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December 29, 1970
r a -41 kpproved for Release: 2024/12/19 BEST COPY AVAILABLE SUIJECt REFIRZN ammo g. 231S DEC 1970 Of Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) �"Draft 'of a Proposal for a live-Year Plan for &anal Reconstruction" (NW rout Bureau Pile C ZOO-4479a 1 T1 the *flatbed copy of an 111 working paper which, in essence, delineates a five-year. plan designed to Initiate the radicalisation of U.S. society through the creation of counter structures. The author of this paper as well as whet progress it has mode within the councils of the IPS Is unknown. 2. The IPS draft paper appears to be a ainife_tio, ta:* of the so-called �revolution." that the period of experimentation wa & p & �sophism and by different groups, -ranging from the traditional Communist Party efforts to the course advocated by the Weatherman-is now apparently on the wane . d that long wangeprograms. such as the one now considered y the IPS, are expected to take the plate of heretofore at sly ineffectual endeavors. 3. The IPS proposal follows a format not unlike ether "manifestos*" for the radical reconstruction of American Institutions and attitudes. A. It points out that it is necessary, at the � outset, to convince liberal elements within the society that reconstruction 011 a radical basis Is vital.because of the "last Chance' nature of the situation in the United Statss. IIII S. A coalition must be formed between liberal elements who ate prepared to act but who curraly lock a form and structure in which to act, and between radical *laments, with the single purpose of aligning tolk them in an effort to change American society, to weld then all into la development plan which serves as the basis for practical action over the next five years. Approved or ReieaSt, Date 14 OCI 'MT 2 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576� Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 'A - 'C. C. These individuals giefrOm within the i ..,,,:,..,...r_ estabUshuent but, while doing so, not lose sight of .1 their basic radical beliefs. gat facility to IA . PiiilliV;FR:iiill:94412111:,11:o1:4 III 4. The attached basic paper, villa is expected to grow through a series of revisi:ma and refinenanta, eventually culliaating into upstate MIMS ffte each section of the propose:1 and comprehensive expositions of specific modes of resolutions of probless, is presently designed prinmilly as a basis for argumentation in. order to obtain the financial .suppors and of individuals. Originated by' Cl/S0 rt:inittiata4 barnA t ' ,7'-i. Aml WI Eased on: Source: rarities: 13 Original F3I 210 2 - Ise chrono copy chrono 1 - -or � �������MI, MIAMI � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 � opasa for A Five-Yost Plan for Radicil Reconstruction This paper concerns Italia with the development of a comprehensIve popes which will result in a radical recOnstruction of American institutions and attitudes. The comprehensive prOgras iSCOASIS IOU? MIs! a) the tatablishnesit of other institutes; b) the development of as Incyclopedta of Practice and Plans for the Society; t) the developient Of political coIleftives or project groups for 'building a new society and transforming/altering InstitUtions; 4), the developnent of a political party or moment . which attempts to build and protect such enterprises. This peper.will address itself-to the first three issues."_ The first point to recognize is that these activities are not alien to the present moment in Anerima. Individuali And groups are now attempting to,ovseals, themselves along such lines.; Hoverer, their attenpts are halting for two reasons. Pint is lack of funds sod second is the feeling that they are not art of a national worsen or wlen which relates then to **The -development of a political party could occur if the monsciousimss already present can be perpetuated and if 1.1z, integrated activities outlined in the nesse were to take told. This is not to say that conscious planning for a new party or a powerful movement in say, the Democratic party, should wait. It should not. Awls Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 .,1:444WPTIMtf0Wie ���� !IP ��������-.1�SOW,M, � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 6 a motional ODUITIWISO. The major fact of people between tim ages of 25-40 who have skills, maturity, and want to live differently is that they feel isolated fres each other. Consequently, their ability to influence others outside of themselves IS limited. Their projects ST. always under- financed and they feel that they ass not part of a broader program of comprehensive change. Many have had important experience but feel lost. Many more well qualified people are prepared to act but peed a form and structure in which to act. The ground for support will be found from people who are on the liberal wing of the Democratic party to hippies to the non-violent members of the New Left to unions that are nue trying to change their methods of operating. In other words, support and active participation will come from those who carry with them tht basis of ;hoaxing Anerican society but who balk at the idea of revolution/civil was as the means of change. In my view such people are ottempting in their ptrsonal live� and their politics to develop reconstructive action. It will come froa people who understand that.politica: change for the better is not automatic. The existence of this class of people means that certain ideas which night have been viewed as visionary now become eminently practical. They nay now be welded into a developmeol plan which could serve as the basis for practical action over � tilkOOPh With a acme comolex law: stric-- oring and possibly Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 . Nk.a0 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 tale next five years. The plan itbslatfould be circulated" to a number of people after having gone, throe's! * second stage Of discussion and ogreenent Of 4ed tround the Institute. The third stage of writt plan would produce a mere comprehensive document. 714 hop third ttage there will be an annex for each section v."*.4c*. would state In reasonably complete for. the probleuvi, meleal of resolution, oui aepda which are discussed in general terms in the develop- ment document. It will include the panes and backgrounds of yuppie who could be organized as groups, who have skills and who have begun projects. The comprehensive plan will be in final form no later than February 1S, 1971. Annexes will be prepared for each section for review and discussion by Fellows, Institute trustees, and interested individuals. - � Development of New institutes The last decade has suggested that 'Ail.