accordance with the rlaemorandum dated 13 April 1953 from the DCI to the DD/A, and the extension of this authority in subsequent memoranda. Research Director Date: Technical Etfuiproent Travel BUDGET: Project Director 9, 000 Neurologist _ 4, 000 Neurologist 4,000 Physiological Psychologist 8, 000 Neurologist � 6,000 Lab Technician 3,200 Lab Technician 3, 000 Secretary 3,200 Two Typists (3, 000 each) 6, 000 Su�btotal 46, 400 Overhead @ 8_10 _3,112 50,112 7,500 1,000 GRAND_TOTAL___ $58, 612 22 June 1956 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT MKULTRA, Subproject 61 , L.3** I. Subproject 61 is being initiated to sup ort amn dies located at the 2. The scope of Dr ogram will encompass the following phases (see a ta.che proposal for _detailed_ discussion):- (a) To systematically collect and evaluate current research on central nervous system function and structure in-order to understand better what types-of research on nlodification-ancl. exploitation of CNS function will be most productive. (b) To assess th-e-elernents of frustration adaptation by-studying the reactions of (c) brain damaged and norp-brair. damaged individualto artificially_induced frustra- tiOn designed as a prototype of certain situations commonly encountered in nature. To evaluate these reactions to see to what extent frustratiOn�adaptation can be prevented, postponed, modified and predicted. D,Y7n3raded Wauthorl-ty- of :-1.87476 � (2) 0 0 trePes 3. The cost of the program for a period of one ,ear une 1956 is es ted 12 t or r ng the mone 'harges should be made agains has requ o them mmary a 104i ! nnua asts of all monies - received fro lso, it has been requested that any unexpen e returned as soon as possible upon the close of the grant year. Title-to any permanent equipment purchased by funds granted the University shall be retained_by the Uni- versity in lieu of higher overhead rates. 6. In connection-with-travel under this project, it is agreed that the Agency-will accept the travel documentation and accounting which conform-With-the-practices of the University. APPROVED FOR OBLIGA rtoN OF FUNDS: Research ec or. ktn,(Rv) Attachment: Proposal & Budget Distribution: Original Only - !TSS/CD APPROVED: Chemical fr � ...I...3 26 l'9u3se,` e-E5c I QS i AVIP."4 111 Xel� 4. oa �--� Aro 0- At. of,/ /rsifilo 3f; of.f. 00 , 14.2.401, J - $910747 00 : Fins ttcet Diviston IC? I hilKULTIIA, Subproject 41 Under the suthority granted in the memorandum dated 13 April 1953 from the Del to the DD/A, and the extension of this authority in subsequent memoranda, Subproject 81 has been approved and 45 8,7619 . 00 of the over-all MKULeTilkproject funds has been obligated to cover the subproject's expenses. This obligation of funde should_be_charged to Allotment 6-2502-19-OM. A PPROVED-F0ii OBLIGATION OV UNDS: � 'Irig;nal signed by Distribution: Orig & 2 - Addressee 1 --TSS/C: 1 - TSS/FASB 1 - TSS/Siti3 2 - Tss/cD TSS/CD 22 Jun 56) Acting Chia oa I CERTIFY THAT FLINOS AR.E AvA,;LAal,C, ,26 0%cATiOr. CHARGE TO ALLOTMeNt � /0 � Qv/ AQT!IORIZING OFFICER c2c)./ a 4sca-/0-00/ lg. Co 15'7;2 l'14{49 s s 7 14 - � - osi.c. ot seye,�1 ) L 0 1.0c! oi-oo �-) 0 o ci 0 . 0 0 - _ �I c7 et- --------- � ., 21..-C7-, 6\-6 .-5151awill" 4 7.7� ves...�...aessne... %-.���.���� � am,.