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September 23, 1983
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JUNE 2017
AR 70-14
23 September 1983
MEMORANDUM FOR: The Director of Central Intelligence
SUBJECT : MILITARY THOUGHT (USSR): An Operation to Destroy Enemy
Antisubmarine Forces
1. The enclosed Intelligence Information Special Report is part of a series
now in preparation based on the SECRET Soviet Ministry of Defense publication
Military-Theoretical Collection of Articles of the Journal "Military Thought."
This article briefly discusses the actions the Soviets would take in a special
naval operation at the beginning of a war to neutralize the underwater, surface,
and airborne ASW forces of the US and NATO and disable their underwater
hydroacoustic surveillance systems, cable lines, data collection and processing
points, and ASW control centers in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Pacific
theaters. This article appeared in Issue No. 3 (7) for 1975.
2. Because the source of this report is extremely sensitive, this document '
should be handled on a strict need-to-know basis within recipient agencies. For
ease of reference, re rts from this pub4cation have also been assigned the ,
o .Stein
irector for Operations
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The Director of Central Intelligence
The Director of Intelligence and Research
Department of State
The Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
The Assistant to the Chief of Staff for Intelligence
Department of the Army
Director of Naval Intelligence
Department of the Navy
The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence
U. S. Air Force
Director,?Natiohal Security Agency
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
peputy Director for Intelligence
Director of Soviet Analysis
Director of Scientific and Weapons Research
Director of Imagery Analysis
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INFO. 1975
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Intelligence Information Special Report
Page 3 of 12 Pages
DATE 23 September 1983
MILITARY THOUGHT (USSR): An Operation to Destroy Enemy Antisubmarine Forces
-The following report is a translation from Russian of an article which
appeared in Issue No. 3 (7) for 1975 of the SECRET USSR Ministry of Defense
publication Military-Theoretical Collection of Articles of the Journal
" This article, by Rear Admiral V. A. Smsaylav, first )
defines the underwater, surface, and airborne ASW threat posed by US and '
NATO forces against the Soviets in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Pacific
areas and particularly in the straits and narrows contiguous to the USSR.
This is followed by a general description of the actions the Soviets would
take in a special naval operation at the beginning .of a war to neutralize
US and NATO ship hunter-killer groups, nuclear and diesel ASW submarines,
ASW aviation, and their basing system and to destroy or disable enemy
underwater hydroacoustic surveillance systems, cable lines, data collection
and processing points, snd control centers of ASW forces. All of this
would be accomplished by Soviet multiple-arm naval forces assisted by long-
range and front aviation and (in the event of a nuclear war) the Strategic
Rocket Forces.
End of Summary
According to available sources, author Vladimir A. Samoyloviaas
promoted to vice admiral in 1977 and served as a First Deputy Commander of
the Black Sea Fleet. Since August 1982 he has held the position of
Commander of the Leningrad Naval Base where he was probably promoted to
admiral in December 1982.
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Rear Admiral V. A. SANDYLOV
According to the plan of the American command, =bat against submarines at
the beginning of a war will consist of a combination of decisive offensive
actions joined together by the concept of "antisubmarine warfare" /ASW/, the
ultimate purpose of which is to deny the enemy effective use of his own
submarine forces, primarily his nuclear missile submarines. To conduct such
actions, powerful forces and modern ASW means are being created whose efforts
are to be concentrated on preventing the deployment of submarines and on
destroying them in transit at sea and in their combat patrol and combat action
The ASW forces are being developed by increasing the number of their most
advanced types: nuclear ASW submarines, air-capable ships, and new land-based
and carrier-borne ASW aircraft and helicopters. The upgrading of the inventory
of surface ships and diesel submarines and their, equipping with more
sophisticated acoustic and non-acoustic means of submarine detection and with
'ASW weapons are being carried out simultaneously; and a stationary sonar
surveillance system is being developed and perfected, particularly in the
Atlantic and Pacific oceans, in the Mediterranean Sea, and in a number of other
areas of the world ocean.