* the Institute 71 for Policy Studies in Washington had certain idiosyncratic chavacteristiis, the basis of its relative success can be replicated in other parts of the United States. Indeed, even the halting beginning of institutes in Atlanta, Say Area end Cambridge suggest that with proper fending end several- &ordains projects the Institutes can become, engines of profound intellectual and social change. The Health PAC Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 4;. � ,..11-2; ���1 � -, :77,r model also proves the viability of or model -- building a, institute out of a particular pro&Aen. The dissonance between the personal feelings which individuals have of iOken- seXves find their social roles, whether in the university or the corporate institution, whether on the assembly lins or U white collar workers, and the dissonance which the young feel between the rhetoric of the society and what goes on, has meant a continuous ass in which ideas for change and the building of a new society can go on. The Institutes become" in one sense--life rafts for people to both swim and under- stand the sea around then. There can no longer be biding iron the fact of repression. Tot while repression grows it cannot begin to witch the sea of dissonance and anger which Is now felt and expressed in American life. The Institutes are now developing compasses which are of . . use to people. Each institute needs to understand what that situation means in Its own geographic area, its area of study and how its continuous activity will relate to particular needs. On the other band, there are certain national charact- eristics and national requirements which after a decade can �- be seen as reflective of a general situation in the Anerican , society. One such characteristic relates to needs for building a new connunity to give protection and services.. Another requires ascertaining AL.:dill needs for people and simians ways to meet those needs while a now connunity Is built. � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Under the proposed national plau institute is expected to undertake two more activities ts as Institute:. urf,eng ,.,41 analysis of particular areas of society into an encyclopedic form so that atAbe.end of five years as encyclopedia would be ceupletod. Within that period of . tiles &efts sad discussions armed the papers written for the encyclopedia would goon, in effect, through discussion 71P,. - - raw, ZZ. ��� � � . ;4 4.-'.. ergealaing the trensformatiem of knowledge. the Institutes would stimulate, through grants and diecussion new CIrriculua 4 in the moribund university social sciences. Even 12 seemingly unrelated areas much could be dose.- For example, a business achoel professor would be gives a great to work with Institute people and business "majors" on werker/connusity control of the corporation. 1) The development of Integrated social and economic projects by the Institutes :to show and sustain the sew society and those working on such developments. The Institutes would ail? assistance to groups working on such projects Whin 4 several-hundre&mlIe area. � Encyclopedia of New Practice and Plans before the French revolution the Encyclopedists worked on ems know tbat each laititate atteupts to relate its intellectual work to the particular region that the institute Is located is. This includes rigorous teaching to students and others the methods sad practice of policy studies. It also Includes some projects, books, articles and lectures. -- �ft"_�,_"0',,t4---.14L-W,--,,, --, F. -,-,-X-s.'" - � ...a..'--- � -...d..'-,c...,,,-.1:'. -,--..,'", ,-..,., --',..-1. .1....-2,7-174:1"--1.:,..7 � .1... �-:;�i...,47.-.4..,,c.--',,, ,.. ,r'. 7-.-,� ,r,,-.:,'-=�^4,,'"!5:--4:,'-,L.-�:.-'-'.I-n_::",..k,-'7�'cv-- ' -"----,.., _..,="-ilqt.ef....e3K. ---:: � ., *.%, , S.- .. - --, , � , -.,--1&;.4...R.j: - -.-,...C-4-- Lt-c;.--�--..- . . � Iv" - Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 -110. � - �- 1.011: �-Z4-41�- - im+111Mel � papers and books which were the DM an encyclopedia. They attempted to develop a new system of rationality and -' nest In revolt against the Church and those forms of despotien which were reflected in the theocratic/bureau' Cystic states of that time. The Encyclopedists attempted to find ways of scientifically hendliag the so4a1 problems . of man. Their most profound purpose, the revolt against the church, was laced with the challenging assumption of the perfectibility of men. This Motion appeared to to the fundamental driving force of the Encyclopedists. The Encyclopedists did not bring abmut the French Revolution. Yet it is equally true that the ideas and facts which were *brought forth by the Encyclopedists were the ground for a now consciousness which resulted in the restructuring of the modern world. The revolution of the enlightenment now goes forward:. It Is aimed at ending unproved ,authority� hierarchic structures, unproved social host/lodge and the separation of knowledge � .fret understanding and ethical value which is understood and tested. In this sense the crisis of the university is that it has not found away to be pert of the revolution of enlightenment. Courses of study at universities are foolish and tend to emphasize such elements as the bifurcation of Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 - - Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 knotledso and valtiv, authority and proof. They have failed at developiag cou.lontation and reconstruction while admitting of its necessity. This adaission has resulted in two changes at the university. One is the willingness to TOOZWILUO the basis of their knowledge. Second is the willingness to develop a system of knowledge which relates ' Itself to profound thanes just because the present system in each of its aspects is breaking down with few people willing to manage the old One. Is well to vote that this oncylcopedia will not be the first of its Mad. SesP13 ;,! of the omcyclopedIsts there Is Mayhew's four volvmo encyclopedia on the London poor which atteupts to give a history "of a people. from the lips of the people thenselves7giving a literal description of their labor-..and their sufferings". In 1900 there was the - encyclopedia of social reform which so far as I can tell was in one volume and had the flavor of a dictionary. Tot such people as Edwin Markham', Jane Adieus and radical revolutionary types were involved in its production. It gave rise to much that went on in the Wilson and the New Deal period. The Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences in 1930 was an extra- ordinary undertakiag which served as the basis of the social sciences for a generation. Involved in that enterprise were Dewey, Swot, Alvin Johnson and Seligman. It was organised through the professional associations. Where would we draw - ilor 00 II � � .1. � :1) Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 ^ Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 t..a today? First, iron the InstithIltir insurgent 4I professors. the New Universities Conference, through insurgent groups, in the professional - lq!3o r:od 070ush workers, farmers, hippies who have tried experiments in the shop, the country and in life style. The question which remains is the organisation of the encyclopedia. Is it by topic? $y project and social Invention? Dy a series of interrelated areas? Do we ask a question such - as; What should a-corporate form in the economic sphere be. ille? Or dome have broad topics such as Health in which various topics are found under it with a general overview of the parts? How do we consider what is clearly political as against what is the Individual? Is there to be an article or aeries of articles which delineate what is not of concern _ and Why? In this sense it will be necessary to take up the . question of the meaning of instrumental knowledge. Usually we think of Instrumental knowledge as knowledge to an end or as a technique to an end. Dut there is another aeaning which is the illunination of the action and experience by knowledge and vice versa. To undertake the project of ele encyclopedia we would begin with several people travelling through the United States. They would find and set up people at universities and Colleges and associations to write about the topics and processes needed Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 - 11111."P SOT an encyclopedia of Row i8W3,grograms.and project!: Pint Would be a summer study, 'perhaps a 10-day conferepace in the late spring, which would begin to detail ths topics and the fundamental framework for 'he discussion of What would go into the encyclopedia. The mirk that would be included in the encyclopedia would come from three sources: (a) theoreticians, since there would sot necessarily be examples in the world at the present of what is meant; (6) an Individual or group writing as a representative of a particular undertaking which has worked or failed; (c) dialogic, .an individual series of interviews with people on their experience and action. 