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April 18, 1973
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AR 70-14
JUNE 2017
MEMORANDUM FOR: The Director of Central Intelligence
MILITARY THOUGHT (USSR): Surface Effects Vehicles
and Other Developments in Antisubmarine Warfare
1. The enclosed Intelligence Information Special Report
is part of a series now in preparation based on the SECRET
USSR Ministry of Defense publication Collection of Articles of
the Journal "Military Thought."' This article discusses the
employment of amphibian aircraft and surface effects vehicles in
antisubmarine warfare. Mention is made of a remote-controlled
torpedo for helicopter use. This article appeared in Issue No.
1 (89) for 1970.
2. Because the source of this report is extremely sensitive,
this document should be handled on a strict need-to-know basis
within recipient agencies.
W. E. o y
Deputy Director for Op a ions
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The Director of Central Intelligence
The Director of Intelligence and Research
Department of State
The Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
The Assistant to the Chief of Staff for Intelligence
Department of the Army
The Assistant Chief of Naval Operations (Intelligence)
Department of the Navy
The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence
U.S. Air Force
Office of the Assistant to the President for
National Security Affairs
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
Deputy Director for Intelligence
Deputy Director for Science and Technology
Director of Strategic Research
Director of Scientific Intelligence
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TOF oncnnT
DATE OF Early 1970
Intelligence Information Special Report
WE 18 April 1973
MILITARY THOUGHT (USSR): Amphibian Antisubmarine Forces
SOURCE Documentary
The following report is a translation from Russian of an
article which appeared in Issue No. 1 (89) for 1970 of the
SECRET USSR Ministry of Defense publication Collection of
Articles of the Journal "Military Thought." The author of
this article is Captain First Rank A. Potemkin. In discussing
antisubmarine platforms, he stresses the advantages of amphib-
ian aircraft and surface effects vehicles. Developments in
detection equipment emphasize sound-ranging and underwater
surveillance. Along with standard antisubmarine weapons he
cites a remote-controlled torpedo to be directed from heli-
copters operating either from shore or off helicopter carriers.
In 1959 Captain Third Rank A. Ya. Potemkin was associated
with the Military and Political Academy i/n Lenin. Military
Thought has been published by the USSR Ministry of Defense in
three versions in the past--TOP SECRET, SECRET, and RESTRICTED.
There is no information as to whether or not the TOP SECRET
version continues to be published. The SECRET version is pub-
lished three times annually and is distributed down to the
level of division commander.
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Amphibian Antisubmarine Forces
By Captain First Rank A. Potemkin
Candidate of Naval Sciences
None of the arms of the Navy are general purpose because
each of them has its strengths and weaknesses. This is why
cooperation is basic to their use, since a weakness in one arm
of forces is compensated by strength in another. Thus, over a
period of time the extent of participation and of success in
joint actions will vary among individual arms of forces, pri-
marily because of the constant development of combat equipment
and various types of armament, and because of the development of
tactics and of methods of their operational use.
It is now recognized that multipurpose nuclear submarines !
are the most effective antisubmarine force. And this is diffi-
cult to deny. At the same time, they are comparatively slow;
their deployment to the ocean takes considerable time; aff-they
all are vulnerable to the actions of similar enemy forces. But,
now, as never before, we are faced with the problem of destroying
enemy nuclear submarines in the shortest possible time in remote
areas of oceans and seas, as well as engaging his submarines in
combat in coastal areas.
