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Publication Date: 
March 25, 1960
Data Initiatedi 3_)arch 190 Data Sxpirest 30-Narh 1962 rods...current yeart--$3 000.00 Purposet 1t4s4roject 4ea for specialized probleMa relatal to_design,_ manufacture and formulation oLdevices and systems utiliiiiitgas prOpelled sprays and sereeols. Aseistance_on request in developing systems for dessimination of special formulations end in their evaluation. Status: A continuing project. No long-range-pals. Ad hoe requirements for material and_setace_promideld promptly on request.' - (When Fil14 In) Category IL a-r/I a No _12 .18 c at�A ccount 31254390,s3 Objed Class Date Remarks and References Obligations Obligations Irrc-u-rre,1 Ldated_- Unliquidated Dalante =RA Sub Frojeot 113 3,000.00= 3,000.00 en Fillfd In) 113 _ 43,000.00 3.125.133902 "T1174 THAT FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE RUEUNC! 7S- TO ALLC.TMENT 39-03, Of.FICEI - Date Renarks and References Obligations Incurred Obligations Unliquidatod Liquidated Balance 14 r.IA A.Y3 7 JuL 3oco� So0.00 � t---P a 6> .A.d � 14.11.DRIMTIAI FOR: The Corvtroller - Pies.nee. Divici4r,ort SUBJECY � - Uad*r tbe ai,:thority qtediiith ..-Tandun c?ated L3i1 193 frvi t:ra Dal to tha DIVA; a_fid _the . autlux..:%Ity seqw.:nt Sapre=ject.. _113_ has approved and $3. 000.00 of the Gvr11 Frojcet-tgA'M funds_-Evle-v-:!-*T.L-2-..,Iklicated to cove". the_ __-- jts i shew1f-1b ctte_ ea to z,v3t MMFOROBLIIATION OP MUDS: Date; Distributiczt. Origlrel 2 Addrtssee 4 -.TSD7FASS Z �=T.SD/BB alZ5,090-3904 _ (When filled In) � , NAME OF ADVANCEE YOULTIUL 313 ' DATE 26 AMOUNT .. VOUCHER NO. snenen Uee n Y) REQUEST FOR ADVANCE OF FUNDS PAYADLE TO Zo.ily ROOM 339 1963 DU 11.0 ING TELEPHONE EXT. ft. PURPOSE Advance to 1+10/Mt& U3 invoice Account:tug l'or this advance win, Pls. Scrwixed amok to TSWES through . - # 8 for activity approved by Chief., 101) 24 April 1962. be in socordanoe with Attachment A of M10.1111a Fiscal Annex. ntedar by 3 August 2963. Sl�TUS OF OUTSTANDING I [ III ADVANCES I I X etre* 'eoliths any that I ',All bully reert int pedal u nexpereted'belance, account at and fl asethorliaeldoduai)lon for this advance by auberfaclon of vouchers and refund of the due date uheckped Wuttow. in the avant of failure I frost my eatery to e ffeoilsettlearene.1 any to ufteepeaded toso account 1 I balance and refund DATE AMOUnT UICUN!(9ALICE I 1 I I (PORTING POINTI I II I I I I I I I I II I I I I U 1 DA'q I I I III I Il I ANCE DIVISION I I HEADOURTERS Il 1 I I I 11 I Ill I II I 1 II I I I 1111 11 1 I ON 0:NI;:11.10,,.DI;oUTONliiT11,41ei ARRIVAL I AT OE T 'NATIO IILIAls!,. I I Il 11 III 1 I Il I I 11 1 ORKOA,F OF EACH MONTH 11 I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I REQUESTING OFF !CER APPROVED RECEIPT FOR FUNDS ADVANCED' 1 ATE I "A 2nl7 19f SIGNATURE 1 OAVI i SIGNATURE 1 or APPROVING 1 1 OFFICER acknortedte receipt under to be maxillae eve Ovum axe. of the I f pa glipir-8 pa I the, a"unt 1 atarod a otated and excavator I ii here- for 1 1 CERT I.. . $=0._%Yr1141:Z3. DCAZD DATE , AMOUNT OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. ' CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT 26 2it3y 3 1 $ 4OO 1 2938 �-21234,390-3932--1 1 DATE I I AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICER 1 SIGNATURE OF ADVANC E DATE I SIGNATURE I 4. e--N SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION 1 J PAREDk ov � REVIEWED WY 1 VOUCHER NO. 7- i 2 OESCRIPTONALL OTHER ACCOUNTS *3e3 34.39 �� , GR,44 47.5Z S11.47 -- 71. SO I I 1 1 26,33 .of , NG . ';',.;:..,;;:. STATION cope .;.;;,P1:;,7�: ..7::..... ...req. i t j PlAy ' . II 0111L 1 NEr. I G. 1 Pip� 1 7 54- 57 GENERAL ALLOT, I ACCT. 1 OR COST NO. 11 1 l'.1):PPIDAJUAtti:ITICREDIT AMOUNT 1 1 ADVANCE DESCRIPTION. ACCOUNTS I 13.27 ...:..-s2.- ..r'r...1-1.r. CODE 1 i N 0..J'.F:...N.F1... ITE""'..1464;Aiiii. CA TN LEDGER .341;;,..;:!Ito... �i I 11 I 1 il 1 I IR it! PageltiCi 11040. 1 IF S ICI."( *or ,%*1 ACCT. 1 I NO. 1 044114 t I I III III II 1111 tIli 1 III I 1 tit 1 I Il 1 I 01 1 r I II 1 III I 7---1 I--1 1 t I 1 till It I 0 I It 1 i II I I 1 11 1 1 II II III I 1 FtECEIVW 4-i i I I Itt III 1 1 t t 111110 111111 I I II 11111 I II I I 1 1 t rill 1 1 n11 II II I 1 I Ill I i 1 II II I I 1 1 1 II I / I [ 1 I I I I I I ALS I I I I II '1' I NAME OF AOVA CEE DATE AMOUNT $500.00 VOUCHER NO. noose uue oelf ) REQUEST FOR ADVANCE 1410711TA 3.33 OF FUNDS PAYABLE TO ROOM BUILDING TELEPHONE EXT. PURPOSE Aitreittee to =AU 213 imam #6 for activity advance vill be in accordance with Attachment , pxs. forward osskt to CAISDAO3 throw& TO/RadiSet approved by Chief, TEM 24 April 1962. Accounting for this A of P2=RA Fiscal Annex. Officer by 17 Ker 3963- STATUS OF OUTSTAND II PIG I 1 ADVANCES I II 1 / ear.. that to therOpiertifig any un xpendedIpnience 1 vtff &tip ONIAnt account tosted land tentbosice Allah, bV4 d..rme,..i.rieckfitbelee. d duc advance BF ion ,60,11 00)1, r.lary. suhedasion In to of vouchers and Would of the eventOlny failure Wort settleosent.IIII II I 1 any unexpended to leo accountl' I I I balance d refund III I I I I ATE AMOUNT I POCONO' ED DIALANC 1 H 1 REPOrT1 0 P01141 P 1 I I 11 [ IDUEDATE I I 0, I I/ 11 I I II Fl ANC DIVISIONI. I 4 I I ADOUARTERS I I T 1 1I 1 y I I N ON ANN VAL. ORO ABOUT AT pcpriNATioN 1 II 1 I I I 1 I I I i I I II 1 MONTHLy woom0AY . or ON THE !LAST, EACH MONTH 1 I 1 I I I Il I i II I I I I I I I II II 1 I I I REQUESTING OFFICER I 1 I I AOPROVED I 1 I HI REIPT FOR fUNDSIAQVANCIED TE I I SIGNATU E 1 DATE S I '1 DNATURE I I OF A IT ;";..;,v;:""! ' .. 1 ING oFficgA if il I / acknow/7g! under to b� cc shown above. r�corAt used for ele honom i 0 f t1e ametedi he Purpose *reed and stated aerie' accounted for � I CERTIFY FUNDS A E AVA ILA LE 0 cxgmrs2G_J=12:sp sr DATE AMOUNT ODL I GAT I ON REF ERA.NCE NO . CHARGE ALLOTMENT1 NO. CERT F I ED FOR P AYME NT OR CPED IT 33 1467 3963 .001 wriu /4> DATE AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICER SIGNATURE OF ADVANCEE 1 0 TIE I I SIGNATURE 1 I 1 1 I Pe' 11 , SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF F I NANCE 0 IV 1 S ON PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY VOUCHER NO. 7.12 DESCRIPTIONAU. OTHER CO TS 13-33 34-30 ,... 