1modIess to say, one of the purposes of the summer study, besides getting people together would be to work through the . first stage of nothodougy for the encyclopedia. The person who would Le most cap 1 of starting such an activity would possmissirsoNissassassis. '16-741. At the institute in Wiishington, � 1:hristepher Jencks we d work with Fellows who sight undertake to be editors on particular topics or areas. Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 4.1.,.���������� � 3 � - �� � 410 10. ORGANIZER;GROUPS iks of the Croup Sea person Is the group would attempt to coordinate Ms activities with other members of the group end tlith the generally agreed upon plan. It would be va4erstou4. IlOW4fiTs that the groups 'mold exercise autonomy and control. Only Is exceptional cases would people work individually. The political perspective of the orsanisere would be developed through their eaperience and training imititutes. The projects and services which they undertake would confront the present system as It Is. PROJECT CROUPS Sectors would undertake to establish free clinics. They would attempt tivins with local medical and nursing schools, su .get Students, aides and others working with them. The clinics would attempt to relate to people in terms of the more general �health and environmental needs of the community. Asvrers, would undertake affirnative actions such as nuisance suits against p011uters� class action in schools, utilities, taxes, social security benefits. They would develop tie-ins with local law schools for making model vides. They. mould develop non-lavyeri to represent clients in various mall cases. Artfits would male public irt for and In the coanunity. � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 .41 .101. � Alt"- � fzi� 1 Sculpture, redesign of Streets sad uses loipeopie 11;'' 7- ghborhoods. Organising of multi dia activity including PUSIO and Ma for young. 7Oachspii of the Covmunitv would OWASSO others for day- care centers. aftes�scheel activities. $eel dropouts free school to start and malatain the school. Organise community courses is "Incidental" education. Social Intreeresenrs would set up services peculiar to area and possibly self-eustalateg business, getting materials for building and fixing up. Skilled- mantes would work with artists is rebuilding areas, OnlilikiZe WOesTA4 and worker/$1 Each group (beyond its salaries) vvsta.1 oe given S15.000 a year to invest In grants or mutual activities for the community. Such grants would tend to strengthen the groups position sad cause new activity: Indeed, each group will have &multiplier effect in each area and it is not unlikely that such groups would %iglu to fora and be funded by other foundations�several yowls after the beginning of the national plan. The result would be even greater impetus to major corporate and State change through a political partyfmoveaent. It is obvious that choosing the people for the group will be almost difficult task. And finding ways for people to stay with and sustain themselves in particular places as a -41- - getlatle. _ Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 A � I. . tup Is also difficult. Vet than )ll be a great amount of self-selection. It night be well to develop groups of . olt people paw spouses or friends who would then be brought SOUP the program. We have ft way of calling upon people in particular professlons who would know the people that would prepare to undertake this form of group action and organizing. - For maple, Walter hepits, the Director of the Corcoran Ciller, will know twenty frtillti who could be approached for such a program. rue Health Policy Center would arged with the responsibility twenty doctors, The Low Center in New York and � 'Canter in washingien could develop a list of twenty people Who would undertake to find twenty or so lawyers for this work. In the nest several months the planning group* would start � the action. They would make cite visits to different parts of the United States. Sy the second stage they would-be joined In deciding and giving direction to the overall project through agreement from those in the different geographic areas. e(see P. e) meshes...of the planning group are Fellows of IPS plum we would aid V. Weiss. R. Mader, W. lbws. S. Lyad. � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 7.4 PPR* to MOOS* These are several arguments which militate against setting such projects in large metvarolitaa areas. hme is that there * are various people who are mow functioning in the Orin areas awl who hsve developed en effective means of operating projects. Second is that the amount of change which needs to be accomplished in nea-large mettopolitan areas Is greater than that seeded in the largest metrePolitea areas. Third is that the amount of effect which can be had in a smaller population area Is frt0nOT than night be accomplished in the big cities. It is hard to make any significant dent in the city without tying in with a large sad existing social institution. It sther words the labor movement, or to a much lesser degree the churnhes mould have to help in any such national program for the largest cities. The bewildering number of agencies mad groups, either from the ponce, the government or others, males It virtually Impossible to distinguish activity in the short term. In other words, while the.lastitutions.crumble in, the city, the fact is this there ore limp ambers of groups � :--f Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 od� - 10 say that they are trying to di )with sem cos and in sow cases do. Far greater effect can be had in somewhat less populous areas of the United States. It there is a declaim to send some groups to large cities it would be one of their tasks to seek through court actions, changes in the United Civers'Iumd system. I would view, however, the hest places to act in as the less populated areas that are suffering from dried up services.* The question is whether such groups will be able to sustain each other during a period out of the large metropolitan areas, since most of the people who would get into the program would be likely to be from large areas. it is understood, however, that we expect to find people in a given geographic area who would be joined to work together. we would begin to hold meetings with them is tii.near future. Funding The estimated. cost of the practical part of the five-year program is projected at approximately 12 million dollars. Attached OTC Costs of the three parts of the program. (Tables 1-Ill) We are in the process of determining the positive multiplier effect of such an expenditure. *A study of population, politics and human resources is going on which will help in determining proper areas for organizer groups to go. WNW Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 - 1 � 4.