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Document Creation Date: 
August 23, 2024
Document Release Date: 
September 8, 1976
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Publication Date: 
June 29, 1960
jroject MULTSA,-Subpro ect 110 'Date Initiateit-1, june 1 Data Expires:: 30 June 1962 runds-turrent year,000.00 Nalco's' This pcojeet provides a vource_of exotic pathogens-and-a - capability for -incorporating thin effective delivery systems� A program of research_is_eupported,vbiebrd4Velopes and'cheeks out practical knovledge on viability, virulence and infeetivity of pathogenic material of TSD_Interesti�A prednetion capability _and_______ supply of material is maintained in a ready state to meet anticipated- requirements, A basic culture collection pertieent�_tOTSD7vill be maintained, . Status: This is a continuing program, facility and program LOAD. ready for service-posture on a 3.WWbasis, It-IAD:reach its projecteil-capabilityby.19628 (WW-I FilWd In) _ No 193. Cost�Account 14254390...3902 Object Class Date Remarks and References Obligations Incurred ObligatiOns Unliquidated Liquidated Balance nisEel; XKULTFA Sub Proj. 110 60,000.00 60,000.00 12 JUN 1964 ',qv) lo, 000.0.0 Ye. e-rt et, kg cAloct cro .30�d'ere.-117. 0170i 'lied In) CUIFY � �961,:d3S Z.7 SUBjFeT MXULTRA, _L18pteberj963 UndtAr the nut city gante;5. in -17,.e 6.ated pril from the CCI to the rp/A, an the extenn-, th47!,..thoiy sctlK-ellt mezlovnnda, Subproject_ 110 -h:::a-z-osil-v..g-r-c-ved,zz of t:ae over-all Project WC.ULTRA.fuild-o".hrt,,,e...beruoligated to ce-Cr..tho Cortc- COnCur: E.PK-7.0-ar) EU, M:iGATIOI.AT OF FUNDS; ;;7_ :;c 7r2 '1*.r.,:::;�� BB _ 4126-�;13_9(149,02--.T. PROGERVIMAGEN- In) ' i '1 NAME OF ADVANFEE 1 l!Trviir ton (Ant *0 0 DATE AMOUNT LC Zivne IC4 ,Z.;70 000 VOUCHER NO. (Ftnente ,uee only) REQUEST FOR ADVANCE ce ---4%%14.,A'" .' "' An , OF FUNDS _ PAYABLE TO ' .r. . U'POOM Soo attactl a *Dent , -,,' 1 TELEPHONE EXT. , H. PURPOSE 1 1 ' Advance to LIT:111:114`A *110, invoice #.1-f?; f or activity :Approved to.: ebief, 76D, on /1 j0/4.1E lhe ./ 4tl""f""terrbet"4"al 414 Accounting Attachment A, tricuzanA 7inca1 please forward cheek to for this adV21C.09 171.7.1 in accordance with Annex. C/11,', r/VP.S._thru 175t, _t!Inn 2,0 jorr..i47. STATUS OF OUTSTANDING ADVANCES I agree that to the reporting any unexpendedbalance.1 I will fully account pointHatatedandby I laulthorise for thin advance by aubtelowion h� due date1cheekedlbel me deduction Iron my ealeryl of vouchers and refund of fn the event cloy failure to effec el 4;04i/to/went. il, any omespearind to co ,aCCOUnt balance andrefuild DATE AMOUNT IUNACCOUNTEO BALANCE I I : 1 'I , I 1 REPONHT j_ 115. PO INT IHI,I II, I'l ' I 1111 I I 'I DUE , OA ' � I I , INANCEIDIv! 1 1 1111 II 1 1, ,I, IS , oN1,.111 :0, HE j, hilli DOUANTEAS1 1111 II I I I h 11 L i, 1' oNIORII ARRIVALON1 �Ay ABouT'I IDE.81-filNAITIDNII II I I t WON WORKDAY TRiy,. ON OF H EACH THE LAST MONTH' 1 h !I I H h I 01 rl 1 I I I I 11 REOUEST ING OFF ICE'R' I , 1 I 1 , 'I APRROVED I'1'111 '' I' 1,1111 I ' I III ' III I RECE I PIT I'l FOR IFUNDS ' ADVANCED' DATE A. iTun 64 S 1ONAT .. ' E 'I I' ', SIGNATURE I OF I, , I:1 , ' PPR 1 V INO1OFFICER 11 ' 1 , 1 , ', , 1: f 'acknowledge under we tlabown Ireceint of tobeused !Or Ihe, tobove Ili' t Fundy, in peirposs a the amount, eetfitec hete- sted and accounted for 1�171.E5 ' I I r7 ( !11 ,.. !! ,ir � l'QS4 ' c ut'Ir 1' I I, I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE 3.74)!ZEIC IGO 1 A7A4470,:rtr*,�,/M. OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT I OR CREO IT' I (I I '1 '41.2:5-12,90.4W2 DATE 1 'I ! AUTHORIZEOcERY !FyINB 1 OFFICER ' 1 SIGNATURE OF 'AOVANCEE, DATE SIGNATURE II ' II d 10 17---,. SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF F I INANCETt DIVISION II 4 y.....,...4`ARED BY REVIEWED BY ' 1 VOUCHER NO. 7.12 : DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-39 ......... 34.35 40-42 43 s.445 47.52 .. 54.57 GENERAL 1 56-67 ALLOT.' OR Cosy ' AccV. Ado. 6-70 ' DUE , DATE 71-60 ,..ASIOURIT DESCRIPT I ON- ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 26.PAY 7/A $0. I "'" " '''''' I 1 P.O. MO. STATION CODE, '' " � ' � ' POOP.NO. EXPEND 1 ' CODE 1 IF p PER Coo , ..REF...1.NO.. AREv'mo - ....1.'. ODL Iv I ,G. ' . - -%. .. CA YR LEDGER CCT'. NO. 'I I , 1 cx, 044 ' . ' IORJECT ..*1 EBRO,. NO, P.4"91 ORBIT C 00T , !um II, v.riectitcir,Co. I. I 11Y CODE 1, c 1 ", H., .,I N,0 � i 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 III 1 I II'I I I I t I 11111I 1 11 0 ,i I I it7,;,�,c-7-1 ":f � - , 1- ,1:,,,,i. , : � ..1.� : ... III IIIIIIIIII III IllItlIlIll 11111 1 1 1 1 I 1 � � -�. � t I I I 1 11111111111 4 I I I 1 A I 1 III ,I I I II I I !I .,2:, , , . ... � 11 I I 1 1 11111111 i 1 I 1111 1 ' " �� . - CI III 1 I I I III I r I I , ../...01 . i I 1 1 ,1 .. � ' ,, . , II t roam 5-60 281 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS. ' ,^-. , �.,.. 1 � .. . , L. PNINII 0 ... (WIC( . IGGI 0-.410143 ,,. Ar.Ja exd.$7,040(wo_ r3nt.f21 41754 9O3 902. MEMORAN FOR SUPTii;CT C:TnD-YAS3 WOLTRA, � Unde.r theiauhority granted-in tn