'v. 42 A 08.00 A7.52 0 L G. 34.57 56.67 ALLOT OR COST 6.70 I DUE I _ 71.80 1 I I 1 I 49'; :: . STATION coog prom _ " 1 rA . NET,. I O. I . 11� Ac-T. Y INO. I 1:r11E1 AMOUNI ADVANCE DESCR Accowers IPT I ON. 13.27 I I --*....'......l""' . 0 00. . .1.. . PROP .10. . I-7-.1.-- CODE I I 11 11 I PIE!' LOU. "i0i;Nei" ACCT 14 ^ ... ---� CA YO BENERAL LED Amt.; ER NO. I 1 62. tZ .c.4... . : . 011,I4XT OKIII I CREDIT I 1 I I I 11 4.....: 1 1 4N.7 0 #104ECIT NO. I'ly S c6og I 1 1- .P. O. [ I I AAA. ND. 70,14ils, 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 II 1 III 0 1 4 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 4 1 1 II I 1 I�I I I 1 1 I 1 i I I II 0 1p I 1 11111111111 I 1 11 I 1 III I I I II I I I 1 II I 1 , l , . , ' I I 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1111r 1 t 1 0 .... TOTAL 1 I 11111111111 t i i II i o 1 t li 1 I 1 1 III I II 1 I I 1 I FORM 91.64) 2131 VIC PREVO0 'tam 4111#1116 (When Pilled In) REQUEST FOR ADVANCE OF FUNDS NAME OF ADVAP4CEC DATE 151y19E3 AMOUNT tas' ' VOUCHER NO. Fanence use only) � P yABLE TO pr. ROOM RUILDING TELEPHONE EXT. PuRPOSE Adallatite to 30/CLM. 11.3 invotee it 7 or Activity Azoroved. �adootsoo tvill to& la acoozitstsoo fulth AttAcl-aent A or 312=4 P1g . r 82��trgl'Arkt Vi le allY i$� r by Chief" TM) 24 April i92. Acctiza, tor , I Fiecal, Anrax. - -7. - � j STATUS OF OUTSTAND I 1 ING, ADVANCES 1 I 1 ha agree thot therepeIrtlel y onexpe I .111 00,11191state dad balance, fully account J I Atithorlee 1 end for thl hla the ded advance by submiesion date chop/rod boiolo: t onilfrosa Ny1194/ lary to of vowel:ere ,.!'n r he effect end refund 'event *fey failure settlement. 1 Hi of any to I go III unexpended account 1111111 balance -� And lefund 1 III 1 DATEI IAMOUNT] UNACCOuNTiO NANCE I I1 I 1 REPORTING1ppINTI 11 1 111 1 1 II 1 �, 1 lui.u. I ATE III 11 11 I 1 1 FINANCE 1 Dl ISION. HEADQUARTERS 1 1 11 I I [ 1 1 1 I I 1 I ON ON ABRIyAL OR 'ABOUT AT DEsTINAT [ IHI1 ON II I II 1 I II I I I I I I MONTHLY ORKDAv 1 I OF ON THE EACH I LAST MONTH I I I II I I 1 1 1 h I REQUESTING OFFICER 1 1 I I 'ARP OVED RECEIPT POR FUNDS ADVANCED 1 DATE 1 1 SIGNATURE CIA1rIE 1 ,... S 1 I GNAT RE OF 1 1 1 APP 1V G OF I DC CER 2 acknowledge under as to be strewn ebbe, recagpt umedlifor 1 1 of the para.:me uncle In et III 1 1 the amount red owl accounted 'tared here. for DATE 15 tArlY 1 1 1963 1 1 AMT 11 11*L,OGO.00 I 1 111 1 CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE OHL 1 GAT I ON RE:* ERENCE NO. flq '4F 1 CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. i CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE 1 1 AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICER 1 I 1 SIGNATURE III Of AOVANCEE I I I DATE SIGNATURE SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION 0...eARED By REVIEWED AY VOUCHER NO. 7.12 0 S I PT ION� ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 3.3 34.39 AO. 4 2 .4 47.92 �} 59.67 0.70 71-90 I I T 0 NG, STATION CODE EXPEND u IAY R:IFIHINO. et G-1.