�������;�;�MI;����������ar - 4111 .0 Funds Available? Th. funds for this integrated program ere available Iron 'foundations for several reasons. Until now each of the foundations have operated independently of each other An terse of their respective programs. This is not to say, of course, that their grant expenditures do not fall into a particular pattern. However, there has been no coordinated action by the "unstructured" foundations. The result IS that philanthropic projects have an ad hoc quality which does not result in profound systesatic change. The use of funds for profound social change has been untried or less than successful by foundations for several reasons: a) indifferent support; b) lack of sustained elan-of the recipients--en important element for say major social action; c) the use of foundation funds by the philanthropist in an uncoordinated,- shot-gun approach or whimsical fashion. There has never Noon, developed a five-year practical plan of action that would - reflect the need of major changes while taking advantage of the talent In the society that vests to bring *bout major changes. HOwever, because of the Ouse People are far Para serious and sober and understand the "last chance" nature of the situation. They cling to the hope that their commitment end funds can make a difference is the direction of American society. = stow Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 _ � -7:-� ��� '.; "...4,11: � .0, .410^OMP _ Viti a nore complex law, stric or ng and possibly vindictive IRS control system over foundations, we are at a point in which foundation head:i or their principals will -.4-exanine how they want their money spent and whether they can in fact effect greater social change with their funds. They will either be scared off by the IRS or seek to find new ways of using their funds creatively�perhaps join other foundations to do so--including the establishment of new funding mechanisms and projects. They will see the necessity of projects that are sustained and well-funded. It should be noted that the kind of projects which would be attempted will result in a new form of relationship and mode of develop- ing services. Tot they are not totally without relationship to the present granting structure of institutional projects. For example, instead of hospital construction�health clinics, instead of schools�teachers of the-community. etc. � I. One way of proceeding is the establishment of a separate fund of twelve million dollars. The fund itself could be concerned with funding the groups. On the tabor hand, institute funds and the encyclopedia funds might 80 directly to the Institutes. loth funds would come from p ant contributors of the Institute such as San Rubi ne Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 mil.. ��41�1110�11114.011.4, � op. ....!...111P "E" MOM 11. II. Each foundation mould then underwrite a pert of the program. In this case it would not be necessary to start a separate fund although It would be understood that each foundation or individual Agreed to cpanit hinself_to a portion of the national plan. *Our intention is to SO4 each of the representatives of 1, these foundations individually, undertake to spend a half day or more with each person laying out the memo for a development plan. Finally, a coordinated development plan in the winter would be presented with a schedule of funding and an agreed upon funding uechanisa. It is our intention to receive pledges and gifts of between 1 and 2 million from each donor, either in limp or spread over five years. A development plan would seek to engage then in the planning process. The coordinated plan would engage them in a participatory role, on a plan that was agreed to by themselves, .us, and finally the operating groups. Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 77-77-1 ...J.:- 4 41- lumediava Nert Sten A.idw,ess potential Organisers m travel and small conferences. $ 8,000 S. Preparation of Plan itself. Including mimeographing, travel and deaographic 11S Z3 ,000 research. C. Dinner conferences by organizers with potential funding participants in New -York and California with aid of San Rubin on groups. D. Agreenent dr initial support fron'San Rubin to the�EFERropedia in order to hold seniner discussion on topics, authors. people. (planning grant) $15,000 R. Commitment to Institutes system' for 5-yeas period by Rubin foundation. .7" 4-� - ' - Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 � 1972-1973 225 125 100, 100 0 ' 0 1973-1974 200 100 90 PO 66 " 40 1974.1973 17$ 00 40: 00 70 ' SO 1975-1976 ISO SO 70. 70 SG � 60 � ; 1976.1977 125 . 70 -60 60 SO 70 4 0. � ��.:Adipa WV, � . TABLE I . Institute programs, Includins watt on Encyclopedia and group projects. (in Amanda) eN Fi scal Year IPS Cambrid o Atlanta San Practice Detroit , TABLE II � Year 1 Oncyclopedie of Plans Nasal Year 4 Practice N41Ipt q Staff 1E' :. (in thousands) 'Adminfmetive . I (located ILTrame1 at 170Sj � . 1972-73 2S Year 2 1973.74 ' 75 25 12,000 per Panel Year 3 1974-7S 70 25 each of 225 topl�v Year 4 197S-76 100 45 total: 14E0,000:7 Year S 1976-77 40 S : Attachment I Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 000014576 Adele 6 . Travel $175,000, �22%one: :50,010 14Wile Nor 110140., TABU 111 � Probable Costs Pkscal Year nollsr_glp 47er_if Cost of Trainia0 Institutes Year 1 1972-73 $1,600,000 120 $mono Year 2 1973-74 2,305,000 210 60,11011 Year 3 19767s 3,110,0011 260 160,000 Year 4 297S-76 2,915;000 260 5,000 Year S 1976-77 1,000,000 90 �� Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 000014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 EX-1492 22 December 1970 SMUT': Institute for Policy Studies Ct. Z Firms Concerning Their Security Program 2. According to the 1 October 1970 issue of Combat, Marcus G. RASKIN of the Institute for Policy Studies UPS) sent letters to SOD American companies in mid-August C.; 1414 FBI Informing the public relations departments that he was doing a study of "the problems of industrial security." RASKIN requested any written materials which they might have concerning this question including a biographical resume of the person OT persons in charge of their security program. RASKIN told Combat He has received more than 200 replies.1 2. 111111111111111.11111111111=11111111111111111111111111 E rI�16-110.. Approved.for Relent Date 1 4 OCT 1987 " 0171 L-ssas� L'S3 IMP:a I: ka.e.00-11 _ Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 A pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 6q Originated by: Based on: 2. 2. 3. File: IPS 1111511= Cl/SOIMEI Combat October 1970, Li IPS . 13 November 197 , lied IPS . 27 November 1970 "ile IPS F 8 1 � � ----1"4" a pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 � pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 � cs) � Mt TIO advised that at Itibitetv fci l'4:::--. Stii.iics .5- 11 . 1 71Uti- been publicly Jes.-ribeJ a- the 'tfilLi ta,11'' of t-1-,t Neu Left and i: sulf--de:,,er:bv-d a' :, !.:-pr,fit� i.;-.-ta..aple in2eponJent cotter for rt:..tar..i.. --&..ttion� an.'...se5:ial i7. 1 tic:: t punlic policy proble-r= u lie. n ' fer .pertinent inforratioa on foreign roCical leftist response to a query by this officc as ti. tht fhl's involvement uith the A's obroaatqlhe FPl_adiised on 15 Pk:. cembcr IP" that they "'could appleciute.tcing 6-2visoras (Op to any subsequent Infra ion coring to your atlentien cau- l' .' cerning the fomatIon of a Furopean Center by thc 1PS." 0:011 :6 January 197.7 thy FBI adyised ANal the IPS bias the sub3ect of- a ElifFiiii inve.ttlgation by ,ther ani adviseJ that they "wou/d aprreciate can advised of any Inform- ' tion conternini,.. hoStile -contacts and activities-of personc. connected uith the -Cubans, Chinese CormUnists. Sovici-s, . North Vietnamese, Xert1'. inreaus, tht Provisional Levolutior- ary government t" 1311A-hit:oil, ot a'ly foreign revnlutietar- 'matypt- prgani.7.atin.: 4.0.,liti-- cit.oca.-sc.... /I. i-/ .;./(,..0( Within tic ras-t:yer Ue have dissesitated infottation br) C., the actiAltiel.-: of to 1.1 -canee4' ' - " - ' ''44,:,IT'F:. 