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Publication Date: 
June 1, 1953
PDF icon MKULTRA SUBPROJECT 6 (1[8145502].pdf1.63 MB
CO) Chia, 1,5Z/011,m/cal Divios4 VIA �1, --4 riassinzinsiamiT,!�_ 11 Oatetylr 1955 cc2I7x, nanzI-DrvIna Ctriccr oe -1,-1,,projsot 6 ol rslazaA iavoio.3 1:1 ctftelf. on th3 P172 ni41 to in uthiczt tiLpr�cijz..zn inz Lc�e., �flea rc.tvil-..-uf.1 to I-MU:el'a t:t1b,pr.ojo.,,,t, 6, , 2. It 15 +.1 1,- 4.1't _ � a. � ; !-.;,"..111.�,/ 117 1'17737 Ditel.l'eutiont - - TSS/FL32, 2 - ISS/G0 L%-bprQjoat 4. gia ob."a.tio t!,:pllzr 1755 � I RECEIPT hereby acknowledge-receipt of_Cashietas Check No. 1Q737, (67,) drawn ton th Ocl- $5,000.00, payable to the DATE in the amonnt of RECEIPT -/ (7-` U "P.-2 (71 THIS WILL ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF $67see)67.41e7 ,,. de; -.. _ ,�.�----... _64 t , e ' .k�,. e".--- . ...c ,,,tr.t.S.,,teeZz.t., a ete..e11-.. _ / e 1 0 _ '7 � k 0 -- -- � DOLLARS . � 7 . . , . FROM /t5/D7i,/ 471PTL/?57.3 FOR _6/40,_,J VO. S-7 2-2-/ ay. kia 41/ (OFFICIAL 5 ATURC) a 7 MEMORANDUM RECEIPT receipt of the4o1lowine: TI-;E: AMOUNT OF $ tRECEIN/L::01. Oclicl r!..e, ettwrn.� -- signed copyties) of this receipt � ��� 4!. 726�66 �� � a4t DATE RECEIVED aer� - tr..,air.,'Y Of if eA3 1):vi Y3131 .--)L:k,31-ft.) 11:71'1:P.V A:11'4,7) f ao/tsI esva/ssI_- ,r.FrtorleZc3 sosso-ppy z tu*TlnqTaPTC 311A13038 COOTWOT31:4,.raV 0074WSS 0 IN 110 LAVV. I zrzi- Ai:;ti 03 HD (.? � p loorozdqns %!o ;Qt ova .174,11_axozoxsz.11 tpolfloe::cti stT .1/ ill*o;*.iectra aot7.-Ixa ovu.A1 oq ol_oanlTpuo-so Tvlol :741 frfpna.e.-: ? 0,3 virr-11,^ ���, � .11, mo. �%�� ink, VP' i� At I. ALA Wit I, 10,6,44... Ur LOW .4146.14 t) N4 IC, � .47MT ILTI71.--- .7/437., r441141 rOVS.111 T7:0 � Iunl oq-lrionTV1t77c-tqo omnr-05 vi.t11 Cl otq 103';-:00, re';yirzi - 1:=.3.1..e-o.Abc.:.I rrit tritn, overemo prcP.1 L 4 1.03 a-Yterit - P2-111%;�:`,1112 00; 01 0,10-Igu,WVatil R-T-,04)ToArcf tr1.1.17, Tvlitne.41,13 vor 1.170 9 loaCo.riglirl-zo; '00 oxl:0-4771. 't .'Too-or-ncz.-5 11.%---,----74traY 00I0Asta �rallrnFV.:*roze, ao,DTITO mrantaa zthivizrJ ..aCIFID Ma Wirjrnai::::1 6/.2 4 For services , kaL.Vi 4 INVOICE EC 1 � . FUJI-D*10-FM TO =DT OF U&N LCO CERT7TQATIONS (1) It is hert -certified that this is Invoice UO. 1 aPPI:iln to Subproject 6 of-Froject-EKULTRAi-that performance is satis- factory, that the services are beingraccoxplished in aceOrdance with vutual aprements,-t4at a detailed agenda of tho payments - and receipts is on file inITSS/04-that this bill is_justand - correct and-that payment thoreof has not yet been SIDNEZ_GOTTLIEB. Chief, TSS/CD (2) It is hereby certified that this invoice applies to ' Dubproject 6 under Frejeet =JIMA which-Van-duly approved and that the project is being-carried out in accordance with the memorandum dated 13 APril_195, fre:iithe DCI to the DD/W, end the extension of _this authority in SUbsogthent memoranda._ WILLIS A. GM301IS Rese;xch Director - (x) ItaiOaa.nti.a. Mit Caini-t01.1.17,?. intritn.ce--Division PrOject tfl-MT.Nky St114-i bia . gnier the rv,thority-�erzato-1. in the totorent= datel 13 April .1953 fr tii rul: to the- IWA ep4 the - furl:ter. autbority. el-anted In the tier.0111-11-112 teI-17 p'i1 1953 trout the DDA to tho CccptrAler - on the anb,jecti--1-"n/?..T3s_pko,lodt.- tAxtr.:,Taiv't cliVro,loot 6*.vis cr4 45,C00.00 or the over-all Project ).