--1-53 I 54. GENERAL 57 ALLOT. OR,CO$T 'ACCT. NO. 11 DUE DATE AMOUNT ADVANCE DESCRIPTION-II ACCOUNTS 15.27 .. I P.ONO. .....t,...1.... II PROP.P0. .1... C DE " p 1.,1 r 1�1. "":"cr ...A.c.5.1-t9,% A V" LEDGER ACCT. NO. 146K1.-gZ. 44.,410T DEB V COEDIT I i li 1 i e"33PROJECINO. , I Iry S ODE "PI' 111� I 1 1 1 1 X Amy. NO. c I.� AO II I 1 i 1 III 1 11111 1 1 1 II 6 111111 I I III I II , t I III it I4 I 1 , 11 11 1 ASLI OI PAYm It-i H11 , I I 1 1 i 1 I I il i 1 II 1 II 1.111,11111111111 i t II. o I 14 I I Ill I \ 1 1 nt I 1, i II 1 I 1 )11111 t loll t 1 1 1*11 1141 1 11 I IIII lit loll II I G 1 I III I I 1 I III 1 I II .-----.....,-.--,I I II I 11111 �1 1 1 1 1 1 � 4, 1 111 1 TOTALS 1 1 FORM no 5-60 LO i us 60V0011110,1 !MOVING OFfICE HOU 0-.149743 Cost Account 1JJf. /Of- sefr.e- Object Class _ _ Date T X R 1960 7 MA 1961 Remarks arid References Obligations Incurred Obligations Unliquidated Liquidated Balance IA/ demi . dif 43;_ifi � re4' _100. 60 /20-0421 -vg:o.06 MtORANDUM ATTENTION SUBJECT cam PT ROL I, ER rti�lAnedi Divisioa 14KULTRA Sebpreiect U Uader the ailthotitrgranted in the )4emoreedana dated _ 13 Apr111953-ffore the DCLto_the DIVA, aad the exteasion of this authority is subsequent rnornorsadas Subpr4ect I13 has Wee pproved ead_$), 00.0 of the crrez-all Project KKULTRA faude have bees obligated to cover the subprojects expenses aud should be chargerd-W7t kilotateat 0521 -1009 -4902. Chief .TSD7Cbern1csirOc AP.PROYED-YOR_OBLIOATION ICUTIN THAT FUNDS 'APE AVA1CABLEI _ _ _ OF FUNDS: ot4 KATQN CHA/c4 TO ALLONetiT 0.0r-t Research Direct� Date: Distribution: Orig & 2- Addressee TSD/OC ,--1-SD/FASS TSD/CB AtIfilORIZiNG OFFICER - - MEMO VIA SUBJ FOlt: CHIEF, FINANCE DIVISION TBD/Budget Officer s_MittILTRA, Subproject 113, Invoice No. 5 Allotment_05211009.A902. 1. �Invoice No. 5 covering The above subproject is attached. Other invoicesAtill_follow. It ityrequested that payment be made as follows: Cashier's check In the amount of $350.00 drawn 'payable to 2. Please forward4he check_to Chief; TSDiResearcli_ Branch through TSD/Budget Officer, no later than It March 1962. Attachment: . invoice lc Certifications � Distribution; Orig 2-..;-Addiessee I --TSD/FASS �TSD RE 6 L 'COO 33 PK.C1C# -IN THE AMOUNT_ RECEIVED, Chief _ TM/Research Branch t 1 CitTsfY THAT Kt/ IDS A:".1 ANMINIPit C�kkje,tiN Wawa r.b. /47.3 otoctQ ouvoira NI. �1.4 .0 0 9 Ati.1:0C,R*7,1140 OftKlit V CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7.12 DATE 2.6 1 VOUCHER NO. 7.12 DE CR1PTION ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 34-3 STATION 40.42 43' F 45.48 47.52 ORLIG. SS 54.57 GENERAL 58.67 ALLOT. OR ACCT. NO. COST .70 DUE DATE 71.80 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 JA P.O. No. CODk PROP. NO EXPEND CODE u N n PAT PE LIO. REF. NO. ,7 :m44. CA YR LEDGER ACCT. NO. 62.67 CR.40. ......... 14 TREF.0. OBJECT CLASS OENIT CREDIT . . .FY ; "DE ' 'FirW.:-P:o* : '' 4 . ; j:/ r..,i;.., � 11..... p se ,, � }i.,4 � � � 1 4 iii. :ate' � .." ...e 414, `I % , %or , ��� ''./ ,4�2 '; ' 44.) , ...., ," 1.." �..,e . CV* % C;:') 0 . 4 � � � � � � 1 .... . . l , 0 4 0 4 r 4 1 ; ; . � . � ol �I 4 � : � : 4 cHpcKt,,...... IN THE m AIMCDUN 1, CI $ . , . ECLItVCo. 