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PDF icon MKULTRA SUBPROJECT 41 (1[8145416].pdf996.52 KB
Description � - � �- Date _ � _ Sub- Pro ie ct- hl Obli tions &men ditures Balance ii -----0, i a i _ i i 4 _ .;..?..? 7:6-e? -_ 1. ,.,_ , 1 i5:!5135 1 . 1 . 1 ii q ill h , - - - 1 till 1 t 1 t I I !i �Wg4, ',ICI: r:7:-.!-A� ." WILDA Cobixrc,�:oot 3/, / med -or c-�--1,-ftno1 � r--.A .*.v.zo gff..-_ Allotnot ..11, Tx= . �.... ...V. _�,... .....� . ''. to ....."1Y-t� (7) It:, -5--5- I -1,..-g, 4,c4/..... stiv,5- t 6--,1,5.0.2.-.00-t et I /500,00 j- - , ttati3 CIrn1.nivvz,.-at a�movnt _ Altyaolit=tc-tx -`c,--1 to V--47*2.� t.,Y;t114-r,t,taa I I Intio. rA 1:t.,1t4)41 r4 -0 /0its- _ 6017- 00 1T 502.--510 _ 01.11M.E. ,1114.n..�,....17.4.1bare r e....1�,��� 4............".....1...a.aent .1L.. ...I... ..tamimarae.1,1��......~.........� 1 ........gir-..........loillo,pfa 3.....aa N.* .... ,..r..,.......,... .....paina., 1 i ���sanivibi*Ao re...,...............*.�....,,mew.., _ - ......(w...........m.a Afflimil,A.........ory...e.r�wwe.. a, Kr.IMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT 12 March 1956 : Extension-of Authority toiOperate (ULTRA Subproject 41- � - Subproject 41 expired officially as of_21 January 1956.- Howeverl_the:Trogress-of-theiproject warrants the continuation of this prOgraM.- -Therefore, Subproject 41 is hereby extended for onc-year_frOm the date of expira- tion as above. Funds ara-avatlable7,within-the.project. APPROVED: Chief TS./Cheoical Division - Distribution: Original Only I hereby acknowledge receipt of: Cashier's Cheek No. N22403 dated Nov mb r 3 1955 in the amount of $600.00, drawn on 11110% payable to 21O:! 191/2 4-1.:444-4%is24rve. 4 L. V 0;_ficr hi, 2 - � 2 1'01 1. Invoico Ito. 2 for U-11 above ciiby-�-...loot. id-attAohstl-. Cfr`trher. latf..x. It is rc1 t.tptty rt-vat, b3r-crIelo,bj.3.11.1oAr on a basil.% .ii tFanolTnt o. �...'60;:-.1.0-01 anti- r-a-yabla .t Coparly. 2.--1-Tlia -cha.k-e-Avald bi Vt, to Chlei? Tna/C01 thro-v-c . .10 114. tl--0% 4 1955. v..)a � V 4. 4 Attexot;:=Atsr., DietriVittimi OrI5 & 2 � 1 CciFz,)trollor TSS/FKSB 1_,Ohrono (b) TSS/CD-- vas (26 Ootobor 1955) SIA1:3,.C-COTTLILB TSS/Chmioal Divlam � � t,0 rex. aervicos . . 0 ��00 dIEN� 0. Mr rfl� Alma m.o. Ina�vies ampo�rea ma. V. oil efir .1-OraIT'S ����,..-,IIME (1) It is harc- -oorttfied that this is Invoice_ i72 applying _ to Itt_LILL41.15-abproject ti.,.J.,1-:erroro..anco 143 satif3faotorf,-- - - - tint -::43.0 very iCOO-Wer-or:uoc-,1-z:7Iistod-in-ace.s,ordane,,o-1.41th-nutlaal aszoo::13uts, that ,a�dotailcd ago,nda of tho payr..lauts�arld tipts - is 0-a 2.1.10 inL.ICD, tiv.s.t this bill is just and sor-i'vot _anti that p4_,...rx.pt_thereofil2Snotyat-_boon-Lado.