-f.K'%rd'e.ii fur.da bave beg 4:;.lIectel to novo? the e4bproject 'a egleat103# 7-ROG:1,111PND A1.0 TICOi'an.D: JUN DtIte: ChaIrpan � � 1-2, 1353 - DistriblItiont Aliro3see Crigii- & 2 Fxee 4 SOi.1 )7i I 1L,---� � TnAct,:jetry --1- Ta.-2=/ZD - 2 snmy cora= _ cLier Diviolon� , A.FKiovn FO1-OBLIaATIO3 C?: FUND31 ri dirocT,or rjUN !;�t.: � Dute: "'" 651..� SUBJECT : Subproject 6, XKULTRA 1. The aim of this subproject is to provide funds for an increase in the scope of that portion of Subproject #48 which deals with the over-all returnee interrogation and rehabilitation proram now being _carried out by tne Since it is impossib e to ostinate in advance the nun er of - - - - subjects to be handled-under_this program, it will be neces- sary to enlarge its scope from time to time. 2. Subproject 6 was set-up-originally for the purpose of providing isolation and testing of natural products from theRiveaspeciesofplantsatthe. The total cost of the program amounted to $5,000.0v; �waver, no funds were expended under this project because the con- tractor donated_his_services_to the Government without _ compensation. The change-of-Subproject 6 from its original goal to th(d present one is based upon an identical case - where Subproject 10 WRS converted for use in the project after it became evident that the funds committed under it originally for another purpose could net be used, has since audited Subproject 10 without question- in, this type of handling. - 3. Accounting for funds expended by the contractor in this subproject uill be reflected in the general ' accounting for Subproject 43. 4. The total nhargos for this project will not exceed-. $5000.00 for a period-of-one7year7ending 30 June 1956. and Dr. the principals in this project are TS oleared.Cutout and ocovor arrangements will ba used for dealings with unwitting personnel. ObemIcal Division APPROVED: aie.1,TS /Ohemical-DivisiTo APPROV�a FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Distribution: Original Only It is proposed that th be provided with funds for the study , and evaluation of certain persons released by Communist bloc countries. The cost of the work contemplated in this project is as follows: 2500.00 Personal Compensation 1500.00 Travel-:__ Miscellaneous 1000 00 Total $5000.00 (c) (3) Development Dear Mr, � March 25, 1955 Due to circumstances_beyond-oiirsontrol, our chwel-of comanication has been changed. -Beginning upon receipt of this letter!, all flail will be -addressed to the following ).osationt- - President The instructiOnslitted-below must be followed implicitly- _ lt All,communieations MUST BE double envelopecit�._ 2.:---Thetouter-envelOPS-IMUST W044#0ed as --- indicated above, 3. All such mail MST BE trancmitted as first class mail? registered, return receipt requested,: 4 True or full names MUST-NOT appear in any_of the - correspondence,. Reference -to our personnelTmay_be made.- _ by first name and last initlal-or the individualos aa. signed nom de plums. 5, _ Be sure tLat ALL persons responsible for preparing or transmitting correspondence to is are properly advised - of this�change-of address and AII. instructions_we_under- stood. Should anyAintions arise incident to this change, - please let Us knew immediately----------- Sincerely, � AXJt FORt. COMM-10;4Ln ATTENTIWt - Finance Project MaLTRA Subprojeet 6 Uhler the authority graatta-in-tho tlemeranium datea-13 April 19,3 from tho WI to the DVA and the further authority .erantea La'. the neleorandua_datel-17 April 1953 rron the DDA to the Comptroller on the subject, "DD/P-T3S ProJect_IltILTRA64 subproject 6 ha heen-- approvodi a/I4-0,000.00 dr the over-all Project MUMMA. i'vzda have - been oblicatel-to cover the subproJeette expenses.