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ELECTION, DECLINATION, OR WAIVER OF LIFE INSURANCE COVERAGE FEDERAL EMPLOYEES GROUP LIFE INSURANCE PROGRAM TO COMPLETE THIS FORM- FOLLOW THESE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: ? Read the back of the "Duplicate" carefully before you fill in the form. ? Fill in BOTH COPIES of the form. Type or use ink. ? Do not detach. IMPORTANT AGENCY INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK OF ORIGINAL FILL IN THE IDENTIFYING INFORMATION BELOW (please print or type): 2 NAME (last) (first) (middle) DATE OF BIRTH (month, day, year) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER EMPLOYING DEPARTMENT R AGENCY L CATION (City, State, ZIP Code) HAVE YOU EVER BEFORE FILED AN "ELECTION, DECLINATION, OR WAIVER OF LIFE INSURANCE COVERAGE"? ^ YES ^ NO If "YES," your last such form remains in effect and you should not file this new form unless you want to change the old one. (See Instructions for Employees on page 4.) 3 MARK AN "X" IN ONE OF THE BOXES BELOW (do NOT mark more than one): Mark here - if you WANT BOTH optional and regular insurance Mark here if you DO NOT WANT OPTIONAL but do want regular insurance Mark here if you WANT NEITHER regular nor optional insurance (A) (C) ELECTION OF OPTIONAL (IN ADDITION TO REGULAR) INSURANCE I elect the $10,000 additional optional insurance and authorize the required deductions from my salary, compensation, or annuity to pay the full cost of the optional insurance. This optional insurance is in addition to my regular insurance. DECLINATION OF OPTIONAL (BUT NOT REGULAR) INSURANCE I decline the $10,000 additions. optional insurance. I understand that I cannot elect op- tional insurance until at least 1 year after the effective date of this declination and unless at the time I apply for it I am under age 50 and present satisfactory medical evidence of insurability. I understand also that my regular insurance is not affected by this declina- tion of additional optional insurance. APPROVFED FOR RELEASE DATE: < DEC 2007 I desire not to be insured and I waive coverage under the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program. I understand that I cannot cancel this waiver and obtain regular in- surance until at least 1 year after the effective date of this waiver and unless at the time I apply for insurance I am under age 50 and present satisfactory medical evidence of in- surability. I understand also that I cannot now or later have the $10,000 additional optional insurance unless I have the regular insurance. 4 DATE AND SIGN. RETURN THE ENTIRE FORM TO YOUR EMPLOYING OFFICE. L YL FOR EMPLOYING OFFICE USE ONLY (offir, as miieigiy4 dfey stamp) R :7 STANDARD FORM No. 176 APRIL 1968 FPM Supplement 870?-1 176-102 INSTRUCTIONS TO 1. Who must file.-SF 176 must be filed by- ? a new employee who is not excluded by law or regu- lation from insurance. This includes one with prior Government service that ended before February 14, 1968, and for whom no SF 176-T is on file, ? an employee appointed to a nonexcluded position following service during which he was ineligible for insurance, ? an employee desiring to change his insurance cover- age. Give a new employee copies of SF 176 and SF 176-A when he reports for duty and ask him to return the completed SF 176 showing his election promptly (preferably before the end of the first day period) but in no case later than 31 days after his appointment date. An employee with prior Government service in a non- excluded position from which he was separated after Feb- ruary 14, 1968, will have an SF 176 (or SF 176-T) on file in his official personnel folder. This election, declination, or waiver remains in effect, and he is accordingly insured, or not insured, in his new employment. He is not required to file anew SF 176. Until his election, declination, or waiver can be verified, make deductions based on his statement concerning earlier insurance coverage in his "Declaration of Appointee" (SF 61). 4n employee with newly acquired insurance eligibility (e.g., one transferred or converted from an excluded to a nonexcluded position or status), must be given the same opportunity to complete an SF 176 as a new employee. An employee desiring to change his insurance may at any time file an SF 176 declining his optional insurance or waiving his regular (and optional, if any) insurance. EMPLOYING AGENCIES An employee who is under age 50 may also request a can- cellation of a waiver of regular insurance or a declination of optional insurance any time after it has been in effect one year. The employee is first required to submit a "Re- quest for Insurance" (SF 51). If the Office of Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance approves the SF 51, notify the employee and ask him then to submit an SF 176 showing his election. 