- Dets:! SID:111 GaiTLIE30 Chiot, TSo CD � (2) It�is LarOby:cortified that this invoice applies to 11:CUUT2A Sth.;aroject iii.,thich vas-euly�approved, tuld that tIls project is beis accorclance-with-tbs nemorancit;A_eatoi_13 !well _ 1953 1'1:02 VII DD/Ai and the ext4,nsion oi"�this authority sul)stAusat-mmoranda. Datu ap� Research Dircotor Sold to: Shipped to: Same INVOICE No. 588 DATE SHIPPED INVOICE DATE 10-10-55 CUSTOMER ORDER No. -Letter VIA 10-5-55 PeTreel Post t_qpeo. Del. No. PIECES DESCRIPTION WEIGHT TERMS net 30-days PRICE RAMS AMOUNT - � 1 315-EndoKy.-,13nethyl- - 1-kilo- hexahydrophthalie anhydride Gross Tare Net (1:6op.oQ kilo (600.00 a. :Tav6,7m11111-neu end akproved Ihe_eamitted pxpendittlua� � 8 Septeml)pr 1933 Attontiont Dr. Attachodlioroto is chck#13e67'i in tho amount of '097.50 in payment of your invoico #320 and #526. Please signithavattached rocapts and rotUrn the oxiginal to us. Sinceroly, September 13, 1955 I am encloaingl_thignedreceipor Payment against ourJinvoices520-and526.r:--;: I received"500-grams-of1-3,6endeXY3methylhexa- hydrophthalit-anhydride7thisTmrningand the balance of the order should arrive-within a,week or two. I will ship-the-full kilo_in one package, or perhaps bring it-with-me=for-personal delivery _ later this month. There has been-another-siViht-thanqe in my plans.: I am scheduled to he in on theAaftertr noon of September -26 and at 117 following-mornirighould. arrive in about noon, or .shortly -thereafter, on September 27 and will -tall you at the -number you rave me. I apologize for the -change and hope it will not cause you any inconvenience. If it does, please let me know and other-arrangements:can to made. � Sincerely, I acknowledge receipt of Treaeurer!_$ Check 038677 datel 7 September 1955 drawn on the n the amount of $397.50c pa ble-to =247561,1 Dxvxtlio:.; VIA TX/flud;ot Of /icor - Sar,T.-ztic..,ets 41, .71:nvoica Allotaant,02-1,0-001 1. nrroicTe.-1.74.-1 Vile% t! bova -;.1broject 6ttacheti. - 0t,herfwoiecivi it It Ioquslt,s,1-Vat mizzt L,rnclo c,,,rt '�jjtho�:::_lxxurt of --::-397as;0,'Pand Pable to . 2, 11114 -01.*eC Phoaia bo f-xlit to Odor, T5VC11, thro T � Yihr:lavt, Officer no-lator thpzi-9 SOW41?--,r 1955e Att9,0M,Ato: Iavoico eortiriMtiona DattrnsAtionl Crig & 2 _.,443re2o03 1 SITNIZIGOTTL,11%3 ca. ts, r JD), -eol- 3%7r ee� CERTIFIED FO A PAYL;ET CRED,11 CRT1rY THAT P-114n ME AVAILACILEI OWCIA.TicN /5'6 -.-.- CI AC I's:" � I � _ r:10Trtg For soa-vi pa. C. A. �a � ma0 � von � - mow� aro oat one a ea� ' (1) it is 1.3reby oertifiod tlizt this i Et Trivelt71-s_#1 r,pplyin3 to IMiTLI'l-S'_11-_projoot 41, tliat r,-./rfor,lance Viari LIZ'AdV1C,Ote0171 that tho vorfloos voro seser.71irk.'ned aceortlance rautimi tint e. dot-al1ot?. a.,..7,ezid-t o2 th- pyt rirocelpto is on filo ift-i'-'8-571(7.) that this bill is just aild_oowzooi; z.nt:i that 3,-)Apawit. theroof- Ims-not y-s,st boon rade. Dates 14111.411,34. 4.~ -.A.. $ID M GCliTLZE3 C,$ � (2) it 11-_11-7r-obt-artifi0.1 that this _i.r1V0/(10 applied te V.XULTPIA- Soa)7.4.