1 1
At present the ASW forces of the fleets of the NATO countries have over 200
submarines, more than 700 surface ships and boats, and approximately 2,000
aircraft and helicopters. In the Pacific Ocean more than 400 combat ships and
as many as 500 ASW aircraft are included in their inventory. For the purpose of
conducting antisubmarine warfare, the extensive use of mines is called for,
particularly in the exits from bases, in straits and narrows, and also in the
probable deployment routes of our submarines.
Combat against submarines, support of the combat actions of naval strike
forces, and protection of sea lanes are viewed by the command of the US and NATO
naval forces as a-unified task. The principal role in accomplishing it is
assigned to the ASW forces and to the system of underwater surveillance and
control of forces which has been set up in advance.
With the combined employment of ASW submarines, aviation, surface ships, and
stationary sonar means, it is envisaged to accomplish the above-mentioned tasks
to the entire depth of the theaters, with due regard for their unique geographic
features, by the establishment of ASW zones and barriers and by the close-in
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escort of strike groupings and convoys. Accordingly, the main efforts will be
concentrated on the most important submarine deployment routes and in straits
and narrows.
The American command intends to achieve the greatest concentration of ASW
forces within the Units of the forward ASW zones immediately adjacent to the
areas in which submarines have deployed from their basing points, or in sectors
where, according to theater conditions, the task of detecting and destroying
submarines can be accomplished most successfully.
In the Atlantic Ocean the Americans categorize the Barents, Norwegian, and
Greenland seas as such areas, as well as the straits connecting those seas to
the Atlantic. Measures are being implemented in those areas to make it possible
to establish a strong ASW grouping having up to 75 submarines (15 of which are
nuclear), more than 100 shore-based aircraft, at least one carrier group, and
ships from a standing Large unit of NATO's Allied Naval Forces.
In the Pacific Ocean it is planned to concentrate ASW forces in the area
from Kamchatka to The Philippines and in the seas of Japan and Okhotsk with
their straits, where plans call for having more than 10 nuclear and as many as
30 diesel submarines, two to three carrier groups, and approximately 250
In the Mediterranean Sea steps are being taken which are aimed at
establishing ASW barriers in the straits zones and narrow passages with up to
three to four nuclear and 10 diesel submarines, more than 50 aircraft,
approximately 40 helicopters, and over 30 surface ships being allocated to them
on the basis of the experience of exercises by ND's Allied Armed Forces.
These forces are being concentrated at the Gibraltar, Tunis, Crete, and Otranto
barriers. The improvement of the system of close-in escort of ship large units
against submarine attacks is also continuing.
When organizing the ASW defense of ship Large units in transit at sea and in
a combat action area, primary attention is given to the protection of strike
carriers, landing forces, and convoys.
Frigates, destroyers, patrol craft, carrier-borne ASW aircraft and
helicopters, and land-based patrol aircraft are used for close-in escort of
strike carriers. In 1973 the Americans worked out and began the practice of
using one or two nuclear submarines as part of the forces escorting a carrier
strike force, which significantly increased the possibilities of detecting and
destroying submarines in the combat maneuver area of the strike carriers.
As compared to World War II, the American counami assigns an important
place in its ASW system to stationary systems for surveillance of the
water environment. Intensive unrk is being carried out to develop systems of
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long-range-sonar surveillance of submarines not only on the approaches to the
American continent and in straits and narrows, but practically in the entire
water area of the ocean theaters. For these purposes they have established the
SCGUS system for long-range detection of submarines, which includes the Caesar,
Artemis, Colossus, and other sonar systems.
As follows from our combat training experience, the Americans are carrying
out continuous surveillance and reconnaissance of the activities of Soviet
submarines and they strive to track them constantly in order to destroy detected
submarines at the beginning of a war.
Thus, in the ocean and sea theaters the command of the US and NATO naval
forces has established a powerful system of ASW forces and means, including a
system for surveilling our submarines, interpreting the underwater situation,
and controlling ASW forces, and it has also established shipborne and airborne
ASW forces.
If timely and effective steps are not taken to combat enemy ASW forces, they
can destroy a certain number of our submarines at the beginning of combat
actions, which would jeopardize the accomplishment of important combat tasks by
these submarines.
