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Publication Date: 
July 5, 1955
Purozcie: To provide he:moot:coning nut overhesd linuis for the SIMOOMMINIIMMIMMOMMIlif� Inittted: au process) Cettrt:ctor. Cost: $3.f.15, 607.00 for currant year.� Staat3: Oaz co-se.acinc, /? � RECEIPT a Receipt is hercby acknowledged of Official Check No. G56332, � dated February 26, 1962, drawn on allellailliMMIMMINSPOISit. 41.0.11111111111,16... payable to the meeimiamintisin the ,,e7 amount of $607.00. Date Date I z (When Fired In) Remarks and References 6011 a No. ft Cost Account -.Ira' -41,11" �Wig grow (When Filled. In) Obligations Incurred isefektoD Object Class Obligations Unliquidated Liquidated Balance SIMIsis B. Prepared advance material foraiillia -Assisted editerially with assessment statement before and after is, 27 IV. Special Assignmentalialla. fi A. Participated in observations during two periods, June-July (three weeks); August-September (one-week). V. Graphology. A. Administered the collection of Wechsler-Bellevue profiles and handwriting � "5 specimens for allass Approximately 300 W-B profiles and 200 handwriting samples obtained from various populations: alcoholics, actresses, actors (including some homosexuals), patients in psychotherapy, criminal psychopaths, and fashion models. B. Maintained contact with more than 25 graphologists, some by correspond- ence but the majority by personal visits. C. Began Phase 1 of graphology experiments with 15 handwriting analysts participating. Handwriting analysts are being asked to score 50 selected specimens according to dimensions of handwriting general held to be significant in the measurement of personality by graphologists. 1. Objectives of Phase 1: a. to measure the consistency of performance in a task basic to handwriting analysis, I% to determine possible congruences between certain handwriting features and career preferences or extreme behavior pattprns of the subjects, � c. to determine whether theie is any correlation between certain handwriting features and the subjects' W-B profiles as interpreted by N./ . , � , . . Editorial Dept. Activities Report (continuation) 3 - 2. Secondary objectives of Phase 1: a. to establish a non-threatening working relationship with a number of graphologists by assigning a task generally regarded as routine and on which most graphologists confidently antici- pate high correlation of performance, si6 ' 6, to demonstrate that ap representatives administering the study have an understanding of, and appreciation for, the fundamentals of handwriting analysis. D. Advised on and assisted in negotiating a graphology journal, VI. Study of Narco-Analysis (i.e. "Truth" drugs). A. Preliminary, research undertaken: basic readings, acquisition of texts, preliminary bibliography. VII. Miscellaneous endeavors. A. Various minor editing and printing chores: devising and printing handwriting score sheet; W-B profile work sheet, lassimMillia43 brochure; an unsuccessful attempt to rewrite an article on Drug.Withdrawal by sellifelaa statement of purpose for the projected con- ference on the 44. Activities Projected for 1960-61 'S The schedule of projects for the coming year provides for aim we continued work on a number of assignments in progress, editorial assistance to the staff fof th revision of the Annual Report, and editorial processing of reports from several ponsored studies nearing comple- ,S tion. To increase the effectiveness of the ea as a channel for research information 231 and to determine how best to adapt the information to the requirements of the sponsor, the 3 L.. editorial director-technical writer plans to observe sponsor training methods at firs and during the coming year. The list below is not in order of priority, since the nature of the work often requires that several assignments be pursued concurrently. Still other editorial tasks can be under- taken only as grantees complete their studies and as the need for editing or re-writing becomes apparent. Editorial Projects 1. Completion of a descriptive report on "Truth" drugs. 2. Publication of the Report, MSS 3. Publication of an annotated bibliography on Coercive Behavior. 4. Publication of a revised."Annuallkeport." 5. Continued editorial assistance to the staff of 6. Editorial review and re-write, as necessary, of terminal reports from research underlie/rants: fi a. � / b. c. pe. 7. Completion of Phases 1 and 2 of Examination for the Year ended December 31, 1959 ������Mik� January 22. 