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Document Creation Date: 
August 23, 2024
Document Release Date: 
September 8, 1976
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Publication Date: 
December 1, 1953
I ! � � ;kr f Acb v000000, fi o unsta Rainy ptradx3 ST pe roadvinw qn ' trVriFt�er)e stioTvaritio oy-Fenir /0 ,k-r)i-aver UOT 1410 S9 a Z January 1154 MEMORANDUM : COMPTROLLER ATTINTION : Mince Division SUBJECT t Project }MI:ULTRA, Subproject 18 I. In a memorandum dated 1 December 1953, your Office was advised that Subprojeet 181 Project MKULTRA had b-een duly approved and 3400.000.00 obligated to cover its exrenses. Z. Subsequently on 4 January 1954. an Invoice in the_ amount of 31.331.45 was submitted to the Finance Division for pay- ment. This invoice constituted the total exrditures to be made under this Sub,9roject. It is now requested, therefore, that action be taken-to insure that the unex.:ended balance of $3,-;8.662.55 will be available to T$S for future. TY '54 research obligations not covered by project MKULTRA. TS/0C: (28 January 1954) PROGRAM APPROVED AND MMENDED: Date: Distribution: \fidressee Orig. 2 Exec. See. TS;5 D4dget 1 .)5/C1.) - 1 Tss Regietry - I � NY -COTTLIEB Chief, TSS/CD P PRO VE D: -1) t: "��111�Ak. -S 3.� ft, 0.,DearNow Attached is-Cashier'a Check No. M137222 #4�' in the amount of one.tho.4sand three hundred thiyty- zp) scven dollars and forty-five cents (gl, 537.45) in pay. iment of the invoice recently submitted by you. This � check constitutes final and complete payment of the particular project in which you were involved. Please sign and return to me at the above �address the attached copy of this letter acknowledging receipt of this check. I am also encl:osing tle pamphlet which I mentioned to you over the phone which may have some items of interest to yen. nc s. (2) Check No. M137222 Pamphlet A Sincerely, This is to acknOwledge receipt of Check No. M137222 on 4-+ January 11,1954 � X. cs...s. NJ. x- . _ �1". , ..- - , ���i � 4 �or e's-s 4 January :"3-4 1100a .1.� 0:0 VIA ORANDUM TOR: Cli1E.7. 1U4 ANC DWI I N T5S/Budiset Officer- $UB T Subproject 13, Project MAMA:kit. Invoice # 1 voics I for ubproject 18 a Project MXIJLTRA is attached. This constitutes complete payment of this Subproject. It is requested that ?aymert be nude by a check for '1.337.45 made Out t The check should be sent to the Office of the Chief, 13S through-T3S/Budget Officer. Ataets: (2) Invoice # 1 Subkroject 13 (in duil. (4 January 1954) Di rib in Addressee - Orig. It 2 "fiat ch.rnents Comptroller - 1 Udget Officer / 1551-DC - 1 - 1 SIDNVf GQTTLIEB CLUE. TSSiCD JAN 6 Uiri) .--17.4krtt* December 24, .195 For ervlces rendered $1. 337. 45 4 January 1954 It is hereby certified that this is Invoice No. 1 applying to Subproject 18 of , Project MKULTRA, that technical�performance by has /52 been satisfactory, that the work has been ac.:omplished itN.accordance with the mutual agreement reached wit that this bill is just and correct and that payment thereof has not yet been made. Sidney Gottlieb, C TSS/CD '7 .414 � It is hereby certified that this invoice applies to Subproject 18 under Project MKULTRA which was duly approved and that the project has been carried out in accordance with the DD/P memorandum to 'OCI dated 3 April 1953 and the DCI memorandum to DD/A dated 19 June 1953. - It is hereby certied that the scope of the prograrn of Subproject 18 of CtsGe (2.01,....oF FOR ra ANO PI.ACI OCRtGit���4. iSsva � / v , fORm Qf PAWOINT FA eAsiS - 4- if _ 7 FARE lftttltltlit ENIYAIENT .A.M'T RAI> ToTAL _ 13111 Mint it ;..! � IA t.E No-r v..001) FOR PASS _Wr A. � C�241.1.SE/TRMSN5TATIGNI hereurvfor ifvefl at V&r. GctaSet 2. 