4f te.tNe above nanva ,ividuals, the re:ords s . of tti- A'nlriZA contain th. nal P tt'T 2- . � . . � ^ bee, tiv ;11 �' 'n 1" Th:rc-nre- no individual re.,uirew.-nts on 7.c.Inn. tht IP-. S. pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 - 44s. a.�� 1 - -s :ct- Tc?:!c-i orqr.r.iti.t2tr 1c.c:tP" at 1172 7- It i: place for ene i2 f -C:. S: � . t-.-� c. art that s thzsL etc azt!�::: :.�. rat:Astir rrria: 'altar�:st:v. ame z1: t . . f L Z.-:t nue . : �� a:.4 itt- Amqn tc seutc: : lie;041�1: .00 .7; 11". ' L, 1- i-y�.r: -� rr,r :Tat rrrt:r' -� Approved for Releat �Date 14 OCT 1987 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 7 . , ir.f.orrvtit+-. IT: fror. the Institztc's :� 15 !PS is is a:��ver-..?I .7 c=fentc:. a! T.:3e.:7. �ttir %sr.)c-ir�t-: � r 77.". t:-:: rc. pir� '7.7 1.7. tzt� tc� d: - c-. *-: T.Ilr.� r s.-tv eIC activit;. act wit: I:11-f.t.e: rce�:.nt EN' sFand a �j�tar c-r less i?. :f`t.i�!'� .rcz.rc. y k.. .ra�.? tore far431i- cf Institt:te. IFS .;.sstc:f.t, it Wssr.1:17tar. %eh:, usc witr. tne i:. 9.17.erZr.: 7'. r:-lerte�Z: asscr.i:.te:1 tar.F, -.:s :. graduatc: ;�r�S pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 rt tvb � fr , Of t-.tir tin: 2: az; r vriti.: � a-i r��:tict : . rc:-.T.c.c.ti". *eith 7 rrr-t�rt r- 2..etit�:t. - Pc-in:7% ttt : rt.afi-nt t c ra:: . � LE tc c' r7.12- : rtu:.2.1:tt nattcrs, ar.:2 � (V:i. t r aivirr�riS. ''-" it hi: :te 2r ctrzt:re lrrt: ttr. a.- res.vset...., xei Ecminbre. tr.. rc.ser.rc!: "1-:tt tc. ch,ts: has are-. D.f. center:1 art :7 t:- ����.-::-trtr r.lthcrar..1 1",_:.�.-t-r rah e:-. 7.7EF11 S - pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 t - et' 4..Lip,347:12;:?.f.-2-11e-......i'l � \ :AV aalltr� 'C hers tonded to otnetntratt tneir rirrarr. tqf.rts tr tarer rztOr areac: tat 1:4".:t.ln to eL ietet- -ational tnrfl:rt t arT ptlittri2 rtnAtt:air tnr- sr. -----: atl. raangirc tociat: tnt: rrre di:no:rata: ptrtiri7atsor in critrjally Arr.7irr:.s w'.c. bre ro.: poor, powerlosi, ant a;atertic; rrutatlun polinf an!. zlternativ,.. forms of aimtion. Inrtittte fielt 1-ot'.: in t.athinston anf alsawntre, tt tr;.nt:nto tn:YOrttir-1 b!" trcva:!E txre:it::: irtr trn7ra-;., ir t.!Iry "soc.1.1 invtn- tienr" tnat It!If Telln't atterrt tt bri,.7 it : suc:. 'racial invtntion-, d.tvrlcost by /TS nr:stee-A. rrnow Milton KOTLLL. is tOe 'reig.ttorheof Fmm!ation". ar i;!..7e.n:ent unit of neig!;1=- hoof: envernnent deciin7 an! enntra:lint conrun an! elect:tr. trr- :net/ rifett'trts. :Pz sfrrtner- zr, sttr.rfe: ani stuibntt, 2.; M. ar t: t: ::74:riF:' me :naffs, urt-e:rtlr: -turnaltsti. Pollry isrucs of tn:rritt tr:irtener krt. tla tolies rentern. an! vnt:le stm: ecninLr, rn%tin- ft: onl: a fow Ice:fit-e. others tt nal!: ftr an ontir: It etifit'on t: .t- rtg..:1Fr so-:npr.. :nstitotc ro: 'to:11 sar in r.-Jr:ons..- t: r:guist- crou.:s tv..e inC:vi!rnlsv crnrn: PestVen: st'..itnts but wac want to arrange so- c way tr rutdir t'clicy at tat Institute. AcrerZ- ing to IPS literatur.:, one group tat nas xi:Ft:steal.- demonstrate!. 4111P1,111,' � r � � pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 4r- �orlz � 4 1-c :?....;:t�-te AL? z,ciet. . � � pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 071�, 7 t.! 2.1' 7 1: 1.:tW :s c--cr f:r r:trir.:: tn. ::3it2cL1 extrte t" ttrt.:cr r.f 1111111.11.11111.1111111.1nala 1111111101111111111111 kt2t.-t::1 ir.rt3ti -017wr, -rtri tt% civi: .iazig�e� �:4,ft art:v.stat!s. t"�_____________________ _a- pProved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 tturmc: RieLtre: t::s: a SealfeLt F2:1!,) V4IRS, Dane F. ^ JaM2S F. DYFLS, Free= O. ;oiwrt E. Wsr ar krar.e:ate lel3o1 , CIarinrc C. ;Litt a- As.s:.c12t- JC^ FZE7::', Ftzna-t r. Ctr.,7nar F.. fair: a ;f_edP...t � �M4:tot lalPt t Fe:lo : � 14? ELM= � Steven rir:, Gerard Mt:17, Llliott L. 13.S.17..., Marco: G. (al?: nerident � Walter � . (:lac L ''.1�Ltsn rti10:p M. JatiLz T. ^ Artnur a !E.' C. 77:$7. Peter pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 C.! tr4 tvEr-t:roe. past a- '-'!"-tt Itr7 of tne ITE B-nr! rf 7rurts.:s. si:tct, rpt"r:t'w1t:. cf t.1.7 7.R. te-ir.r.:,� tr of cr front rr..9#-AnstIor.s. ant elevon haw bnet efr,ct2y connectac: wit- 'en cf tnt t: six 7rortr.-"s 7r=fet.r. hat,e peen ir civil bctivftit!... szren hay:: teen wft: rscif-et are cz.nn:ctri. wit. -ar7erti-mc.oarIne, an:: four ty7,2 crc=fratifIli. pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 400 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 .0 .-�?�111 � ik � VI. � :4.� - C:t� � la � ������::.:-.; - - � � - - 7" 7.Z: - fear stuiy � - ;64:.zratior. fr. foz�ct pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 .�� � .E S....vernne nt r.t r - f=ner Aft!stantr. .'- 31.), thc - Di*E.T*11Ort icf Stale. Freront. - Cf fi of.t.nt ;..ttnrnc:: Zenqt.1, Defenic VDl1ta3 195.1. itrictic :ncri: _ - Str�-, - - Ar-1. - Offx:t of Prxci :i.41--1Gel..-Fortigr tow-m.1c AdratIrtr-tao-, Znetr Sec:ruts) of Laztkr, CLIA, 1424--1tSf. (57, C'nsaitt:t. Et:t:, P51. r,f cf. Pr:=Ze:tr.tial Ft:ff 7.14v:Ftri ^fficv i9C2 - ntr1.r1V:' .C-;nr;: tr rx,r-vr: rf R717SW: - reutt Ctro 191.'5-7 7.5rtryftrb.. 2n1--V.172. 'PM 41..}11. 6 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 I. - - f 47114% � - � C" � fimmra pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 - pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 3. 3:11.:ti..%3�., Berl 1. P.rtonza an..7%! E. T. ,!1,2!%: t!!! � S"5 ;:r.T ef rt_: El.:- FF.". C-.T.r:g-, 1 . f.`.1. abC.K F7.E. . ttr.nt�-. r. }:ss:cY, ri:11:ar :�. *. liarve; B. NE!: ener pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 441. � pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 et: tn- tw:T.:.:�-t..:.�.����.. 77F tssof.�_itt: tinr ��:"3! ceC7 ecz.tict wit! sus. t-rt::. rn� know.ra e�f� arty Cr CI en; d3rect2*. nava. t ;:.t f c-- are Xes,ciats rc?..1c.:s i-. LCtiViti6'7. =It irst.-Zr:f. � ..ith Ticifzzt 7rxr,:t. 76--.zrts /AL': t-- trp: tr7--.:c3ticng. pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Vroor... fr (1) rerei,s: nsur: rmn:F !e-� Lan: , r.oxitte* tv End the -7 In vIct- - pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 - Cprntsr-t-r. Civi: - 140--3,g7 - . - tg .7urtize (re est, 13242:r - 01, dE.:: Issittvn. to Sur9eoa Seneral. 4.'s� :Ttn* . :-37 1444w-15'1.r.. - :ff.:. pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 -71 � �� ������ ...,����� � ���� -���� �����- z - � POPP eitt Ft.110-e7 7 persor- (::s: boar: cf tr2stscr1 � kok4-. E. ZL!.CES. Chrirtorh.r f. (1.3*74 Board cf :r..:tvea; X=.7.1F, Vilt= (a:ro Boari of TrarteW %1C14.1:-L. :cic � %Lreze (7 rf :T.:Jung% Art-zr I. C!:.: E.7a.7.! of pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 t4.; �evsr T.:1fAnt U:Alows. t rar,7art.t7' W Et narl:oerscf tn: ,L;mr:=7:ist ;arty or of CT frnnt ,WOr..%::71tiDt7. and t,r; ttv: , ^zlnected idth Comnrir. fronts. 71 htvi: itv:lv! 1tivi! art2V1tiS, ^ 1-7.? 74m". .:771:::.r.atirnit. _ n.fiezni ar� c.:A=ted. vitr nar::rtr r..7arint. anZ t. et Left oroenization.. pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 .artalont of State, 1N1--? "1E, .....,Frattdentlal Stuff Aevien,r. OffIct. nf thc Presif.ent. Nationxl Snzt:ritl. Ceuneil ftaff, -I9C-- 3Ot ecislatiya Ce4r.f.:1 mcmi,ty: Con7ress, 1505P--29E1. pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Dav! . hrsocietf. T311er..1 Lley4 �� -Krtv.zr �Dav:ie :f :2-LIBIttS) ;.^.5--:r 1. pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 1 . e 4 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 CO0014576 :r 4nr.v. c.f ti.;1.F. frcnt tfr, ccn:. w: -Corrznzst fro:tr. nr.: 4'S invc1.7eE. przif: etttr.:. pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 CO001.4576 .� pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 �( .