1960 We have examined the balance sheet of the1ll11111111111111 31111111.111111a11111111.1111111111nras at December 31, 1959 and the related statement of income, expenses and unexpended income for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing . . Procedures as we considered necessary-in the circumstances. In our opinion, the accompanying balance sheet and state- ment of income, expenses and unexpended income present fairly the' 'financial position of the ajee. fignifillliffelbrct-DaCember 31, 1959, and the results of its , operations for the year then ended, in conformity with'gendialty' accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with � that of the preceding year. "'OR 1 BALANCE SHEET As at December 31, 1959 Assets ash In banks On hand nited States of America Treasury bills, at cost Total current assets Deferred payments under grants Deposits rniture and fixtures Less Reserve for depreciation Liabiiities Accounts payable Taxes payable Withheld from employees Social security and unemployment, Total current liabilities Provision for future payments under grants Restricted contributions Unexpended income, Exhibit B � $ 90,199.24 200.00 7,527.25 2,080.37 -sfi Exhibit A , 90,399.24 195,093.00 285,492.24 118,432.01 675.00 5,446.88 410,046.13 1,476.75 389.35 1 866.10 1,980.60 338,432.01 3,132.33 286 501.19 � $ 410,046.13 ' � ea Exhibit )9; INCOME, EXPENSES AND UNEXPENDED INCOME For the Year ended December 31, 1959 tncome Contributions $ 424,485.62 Management fee fbr restricted contributions 1,120.47 Interest income 2,813.09 . Discount' earned 4.40 428,42343 Expenses . Salaries 32,002.27 Rent and utilities 1,675.79 Communications 1,866.24 Consultants, fees 7,067.20 Travel 8,274.03 � Promotion 1,458.35 Insurance 553.98 : Payroll taxes 904.01 , Other taxes 17.63 Reference library 334.23 Legal and audit feesa 250.00 Depreciation 841.24 . � Office supplies and postage 1,132.39 I Dues and subscriptions 190.30 Bank charges 3.62 �' Conference expense ____ 946.17 Editorial expenses 20,501.28 Annual report printing cost 1,100.60 Miscellaneous 264.30 15,237.50 5,679.62 53,459.00 2,500.00 15,000.00 20,736.25 2,4.49.10 14,047.33 2,000.00 360.00 3,070.50 3,000.00 464.60 1,503.75 1,250.00 79,383.63 Forward $ 140,757.65 79,383.63 428,423.58 � ; .110 .(page ? $ 140,757:65 79,383.63 ;428;423.58 Brought forward rants continued 1,500.00 900.00 10,780.00 8,750.00 7,225.00 1,666.64 171,479.29 250,862.92 Excess of income over � expenditures tnexpended income, December 31, � 1958 � Unexpended income, December 31, 1959, Exhibit A 177,560.66 1 108,940.534 $ 286,501.19 Attention: run.r : Q.- Lurch 214 1960 This lottor will aathorize you to.purchpse '350.000.00, worth of the is3t, Trectsury Bills and to place in our esn.vinze.) account awn the balance of the funds obtained on tho cashing of :yur pre,7ont U. S. Treasury Bill! of $100.000.00: � 25pyable cne/011100.960. ' Sincere y., AlsistImt ire:Isarer � imi�� er, �� 1;nclo::ed find the -abn,ck for ai00.�0 re'resontcng a zhosit for the use or the 3 simf,le.. 2 doubles and 1 conrvrsnos rs.),!. at the Y.otol for the thrne da:ts. Jnrsruti 17,71S nnd 19n. The Collwitg are Ut natzes or the people who wAll be in atten&ince nt the conference: There is a ;osn:i.bility that there Igny be one or two ;Iore participants' hut nn yet th:Is '%.1s not b-en Sincerely, ..ecrethry Cr, l�S���^4.1110.. - :rcflT Ii Enclosed is our (*eck for ':300.00 which is an advance on your . consultation and !..xnenses for the January 18-19th noetin?,s of the psychitry Pad ws:Jot-.oloy i:snels of thealearifera ' You 4? will -:-ercNO:-/r that in our tc.Itl,pb:.rne conversation you'agraed to.obtsio 0",:fl tiCI:nt flfld :rorto your retaTvitions. I a:.1 planning to t.-eve r7orc. t'otaild in:':oration ,:07 you before your dep,:rture. . ..{1 havn r.rvo:l. a con:t:rance T'00:4 and rooms for .each o: the participants. ,At e1 AL- 'if. . c ,. ' .*IllatalealliS p:le . . � , , . � . C Nes � � - . :� . :,nn I nill be arriving earl: on tumey and will he on ..t hand to Part you di:4en you krrive. The Yotel is only 3 mi2e3 from the airport so ve aosolue.ed that it yould be acre, convenient for each to ' cone to the :otol.carectly by taxi. ... H � Bost rears. We are looking forward to seein:L you ;AMMO NS*. a Ancerely. kxocutiv Joe:set:try Enc. -we January 5, 1960 Cemtlenou: This 161ttor will authori.Le you to transfor froA our Favim7:3 AccountAIIIIMMithe.x4m.of $40,000.0 .and deposit . it to our Chccking Account. Sincere:ye Assistent direasurer � flibscrition Ceprxtr4Ant Gentleztens ineloned fli-.4 our (11,:e.c reizmils9ntina y,!Arizzi sulncrIFtt.un zEm;! ttils [Aablication to: in the nv.ount of to the Thn.nk you for your cooyeratIon in this matter. . . Sincoialy, Assistant Tri.N1surcx Attention: Grmtlemen: ,i�vings Departmont This will authorize you to.withdry the sun of $25,000 from.. E the j5avinxs Account/ end deposit it to the Checking account.. Sincerely,. Lkscutiye Secretary and Treasurer - Ass rmc. . Secretuyiaria Asst. Treasurer 4 � ' September 29, 1959 Deariallpt. 0 Attached is our check for the $403.00 you requeste-d. 1 am plecoeci that you are getting underway with the work. Naturally I shall be discreet pertaining 'taeat vory fine collaboration. Azreees, will (.1-, my bcst to assi:-.t on your For: .ncl will be In tcxich as soon cs rcturn. . Sincerely yowl, 1111S. CA Executive Secretary Enclosure ������� 4. a : �0����:, September 21, 1959 � allar 4101SIONS Dcce AtteChad is our check for $63.70 in payment for one day's consultation plus expenses. I don't believe that I heve mentioned this before, but the MSS B. - rate for senior consultents is set at $60.00 a day if that is satisfactory to you. . It hes not been the custom of the to attempt to reimburse the _ ['directors for their efforts as Directors. Try cs we might, vte. could never place a value �Dealt) expert jut:et-gent, the timo and encrey expended, and the thought- ful p1onnin9 that the Directors have done in our behalf. But we can and do compensate for other consultation at the above rate, . � 'Since my return from the convention circuit on September IC I have already made one 3-day visit tole and am now so Far behind in my work A that it loelts as though I will not =11P- until my depeirture for 11111101on the /re fourth of October. i feel it imperative, however, to see you before that tima and hope that you wi II be free one day next week for me to visit. Sincerely yours, re:closure Executiva Secretary 4. '^�� ����� -1k Su rabot 18, 1959 Attention: roarer/Se C.