To counterbalance the system set up by the enemy to detect and identify
submarines, we require a system to provide for the concealment of their actions
and to overcome the countermeasures of the ASW forces, including a combination
of operational, tactical, and technical measures to be carried out
systematically and according to a unified plan.
? As demonstrated by the experience of special and large-scale operational-
strategic exercises involving a large number of submarines, the preparation of
conditions for successfully destroying enemy ASW forces can include the
following: the early discovery of the enemy's ASW system in a theater and, in
particular, the detection of his groupings of ASW forces, their basing and
deployment areas, and also his stationary systems of underwater surveillance and
control of forces; maintenance of the concealment of our submarines' actions;
the systematic execution of a combination of measures to deceive the enemy; the
direct support by surface ships of the actions of submarines when they break
away from the enemy's ASW forels and when they pass through straits, narrows,
and ASW barriers; and the diversion of enemy ASW forces to fake axes, where it
would be possible to effectively destroy them at the beginning of a. war.
Maximum concealment of the actions of our submarines during their deployment
and performance of combat duty is a necessary condition for achieving the main
objective -- to prevent the destruction of our submarines at the beginning of a
war and to ensure that they successfully accomplish their assigned tasks. Both
the actions of the submarines themselves, which should always be conducted with
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maximum concealment, and also the combination of measures pertaining to the
operational camouflage of our own forces and the deception* of the enemy must be
subordinated to that objective.
At the beginning of a. war it is advisable to initiate aggressive and
decisive actions to destroy within a short time ASW forces and means in the
theaters, thereby bringing about favorable conditions for the deployment and
combat actions of our submarines.
The neutralization and destruction of enemy ASW forces exceed the scope of
conventional support actions. This has been confirmed by the experience of
World War II. As is known, one of the major errors of the German Fascist
command in using submarines was its neglect of matters concerning combat against
enemy ASW forces, which resulted in heavy losses.
In present-day conditions, in order to ensure the deployment of a large
number of submarines to remote areas and the massed use of them in the vast
expanses of ocean and sea theaters, an objective necessity arises to conduct a
special naval operation to destroy enemy ASW forces.
The aim of such an operation is to bring about favorable conditions for our
? submarines to effectively overcome the enemy's countermeasures and accomplish
'their assigned combat tasks.
In order to achieve this objective of the operation, it will be necessary to
accomplish tasks aimed at defeating the main groupings of the surface,
underwater, and airborne ASW forces of the probable enemy on the deployment and
operational axes of our main groupings of submarines, particularly in the
ibarriersland ASW zopes;iat disorganizing the system of surveillance and
interpretation of the underwater situation in a theater; at disrupting the
control of the enemy's ASW forces; and at destroying or disorganizing their
basing system.
A characteristic feature of this operation will be its great spatial scope,
which is caused by the deeply echeloned disposition of the enemy's system of ASW
forces and means and also by the availability of the system of stationary
surveillance, basing, and control that has been developed. '
The qualitative diversity of the forces and means being introduced into the
enemy's ASW system and the spatial distribution of them throughout entire
theaters create great difficulties in neutralizing and destroying this system,
and the accomplishment of this task requires the involvement of multiple-arm
naval forces and other branches of the armed forces, which must operate
according to a unified concept and plan under centralized control.
*Translator's note: The Russian word translated "deception" and "deceive" in
this report is dezinformatsiya, literally "disinformation".
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Specially established groupings of submarines, surface ships, and naval
missile-carrying and ASW aviation, as well as Large units of long-range and
front aviation, can be assigned to accomplish tasks in the operation; in
addition, shore-based missile units and, in certain cases, also light naval
forces, missile units of fronts, and the Air Defense Forces of the Country in
coastal and enclosed sea theaters /might be assigned/. Under conditions wherein
nuclear weapons are used according to the decision of the Supreme High Command,
the Strategic Rocket Forces as well can be assigned to participate in the
The main action targets of the forces in the operation will obviously be the
enemy's ship hunter-killer groups, nuclear and diesel ASW submarines, his ASW
aviation, and their basing system. Simultaneously with this, it will be
advisable to take steps to destroy or put out of operation underwater sonar
surveillance systems, cable lines, information collection and processing points,
and also the control centers of ASW forces.
