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Publication Date: 
November 26, 1964
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26 November 1964 Problems of Courses of'Action -- South Vietnam. 1, Stability of the ~uong Government, I believe Sai~on agitations of the last several days are more serious than we t~i:ought a few days. ago, apparently grow in seriousness each day ~;nd could possibly force change in government at any time. Amb. Taylor's Telex report of his. meeting with Huong, e't al, is painfully reminiscent of similar meetings. with Diem ar,d Minh. and Khanh before the fall of their respective government, i I therefore believe th.e insecurity of the base and the prospect of the Huong government being replaced by a government less determined,, to fight the VC, less sympathetic with United States objectives'n SEA and less interested in carrying the war to the north should be considered as a possibility, 2, Reprisals for' each. act taken by the US/GVN against, the north must be anticipated, The attack on the De SO'I{Q patrol (Gulf of Tonkin incident) was a reprisal for SVN maritime operations. The attao~ on the Bien H48 airfield (I November 1964) was very possibly a reprisal for maritime operations conducted on Reprisals on either a large scale (Bien Huo attack) or a small scale such. as assassinations. of senior U. S, or GVN officials, capturing of hostages, etc, , could have a very serious effect, extremely difficult to anticipate, APPROVED FOR RELEASE^DATE: 03-24-2009 ;; ~~~u 3. The U. S. publ~c generally, and most certainly world opinion, both in friendly and antagonistic nations., will revile the U. S. military action against the north except for. that action limited to supply routes and installations. Certainly an attack such as anticipated in JCS Action B or the more severe levels of Action C (operations 8 through 11), would bring severe criticism because these actions would result in damaging or sinking ships of friendly nations, depriving friendly nations. of trading activities- they consider legitimate, the injuring or killing of inestimable numbers of civilians located in or adjacent to the "94 target list" and finally condemnation for the lodgement of US/SVN forces on the sovereign territory of NVN. The effect of such violent criticism on the success of the venture; on the determination of the United States to continue on its course of action and on the psychology of the NVN; would be that ,public opinion would force us to desist -- all must be weighed carefully in considering Option C . In my opinion the reaction within. the United States and among friendly nations to .Option B would be one of anger, sorrow. and disgust. 4. An attack by the United States on a recognized Communist state, North Vietnam, would in my opinion cause the Communist World to temporarily at least patch up their differences. and present a unified front. Soviet-ChiCom ideological differences would not "disappear", but they would be temporarily submerged in the interests of pursuing what they would construe "greater purpose of World .Communism. Many Communist leaders. in many states would begin to. doubt the legitimacy of the coexistence arguments and veer towards ChiCom violent antagonistic attitudes, minorities throughout the Free World would us-e U. S.. military action against a Communist state as a strong rallying point. Subsequent events such as ChiCom entry into the fray and Soviet unwillingness. to commit itself, thus risking nuclear war with. the U. S. , might destroy the initial unifying trend, however this is a situation. that cannot be accurately appraised at the present time. The above random thoughts lead me to the conclusion 1. No course of action should be taken against the north unless there is a determined effort to improve conditions within SVN, coupled with a plan of action and a proper organization, both .SVN and U. S. , to implement the plan. 2. Actions against the north should be limited to reconnaissance and strikes Ilea lve denot ledineshof communication, and supply operations which xnvo . P etc. 3, There should be no approval of further or more extended military operations against the north such as. the bombing of the 94 target list, mining harbors, etc. OPERATION PLAN 34A Operations 30 July - 1 November 1964 Date Type Operation Mission. Accomplishments 30 July 64 Marops/Bomb. Hon Me Island Successful 30 July 64 Marops/Bomb. . Hon Ngu Island Successful 2 Auk 64 FIRST TONKIN GUhF INCIDENT 3 Aug 64 Marops/Bomb. Vinh Son Radar Successful 3 Aug 64 Marops/Bomb. Ron Security Post Successful 4 Aug 64 SECOND TONKIN GULF INCIDENT. 5 Aug 64 Air Strike Vinh-Ben Thuy POL Successfu1.90% 5 Aug 64 Air Strike Depot Hon Gay-Port x . Successful 5 Aug 64 Air Strike Loc Chao Estuary Successful 5 Aug 64 Air Strike pT goats Quang Khe PT Base Successful 3 Oct 64 . Recon/Probe Cape Vinh Son No reaction 10 Oct64 Recon/Probe. Cape Vinh Son No ,reaction 15 Oct 64 Junk capture uang Khe Q No junks found 28 Oct 64 Marops/Bomb. Cape Mui Dao Successful 28 Oct 64 Marops/Bomb. Cape Vinh Son Successful 31 Oct 64 BIEN HOA AIR BASE ATTACK