-- PROGFIJ4 A71OVSD AND Itt-Z",:-'-3:4-12=D: .heveure naLrma Date: Dietrihutiont Allreopco Exeo . Zoo ty# 12'33/Butizet - 1 TZ.V2egistry. A... 1 Z-3:31C;) - sr= curnies Chief Chemical _Divicion, TSS � - AP-MOM FON OBLIGATION OF 11)7a3: 77.#-TY:TIP",",17 C-f-) (Y) (: 2?) 2. It should be-emphasized-that-th /processor of ergot_in-te_U.S.- program we-will=betaking-full= hEMORANDLE FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Project MXULTRA SubprOject 6 , 1. The scope of this research-program-is-two fold. It is designed to develop a reliable source of lysergic acid derivatives within the U. S. as opposed -to our present complete dependence upon sources, and in addition, it aims to extend the isolation and testing prograu of the hypnotic natural products from the Rives species - of plants obtained from (iv 3. The-total eost.ofthiS_program-for_a period=of-six montbstr.-. beginning 1 June 1953 Vill-not7exceed-$51000.00. 4. SeCUritY PrecaUiAons cetmeneurate-with the sensitivity of the program involved will 'be APPROVED: Chief, Chepical Division, TSS PROGRAM APPROVED AND RECOMMENDED: Researchlehairman � APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: esearch Director A Proposal � For a preliminary investigation of Ergot derivatives, 62500 II. For a preliminary investigation of Rives Corymbosa, 2500 v This is to inform you that iv forcer District n=ber_has been changed . Please do not try to reach me at the old number. be accepted:at this nulaber,. Sincerely, 4 �. IkEV.ORANDUM FOR: Chief, TSS/CD SUBJECT DR. 0) 102-1267 14 September 1953 1. Reference is made to our memorandum dated 17 June 1953, requesting a covert security clearance to permit Subject's use by TSS in connection with a hiEhly sensitive research problem incident to Project MOJLTPA. The Subject-will-have access to TOP SECRET information. 2. In accordance with the provisions set forth in-the Director's Memorandum of 14 February 190, entitled "Security and Operational Clearances", a covert security clearance is granted for the covert use of the Subject as described in your request as set forth in Paragraph 1, above. 3. The Subject is not to represent himself as, hor is he to be represented as, ari employee of-CIA. 4. Your attention is called to the fact that a covert security clearance does not constitute complete compliance with the provisions of CIA Regulation 10,9. Therefore, if you should desire to change the status of use of this individual at a later date, a reouest for clear- ance to cover any proposed change should be submitted to this mffice. 5. This clearance becomes invalid in the event-the-Subject's _ services are not utilized within 60 days of the date of this memorandum. 09) itigi (14 September 1953) Distribution: Addressee - Orig. CcO ffk. 2 June 16, 1954 R) Dear Dr- f(2) Nith this�latteram=sending_you_Dr. ' Personal History-Statement which you left (C) with hi u when_you were here last weak. � So far, I-have not had�areplyTto�my last__ letter to:Dr.