-ojmt 41, was duly-approw.A. 661 thz__3t. the- propot is ocTried CY.)i-, in- fa COO?kirt.11.S0 Vith th,3 datzd, 13 i'11 1953. ft on ill� extorts t:).11 Clot-th13aathority in crilbztcquoat, n,c4 -ands, - Dat .�� Sold to: Same INVOICE No. INVOICE e, INVOICE-DATE CUSTOMER ORDER No. TERMS 520 8-12=55- - to ter net 30 d s 1 DATE SHIPPED 8-12-55 No; PIECES DESCRIPTION I VIA Far co los t7 - IWEIGHT PRICE� BASIS_ AMOUNT_ Gross Tare Net - N,Nt _ 100 gr _62 . 40 &Tem diamine I hnve exam:tn.,- .itTI1J2itted � - �� Date; - A U VC co � re ... � 24O.0 v Sold to: Shipped to: Same - INVOICE No. 526 INVOICE DATE CUSTOMER ORDER No. 8-18-55 Lotter TERMS net 30I :1 _ DATE SHIPPED 8-18-55 No. PIECES VIA Paroel_Post DECRIPT1ONiITIiIiI WEIGHT PRICE BASIS AMOUNT 1 3,6-Endoxy-3-nothy1- $i. 50 gram hexahydrophthalio anhydride Gross Tare Net I, Alre .13C1 a:d 15 fare 1)5.V.tsiorl obat it ted $157 W August 11, 1955 h01' In accordance-with -yeur: latter_of_July 18.1 we have procured 100 gramsof_14,NI-dimethylp-,phenylenediamine which is being_forwarded=to-you_today via parcel post. Our invoice on the-shipmentA.s=enclosed_ Preparation of 306-endoxy,3,-methy1 hexahydrophthalic anhydride is underway-and-100-7gramsi-of it:should- be available vithin-another-week or so. - An additional 50-55-grams-dimethyl,,..pphenylener.77---:- diamine is available at-0.-80per�.gram-Af:you need it. expect to be in Washington-dUring'-the week of September -- 12, probably on September-12;--so perhaps =we can-arrange � a meeting at-that timoi-If-db-,--Plea-ea-adVise as to the best way to contact you. Sincerely, Eric: 18 Ja1y_1955 � Dear Confiraing our tolophono-converso.tion, wo would uppreoiato if yoa wouid go &load Prkd Obtai11 100 gram of clinothyl-p-phonylonoclizr-Ano. Tha ostinato of 02.40 pr ca..= is zatisfaotors with use Rot-r,artlin3 the 3,6--endo--.34noti,71 hemtlydrophtLalio anbydrielo, please Et) atslit trith tho 100 giisns at ap.--- -- proxkutely a50.00. lf you can obtain, at a later ("Ate, ono kilo for opprollrAtol500.00;pIo do so. No further confirzlation from uL3uil1 bo� Pacer:saw. Sinoeroly� 7 Jun 1955 Enclosed you wiLl find dire.otiono for mkinf; 3,6-r-vado:7-,3,03thyl hexT.Ilydrophttallo atthydride, 1-need a kilo,,---yan of; this material and have not been able to find'it 03 the market, - If it fits in -- with y'our p113 I zoncoif-you-oould riud a -SOWoo of it for no � If you co.a find coraeono 'who h this anount_or 1.0 willing to take it, it vould be a big help to no USUal quito_a_bit of a huri-ye you decide that -you eau_do_the job, pleaco drop_mo a line and lot ria know -:the cost and_tha_approAmte e.;,ate or-delivery. Cal thea uake the neoeoyiry arranzemente and oonfirmLthe_ordere Ploam write to to at the above_a4dres4. Dear Mr, . Due to-circumstances beyond our_control� our channel of coamnication-has-been changed. Beginning upon receipt of_this-- letter, all mail will _be addressed to the following location: The instructions lictediboloW Must be followed implieltl l. All commUnications_MUST BE double enveloped, 2. The outer-envelope klIST_BB_addressed as indicated_above, a � 3. All such mail MST BE traftwitted as first class mail, registered, return reaeipt requested. 