� 7: - rtre,. Cr� ref pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 -$ 41. Zr. - ����1' � � 1-1:::.!;.;15::. � ���11111����,. Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576,,,,,.�. , r�nr. :art:sr 7.3 =liF" 77;7 !.. r::_za - .7"7":���1" z: - . f.! naz . � � r� :T.: r���7.7 Z.: . 11:Etir. � 21-erly- =. t. T7 71 � I. 7 . 1:�.1 �� � . . � � � .� t.. . � pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 -A- 1.1 ( Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 CO0014576 C:ft t.ouer: ;It:sons un: cnntn:,ntc!'f4-43 fc tne 27F, elevan nevi t.F2n in ectfart or knoi.-n of fl#c 7.S. Cr cf Cy front orprzizatifn-, ane e1e- have Leen (4ft:fly concf-cfcf vlf- ;;:nruni$: fftntf. Aiimmommonms an! f'nrc c:ntr::.Lczrz ;,v6 t: rour-c:,---6"-:rr at fzrzIgn 4N,rn c: net% ;erect wn- vcr, fcrt:7- b:rn. Fret:: ray.: inv:ivr! i? :4:4: art4v4441-r, invc:r- �itn -2,^"'rc cr4ups. :nra* c:ntrI.Ltors an c:nn::te! vith T...-tt.erts ra;-altir,: an! ont r !.ev Left cr;an:ratic.r. pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 sq: - �� 4 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 - � f:: F � L.! ----- Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 CO0014576 � V.S. rvrcrtne:.: C--t - ^', - - - iv:r:Zznt*:etti, 'e- 'r-i- %spotlatirnc, 15.63--1W7 11,1. pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 � �-� -;�� ' . � _ - - Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 � :rzt!--tt f:r 7'1* :'t' c.1t-fLes tt a .ax-enerpt � :ectarl" t7te trz.r.izattcr. istatef at 15S2 .4errAsh'..lre ;. :t Le a research ter4aarter: t-L ns6 -:sta :tr at'ts:ara,ca1r, and itS 1C-7. Er! "an indtteni5nt � :tr rts:gr:7h, wTTS:: tr -fntizn en :L: 1_. tre::fts." :re::!:he it Its 'resent co -dfrecterr, Fa:h.rd 7..1= ani :73 to env:re t'Lt an:erst_h4an. nf ttIld: ntt t* ct:einzd t "h: 7 --!:!7.1.:* Attft*:- fn ferngiatIon, and that t:Lt:tes zaf :74dIatle tzlh for r:ev:=:!:n an: tffati..: :::::itritica." .t :artitIte t--a t:Lt: -:ert ft ::::rs idtas and 17.4trn:td-* tt� Loncressnen, an: an :I.: 1 ftt and s':4:nt: the Tx:or:wit!' tf .a:tat't*,:e-ertrent uhLie 7.-reterrin; finantfal Infttat:er.:e. it st-rarted t- wItate �I. -nrra. an: !tg. ar.reiste! eelte;es 7e.tera: !Utts ere not accr.Ted, and --t :t.stftztee :::11-tfte fl::::::17ret'rtrs are not allewad to Approved for ReleaSk Date 14 OCT 1987 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 ���� ������� d������919101�1.9.,99.9"'"' oik . s � � -Ifirot4.7.717- . � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576,,, � _ .41' � rerieTe .1)-ernment is 7s7srnei 't- a ins= of :.1e,Istees ant bas eer--osed e Bentier.t Fallcws, ithg Pellocs, ape! .tssoclate 7allows. e the tie:stets are elected by tzs Ossident and "."isitin..7 VS. ?asideat Follows are .r-� � 4nersoas 'pith int.ens� twe at-reltance Ir. ".�rashingtortitho ire�paid � � . � � � ���"..`:14 . tbe stte to to ?sclera, er letting. Appointhents are � - � .� V.wse years. nelizes are 7.ersoa5 laterested_la rt.= Ivrea To.n.::-.40t,. artt-pit7 t with. llid.ted. am. . . � ter:sacs in wasrd.r.rter.. s;.n i 7aar or less in Waillagton � � ' . . � ec.ntletin; reeearch or rare fe...e.11ar with govierariest . � niry in thair a.-ta Oz nectr.2. tearect. Associated colleges � . � ant --ziwersitles tne casries of their fact:lir o se:n..1 as W.sitingPe..a it t.Ims:Ltute. IPS Associate � . Tel:..ves are persons vitt iiashisitia who �� �:,:",����� � . . �.� , -zee -.he :net:LT.:tete fa.:Itics or wit:. col:Labor:A* �IeLtb the � � � � steff.. sr.t. 71111112.�::.$1 or /cork with ituder.ts. . . A2stntste 111.11:173 are.a7rInted ft: renewable one-Tear terns � ferzercL-t'- 'eds.-. � � **7 :=1 ittill�Or� �lts fmralt.y. the :PS em-olls snalt;-.' . . earet....3.!...- setter; r.f st-:::ents who are lilran,7 drawn fro= . seer:lite! terieres 3cti ...aTtrsitin. These � � - - ft:dents are genera1:7-rate st-lamts 'with s:oezific research �������:":'.: � � . pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 te" Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 CO0014576 rt;aire that tne7 tt it ".43h1.4tat uzia -mit :e:.e at tne :no :-stit-ta atte.tpts t: !int these st...nanta :art-tins jmts in 7:Licr&titini institntims, either gorermmontal or private. .inancial support fcr seta may cone from these part-time :phs, from:net:It-ate fellowships, or fron the etuderts' own res-nrcts. .7:3st stndenta spend half of their time in acaderic reetarch endft ani half field study and participant/ chrermtionwtr% on a ;clic:- wotlm. !told me= i ;eneralZr � t.r. in nen:action vita a �social intention" nrklect nr an :net:A-ate pclic- rerlatar. A et...dent's relationship 7.r.stitate's facuA7 in !tend out between +met etnunt z. e7isr-ows -sh= be 'ashes to ararb-ind Ole a..-/e. to re= One rf the Fillews (the !indent's inter) has vtrrk Lth im student as s:a.temic =L. atrther .7e1L'ew (the stater:Vs edris::: a:pent:es stniants particimate la the :netitnta'a regnlar sa-linor: and aleo nanao and tram part in their ern wet'oly sznzent zeninars. :FS activtties consist cf innirtanal research, faalt ant tne 7reTiou5:7 renticcei :r.stitzte seninora. P.rortir.: iniiTtital restar:n, the Ltstitnte ice! trt =ran.? 21 research 7rr-rsr, 2.%! ea ;L? is tree te az:8e !....ts area cf ernes.= pproved for Release: 2024/1 ANNOIMI vtail0 - .wf4LItigewi Jr -Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576' !is nethod Lr invim :a:telly:tug freedom is guarded .- tie rer-zsal ct gc7arnnect cent:ay.& and consaltantahLps, 7allo3s can =tee gcTIrmnact agencies eithmt par. Tallrirs baTe ti c to czacentrata ltheir research Worts th-.ea ngor areas: (2.) foreign pelics boo to resolve � a- cir.tersiticzal =Met without war; (2) develoment :S new pclitical structures that are better able to cope with � rtp:A17 changing society and that oncecrege core democratic -..rticipation in decision-fit:U.4, :specially brine:deans sr�..4 -re cog plcr, r.:werZess, and apathetic; (3) education policy_ ani a:ternatire fern: cr etacation. :1:Sat val.*, both-in Vashizgtan a= elsewhere, T:nwmtc to tranalate ttiore:ical anakriis and gwevious ex- -411.*.tos tot: tractica: pro;rems, prirart17 in the foe= of "::ci:a invent:L=0 that V.= le:lows attempt tc Utz; Lute � :Le sac� rao:tal izTerzion", dr:elope4:71PS Resident 7=4 41 the IlleirzbarZosd Piczdatione az --iretilint =it :f rati!acrhow.:pmerznant deciding and contrsIlizi evr:tese ar.t slecttng leans from local rtsitents. :7: senizaze ems a::ended Zzatitzte Pillows ant st:ients, -ce:: as 1� 7eter:: :trornnent oifieiils,moors of :ccgrese Ln: t!str etzSrs, 7.mirerst.t7 experts, ft-arm/lists, ant ot!ers. trI-ts cr =rent in:porta:Ice ere the topics of concern, NSW pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 1 ')C.' � an, Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 - INF � � .1 � - MOP 5. " 'Le ?: s far crZr a few simicu, ethers 1r! fnr Ln =ntire rear. � atif.tion t: !tit regular s=fnars, t�..v Institute my 11::. hell' special saninarsi rel;onse to requests bp' groups Lni imtimidcals -cho rannot tem= tun-tine st4dents bat Ida -.-Lnt to arrange sere may to stc47pdh1ic policy at the Institute. A:v.:ran; to :75 literatmres oms grrar. :baths repeated:14u ' tar=strvied its interest in pert-tine sto.:t with the Institute 'aim the leziaLtive assistarts to t.S. CONITOMIn 0.1 . . ::nnters. . . tei Cnt!.:Ls'linzten Itte:ttner of 214.4 Skttedter � � � - � i7, 7.25.Prercer Ls a co7er for intriple and political . . :�..t.l�ttce est re.tartr a cone:ming icfinence on tI. he ideciloct , :Lei= ef r.fw Left." 11111�11112111111111111.111 VIMPINNIMMIMINN/1"/"14 111111111111510.111C-9 fell=4-T4 fa L statistical brea:drin Znetit�atetc ---gtess, F.U. ant individ ce-4butors 6 1::=ILLI to tht' 1111111=1111111101 fcreiptiLra, act ctl' riztt2, :L:iilt, ant ew .eft Lrttvittes. 