- This letter :All authorice you to Ilitterhl: S100.000.00 from cur. Account 1,cnd deposit it in our checking account, .ths pass book�is attackcc. - This lottnr further authorises you to ourchase in tA.i:e nams or the following: . . . 1. t1e0.000.00 worth of 182 day U. 8. Treasury Bills. � 2. $100,000.00 worth or 91 &y U. S. Treasury 'Elias.' Please charge our account in this amount. :assistant 1 trN IOW WZIOTUIXEIVOR: mazr, pram= DIVISION VIA : WS/Budget Officer SUBJECT 25 Aucunt 1959 ; 13ULTE1. Carp:cleat CO, Invoice No. Allotatst 0,325-1009.4902 . 5 1. Invoice No. 5 is attacheflovsring the above saproject. : thou]' be usia co folio= Cashier's Check in the amount of t59�2h0.00, ztvn., on a local benk, pa:I.:able to the 01001111110,1001101, 5 'i_fl- 2. � Pl-atina forward the' chedic to Chief, TaliCAoadcal Division thrraugli TCO/aacet.Ceficer by rridr47, 4 Sther 1959.. 3. Thic is a final invoice. Do3evor, since it is anticirated that ziditicn:a fun,is will be oblicated for. this OJ?Ct tLy. /laza should not be olcccd. . tttt%chmants: : Invoice Cezt1icat1ert3 Eistribatioa: Z1 2 -A&Tessec 1 eirS/171= : chief TBS/Che.t2ical Division SOO �16 � -.0.m.A.mft - � �4,4 _ RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following check: Treasurer's Check No. 241129, dated September 10, 1959, in the amount of $59,210.00, drawn on the payable to the g apasse i���� 1 1�1�11. No Cost Account �dad," 100-9"/"--�t Object Class Date Remarks and References Obligations Incurred Obligations Liquidated Unliquidated Balance Bigg iat dad / fi 1 40 -sato- eripotoo sv V4/0. 04 3 isg 6 i I titn-Ge � ilt.if .0.0110.- . .0 � _ - i � � ' -. , ..._ , �....... � � �����111... � -swum �������������""�V (11.0101,111f11,1 CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-12 -. DATE 2-6. . VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34-39 STATION CODE MO. 40.42 EXPEND COD...: 4: u D : 45'4e PAY U 0. ::: 47-52 REF. NO fl'em; :: YR GENERAL :::G5E7F1 ACCT. NO. 58.67 ALLOT. OR ACCT. NO. COST 82.87 eg.No. ��������� I moo. oo. 66-70 DUE DATE .5 GO - AMOUNT ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13- 27 al,I. . oN.PROJCCT OIJECT CLASS DEBIT CltEDIT L � . // f / � � � � � . � � � . . . � r - /Y-7 .': I. r- -.- 1 4, � 4. � � . � � , . : � � . . si.. , /: A. V / .... , ' in' /. e ' , --..../C., �/2 ( ..-- � ,�. . . / ./ f . : . / ' 41 Iit la C 7:444.1- J -J; 0.1.- . . A \ ... - :. --; : iligell s's� (.: t . I' A�� /4 : � � I a. � I . : -I- � � � � � A A A � A A � A A " - . ... . I . � 0 � � ' � A � � � � � � � . A � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � � . . . . . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � EXPLANATION OF ENTRY I TOTALS I.....-7 i';. C. t, st. .... , ---..-1 .-C........�. (-47-e-r A / -.. . .- 1 C (.. ... .. ..f e .: j/ -Li �- -: :... 7 I I .-- 1 (1.' C.. It:. , Cr r DATE PREPARED BY DATE REVIEWED BY CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE . $ I GNATIJ VG" CASS 606 US. ..... WS IDITIONS. s'er��"-./ ���fi For sorvic�D (1) It is hereby certified tint this is Invoice No. 5 =lying, to Subproject Ka. 60 Of Narlizaa, that performance 13 antis/a:tory, that - services ere being accomplished infitecordzace with mutuU agreements, that a detailed agenda of the ilayiimts and =mints is on file in TSS/0D, tat this bill is just and correct and that reyment thereof has not yet been made. Date: cbeg7I76771sicin., (2) It is hereby certified that thia invoice a?;lies ta Stibproject 7ro. 60 of L:aZZTAvhich vas duly aTcrevedi and that the rrojeet is being carried out in accordance with the memorandum of 13 A3ril 1953 from the DOI to the DU/14m4 the extension of this authority in sub- sequent memoranda. Datet � � 4..nsar,n:ch Director . � "We ����Fria ...a...../.11.01,}V Receipt is hereby acknowledgeti,of the following cheek: Treasurer's Cheek No. 16756/LAted JulY 6, 1959, in the as, payable e _, Ag" .44- . bp amount of $27,755.00, drawn on theM1.11 .\ of to tb 41 essais � WV.OriAlliti CaTMOLLga ATTZTIO3 : Iitcrce DivIsion SUBJDCT : FINULTIA, Subproject CO, Additional: Authorization Lo6 4 � Under the authority annted in the Lemortndum dated 13 :corn 1953 frOa thz DZI to the ro/A, and the extension of.. this authority in subacqv:ont riltnanda, Subproject Co :arta beon � npprovtel arsi;;1.0,240.00 of the ovars.all 1't2JLT2A project Zioneo has bsen cblic:ntad to cover the s.11;project's expenssis .This oblisation of funds she..vid be charr,...d to Allotmer.t75-9C217 � ' 04-2.5-7 nin 0:2.LIMT:07, OF /Darn, ch id_ractor nistrflutiorl: oreiz - Aadrassee 1 - TSS/CC .2 - TSS/FASB -2 TSS/CD TSS/CD41,01,(29 June 1959) Chief TZS/Cheminal Division � e r,cntlemon: It .is our onds,rstaniling, that our jr.ccutilo -ecretary.4101.111111.11%, with one Apt your isompr in our 4 thct tixe. 1.3 2cintod out tiost the uha .4hare the szmo office aro' on our consutrnt ani that uo havo.a writton avocsont wit.: them for thn 11.5 of:their office as our ;,o have soxle, equipment there such as a dietaphone ani f:ax. time to ti;40, we xzy:have .t-ar property. � � In Jane, wo still had ownership to so.m.a Of the furniture In that office. :7owever, c7urin?; the conth of July, th 9 ismaipprzh,,s,x1 this a'urniture fra..