2. Employees failing to file.-If a new employee (or newly eligible employee) does not promptly return a com- pleted SF 176, contact him and urge him to do so even if he does not want optional insurance. (He will, of course, be automatically covered for regular insurance.) If he still fails to file an SF 176 within 31 days after, ap- pointment (or after becoming eligible), file one for him as of that date; mark box 8, and note in the space pro- vided for his signature "employee contacted on (date) failed to elect optional insurance." 3. Review of completed SF 176.-Review both copies of the SF 176 to see that it is legible, complete, and correct. If er/ "iyee waives (marks box C) it is advisable to con- tact him and ascertain whether this expresses his inten- tion or is an error on his part. 4. Date of receipt and effective date.-Stamp date of receipt by employing office in the space provided for this purpose on both the original and the duplicate, The date of receipt automatically determines the effective date as shown in the table below. 5. Disposition of SF 176.-File the original SF 176 in the official personnel folder in all cases. The duplicate may be destroyed if not needed for payroll purposes or after the requirements of the agency's payroll system have been met. TABLE OF EFFECTIVE DATES New employee (never before filed SF 176 or SF 176-T) EFFECTIVE DATE OF DEDUCTIONS OPTIONAL coverage effective on date SF 176 received by OPTIONAL and REGULAR deductions begin with pay period employing office or on first day in duty and pay status, if in which coverages are effective. later; REGULAR coverage effective on first day in duty and pay status. Declination effective on date SF 176 received in employing REGULAR deductions begin with pay period coverage is office; REGULAR coverage effective on first day in duty effective. No OPTIONAL deductions. and pay status. If received during first pay period, waiver effective on receipt; No deductions if waiver received during first pay period; if received after first pay period, then on last day of pay REGULAR deductions, if begun, stop last day of pay period period in which received. in which waiver is received. Present or former employee (previously filed SF 176 or SF 176-T) PRESENT INSURANCE COVERAGE Waived coverage REGULAR coverage effective on first day in duty and OPTIONAL and REGULAR deductions begin pay status after date of approval of " Request for with pay period in which respective coverages Insurance" (SF 51) by OFEGLI; OPT IONAL cov- are effective. erage effective on first day in duty an d pay status after date of approval of SF 51 and r eceipt of SF 176 by employing office. REGULAR coverage effective on first day in duty and REGULAR deductions begin with pay period in pay status after date of approval of " Request for which coverage is effective. Insurance" (SF 51) by OFEGLI. Has regular insurance OPTIONAL coverage effective on first day in duty OPTIONAL deductions begin with pay period in only and pay status after date of appro val of "Re? which coverage is effective. quest for Insurance" (SF 51) by O FEGLI and receipt of SF 176 by employing offic e. Has regular and op- Cancellation of OPTIONAL coverage e ffective on OPTIONAL deductions stop last day of pay tional Insurance last day of pay period in which SF 17 6 received; period in which declination is received; REGULAR coverage continues. REGULAR deductions continue Has regular (or regular W aives insurance Waiver of REGULAR coverage (and can cellation of . REGULAR (and OPTIONAL, if any) deductions and optional) insur? OPTIONAL, if any) effective on last day of pay stop on last day of pay period in which ance period in which received. waiver is received. NOTES: 1. Approval by OFEGLI of a "Request for Insurance" (SF 51) is good for only 31 days. Regular coverage cannot become effective if employee is not in duty and pay status within 31-day period. Optional coverage cannot become affective unless the employee is in duty and pay status and also returns an SF 176, showing an election of optional Insurance, to his employing office within the 31-day period. If approval of SF 51 expires, new SF 51 must be submitted to OFEGLI. 2. An employee for whom the agency files SF 176 because he failed to do as is deemed to have declined optional, but not regular, insurance. 3. The effective date of regular (and optional, if not declined) coverage for an employee who has been an leave without pay for more than 12 months is the first day he is in pay and duty status. Deductlorns are effective the same day.