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Publication Date: 
February 12, 1996
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SUBJECT: Responses of January 1996 DATE : 12 February 1996 to HWG Questionnaire of 31 1. My responses to the HWG Questionnaire of 31 January are as follows: I. Father Carney, the Olancho Operation, and Reyes Mata - 1983 - 84. I know absolutely nothing about Carney, the Olancho Operation or Reyes Mata. II . State Department Human Rights Reports A. I am unable to recall any specifics about Headquarters provision of information or coordination regarding the annual Honduras Human Rights report provided to the US Congress. I assume, however, it was provided in draft prior to final form for our comment. B. The State Department Political Section was responsible for drafting the US Mission, Honduras, Human Rights report. - I believe that at least one of the reports, on Honduras-was written by Mr. Kevin Whitaker, a State Department Political Officer. information which may. or may not have appeared in the report would have come from disseminations if any were pertinent. -I recall no disagreements on the report during my tenure F " CTrecall no classi ica n issues. Nor do I remember any human rights information considered too sensitive for the report. D. I assume I read the draft human rights reports on Honduras during my tenure It is my recollection they depicted fairly the situation. APPROVED FOR RELEASE^ DATE: 29-Jun-201 0 SECR T AL? -' - I have no recollection that either the Ambassador or the Embassy was pressured to downplay human rights abuses in the report. I have no personal knowledge in this area. IV. Congressional Notification and Politicization. A. During my tenurew I recall only one Congressional delegation is visited Honduras. The focus of their visit was the US installation at Aguacate and whether it should remain. This delegation visited only the military base C I am aware of no report of human rig is a uses that should have been but was not passed to Headquarters, policymakers, and/or Congress. B. I can recall no cases of politicazion of reporting on Honduras. I know of no analysis being altered in response to political concerns. V. Honduran Security/Intelligence Service Involvement in Human rights Incidents SUBJECT: B. I had no concerns that -- -,Ax allegation of human rights abusesmade1eitherrby lanyaHonduran organization or media outlet or by the international ress against the C-2 or any other unit C. Durincf my t*ami,-o t .y %J ese ts might have been engaged in summa ry killingsnotherrthansinncombat. been engaged in specific human rightsrabusesr unit might have -I had no concerns that an f h D. I know of no abuses or human rights-incidents possibly committed by Honduran security or intelligence units that--for lack of evidence or any other reason--were never reported officially to Headquarters. E. I never heard of the Honduran Anti-Communist Liberation Army (ELACH) . unit a low level employee of a --- ~J Lilt! crime but only after significant public pressure as well as intense pressure by the Embassy, especially Ambassador Arcos. Outside of the obvious human rights abuse of the victim the incident was no reflection of any systematic policy or practice by the C-2 to commit human rights abuses. 3. Please let me know if you need any additional infnrmat-; .,,, P~G ,3