�f, as. ;:xrwcald, ho.:ever. liJ:e to claim 4110111.1411NOTar ary property ' that we have there now as woll as any revit.cety tbr.t accpnlre : at a later date in the �vent that wo oponea another :irasch We are presently tax exompt Pram tha :Federal C4avernnont and F from tiallaINIMIt " �nolossd are the conios or t.:2: lettors onva-in, otin nx0,7.otian. 'we an) forrafly re.,..istorod tth-th ta.:e 441.111.1Wr /31 eacloninr a cnsiy of j3 our and our Lys-laws. If ti-rn in any tUrtha' dosaneatarY creionce tht you neeel before JA:Trrant nAMMIIIIIIMMLP1cTtrie do not hocliate to ash aad we aill bo to ror,:arei fut to you. _bs:st:x a tan'. -a:erhtax y :na7�ot�ers:7, ���� � Aucust 3 109 S "4prr thtnks fr" 7nur ,etter or ittiv nth centainina- yn?ir criticte or the, 410/1rLs a much egrneC rer,t for a mr..dnys after a strefluou$ course at the e..-CE tole! 10101000 of rreur letter and he war iost appreciative - of 7c,ar erforts on our IDtar. Enclosed ?lease fib!! the 4111111011110 i0 check in thr, amount of :2fte.00 representinz 4 dve.00nsultant's-p4y. . . Enc. Ascint;nt Tre,nurar ISIONINPIS Decr lialliellapa (I, Enclosed rlease rind the check in the amount of. S332.61; ;:kich repr,,sents your aompensatthn for the nonth of July. Sinne 1 lias unable to releh yo:1 by tolelfnone, I have taken the liborty of mL:d.11-, the tac dauctions on the basis�of.1 exemption. � T hairs also enclosed the 1..it1holding forms for the Federal and Ct.,;.te 3ovcm�n1,0 which 1 weuld �,Trocinte your filling � out and retuminf7. t.c ,me. If thore is a difference on the exe.I.Ttions I �rill nake the. adjustnent next Month.� Yelcome to tho411111110* MB zr1C� Assistant Treasurer 5-dene-i15 9 July 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT : Project MKULTRA, CoStinuation of Subproject 6o - 1. The purpose of this subproject is to p1oUde fends for the continuation of the activities of thalellar yalsomns in behalf of TSS/CD projects. 2 . Duni4 the past year, bas made substantial and unique contributions to the program on In addition to carrying on the basic program of research begun in pre- vious years, several new projects have been added, both in house and with new contractors. Several of these projects are physically f located outside the Sinthuil 'CUrrying' out the plan of developing the am es a all�organization. These particular projects are located in ammissiallammwsit 3. During the next year it is anticipated that thee. /3 will continue to operate as a funding and cover organization for TSS/CD, Branch III activities. 4. It is estimated that the total cost of this extension of Subproject 60 will be $59,240.00 for a period of one year, beginning 1 July 1959. A more detailed breakdown of the budget is appended herewith rhArges should be made against Allotment -9-2502-75-902, 0525-1009-4902 Mar .5. For security ConsideratiOnsi and-in order to Authenticate Shall'conform_ the cover of thip organization, the accounting and audit tices used by the tiAas applicable to the a Sufficient accounting ter the Made advanced under this project therefore shall be the submission for retention by the sponsor of a copy of the annual illistatement as � prepared for the Funds included in such an audit report cbcol be considered to have been adeqdiely accounted for by the Sponsor, 6. Equipment purchased by the hall remain the . property of the Government and will be returned in the event the is dissolved. S 7. The permanent members of the are all cleared and Witting. They will also be available to duly designated Agency officials for all necessary purposes. However, to maintain the security of the operation, Agency employees except duly designated TSB/CD personnel mill not make contact with personnel in ,impion Exceptions to this shall be determined by C/TSS/CD. APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Date: Researea =rector 711 )15e Attach:sant. Budget Distribution: Original Only .11111 Let ZS/Chemical Division I BUDGET SUMARY-REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 1959 - 1960 aAdministrative Expenses 43,240.00 Consultant Fees 15.000.00 Conference 1,000.00 Total Budget $ 59,240.00 w allesmor FicrYeaz 1959-60 Salaries Executive Secretary, Secretary, Assistant and Maintenance Men 27,100.00 Rent and Electricity 1,740.00 Telephone 1,200.00 Dues and Subscriptions 150.00 Reference Library 300.00 Audit Legal 250.00 and Printing (Annual Report) 2,000.00 'Office Supplies 1.400.00 Equipment - Cabinet, bookcases 200.00 Promotion and gntertainment 1,500.00 Travel 3,300.00 Maintenance 200.00 Insurance 300.00 Payroll Taxes 1,000.00 Miscellaneous (contingency fund) 200.00 $ 43.240.00 4 - MAY 19, 1959 CONSULTANTS AND CONFERENCES Fiscal Year 1959-1960 C0NSULTANTS- ani1111111111111111 $5,000.00 e_assinfligatap $5,000.00 Panel consultants - 2 for each proposal based 2 a month $24o $z ,880,00 Contingency fund for other consultants and more proposals CONFERENCES - *2.120 .00 Total Consultant Budget4. $15.000.00 We re not at the present time contemplating any large or special conferences that need special budgets. However, in order to budget for small monthly meetings of sponsor8 representatives with the Directors and for Directors' meetings, we are budge/tine $1 o0o oo !mime% 4 . . � ileFore his de:.,erture, ellilligasked that you be entered "3 onto the. o, roil for .the noxt yecir in support of your r:'search with a his . drooran. The raiz of compensation he indicated was $5,000.