11111111111/111= usa=gii=1101110 6,f) I pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 40 4 brld � _ pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 ef.. Rem :LT= 3 7..ers= :3 ant L....Lt.:dee. th 2tattstics l'eca.eo Ttsesreh et:V-tted) � 3 :et 5 :thamdas five =meted te-th -len:arts auttine and she also cuLnectedvith the -7-a-deir=tion 'reject aht the :=4srthee ft, :14n. ?tittles) :nrrimtnent,=== E t'-7'=dps 3 cohmeotodottl: Cto Zepartnoot of !tete) . . pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 � � 1-7reign 3orn �� C r-gbts -- 2 7or.itist -- 2 rem Left -- 5 "--lzaes f:czr =foetal. ttth ?An...arts, one with the St-zza` rats ft:- -4.focratie Societ7, a= one with the aatieal ?v.:ie. ant tile Motional Conference .1.te Mot P4L1in1) eet sam ?rt. isso ���� pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 7=.7. pen= stelsties because rs:tart: clm;lerd) pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 � 3f" f�r�-: - : � A a pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 . � ( 1 2: et,r7.Leted on 6 amd 143: "4: cm 3. f.arc.lzor7 im!ornatiom on br) d L.1 IMEMIIIIMEgagra aNgaririat 7yrsizr. 32:2 Rurtts -- 6 ?aerts". 3 :42-0 let -- (namm.art0 :anermner.s. :re:TT:ant :.. � a - pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 ) � . 0 =4 Lt etastics because ntt 4...:=7;leted 02 6, and there ir n; Lhfornation on 3. teroiater7 infornation cm 2. contr.-Ili:ter; pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 k. � I- 2:314 12 JIA 1973 smikr, Aa12:.astitute 2. es of late May 1973. tne Institute or Policy Stu ies S) is still planning to open a European center in Amsterdam, The Nether- lands by the fall of 2973. The center, known as the Trans- National Institute CTNILTD111 be headed by gobs]. MAO if 'hisTe can find a job in 'Amsterdam. PeteriNEISS is cur- rently attempting te 7aise4109,000 for the TNI's first t-zear budget. . � Attached ,p7.06"0"1"0"461110, - ' - � � -7- .""'" - ,(-174047$0',4, � � Racuard RARNET'a draft prospectus for an cyc opedia, roject which the IPS has considered for some tine. 4. This memorandum and the attachments are furnished in response to the request information concerning the European center of the IPS41contained in your letter dated 15 December 1972, subject: Institute for Poli 0 41 Studies, Internal Security - Revolutionary Activitie It supplements our memorandum B-3579, dated 7 December /2, subject: French Leftist Consideration of Pre .sal for the Establishment of a European Center of the Ins .itute for Policy Studies. S. The information in this report is being provided to your Bureau with the understanding that it will receive no further dissemination, other than to your appropriate field offices, without the prior approval of this office; and that any reference to it in internal Bureau documents will state only that it was obtained from a confidential '%� pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 ��� pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 - .r; 7.77 � 4 t�.%.4,:. ' � )7, � � ���� ��� ":��".:* Iv' 'N. .. � ' eition of t office 'ori inatin .; , � .r � . � 4 . � � � ..� � � . � .7 - � � . � . , . - � . . � ' . *thil � - . Z� ���;.:4�. � . ' ��:�-," ..:..7. �� ��� - : I . : ',.:...� ,_ . �� � .�2..;t; � . ��� ' e� ������......% t -*�.."!,..-.,...e.: !....-"....y_z�.... xi; � ��� 'vr� 4 :I - ..1����� - . . 4,".1.:�_!:"..V. � � � ... Att,ebitent : : VS ....'�!e'.... ,.:.' -'- ��� ��� so" ... .. ' 4 ."�. .7.. ...,...r. ���� ���� :ft ........ ... " 1-� - ;': .. -= 'le.: . � .t....2..." � � -.41.... '.... . *...- ..i � ' 1,4 .����� .;$1.: --.5-&' :�����It'� '' - ? :.*.r.- "rsCe AA * �:71.tit ' : ,,;��;-;:'....,.%. - i. - :- % " r'*.T.r -- --' j';',,Orikinat di) � CIZSD it�.f.:. �! o't. 171-P.WO -4.'�-:;:..c7....-t.je15..;.**1:"�...:T- ...t ' � � .� I - . . ... 4.1'SOLITel - - .. , 4.7., � :MM. 41.1�:.� ' WV ...4'.. 46,. , �....'� . 1.� r� A,. � ' 'tribune . - -: : ��� ._ .. . .., ......,,..-:,..r.:_.�....,............;..:::?-1:,:.-4.-. �-�''.:,Li�-�.-:::-':,- --i-- - :Based o . 24 Slav ..-73. . ___, ......_ � . �-.., .-.... � - . - ��".. -t. - .� - �����... � � �.� �p��� ..... ,.... .....� - � . . .. ..:. 7.. 4:1.".�:. � -� � --- --����:!:_ - . rigiaa2,27 via courier .- -..-:' .: � � re. ...JO" 'ft. � t � �� �-� � �40, 5.p... � � � � 11"��� ����� '� � Irt����. :6 � �� �- - 67-44.47-1.:4!���: � � r����� ,�';� ���,' a�;s ."'��� :��� � ";:o V� .." � � � � "i�� 6' 6. ��.� �� ����'� ...11 memo chrome' !-* - -** -� � : . ����: �ta ;:- ; � -� � , ' ��� � � 7 �' �11.%���-�'�� � wit "s� ty4� *�-��� !��� ��� 11...:�.,������ �����." � -���: � �� � � :�� �1/. � � ������ik. '7 ���-� ��.:"�..� � � :��� � � ^ . � .14. . . . -71. � t".��.... ��4 �� � _A.-. :.:�������� . -; r � . .1.. � . ' � � `. � ; � "- �� tt',7. � � . ��� �����-� '.;!� � - ^ - � "-t-fr� . : . -- se � - .-� . � � .,-`'" 2. '� ����� � -- 11- � � � �.? ' �:./ltrt -�� � .fs ' � ^ ���� .f."---"�; � _ . . - - � � - � � � �- .� � t� ����;.: . 4.� � � � " � N ' � � � ": � . �. . � . . ' ����:''.. e'�� �� ef".- . � "���� � �7�. . ��� .� � � � �� !���'7.'s � � .�' � ��_:;(��-�-� � .4 . - � - � � .., ���. 2 ..._ � . , � :� ;...� - . . .; .. ........ p. .t......... .' . "... ...."- ti� ' " .: ...-. ' ...yr.: ' , � .........,....inr, '� � . '. .. :.1. r ,.."" � , .. i� '.....:. , � ... '' .....t. . . � ... , .....� , - � ...: "11 � � ..' 4 � ...r.� # e--.. � .... t � - � 4-t..,... �..- . ---....t, *�-:..- - .---:3--:--:"--��- -'.. � �� "i .- . ,,. . ... : .....1.,..4.-.. ...-.......t., . . :...., sr, ..... �. .. . - - ...,��: �Nt.�1- ..-. -1. . :41..... g :- . � . . - k '1! ��� '. ' '. " ..�� "'� c - -... -wt." .. 4.1,":".F. '':.... ..� �,...s ;-,'. . - � - � � ' .:"-�� � . .. .. . .. � r., ,.....v....., .......:., _....,: ...-... .. -� . .� . t,....,,... 4P.:�� � - ������ � . � P. � . �-�.1.� �J --� �� �or ��14,1����� ��-' � � � ��� . � � �� . � � � �1" t 1. . � ��� . t������'�� � � � C � la � � � .� � � --fr.:. � pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 � ���"�;44. 7". 0,71. ��� : � ;.*-r � � .v . � ^ �:.;����� � �/. 41 � � " � ;.-.; ; ;74, ��� Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 .0 - W 11.011.1111M � I SUBACT: .Standin Grour Rcquirerents frDs the 11/ tor TallowiLs is a surcary liclip rl stanelbs. ;rour requirements received by fro, the FeJeral (A Bureau of Investigation: 1. LA kashington. D.C., merorandur. dated �Jaataup, entitled "Students for a beioCrittic Society. Internal Security dents for a Derocratii Fociety, Leatherran." Requests au:dais:int at.rcad of 2: POTI,trS of SDS/keatt.erman whr arc it. fuOtivt. . Baskin:ten, D.C., mcloran4ur. clatc-.2 17 't 19,C, entitle: ":1uJeLt i07 A I-eic- critic-Society. Interns: ',4eurity - stuitLI:t for a Derycratir Soc;et), hestherral.." he- quests watchlistim; -I..A ef S nerher. ( � w7gise10411� 3 i g�� SIA/Weatherr Id ar ,: arc in fu v It,; I? A Lit __ . . V'Lc. kaFkington, P.C., merarzneur, cat.'-' lt 101x.19.:P. entitled "Etuderts ler a Derocratit Society, Internal Semrity - Students fore Democratic Sec its, kesther- man." Requests watehliting al.:vad Cl c members of SPS!heztherr2= wk. alc 1i7 a iugitive status /00- gi3qC44 9-.3 to i LA d. kaskington, P.C., temoran!ur, date.- i/ 00 "4137. 0 J,AL, a-lul,r. 0., enti.tIed -Students fel *. T711enortatic ociety (heateerrsnl.' Lists :1.1 individuals who were radical fuOtives (including lieatherman tethers: whoa the Bureau � -iscd merited '!whatever rarticulL, attention (CIA: dems reasenal..Ie"; thi: hat. beet. con' rued as a request ft: vnt.-:it,. pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 r gamminowilmi s.3 100 � 0'9�44 3.4 Washington, P.C., mesorandue,' date14.