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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
June 23, 2015
Document Release Date: 
September 17, 2010
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Publication Date: 
July 31, 2003
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PRINTED: Friday, June 15, 2007 AT: 10:09 CL BY: CL REASON: DECL ON: DRV FRM: UNCLASSIFIED//AIUO (b)(3) Memorandum- for the Record KEY: C/2003-01056 EVENT: MEMBER BRIEFING DATE: 07/31/2003 TIME: 17:00 STATUS: COMPLETED PLACE: 5-407 CAPITOL FOR: OTHER SUBJECT: THREAT BRIEFING ASSOCIATION NAME ROLE CLINTON, HILLARY R. [D-NY] SEN SCHUMER, CHARLES E [D-NY) SEN CIA/OCA SUPPORT TTIC BERRY, ALFRED BRIEFER Executive Summary: 1. (U) This was alast-minute request by both senators from NY who clearly had heard thru the senatorial grapevine that both TTIC and CTC had been shopping around amid-summer threat briefing going to the standing IC oversight committees. Coming from NY, they had a particular interest in knowing what was happening. TTIC's Neal Berry provided them a quick synopsis of just that. He reviewed an overview of what we knew of threats to American interests both in CONUS and overseas, as well as-what the IC thought AQ was up to. The picture that was painted was that these are dangerous times, and the senators clearly concurred. Neal promised that should the generalities surrounding the various threats begin to gel into actionable intelligence with specific targets, we would certainly keep the Hill informed. Briefing was cordial and productive throughout, and graciously received. lalson icer Office of Congressional Affairs Summary Text: Follow-up Action Items: Additional Information: UNCLASSIFIED//AIUO APPROVED FOR RELEASE^ DATE: 07-Sep-2010