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June 22, 2015
Document Release Date: 
November 14, 2008
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Publication Date: 
July 11, 1984
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: 03-Sep-2008 (b)(2) (b)(3) (b)(6) (print full name), hereby agree to accept as a prior condition of my being employed by, or otherwise retained to perform services for, the Central Intelligence Agency, or for staff elements of the Director of Central Intelligence (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Central Intelligence Agency"), the obligations contained in this agreement. 2. I understand that in the course of my employment or other service with the Central Intelligence Agency I may be given access to information which is classified in accordance with the standards set forth in Executive Order 12356 as amended or superseded, or other 'applicable Executive Order, and other information which, if disclosed in an unauthorized manner, would jeopardize intelligence activities of the United States Government. I accept that by being granted access to such information I will be placed in a position of special confidence and trust and become obligated to protect the informa- tion from unauthorized disclosure. 3. In consideration for being employed or otherwise. retained to provide services to the Central Intelligence Agency, I. hereby agree that I will never disclose in any form orany manner any of the following categories of information or materials, to any person not authorized by the Central Intelligence Agency to receive them: a. information which is classified pursuant to Executive Order and which I have obtained during the course of my employment or other service with the Central Intelligence Agency; b. information, or materials which reveal information, classifiable pursuant to Executive Order and obtained by me in the course of my employment or other service with the Central Intelligence Agency. 4. I understand that "the bttrdenwill be upon me to learn whether information or materials .within my control are considered by the Central Intelh'g~nce' A4 ncy, to fit the descriptions set forth in =paragraph 3, and- "whom the Agency has authorized to receive it. 5. As a further condition of the special confidence and. trust'reposed in me by the Central Intelligence Agency, I hereby agree to submit for`review by the Central Iri'telligence Agent,y ail"information or materials including works of fiction which contain any mention.. of intelligence data of` actrities or4aeonta data which may based upon information classified pursuant to Executive Order, whichI contemplate disclosing publicly or which I have actually prepared for public disclosure, either during my`employment or other service with the Central Intelligence Agency or at any time thereafter, prior to discussing it with or showing it to anyone who is not authorized to have access to it. I` further agree that I will not take any steps toward public disclosure until I have` received -written `permission to do so', from the Central Intelligence Agency. 6. 1 understand that,: the purpose of. the review described in paragraph 5 is to give the'Central Intelligence Agency an opportunity to detrn3in whether the information or materials which I contemplate' disclosing publicly contain any information which I have agreed not to- disclose I further understand that the Agency will act ttpon the n aterials I submit and make a response tome within areasorfable time., I further understand that if I dispute the Agency s'initial classification determinations on the lusts that the information' in' question derives' from public sources I ;may; be called upon to specifically identify 7uhh?tsources. My failure or refusal to do so may by itself result in deniaY of permission to publish or otherwise disclose the infor' i op in dispute. 7. I understand that all itrfQrfnatron or Materials which I may acquire i'n the course of my employment or other service with the Central Intelligence Ag n y juich fit the desert tions et`i orth in paragraph 3 of this agreement are and will re- main the property of the United States ;Government ggr ee t surrenfler all t_tafefi l's reflecting such information which may have come into my possession or for which I am respo thole becgu e~of my et``nployrri'ent or other service with the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency, upon demand by an appro ki to 6f f icialM t k_ tentral Intelhgerice Agency, or upon the conclusion of my employment or other service with the Central' Intel #gence gency. 8. I agree to notify the Central Intelligence Agency immediately in the event that I am called upon by judicial or congressional authorities -to testify about, or provide, information which I have agreed herein not to disclose. 9. I understand that nothing contained in this agreement prohibits me from reporting intelligence activities which I consider to be unlawful or improper directly to the Intelligence Oversight Board established by the President or to any successor body which the President may establish. I recognize that there are also established procedures for bringing such matters to the attention of the Agency's Inspector General or to the Director of Central Intelligence. I further understand that any information which I may report to the Intelligence Oversight Board continues to be subject to this agreement for all other purposes and that such reporting does not constitute public disclosure or declassification of that information. OBSOLETE PREVIOUS EDITIONS 10. I understand that any breach of this agreement by me may result in the Central Intelligence Agency taking administrative action against me, which can include temporary loss of pay or termination of my employment or other service with the Central Intelligence Agency. I also understand that if I violate the terms of this agreement, the United States Government may institute a civil proceeding to seek compensatory damages or other appropriate relief. Further, I understand that the disclosure of information which I have agreed herein not to disclose can, in some circumstances, constitute a criminal offense. 11. I understand that the United States Government may, prior to any unauthorized disclosure which is threatened by me, choose to apply to any appropriate court for an order enforcing this agreement., Nothing in this agreement constitutes a waiver on the part of the United States to institute a civil or criminal proceeding for any breach of this agreement by me. Nothing in this agreement constitutes a waiver on my part of any possible defenses I may have in connection with either civil or criminal proceedings which may be brought against me. 12. In addition to any other remedy to which the United States Government. may become entitled, I hereby assign to the United States Government all rights, title, and interest in any and all royalties, remunerations, and emoluments that have resulted or will result or may result from any divulgence, publication or revelation of information by me which is carried out in breach of paragraph 5 of this agreement or which involves information prohibited from disclosure by the terms of this agreement. 13. I understand and accept that, unless I am provided a written release from this agreement or any portion of it by the Director of Central intelligence or the Director's representative, all the conditions and obligations accepted by me in this agreement apply both during my employment or other service with the Central Intelligence Agency, and at all times thereafter. 14. I understand that. the purpose of this agreement is to implement the responsibilities of the Director of Central Intelligence, particularly the responsibility to protect intelligence sources and methods, as specified in the National Security Act of 1947, as amended. 15. I understand that nothing in this agreement limits or otherwise affects provisions of criminal or other laws protecting classified or intelligence information, including provisions of the espionage laws (sections.793, 794 and 798 of Title 18, United States Code) and provisions of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982 (P. L. 97-200; 50. U. S. C., 421 et seq). 16. Each of the numbered paragraphs and lettered subparagraphs of this agreement is severable. If a court should find any of the paragraphs or subparagraphs of this agreement to be unenforceable. I understand that all remaining provisions will continue in full force. 17. I make this agreement in good faith, and with no purpose of evasio The execution of this agreement was witnessed by the undersigned, who accepted it on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency as a prior condition of the employment or other service of the person whose signature appears above. WITNESS AND ACCEPTANCE: rm e Name