--but as-soon as IAlear---- anything-I will �let you know. Kindest-personal regards. 1012-1452 8 October 1953 (C) SUBJECT (3) 1. Reference-is-made to-our memorandum dated 17 july 1953 requesting a covert security _clearance to perrit TS to utilize the Subjet's personal knowledge in connection with a highly sensitive research problem incident to Project KULTRA. 2. In accordance with the provisions set forth'in the Director's Memorandum of 14 February 1949, entitled "Sec,:rity and Operationkl Clearances", a covert security clearance is_granted for the covert use of the Subject as described in-your request as set forth in Paragraph 1, above,_____ 3. The Subject is not to represent himself as, nor is ha to be represented as, an employee of CIA. 4. Your attention is called to tYe fact that a covert security clearance does not stitute cam:pieta compliance with the provisions of CIA R1 . Therefore, if you should desire at a later date to change the status or use of-this individual, a recrest for clearance to cover any proposed change should be submitted to this office. 3. This clearance-becomes-invalid-inthe even-the Subject's� services are7notutilized-within 60 days of the date of this remerandw. CA) (4) ' October l953) Distribution: Addressee - Orig. - 2 son &-Security DD/P/TCS 7.0'75 ' rPfOrMr-fral �.. June 2113 1953 Attention: 1.1 On receipt- f your letter_or June 18 / asked Hr to complete the Personal History Statemen whicil acconpanie& your letter. This has_beenldone-and having been signed and properly witnessed, it is_returned to you herewith along-with Appendix _.I which. _ also was-enclos-ed_with your letter. Yours-very-truly) xec Ice President As agreed at our reet4ngon-15 June, I am enclosing Personal -- History Statement together vith an Appendix I, for Nis. to fill out. If, uhen-he has it-completed, he will return it to you and youvill_ send it to the above address, us vill process the clearance promptly. Lot_ma_taie,this_Opportunity_ to _thank you for the constructive di 301113 3 ion ye haa Monday -last � Moran c.* rat= GabwoR.ct wt., of ..C-1,51.12ea tort Tim Allotmot A/mot of cratievt ViAti1 C�riVrei t .roola re_-1.-t-�,1- - e /PS. Aeoritii; 5 -.16. 47A- #, -MI 0 el 40 474X Altititi cool tuAt%ori t coo C4:,4 te...a1N1t _ifttri it1701.Ce Peri ol. TE.-^v "er.� Allototzst Amount ot e..6 I/yery-. I ,6 5O2-/ocoJ4 cro.00 - - Itimiunt I 141-42:40-6-a.:117-:_a4.44 44_9 I ( vtee -000.00 -e- 4- " -vw�e.gerww.kammi =an: 46 dam 41.44tL4zaki.;Argi 1'4_4 2211-11w 4- Via.,aciffet,f, '4'646 freitvw..) 4,1-ver.e0 .144� C2, c14u out MVO/. ivity4.)-ama,evidzsatilltradtim;L_L �-/81 ' MUM 1,11)pc c j act 6 - � � _ � - � � - - � � - -a. scripti on Date: .Obligations Expenditures Balance - ---,,,Z..--,--:---33,._,,,,,,,-3,7,13"....=7.4.-=3-....-1...?:_-2.-: 3--. -. -!-.--7,3'.7..7.-.V.- .1 , . ,--s ;', 4 1, i I .11,4,-A,..��( 60 : tyzi-e-�,4, ', I v� if fvf i , ;tit i 1 tt.,-,-;--c-1--�-... f. tr.% 1 955 E* WEIII --r, . ; �;" t t .1 --iiiii --+-- -.4.1".1.3.1,1- IL .-�--00.'"'Pe't� - 4 Et; 4 � i -.--�=..t,.1.--.....'3:3,'Frf- ; . - � i ; 1, � . t ! i 1 ! ! E ti ! 4 !,,t..._, ,,_ _ -7 : , � , 1- 1 -1---$ - ; i 4....., 1 I ' 1 � ; ' - � H .. , ; t ! .-574:047e) t � 1 1 _. .4_ .,..'".....3, - -.� '4. ��� - - .! - # � . ___�,._.,1 - .i.,_, i ,'"estocP;PC�.. i 1 ; I . � 4, , 1 t t 1._,.. - !.. ; ; . 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