19.71. uaLtis 1.45 ita ZAiliSik fISSISNISed 5r the CO,IVISSLSIA 1St eV Una. iSr ItS'S fiage os tvIvva by .24 Cor�vem.c.I. IMPORTANT � Tickets covering v national transportation require recon-: 'lunation of return reservations, as well as reservations beyond stopover points at TWA Office, not less than- 72 hos* before scheduted departure. Failure de so will subject reservations io, cancellation. If transportation ceveFf a pafran of journey for which no reservation ha been made, it is advisable to make such reservations as far in advance as possibie. ay � IRA MS WORLD AIRIMI U.S.A. � EUROPE. AFRICA � ASI4 huh passenger should carefully examine MI; HOW, portkularly the tondltIons on the Wilde front corer MEMORANDUM RECEIPT TO: FROM: Budget Officei-TSS-7-7- 4UBJECT: Chec4410.37222 hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: Chec4 0237222 in the amount of $1,337t45 payable to for invoice #14 Subproject-18i-FrojectITRI . � py(les) of this receipt � r IPIE �11 � Project ?s, ULTRA has been approved. xec. Secretary, � ti) fe" 1 N61.. t� �.) 4C::b � ref kJ" krb 4rci cst t!" ��� � 0 t4) 0 rfl MEMORANDUM FOR: ATTENTION SUBJECT COMPTROLLER : Finance DiVilliati 1 December 1953 .' 1-4 : Project M.KUL'TRA, Subproject 13 � 1, in a memorandum dated 30 November 1953. from the DO to tbe DD/Ai an extension of Project MlcULTRA in the amount of $400.000.00 was approved for Subproject 13, This PAM was ove and above previous approvals for MKULTRA, authorising that of the research budget for FT 1954 be obligated under the procedures set up for 4.),4 2. As noted below, Subproject is has been duly approved. and $400.000.00 of the over-all PkOject (K ULTRA funds have been obligated to cover_the Subprojectia expenses. A- TSS/OC. (1 December 1953) � 4 SIDNEY_GOTTLIEB Chief, TSS/CD PROGRAM APPROVED APPROVED OR OBLIGATION AND ar.coMMENDED OF FUNDS: Date: Da C: Res arch Director Di fit ibation: Addreosee - Or tt 2 ./1- Exe.-... Sec., * TS5 .?.egistry = 1 Tssicp -,1 DEC 1,4 410111110...maer,.. mEmORANDU DEPUTY D1R CTOR DAINISTRATION) SUBJECT : Extension of Project MAVI.TRA � 1� TWO mernotanda from the undersigned to the DD/A1 the first dated 19 JAni 1951.. and the second dated 30 October 1953. xtended the authority of T$'S to handle_certairt re. //' search projects under the hatrework previously established for Project MXULTRA. 'flees memoranda authorized 1.5.3 to obligateAllir of the �4 7-- research budget for FY 1954 with all procedures and controls coveting to remain unchanged. Z. 14 addition to the pievtousiy authorised of the research budget for FY 1954.-TS-5 is hereby authorised to obligate an additional $400,000.00 of their research budget for FY 1954 for :Cub� prolect ta of Project MKULTAA with all procedures and controls covering �,iiitILTRA refraining uncharged. /4/ �,ALLEN DULLLS Director Distribution: Addressee - Ori 14, I DD/i) � 1 DCI � 2 T55/0C � 1 T.55iAtirninniudget ?SS/CD � 1 at Files � 4 26-C-3484 ens losler Sale-Catalog No. 26-C-3484 troth grey finial with ;:erLeant Croon= leaf t. P. look�legal 3ii0,3-driver-- 41" hizh, receding door, 810 lbs. shipping weight Agency ;Urile DEMFRT TO ET., TO OR 3EFORS FaIDAY ii17,Cntlifelt 19,3 2c,:i.DOLILLT.Carh NGTILUZ FOLTMS_ TSZ-1371-54 :eoember.1953 1 4-2524=10 1 rims lock