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1, a � � e .o s I. � I r� � r s l' P .- . EXPLANATION OF ENTRY I TOTALS ,.�� qt, zdel . � 1 1 mAR 2 0 1962 c-, DATE1 PATE RE EWEO SY CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR cREp ...., � : 1 il DATE I I SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER II - FOAM ettp, 10.50 IDIJO Use Par:rums epoT10 .. nt 1961 UMOIANXUM FOR* CWEZ VINAI/CD DIVISION VIA t-I1D/Da4et SIIDIECT _ MIKULTELAB. tostbproject 113. bride* Noa_4 otAlot 05254009490Z. I._ Invoice No.A covering the above � project Is &nettled. Other Invoices will follow. It is requested that payment be mad as follows: es cbeckIath payable to Ori the cheek to chic/. TSD Research Branch. e_t_Mteer, o letar than' Septernber 1961. � Atteehrutall lavolee k Certifications stributtort: Org i Z Addressee 1-,TSD/FASS 2 - TSD/RB inDiResearoh. meet ZS CERTIC't NAT Ftit4SAE AVATOOLE, Cl. Zk t44, ,ApA pArc.* te$ txtiTtIOR�iltiG OffitaR CHEaki' RECar � � � � � � � ....... .. .� � e. � � � � � � . � � � . ........ . .. STING VOUCHER LU U. Co ��� � � � 0 p. 0 � ,-. r. 4 .41 Au . � .� � � . � � � 4.� � � ta� � a tr, � � � ti; 144: (.11 o � 54, � � 4r,a0o � � o g- w a ;'16.0Z 0 0 � a ta o � a. 0 � X U y ....... p. 0 0 0 at � 0 la 0 41-41.) el� � d o' a. � � 41 0 � ^ � ea � � It ACCOUNTS 0 ta 0 0 0 � � I,. ..��������� �������-� ..������� ���� ���������-���� � - � 4 .1 � � .. . � � � � � � IF � � � � � � � �� ........... . - � e ..... ...... ...... � ..... � � � � . � � � . . . ................ � � ���� � ..... ������� .. � ��� � 4 ........ ������������ ta. fr C I. 01- A _ _���� lit 28 Deconber_1960 CHIEforINOJCS DIVISION TSD/Rudgat Officer HICULIMAI, Subpoject 113/ Invoice No. 3 Au(Dent_052540094902 1. Invoice No._3 covering the above sUbprojeet Is attachel.- Other irmoicesvIll_follov. It Is requeste4 that payment be-ms&e --- - as follows: easIL in _the anount_of 4'150.00, In seo.00 r4 oc.00 � denominations 2. Please forward_the_cash to Chiefs MD/Research Drench, through TSD/Balget Officer, no later than Wednesday. ll January 198,1. Attachmenti Invoice & certifications Distribution: Orig as 2 - Miressee r 'MD/PASS TSDAB Chi�f TSDftesearch Branch -stffAlo psD/RAII$011 (28 Dec.0) CHECK#_ IN T:-iE-AMOUNT. RECEIVED. � ONKBANDOM YOB: CHIEF, PIRA= DIVISION VIA ?SD/Budget Officer SUBS= sNXULTRA, Snbproject 113, NOi Allotment 0525.1009ch 1. InVoice NO._3 covering the above aproject is attathed, Other invoicesTvill toUov. It_iiirequested that payment be made as follows: cash itrihe tunotrie 050.00, la 420.00 and:4,040 denominations. 2. Pleseeiforeard_tba_cashitoLChief, TSD/Besearch-Branch, through TSDAndget-Officer, no later thaCWeduesday la. January 1 Attach:15'mA: , DIVOiCie &NAM-di-dims_ Distribution: Ig & 2 Addressee Chief Ill ?SD/Research Breach . CA S - � --- -� � � - 3 JAN - (When F4led n) CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7.12 DATE 2.6 VOUCHER NO, 7.12 0 SCRIPTIO .ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 34.38 I $TATION 140.42 CODE PROP. NO. EXPEND CODE 43 F u N 45.46 PAY PER. "0. 