Naval and long-range aviation and ship striking forces can be used to
destroy the enemy's surface ASW groupings, whereas in coastal waters use can be
made of shore-based missile units, light naval forces, and also front aviation.
ASW submarines at sea will be destroyed by ASW ship forces, ASW aviation, and
submarines. Strikes against the airfields of ASW aviation, against ASW ships
and submarines at bases, and against shore-based information collection points,
stationary surveillance systems, and control centers can be delivered by missile
submarines, the Strategic Rocket Forces, and long-range and front aviation.
Hitting the enemy's stationary underwater surveillance systems, which are
deployed in vast areas of the ocean and sea t4eaters and are carefully
camouflaged, is a complex. problem. For this purpose it is necessary to detect
in advance the location areas of the underwater sonar surveillance systems, the
cable lines, the information collection and processing equipment and facilities,
as well as the control centers and, at the beginning of combat actions, to
deliver strikes against the most vulnerable links in the stationary surveillance
Underwater sonar systems and cable lines 6ma be destroyed with the aid of
underwater explosions by depth charges, torpedoes with nuclear charges, and also
by remote-controlled mines laid out in advance in the identified areas where
stationary underwater surveillance means are located.
Also of great importance are measures to "blind" the enemy's underwater
surveillance system by the massed use of mans of hydroacoustic countermeasures
in order to create a false underwater situation, and of means of electronic
suppression in the control networks of /his/ ASW forces.
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In order to lay out decoys, it is advisable to allocate special groups of
submarines and aircraft which will divert enemy ASW forces from the actual
deployment routes and operational areas of our submarines by the massed use of
hydroacoustic countermeasures means on false deployment routes and in false
combat action areas.
The operational disposition of the forces in the operation can include the
following: on the main axis -- groupings to destroy enemy ASW forces at sea, at
bases, in ASW barriers, and in straits and narrows, as well as ASW aviation at
airfields, and also /groupings/ to neutralize and destroy the underwater
surveillance and control system of ASW forces; for support actions -- groupings
of. forces to neutralize the continental air defense, weaken the defense of enemy
ASW large units, and create a false underwater situation by the massed use of
hydroacoustic countermeasures and electronic suppression means.
All the actions of' the forces in the operation to destroy enemy ASW forces
should be thoroughly coordinated with the deployment plans and actions of our
As the experience of exercises reveals, at the beginning of a war the
initial strikes are of the greatest significance for achieving the objectives of
the operation. They must be delivered within the Shortest time by all the
forces participating in the operation, above all against the ASW forces deployed
in the /operational/ areas and ASW barriers and also against ASW aviation at
airfields. Simultaneously with this, it is necessary to act against the forces
at bases and against the surveillance and control systems of the forces. At the
same time, it is advisable to blockade the forces at bases by laying mines and
to contain the movement of the ASW Ship groupings located at sea.
The operation to destroy enemy ASW forces must be planned in advance on the
basis of specific tasks and the situation. An indispensable condition for the
successful planning of the actions of the forces in the operation is the close
coordination of these actions with the accomplishment of other tasks by the
fleet and also with the actions of the troops of coastal fronts. The conduct of
combat actions under conditions wherein nuclear or only conventional weapons are
used must be provided for in the plans.
The prime consideration in thc planning will be matters concerning the
optimum allocation of our own forces according to tasks, times, and areas and
the organization of cooperation with other branches of the armed forces.
Especially important in organizing this cooperation will be the planning of the
use of the nuclear weapons which are at the disposal of the fleet commander.
Under conditions wherein a war begins mdth the use of nuclear weapons, there
will be an opportunity to simultaneously act against all of the principal
elements of the enemy's systems of ASW forces and means within the shortest time
and to achieve their effective destruction and neutralization. When an
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operation is conducted with the use of only conventional means of destruction,
the ASW forces and means can be destroyed only by the successive delivery of
strikes with due regard for the deployment and operating times and areas of our
Of exceptional importance here is the art of selecting the strike targets
and the optimun sequence of hitting them, as well as the ability to tarry out a
rapid and concealed maneuver in order to concentrate the necessary forces and
means an the main axis within a short time.