�:".11 per ycar less appropriate withholding for fedora; ond state income taxa: and such) Later hi the InonkheaSaill be in touch C. ... . With yOU to arrange completion of the necessary payroll Forms-, b.uel had felt that your early confirriation OF these instructions was important. . � . Enclosed is a copy of our recent report on . affairs.. Perhaps it 14;1 serve io introduce you partially to our orjonization. Please let us know if we can be of assistance. . Sincerely your, Executive Secretary Enc tiro Te.) & ez 4elooe to the .:7ae, are verY pleased to have you�with. us. It is.eur us:dors a:zn�romaillOpprthat yeu will 'se put e..... on t: 9 flrrli r,trcactivAT. Ma firStdate of your aaployz..;ent 11th us, they'core, is July 13th, at the rata oe c.30.00 a week. apays its tariores*ontbIy by.ol�eck lzhich is z..ailet! to yt;lar h=e. If you have any question abaut tbis, please . talophone lo. . . � I have =closed a Withholdingiaxemetion CartLficato both for and 1.14 Fi4exa1 Uavdrnvient Wich 1 S4ou1d appreciate � your si,xalac: TJ:, rataruin) to MO 1141 the saolosad envalopo. I'. � have also enclosed the latest report that iglptibo or intercst to you. L:no. h Aaristant.Traasurar � � , im I ail July 7, 1959 �. Licfcro his fleparturr ANNIIIIIIIIIItaskc.0 that you be onirocl �.. � 13 'onto the 110. v..7roll fOr the next year in sur.:;:art of your re3.1,crch with . _13 his. prctlrarn. The rate of cornr,ensetion he, indicetod wos S5,0Ud.e.... per yectr le:;$ ap.propriute withholriinG for Codorci and state interne. taxer. and social securi. Later in tho month, will be in touch with yew it errancy.: at:mph:tier; of the net:croon/ payroa form:, hut I had F.elt thatcyeur early confirmation or theze instructions viral, irnicrtant. � Enalcood is a copy of our recent report on affairs.' Peillep3 it . will serve to intr.sduue you partially to cur orcanizetion. lot us !cao.w IF we con be of crsistence. Sincerely yours, allagNIMMINSIWR Executive Secrete 7 Enciccurc e.. 4 ;-� Dear -July 7, 1959 Enclosed is our check For $120.00 in payment for your consultation � on_tin � I wca well awato that I hod a hoar by tho tail in the very becinnine, but I was thJ-cshing ciSout lookino.for on cosy way to eithzr r.iisen.:iaga or to 'Jo something effectiva with the critter. I appreciate very r.�:uch your conarete sumostions and your intarested assistance., I am not sure at this point what course of action I will follow, but I shall rely heavily on your advice. . Do you know of someone ow sor.o group that would have an interost in undtiroklng a study of thm sort you have synaested? It is possiSle that I. could enlist suprort for such a task ri ?hero were rectsonaa: hope for a pro- ductivo cutcarne. � Monk you main For your conscientious assistonco. Sincerely your;, �axocutivo Secretzry -14 � 4����� .. ., . .., . ,. . ,,. �. �. v. , ,. -4,4, �e WO w :X 9 Y � '' ''' ,F�' dIe0V a le � � � eV / . � � � EiZireir. aliGletera LXQUIDNIte) TAILTAVITATED BPJ:413CE MIT Ca) Gar10116 triclariarai REXARKS Pli: 1 FlatztEliCTS . _ 27 lig eta. ea:terptcf 4 113 ..,C5:po. o o se/e� ea 11 JUL ______:... e "I'llti; a . I , - .27.1�9,/: ft , 3Q JUN i r� --..,�altrei-ce--ede-,:g 0 4/ ,,,..2,1.1. 00 -.7- - _ . . .. r _ _ 1 1 . � �. Th a . .. . . . .. .... -a-di , IMNIIIIMIr Ina Memorandum for the rile: Subject: ML rr.limpoomplaincb7ned no by telephone :is afternoon that payment to the4 ncel not make the second ile - no is t � U14 is tying financed in apothor way. The first payment was,all tZat was necessary. ; � 4 Dear Dr. lap � I beiieve by now you will hove received ward that your re.euest for financial supert of rut studies hos been ctepraved. We than transmit he cram of $2,500.00 in two payment. The first is to be paid on April I, 1959 and the second payment before July 1, 1959. The only condition that empties In tho utilization Of this grant is that any technical reports or Papers which trot out of the StudY supportod under - this grant shall contoin the following noticc: "This stud, 'NCI supported in rt by a grant from the � 015 - The Board of Directors joins no in congratulatinc you upon receipt of this oran?. Vie crel pleased to be able to facilitate walk of an important nature to be accomplished by younG Americans of great potential. Sincoroly yours, avoinisS� Execuilve Secretor; 1St 410 February 5,1059 " ,e>417000010mate".r. Executive Secretar Dear sir : In repply to yout letter dated February the 3d , I an sending you included a brief auto-biography and the description of my long-range plans after the ending of my training here in the USA . I hope to fullfill your re ements Sincerely yours , Ur. Le.) ��� � Dr...111111ft ya.. old ..imartips1,43 .