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Document Release Date: 
June 19, 2009
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Publication Date: 
September 9, 1964
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: 03-25-2009 pte-abe r 1964 QUESTION: Probable Communist Reaction to Specific U.,' * Courses of. Action ANSW E.R ' The NVN Coznrnunists, backed by the Chinese Cornx untsts appear, ready toacceptconsiderable risk of i mage to themselves rather than back down The and lose the i, itiative in Southey t Asia Corni mists will not consider a temporary hat t to,,,. VC military and political.activity unleas convinced that continuation would result i sustained an&Oevere air attacks on North Vietnam. QU4STIONN: Moderate 'step-up in .34* actions. ANSWER: We believe that either moderate or heavy step-up in 34# aetIona. would do no, serious damage to NVN and would cause Hanoi to react vigorcussly -with its own: farces, raise. a propaganda attack against the U. S. but Would not cal], for Chinese *nte'rventiora. 34A oporations- wouldprobablynot cause DRY aerial, retaliation against South Vietnam and, eauld not. affect DRY support of. andLao;s insurgency activity. III. t UESTION: ad DE SOTO Patrol ANSWER: We believe the :DRY would very probably. not attack DE SOTO patrols outi ide'the l.2-mile' lirnit. It ].a an open"question however whether the 12-mile. limit is open regulated by the island chains.or by the mainland IV.. QUESTION .NSWli R:- ANSWER:- ,coastline . If the DO SOTO patrols proceed close to -the shoreline, the DRY will probably attack. Also, if the patrols are relat sd to 34A operations, DRY would attack.'as. they did in early August* Air attack against Laotian infiltration t.r eta. in the orrido.r. W"e doubt such bombing and strafing would. hamper VC infiltration. Wo 'would expect DRY to.move in. A..A.A . ar n-azrient at key points but we Would not expect the DRY to co nx,it combat aircraft to de'fend>the La otian Corridor. QUESTION. U. S.. or .LRVN air attacks on DRV Targets of Opportunity ANSWER:. 3 RVwould: use their ate defense capabilities both day arid night (the latter very lirrzited} and would call for ChiCom assistance -,and ;tna.re Combat aircraft andanti: ai ?craft equipment and crews.. Reprisals attacks againstVh3.. are a possibility. .ri intense propaganda campaign will be generated byHar i and Feipiang., M'e.would not expect Chinese Cornnnunists to move in ground force's nor c ould we expect Hanoi to call off the VC support in. SVN. VI. QUESTION: A stepped- up U.S. .rnilitary.presence~ in outh"V;i.etnsru ANSWER Increases in advisory activities would-probablyadcelerste IIRV s ppo rt, of the VC throug the infiltration of tnen and matt rial. Introduction. of large4scale U.,S ce~ ba.t forces into South~Vietnan would possibly result in the introduction: of Chinese ground forces'`into NVN and t c poyment of NVN ground forces into strategic laca:tion0, The VC would continue their guerrilla, war of harra.samx3.ent -a;gainst both U. S. combat forces and the SVN, VII QUESTION' Systematic air_ attacks against n t itary-related DRY target. ANSWER: 'anoi anal Peiping, U ;convinced that ih r attacks would esuit in. the, destruction of much of T VN, Would rzzake every effort to can X" k41 international conference in. order to halt U. S,: assaults. Concurrently. they would probably position DRV and: ChiCom troops end make open preparations for . .ajor wary .,If the assaults were sustained the reefter anvi might halt VC.nd PL' -c tivitie s temporarily but would not di s ml. antle the apparatus. , Alternatively, if the political sSti soon V vas unstable , the Cain itnista would be tempted to move' overtly to unseat the tgpu Government and po a sibly. the" government of" ,Laos d s well, ;