47.52 OBL1G. 1 REF. NO. Men"... 3 CA VR 54.57 GENERAL LEDGER ACCT. NO. 58.67 ALLOT. OR ACCT. NO. COST 68.7 DUE DATE 71.80 I AMOUNT DESCRIPTION' ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 .33 NO� F..0. NN. ..........., tmemo.recT 62-67 CE .NO. X PEE. NO. OBJECT1 CLASSt preys' CREOIV ......... NO. eV 5 EMP. NO. . . o � � . . ri . . /9'7\7 /;�,/, 7--r- //, g ge 4d rie T.-- ?..r"7,- -f--0 zlo ' A � � � _V . . .11 .1 .. � � . . . . . . . 1 .1 . 1 � . 1 . 1 . '' , I � . 1 . . . , 1 . � � [' ' . . � . 1 . . � . 1., 1: . 0 . 1 1I I H . 1 ,, . 1 .. � �� � : . � � . ' . . � 4 � � . di EXPLANATION 0 ENTRY 1 TOTALS * 741fd " 1 I 1 I I III 1 I 4 DATE 1 P#EPARD 4 1DATE .., 1 REVIEWED CERTiFI 0 FOR PAY N , OR CPE T okTE . 1173/6 t II slIGNAtuR III I 1 ICER II I FORM 10-59 606 V" PREVIOUS EDITIONS. MEMORANDUM VIA SUM CT 30 Jun 1960 OR :_CHIEF, FINANCE DIVISION TM/Budget Officer AIKULTRASubproject 113, Invoice No. 2 Allotmont_011540094901 . Invoice 11 cover thi-;the above subproject is attached. Other Invoices Will follow. It Is requested that payment be made as follows: Cash In the aro ot of $35000, la $10.00 and $50.00 denominations. 2. Maisie-forward the cash to Chief, TSD/Research Branch, through T5D/8u4gia1 Officer, no later than 14 July 1960. ; Attachments: Invoice IL Certifications Distribution: r Otis it Addrettee_ -V.".:TSD/FASS 2 - TSD/RB SD/R13/11T/ CASH RECEIVED i JUL uL Chia' TSD1Risear_ch_Branch CERTIFY f17.-,n',S ARE AVAILA:4.Ei__ cginATicN 1..F.;EK.:14: No. /91..5. cooGE 10. LINT: OFI_Sar-f-;._ TH CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7.12 DATE 2-6 1 VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS r 13.3 -- 36.39 STal4N POOP. NO. 07 'Wit '; 71 . ;0. g,..; COOE 4ND : 45." PAY ORIG.58. REF. NO. GENERAL 7 ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. NO. 68.70 OUE DATE 71.80 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION- ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 0.A.u. p.o. No. o I v N : PER. 1.10., CODE ACC4n%. ' 7c/;;,...14.: ' I CA LEDGER 62.67 CM.o0. x xxx. xx. 00.11CV CLASS OES1T CRIMPS "'""; y C. %._ . i , I' 1,14, / i 11. '-��'..eip ( ) / "2 i /4 ,e,'t.) . :. u...... : ' � i-- 4 1 � 1 :1 � I 1 ! . � i � � ' . , : � . . I 1 ' , , . , , .... .. .7: �� , ! 'pAse , Crs�tr '1,1..i.AMOLi:4.ri. . ., , � . . . , ..Iei t.-..,..t. y; , 11, , . ., 7 I , EXPLANATION OF ENTRY I - . , . ' , I ----- 1 DATE ' 1 PREPARED" BY I 1 DATE REVIEWED BY CERT I F I ED FOR PAYMENT OR CRED I T DATE SIGNATORE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER 1, ' 'FORM 606 USE PRESSOU DUM FOR: CHIEF, FINANCE DIVISION :_TSD/Budget Officer UKULTRA, Sub iroject 113, Invoice No .1 AlletEnent 0525.10W490Z I. Involteti 1 covering -the above subproject is attached. Other invoice, will fellow. It is requested that payment_be made as fellows: Cash In_thifileonntLef $400;00, to $0.00 and $50.00 denominations. 2. Please f()_erfard the each to Chief. TSD/Chernical Branch, _ through TSD/BudgeitiOffider,- no later than Monday, 14 may 190. Chief TSDiChernical Blanch Attachments: Invoice & Certifications Distributloy Orig Addressee _