The aforementioned weaknesses of multipurpose submarines
may be compensated in many respects by moderaantiauhmarine air-
craft and helicopters. Thus, in warfare against multipurpose
nuclear submarines in coastal areas, it is quite suitable to
employ shore-based helicopters and, in some instances, those
based on helicopter carriers. First they usually conduct a
search by laying radiohydroacoustic buoys in areas where they
sqiPect the submarines are located, after which they destroy
the submarines. During searches helicopters can also success-
fully use radiohydroacoustic buoys or any other stationary
search_mpans which are installed beforehand, primarily along
the antisubmarine lines. In addition, while "hovering", they
can use the "dipping" or so-called "lowering" of hydroacoustic
sets functioning as sound-bearing and echo detectors with a
significantly greater range of submarine reflectivity than that
of hydroacoustic buoys. The capability of helicopters to employ
(in addition to aerial depth bombs) antisubmarine homing,
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circling, and remote-controlled torpedoes, with either conven-
tional or nuclear charges, ensures the destruction of any
detected submarine with maximum probability.
The problem of destroying enemy nuclear submarines in the
remote areas of the ocean in the shortest possible time is much
more complex, because to accomplish this we need shore-based
aircraft with a range of ten to twelve thousand kilometers and
speeds of six hundred to seven hundred fifty kilometers per
hour, and the capability of carrying torpedoes and bombs with
both nuclear and conventional charges.
In penetrating the ocean area the antisubmarine aircraft
will have to cross enemy air antisubmarine barriers (lines)
which are known to be protected by fighter aircraft.* The need
to bypass such barriers at any time will inevitably result in a
significant reduction in the radius of action. Besides, the
possibility exists that enemy aircraft carriers might appear in
the flight zone of antisubmarine aircraft; and one of their tasks
is to achieve air supremacy within these waters, thus ensuring
air cover for their submarines.** And it is apparently not by
coincidence that areas in the Norwegian Sea, for example, which
the Americans have designated for patrolling by missile subma-
rines and for use in combat maneuvers, by strike aircraft carriers,
practically adjoin one another. This is why long-range anti-
submarine aircraft must also have the capability of overcoming
enemy air defense counteraction.
? *Doubts are occasionally expressed about the existence of
such barriers (lines) on the grounds that the majority of missile
submarines are deployed in the ocean in advance. However, anti-
submarine exercises of foreign navies ("Quick Pursuit," "Perfect
Plot" and others conducted in 1967) are evidence of further de-
velopment of antisubmarine lines.
**Speech by Deputy Chief of Staff of the Combined Armed
Forces of NATO, Rear Admiral Bell, on Operational Planning in
the Atlantic (February 1966).
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Apart from the aforementioned circumstances, our antisub-
marine aircraft must have a variety of search capabilities,
including thermal direction finding sets, gas analyzers, and
dosimeters. It must be. Said that the perfection of all*these
means, which are based on new principles of operation, has been
slow. Actually, because the development of search means for
aircraft has lagged behind the pace of submarine
development (which, by the way, is the case in all the navies of
the world), the capabilities of long-range antisubmarine aviation
are far from being realized. This situation developed (tempor-
arily, one must assume) when it became easier for aircraft to
destroy a target than to find it. In connection with this,
scientific-technical research is persistently seeking new search
capabilities for aircraft, and it must be said that definite
success has already been achieved in this sphere. A number of
countries are creating (or trying to create) underwater surveil-
lance radar as well as special equipment for the detection of
submarines at the moment a missile is launched from below the
It appears impracticable to use radar as a means for
search aircraft to locate nuclear submarines underwater. How-
ever, according to the press, this type of radar has already
been patented.* It is suggested that with the use of special
equipment it is possible to determine simultaneously the moment
the missile leaves the water and the location of the submarine,
on the basis of four indicators: water splash, the body of the
missile in flight, its gas trail, and its light trail. At the
same time that this type of search means is being developed,
intensive work is also continuing in the perfection of heat
detectors, gas analyzers, dosimeters, and radiohydroacoustic
ISimultaneously with the search for new, more effective
means for aircraft to detect submarines in remote areas of
ioceans and seas, a way has been developed to create aerodynamic
ivehicles which can land on water and monitor the surrounding
' waters with hydroacoustic equipment. Examples of such vehicles
*The New York Times, 1964, No. 976, pp. 35 and 37.