� 9,hildren. Born in Sat simagams;both parents alive, m father (59 ys old ) is a civil on ;ineering pat present time Prinary and High School in lawith degree of B.A. in 1944 ; .SMISIS in a Attended School of Medrcine from 1�)14.4 to 1950 ; Internship in Internal Medicine half of the tine in the service of Neurology of Profesoralla 'Hospital (30 beds) . SitONSIMAIMINSIMeit as a legal obitgation,1951-1'452 ,in 1952 (apt.) Degree of M.D. in . of medicine . 1952-1953 : Resident ( In nedical Services ,Hospitalsalli ; 1953-1954 1954-1955 1955 1956-1957 1957?-1958 : SathxDirecter in Charge,Public Health ServiceAlipla : Sub-Director ,Hospital JFL weigaissigis : Training in Geriatrics Cerebro-vascular accidents and its Rehabilitation, Hospital assia : Private Practice : Instructor in tho t.. of- Internal Kedicine 'School of ov; jr that time I had to -deal mainly with neurologic patients. _ 1958 :june to november : Basic Course on Internal 1.;edicine,at t. Hospital lems Division.under the direction of Dr, This studies were made with a fellowship of t)e 1111.11111.11111. Foundation ,that had provided previously for _three months of training in ma in lieuro-rhyslology . 1958 : november : Heuro-Anatomy with Dr. gingigegge ,at ina jfl Hoepital. 1958,decenber ,to present time ,training in Clinrcal Aeurology under the direction of Dna.* ,Chief of the Service at Ammo Flans : further training in Clinical Neurology with Dr. for another twelve non tbs .Af te rwar da , re turn to where .I will dedicate to full tin teachin- in Clinical Neuro- logy at the School of Medicine signed : M.D. - February 3, 1959 LA) Dear.MIN Attach< d is a proposal Aiich I predict will be roved by the remainder of the Board. It was discussed/at length with Dr. We both feel that it is a cover grant that has lokg ange potential in other directions since he will be the in I L when his work has been completed. Out of eierence to the man's financial need, I hope we can let him know by March 1 whether he is receiving the grant. His fl support terminated January 1 and his present earnings as a substitutefinterne ire inade� quate to maintain him and his family in the city.LC 15) Let I met Dr. INS He is no ball of fire but is a solid, stable individual whom I would guess will become a good teacher in years to come. 1 .40 Ce;) Mr. Executive Secretary LIP Dear M(._ _ (c...--)\' I a'm glod to write to you out Dr. e came to the Unitad States from c year ago, having received a on year training fellowshi from . the Foundation. He First.went_to together with the r training in the English language. He come to. Hospital in April where he participated in the special fellowship program for basic training in the medical sciences. January 30, 1959 It is Dr. :sal to gat as much training a possible in neurology. This k especially important because at the present time there is no neurologist in the city o where he will ret..zr on completion of He began training in nevrolov at Sonsfe .n g as a suts. t;fute interne. He is an eornest, hard� working man nd in the opinion G his training, he is exceedingly worthy of Ce. Dr. is morried and has three children here with him so that it is urgentthat he receive an additional fellOwship to enable him to continue his training. I very Mud'-iaT you will think well of his quialificatiors to b trained to practice and teach neurology in the Medical School at lociuded herewith is a copy of a letter sent by his chief to Dr. it indicates the 'nigh opinion of him held by his colleagues in Enc. f Ce who is in direct charge of ur teaching and training efforts. (53 Sincerely yours, Profesior of Neurology Medical College . 4�,11 C: SA. ; 71,311% TO: Tho r.grorton ?r.v.)::11 Foilty..;:i1c.# ft-4 Dr. II SS. "C" 5:-.1nr3 i o toitctrcczz,IMIWIA:51ch en;�i 3212:.-.1t.:?.r.:.-und of Or. e/. ttroe to ark: my .at to N. P97.1t your ; vc' a fcltk,47;htp. In 141-3 Oftounti of ?..14.:"f0. ir::ib!rtr; tckrp Kluritri 192,9� ettn-kpz, r4norntc4 iF.foznintianFc Et: r trtttt Mt; linont:ini trfr oat ...;nol .nottaint wt it L overi- . Enc.:: 2 February 3, 1959 Dertr Dr, n NW- ur 8 Attach-ta' is a List of instructions for applying for a grant from the cr! proritiing it baccusa it c,-Aplains the pracaclurrn foil:awe-I by our crcaoi-.:rr.ttn ;r1 :::::.:1r9.-41.:rinq 0 rrOCit proposal. ICI )02.13. cc:, hawever, irk n::: ft!, osscry to pr:v242,e i7,0n".1 ti-c.nU brie; be/or:I-at cind a xtrit-tan statarnont 9pur lang-rzasys picas because Cr. tozi i hove consrauni- catcd a r.rac asal tha ronainder of the Directors in your bahr..-If. I shall try b Pi:A/C1 information for you concerning the grant within a monch's aithoi{gh, as the Instrictians indicator sonsetirnte procedures take a bit lo.naer. It WV; a pleasure mooting you. Eric: 1 Sincerely yours, . Executive. Secretary 23 June 1959, NEMOAANDUil FOR: diith,47tAues DIvittox r. VIA TSS/Ludget Officer stlizrr MKULTRA, Subproject 60, Invoice No. 4- Allotment 8-250a-10-001 1. Invoice No. 4 is attached covering the above subproject. Payment should be made asiollows: . . Cashicr'o Check in the amount of f.:327,755.00, drawn or. a local hank, payable to the 2. Please forward the check to Chief/PM/Chemical Division throuzh 22S/2udget Officer by fridmy:, 10 Jrly 1959. . 