- "1QL.entitled "tudents for a Society 1Weathertan)." watchlisti.fg abroad 6 MelaseTS of SPS;ukulhk7VaL 11, status (ook 2. lac) Extremist 7:14 Washington. P.C., perorandum, date.. ard6g6-14 1 t led "Congress of African Pe, Its Racial Matters. ....1so sequvrA:- uat� concernlhe. tler uLia ... DC en the CAP organi:ation in the unitc,1 . States, and/or it leaders, with trwrsst 1r- dduals or organi:ations abroad. 4.:1 Teletype 00a, dated :7 tquAL_111:1�mmorlF ti "black Panther Party orrriviT-7vc Racial Matters." Rcquests inicrratiUm./41E.00 1.t:0,3:.....5704-3 7_if4 activities of the Cleaver faction located it forcisn COUSItTiti, particularly regarl!n; , /Of A. Teletype DOI, date, eL- 1..../ tit d "Slack Panther larty-77 Ti 177-4777rer iii)�' Faction, Racial NiitirTf..* Requests infortaticrs concerning movements am6 wheresbout% of tht fonowl pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 000014576 � .-� nr�i''Ct 4`. .11.1146.4iPi� AwovedforRelease:2024/12/19C00014576 t JIM= � AVIri 5 -.2�6 e. Washington, D.C.. letter, &ripe ,e � � jga, entitled "Sixth Pan African Congress AL,, 1Vi1ie 1973 at Dar Es Sa2aaw, Tan:ania." itsquests alumfillo'll3a0311tat1071 regarding bPAC. 3. Travel to North Vietnam Ncrth Korea Mina tuts: /so .443 4435-I 11 ,' " . Washington. IL C., memorandus., dated iulv " t le 114, Control Letisla 3071 Trotskyists: t. Teletype PPS, dated 24 January Jr), en- .- Communist (Trotslyistl; Socialist Worlers Party, quests documents ohtained abroad on SIT tine. YSA. tit3e4 "Young SociaList Oiernal Securit lnternal Security - Communist (Irotskyist)." Re- Aid 44 -26er b. washituue...C. tmcrant.u:. JatedoUi, itled "ircialist korkers Party nc rcts ylsts Orgatit3Tiont." RequeSt% (11 information concerninl. liaison between the Social- ist Workers Party (fl.:-J att.! other C.S. Irctskyist J 3 14 �� � .0 *0.0 0�� pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 rir - � tr-1-� J12 � pproved for Release: 2024/12/19_C00014576 /A rours and Trotskyist organiritions ih foreign ountries; (21 information Indicating financial 'support furnished by AlmeTiam Trots)yists to the fourth 'International (Fl) or any financial purport received from such groups; (S) contacts and activi- -ties of SP and other American Trotskyist leader traveling abroad; (4) indications of change in thu current SUP attitude of being against terror-ass as in appropriate tactic for Tretslyist group:- in latin Amer2CS; (5) any pertinent information concerning activities in the U.S. of all Trotskyist groups avd their members. � Pro-Chinese Communist Orcanizatiuns: � a. Washington. D.C., scrurardue, date:340./04 if0441r7"" ties of the Comrunist Leaptc :treat:. b. Washington, D.C., Memorandum, Febr � 1073 entitled "I Woe turn," ell'Si C. Washington, D.C., memorandum, dstedm1�;"/ Febaa imi, entitled "October League." 'Ale- Tilts 271 stion relating to the a- � � � the October League (DL) OrtiVe d. Washington. D.C., memorandum, dated J6 414 "93"-48 e.t7�arv_12:3, entitled "Revolutionary Vrior. � r ' :=4": pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19_C00014576 " CO IA IA - NI' � .110` - � .4- � !.... .7;:��� . � � 4. Puerto Rican Groups: a. Puerto Rican Revolutionary holier:. Oroni:i.- tion - Washington. P.C., memorandum. datcd 20 Jab- iktEL4413. entitled "Pu Piran.RevrlutiP olIcrs Pritanftation." b. Puerto Rican Socialist Party - Washington, ' ., memorandum. dated 42.11g � 1Z.3. entitled.. /06./24174 can Socialist aft% . � �;_�4""t- --��,-- P11111W 7. Chicanos: ios-ira 440-137 a. Chicann Extremists - WashingtoL, memorandum, dated la_lammAry an;s-am entitled "}e- pest for Evaluation of Informataon (NO." )). Mexican-American Militancy �Washingtor. thew.", D.C., semorandut, doed-29.Ju entitlee ay* I" � frAtf . Vencereme IriLade: As- 4960 9-22f a. Washington, P.C., memoran4ua, dated 21 Janusry WS, entitled "Venceretos ci2VIPPOIMTntfortation or. foreigr. Ven *ream' brigade (Vi) TarticipaLti pproved for 411. Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576, T. wri'mr�0 vie � ������ ���1111�1�11m. ���� 4 � �;-; - � � 4.1.- - ;ft-, .- - YcirAL. � v4dr.-`''.%-. r*, � . ,iir...i.4.-!....;f-1.17-25VZ4.,,,t; TI ..!..t..."-� ....:: ..,L �--; 1,�,,-171, '..;,�-......z._::,...:.,,t1.��::K...-.1.-417-: :two 1'1-4.4",--' `-%tif ..,-t-4.-- -------.9-- _ . _ ,--. � .....-�:-. or. -....-:i.0-:"..- � '1.-- � - - 4- .-- --''- � Institute for Policy Studies: /OD' 44e79.3;-� 91C a. Washington, D.C., memorandum, datedai 4/kUrar.x.01.11:4, entit,;14 "InstitUte fer Studies orsy." Requests information concerning. hostile co4lacts and activitie of persons con- 1)t nrcted tilth IFS, esrecially u:th ',Ate Cul-cts, Chinese Comrunists, Soviets, Nora Vietnamse, Nora Wereans and representatives of the PTCV4* siczal Revolutionary Government ei Notta Vietnar aganOT aty fcreign TeVOIUtiOUTY 04anivitions. 06 -W7 73t I. ETUSIT17-71equests any infer:a:ion concomini: the estatlishment of a Europeat Getter of the t. Washitgton, D.C., temosandur, Decer11/_=2, entitled "Institute for Policy Anstityte for Policy Studiea. 1G. Niscellatm s. beserter Furport WastingtoL. b 10 .L., . randue, dated 12_2aamALLoW,I, entitled "Vy From Exile, SteckhcrirrSiregir.;" Requests information on the involvement of any foreign countries or fOrttln PUtwarSiVt orgatications and their Mlle:- ence on American deserter-draft resister group. mnd individuals. Met �efitF6 b. Iiettam Veterats Against the her - Waa- ington, P.C., memerandur, dated 23,4AllysitS.4,0754, entitlee. "Vietnam:Veterans Agaifet the Wit, fVVAV..'' Requests itformatien or. foreign 'mime: cf VVAV memtmrs are their contact:, tia repre.sett.;ti:ts 41,-;70-11a, pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 - 4e�.......cemeadmiprolg....v -......A. 'se* ..-- .,,t.. it.,. - wow...�. �� Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 Ps" � tit o: teste nations or represents es Di sercipr. towievolutiosagyorganications. Alu. req; v-tu If:- proration conceruigg�tactical OT guerrilla traitizip int af(urde� by VPAt to foggis.t. tereltitTre..,r). organizations and concerning funding of NNn 1.... hostile =trier Or foreign revolutionen.organi-. 12 ptions. C. k c Peoples Coalition for Peace and Justice - Was gton. D.C., percrandur, dated .1,14i,akia...415,17/..13443.1 entitled " c les Coeitior fof� ice (PCPJ)." d. Progressive Labor Party - vast c aLtkugl.. ...*.s.70W-iriff se andur, dated 3,�je � " entitled "Pro- gressive Labor Party.. ' equests any inferrstien concernin e activitiep of the Progressive -$,-, Party (PL . s C. Jewish Defense League - hashi nit rfr.0 -.112747.1Ge3 memerandur. dated LiAbiaanwAlu, entitlee "Jewish Defense League." Requests any anforration concern- ing the a:rivities of the Jewish Defensc le:ct?e (JD1' I. Neu Left Extrenist; False Ideiillitl!"445'4" n RsitingIon,-D.C.; mencrandut, dated NTvecitw.12:;, entitle; . ::' eu Left Extremists a ::.1 : Falsd41 De..c!..: ri:t3ts Requests to be advised if the Agency receives any "N; Th� infcrnaticn concerting persons Sill. tht "falre iden:itief" 3isted in u the BUTtu'S C?.ica47. mempraueb 41.1ce. � emoinsmobwi..ofeems... � for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576 , (1 luk both entitled "Xem Left Eitrenists; }also Ident0 ties." 11:4�.7.4.3$154 � . g. Coordinating Council Movement of liberdc 1::: tion -fl Washington ?4r. D.C., letter. dated 33 Ly (11 entied "The Coordinating Council Mov eirr-Promm- , LibeTation c ml) 'Terist Valle"' Requests any inforLitsor rego) the WasLington, D.C.-basci CCM1 grouT- Originated ty: .. Auk - : imson=in Di5tribution 41,111111 Original -111, Lot - Ill Requirt4.rnts 9 RequestsC pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00014576