The massed use of forces in the operation and the skillful coordination of
their actions with the strikes of the Strategic Rocket Forces, the front, and
long-range aviation bring about conditions for winning supremacy in specific
areas of the seas and oceans for the deployment and operational period of our
Successful accomplishment of the tasks in the operation will largely depend
on the organization of efficient cooperation among the forces participating in
it. This should include coordinating the sequence of the delivery of strikes by
multiple-arm naval forces and large units of the other branches of the armed
forces; allocating the strike tasks and targets; and maintaining mutual guidance
and target designation, exchange of information about the enemy, and also mutual
safety when using weapons. .
Subsequent actions in the operation to destroy ASW forces d1l be connected
with the procedure for redeploying our submarines and building up their number
in a theater through the deployment of the second echelon. During the
subsequent actions, concurrent with the completion of the defeat of previously
detected ASW forces, newly detected groupings of ASW forces which are opposing
the accomplishment of tasks by our submarines are to be destroyed.
Decisive actions in the operation to destroy enemy ASW forces will promote
the achievement of the main objectives in operations in the ocean and sea
theaters of military operations.
The detection of the forces opposing the deployment of our submarines, the
identification of the location and composition of the enemy's principal ASW
groupings, and the exposure of the organizational structure of his ASW barriers
and of the organized employment of the ASW forces and means in them should be
considered the main tasks of reconnaissance in the operation to destroy ASW
As the experience of special exercises demonstrates, it is particularly
difficult to detect stationary underwater surveillance systems, above all such
elements of than as underwater sonar receivers and cable lines. Therefore,
systematic actions must be carried out in advance by specially allocated
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reconnaissance forces equipped with appropriate technical means for detecting
these systems. However complex this task, if it is not accomplished it will be
impossible to plan and carry out the actions to .it these systems out of
operation at the beginning of a, war.
For simultaneous action against all the elements of the enemy's ASW system,
the reconnaissance of his ASW forces and means must be conducted without
interruption by all available methods and it must be aggressive in nature so as
to ensure the issuance of data at the beginning of a war to the multiple-arm
forces participating in the operation.
The operational camouflage of our awn forces and the electronic suppression
of the enemy are indispensable elements of the operation. Their main purpose is
to provide for the concealment of the actions of our submarines and to
disorganize the enemy ASW forces reconnaissance, surveillance, and control
Ensuring the air defense of surface groupings, particularly in combat action
areas, will be an indispensable condition for their effective utilization. This
can be attained in the overall combat plan for winning air supremacy and also by
the correct utilization of ship forces and means.
An important place in the operation will belong to the well-thought-cut
organization and efficient control of the forces. The Commander-in-Chief of the
Navy or the fleet ommanders appointed by him will exercise control of the
forces in the operation to destroy enemy ASW forces. Control of the large units
of long-range aviation and Strategic Rocket Forces which are allocated to
participate in the operation is to be exercised through the appropriate main
staffs of the branches of tee armed forces and the staffs l of cooperating
A,main feature of the control of forces in the operation being discussed is
the fact that all the actions of the forces in it are most closely connected
with the deployment of our submarines and the accomplishment by them of specific
combat tasks. Therefore, the plan for the operation to destroy enemy ASW forces
must be closely coordinated with the plans for the other operations that are to
be carried out by our naval forces, and the forces must be controlled from the
command post which controls our submarines.
At fleet command posts it is advisable to have a unified command center for
controlling the submarines and forces carrying out the destruction of enemy ASW
forces and means along their deployment routes and in combat action areas.
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To ensure stability of control in remote areas, it is necessary to provide
for the deployment of zonal ommands which are capable of assuming control of
all the forces operating in a given zone in ease centralized control is
temporarily disrupted.
Thus, the increase in the role of submarines and the importance of the tasks
to be accomplished by them in a modern war, an one band, and the establishment
by the enemy of a pcwerful and ramified system of combat against our submarines,
on the other, determine the need for conducting a special naval operation to
destroy enemy ASW forces -- one whose purpose is to ensure favorable conditions
for the utilization of our submarines in ocean and sea theaters.
This operation must be closely coordinated with the other operations of the
fleets and must be constantly worked out during operational training.
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