3. This is a final invoice. flouever, since it is anticipated. that additional funds vill he obligated for thie project, the files . should not be closed. Attachments: Invoice & Certifications Distribution: Crigt.c 2 - Addrecsee TSSNSB , ntec Fel ft' 17)-9Tale � � . �re tot: I CEk'Tin.' THAT FUNSI': ARF. AVAILASLE; 071.1.1A7*14 R.trrk.7:t 0744; 70 tztor.� � - NI � CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-12 .... DATE 2-6 VOUCHER NO 7.12 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS I333 34-39 STATION CODE WRIP% * WO% ' 40-4z EXPEND CODE 45-46 PAY PER. L.O. CODE 47-62 ooLlo. REF. NO. .- ACCT. NO. 'i4;:'46:" YR 54-67 GENERAL LEDGER CCT. NO. 60-67 ALLOT. LEDGER ACCT. NO. 68.70 DUE DATE OBJECT CLASS 7 1.130 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION-ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 28-33 . .2711t.V.9..... iUR. ORDER- NO. 62-67 cm 140 x REP. KO. DEBIT CREDIT o i v PROJECT O. ivy 1 1 1 1 I I t I e,i /t I I, I III III I I I , - , t I I I I MI MI 11.1 I., t i i i i I I i i I 1 i i I I i i Il ---,--1 1 .: 1 1 1 I 1 1 T I -1- I r /..... � 1 1 I I .:111111 1 I I I 1 I I I -:111111 -111111 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 t . � 1 I I . I I I I II ;111111 .1111 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I :L. ,111111 1 1 I 1 -.111111 III III t. 1 I 11111 � 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 I 1 --; 111111111 1 I 11111 I 1 11111111111111 : / 1-1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I . I I 1 I I I 1I I III I.I $1111 ' ***** 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 11111 1 1 1 1 I 1 JII T1ON OF ENTRY TOTALS - , .97,- er:7--eit. e- C-4� . AT PREPARED BY DATE REVIEWED BY CERT IF IED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE -1:- SI gnat/ _ ....." ./ '' ........ t. ye EIL/V t�SC 1111ii 10V (DI /IRAs. INVOICE /or Services (1) It is hereby certified that this is Invoice No. 4 applying. to Sub� project No. 6o a HEUITRA, that performance is Satisfactory, that services are being accomplizhed in accordancecuith mutual agreements, that a detailed . aganda of the payments and receipts is on file in CS/CD, that this bill is � juat and correct and that payment thereof has not yet been made. Chief, TSS/Chemical Division Date: (2) It ia hereby certified that this invoice antlios to Subproject No.60 of IiITIEFA vhich l'inn duly approved, enii that the project is being carried . out in necordnnce with the memorandum of 13 April 1953 from the DC/ to the DD/A, and the extension of this authority in subsequent memoranda.. Research Director Date: �������������� , . 6 c-nclosed please find the 111111111johook in the "mount of t44.81 for your e;cpensey. :r.r:111111P is prs7enew out of tom but Al]. be in touch with you upon his rcturn. I told hir . abrut your letter over the tslephon and he wi3tes to express his appre0SAtion for your efforts on our bahalt.- June.19. 1559 : Enclosure May 19, 1959 . We have reviewed our payments up to date to our mutual friend. Since he came on our payroll, February 1958; he has received $2,975 as of April 14; 1959; we have received $1,600 from the Society. We have also expended $650 in transcribing and typing his masterpieces. Sincerely; 4 .ffitalt April 22, 1959 -:any thanIcs for yottr vex kind contribution of the 2.1nro4ngi . from t%e ?ale of 'oar 'four o:cren: on the yroject have bcmn rannini:.; accordin3 to plan so tUn :Mould :,1:vr. :jou a little leew17 for .sor,thinL.; Best pF?rsonal wishes. Enclosed prnse find two claims for refund of overva;pzents on Social 'Security tz.../, one fo::, 1957 and the other 1956. It has just been called to our attertion that doctors do not cc>ne under social security legislation and 1.4e 1...ave been in the phst doductin; fron tl-:eir wages at tile re ajar rate. 'se would n.pnreciai-S a firo-Qpt action in this matter so .r..;e could refund the respective! doctors. Assistant- anci Treasurer.. 'Enc. gl� Please be aut'rprize.d to transfer from the MS savings account the ir or ia9,559.30 and deposit it to the Society's. - re;.rular checkinr, account. � He" " The ras$book, :, and the deposit slip are enclosed herewith. Executive 53ecretary Assistant Secretary ����� ree Thank yo; 1 for your cl;eck tor the continuation or work nn the 1.norto Rican .Audy. C, 4111/111.110,11411Win2omS us that the ark io proressaing very well aria tnt tney haw) he doing soHeciic -..;ork in annistinc: in the correction of drug addiction. Your rfmtinued encouraging nalp:ort is very much appreciated. Sincerely, Executive :3ecrettc.7 � cc: Gontleman: , In sflvaning. our records for the year and on Annual ','esral Car 1958, it was;t erroro been tfne in the returns for the second and third quarters rar. . . , For the ported April 1, 1953 ending Juno 30, 1953, Item 3 should have bF,en ?6,499.93 and ita 4 should have boon 46,844.42 :raking the tax due .191.64. For the period July 1, 1958 ending Jepteirber 30, 1958, its 3 should have been ;11,05t-.39 ;uld item 4 should have been U,916.