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are amphibian aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing capa-
bilities, and surface effects vehicles (ekranoplan).*
The flight, dimensional, and weight characteristics of
ocean amphibian systems and of proposed surface effects vehicles
will permit them to carry almost any kind of search equipment
and the longest range and most effective antisubmarine weapons
(including all present types of antisubmarine torpedoes) with
different types of combat loads. When searching for submarines
they can also use the so-called "explosive" (sound) method of
locating submarines (U.S. "Julie" type system).** Amphibian
forces can also adapt for their use the hydroacoustic sets with
large radii of action, such as are installed in submarines. To
reduce the weight of these sets, it is only necessary to remove
*A surface effects vehicle is an aerodynamic vehicle with
aircraft construction features. It takes off from the water as
a result of the interaction of the thrust of stern sustainer
engines and the airflow forced under the wing of the vehicle by
the "supercharger" engines installed in its bow section. Flight
is effected, using only the sustainer engines at an altitude
usually of about five meters, resting on the compressed surface
layer of air (screen). Domestic and foreign research indicates
that it is possible to create a surface effects vehicle with a
takeoff weight of several hundred tons and a takeoff speed of
three hundred kilometers per hour. Scientist-designers do not
believe these to be the limits in the development of such vehicles.
The British are known to already have a program of series produc-
tion of surface effects vehicles.
**The procedure for the use of such a system by amphibian
forces is as follows. At least three charges, set to explode at
a designated depth, are fired simultaneously from the search
apparatus at trajectories with maximum possible angles of diffu-
sion and for specific equal distances. The search vehicle re-
cords the exact time that it receives the sound signals from the
explosions and also those reflected from the target. Then
ellipses of the possible positions of the targets are graphically
plotted, based on differences in time intervals and the known dis-
tances between the search vehicle and the points of the explosion.
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from the hydroacoustic system some of the components which are
not used by aircraft (in particular, components used by subma-
rines for underwater sound communications and for classification
of underwater targets). With such sets at their disposalfam-
phibians and surface effects vehicles, while in the water, will
be able to hit targets on their own using their own underwater
surveillance data.
The availability of perfected search sets and effective
antisubmarine weapons, plus the considerable autonomy of amphib-
ian aircraft and surface effects vehicles, will allow them to
conduct a positive search for submarines and, if necessary, to
surveil them for a prolonged period of time (for example, while
on combat duty in peacetime). It is true, though, that they
must land on the water every time they wish to monitor the sur-
rounding waters. This prolongs search activities, increases
fuel consumption and, consequently, reduces the radius of action.
According to press reports, work is being done on the
adaptation of hydroacoustic "dipping" sets for towing. When
work on this is completed, amphibian forces will be able to
conduct prolonged searches without landing.
Ths use of amphibian aircraft and surface effects vehicles
also provides a passive method (by flying at altitudes of two
to five meters) of fairly successfully circumventing enemy air
defense counteraction, especially fighters; this is quite impor-
tant in actions taking place in remote ocean and sea areas.
But amphibian aircraft also have a serious deficiency: they
cannot land on water in windy weather; and this is particularly
true in stormy conditions, whereas enemy nuclear general purpose
submarines not only can move into any or all areas but they can
also successfully employ their weapons.
After the development of aircraft and surface effects vehi-
cles, a number of countries have been attempting to build conver-
tiplanes--high-speed helicopters with the characteristics of
aircraft and capable of landing on water (Americans call these
vehicles vertoplanes).
In our opinion, the widespread introduction of antisubmarine
amphibian forces will permit intensive group searches of sub-
marines to be conducted in the broad expanses of the ocean in
relatively short periods of time.
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To conduct this kind of search requires complex electronic
equipment which will determine the positions of search aircraft
relative to one another, process target information, determine
current and previously established coordinates of a detected
submarine, and work out basic data for the use of weapons. The
use of modern means of communication facilitates the organization
of group action and ensures the centralized control of forces
from both coastal command posts and from special aircraft in
the air.
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