4, True or full flaws MST NOT appear in theiTi correspondoncs. Referenee_to our personnel may be----- by first name and last initial or the individuals as- signed nom de plume, 5, Be sure tLat ALL- pott,0119 responSiblo for preparing- or tranomitting Correspendence to US are-properly advised - of this change of address and ALL instructions areunder- etood. Should any qvz4ona.ariso incident-to-this changei. please let Ud_know imMediately, These instructions_portain_to_corrospondence only. Sincerely, Ca1Z-711')1.1S11 P1rence_1:114intra tjt, Sti.00 r.MS t )41 Under _the nuthority cl-natizd, in the 1,11gm't,xxlvia-Gntei 13 P.3-.T;.1 19.3 frciat-the LOI to the i:tf,,iftv) anci the-oktodzion of thin talthority in fAzbtkecucint_.4.1wrargalo_Cutivio,freet J. ben been - sRprovt-,-kki)- vat.; z:/�LANO.C(.) of the over...all 110.17...TRA turOa - btArn-olaitata_to cover_the GlIbrojoct's erixtisea ard 011,-Alls1 be-_ck.horv- to_Allotr-Nrit, '5-250240-001s 7.1strihrtion: t.:1.C.ressea - addri chmitcAl Tas Pt '...kfneffoir.A.IPagyorpeo, I . , j CERT; "n/CC - 1 TaVrAn --1 733/CD - T33/S.8 CHARGE 50 A1,101'..,;:!-'..T AlI-] AVAIL.A . . ;:k! cl Bra "c511fff',f'17 Januar y 74 1955 1 can pr ocure=1,1N! -dimethyli-p-Thenylenediamine for you a t the fol 1 wing prieo-s1 50 g. l'i;Z-5.007per-gram- - .100 g. 2./10 per_ oiam_ Larger qua titiesiieknb_a�obtal/lad_a_ta auba ta n t la 1 ly _ low er price. -- A - di fferant ,o7a th-cd_ of i-synthe s s appal, - - ently vould- be -employed_ for - production _6f larger_ - - quantities. Ne 1ndicationof-theltitle_rt-Oired-to-pr_odUce-50-100--_ gr a m s h.s s besn-giVarFrbutId-oubt-that it-will ta - more than a v4- .1tor - two . Pi ea se a dv ISO P10-: ifyou--- - are inter e s t ed-in= the pr colt c t t the pr idaa_quote_d_ and .1 will proceeda_ccoretly, - - Sincerely, lvrE1401iANDUM FOR-T1M RECORD SUBJECT: PrNett MUM) Subproject 41 1. : The -purpose-of Subproject 41 is to_provide_payment for the synthesis�of_rarc_organicohemicals that are�not-com- mercially available. These materials will be foruse_on approved CD_projects. 2. . facilities:of-the found them-to be of CD/TSS had inspected the and has o acccaplish the projected work 3. = Mr. of the above companyi7hasibeerc cleared for Top Sebret;_�y_the_Agency and has been instructed in the necessary_securitylprecautionsito be observed. 4. . The_total_costiofithis_project is not expected to exceed $1,500.00 for a period of one year. . Attachment: Proposal CicLD1vTs ion,� APPROVED: Ghemical T6'S -APPROVED F0R7OBLIGATI0N_0F�FUNDS DATE: Research Director - , Pi7-1FRPF? ROTC `..r g Allotted - jnvoice-#1,-31 Aug.155 397.-50 , Invoice #2, 26 Oat.155 Balancet= 26 Oct. 60000 997.50