(8 =Icing the tax due :::81.67. ror t173so two periods, we had paid a77.64 and ,;79.37, a total of 3257.01. e Lould have paid ::;273.31. i;e owe you .P6.30 wi.ich wo enclose herewith. ' vao are norry for those bookh-oplm: errors and if thcre is any qu,stion nb)ut these amounts, we will to happy to answer them. Uncerely. the of tila 411111111111111111116* Assistant Iroasurev. F:no. 14- EDTTORIAL EXPENSES 194.8 Salaries 15.889.35 Rert 1,330.00 Sppaial Vets 50.00 Travel 1.01/26.P4 Taxes 164.90 Reference Library 9.67 Equipment 325.14 ,Typing 142.84 Elmo. 17.36 Total Editorial Expenses tk 19.026.20 ,...� ..1�4 '....0"�����t � �- It�I � iftn St?' kt 1. �1',2it3 T. have examined and approved tbelnmy1041.94ase. expw.,*0 =pniditures. ( 3.590.000 2,610.00 10000 d�Wg" 34000.004 250.00 notoTaia Tmotre40/SS4 300.00 350.00 PEITII0 -5 100.0 500.00" . esosn1.7ptk 500.00e. 5000x*,:tqrs eta; pesnadds pue peniwni P., 504.004" -. 108.6o* .flarn Total Consultant =perces e,_"-ft�a ,r,-Ay eaFt.7t scrIsdule #081188aesati 00111.01.prvi bm'tidown crosymeNt '114.91 TSS/Cilemicai Dlvicion p, Cormun:frezt. 125.33 SuppLica 62719$ 13.055.55 ),012.15 lbar."\71 DATE; ; ft 4.1 11) P CIIECK (v),APPROPRIATE ACCT. (S ' 1001.'A Ct. 144.1 Ct. 144.2 Ct. 140.0 Ct. 140.9 Ct. FORM NO. , OBSOLETE 1 NOV. 55 I" PREViOUS EDITIONS RECEIPT THIS WILL ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF OFFICIAL SIGNATURE NUMBER 23963 DOLLARS 13 DEC ^ Ina Chief, 'IDS Finance Livisicn, O&L/1 Recoverable .1a7lanoas of Project Expendittres 12 Deceaer 198' 1. Pirirce Division records, es of 31 October 1953, indicate the follosing amo-unt to be recoverable from the liated project. ,P..ojeet CAak R411. Race itrpose imerican Lirline credit card 2. Please advise this office uhother the CM) sirlimo credit card Sc still in use. . t425.00 a LA) Chief, Suction 1 547,4k. ..,.../22:ea./1. 1.- 044e471 ereS1 sits ate, -e-se" . 0 tor CA stead near Attached herewith is the sum of $425.00 which is being returned for the purposes of clearing out the 11,111111!funds. This $425.00 is actually still on our books as a deposit for the Air Travel cards but in order to close thellillerfunds we are returning this sum. This sum is one that has never gone through our books. We received the sum of $1,000 cash to transmit to telle for a particular purpose. We deposited the sum of $575.00' in the bank and wrote a check in the amount of $1,000 toe The remaining $425 is, therefore, able to be returned without raising any questions by. outside individuals. �1a October 28, 1958% Centlsmen: � In accordance with our telephone call, I wish to report the . retum of tha C:rtly Au' acbine 1X 79C6S5'throuzh the 6.121 , (1_ i:o9aver, it as necesanry for it to spend $25.00 H �-�"" to necotiuta the return, Attar*I is the l'roof of Loss in the evount his letter vcrifyini; tha pr:vment, Sinceraly, Ka-520-902m25 28 of 4;25,00 and:: ow.� ".� � September 190 1958 45 . hnolosed pleae find the alle � " e�zsc'x in 1.�:1 alt:Int of t240.00 ronresents your consultant's fee based on 3150.00 a wee%, or '..",30.00 a day. ns consiring this a teporay arrangozont boginning � 23epteh:b3r 10th uttil sush time as you and 11,co,;.e to a decision. %bout the fessthiIity of the project. � Sincerel;y, Assistant Treasuror MEMORANDUM FOR: TEE RECORD z5 SUBJECT ViegOffice-1.1,1110110111110111.111101111, WM' 25 August 1958 - t; to house a field office for The . and a cover "consulting" 1. This is to record arrange= a made for office apace service operated by ani sop 6 A i3 2. A two-room suite in ma. in by SISIMMOP has been made available to She silleiiiienlin represented by airajjITijTA Furniture in one of the rooms will remain for our use, and Thed0,0400? will purchase additional office furniture as required. A telephone B aud secretarial telerbone answering service Will he rrovided by The The names ' A =a, vill be cast in bi- nze and placed on the front of the bui144% 3. For the present no rent will, be charged. Suitable new arrangementa will be made, however, after January 1959. tin j Breach In TSS/Chemical Division 41.11�41 z� Attention: Gentlemen: July 2, /958 Savings Account Teller This latter uill orize the latdra,aal P i20,000.00 fron tho cAuthsavinga ELCCOILltd. ; This /otter also authorises the deposit of this SUM of S20030.00 into theUN f roclular.checkinc account utich is located in the sans branch office. � Sincerely,. Assistant Treasurer ��� 4 Receipt iv hereby acknowledged of the following check: Treasurer's Check No. 159512, dated Jul amount of $27,155.00, drawn on the payable to the Date: 15, 1955, in the "tretr"'""rlerr""TrI e.,;�.:����A� � � � . � 9 July 1958 MEMORANDUM FOR: CHIEF, FINANCE DIVISION VIA TSS/Budget Officer SUBJECT : LIKULTRA, Subproject 60. Invoice No. 5 Allotment 445024o-0ot 4�14 .� 1. Invoice No. 3 is attached covering the above subproject. Other invoices will fellow latter. Payment. should be made aa follows:i Cashier's Check lathe amount of S27,755.00, drawn payable to the 4111.5111111011NOMMOMM5magr�As 2. The checks should be forwarded to Chief, TSS/Chernical Divisicn, through TSS/Budgct Officer, no later than 'Wednesday, Z3 July. 1958. Attachments: � Invoice es: Certifications Distribution: Orig tr. Z - Addressee - TSS/FASB Chief TSS/Chemical Division I CERTIFY IH7 AVA!:A: