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Document Release Date: 
April 30, 2019
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Publication Date: 
January 30, 1968
PDF icon THE SITUATION IN SOUTH VI[15604026].pdf183.11 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/04/04 C00010650 � 8C-07425/6S CENTRAL INOLLIGENCEtGENCY Directorate of Inte11isence 30 January 1068 INTELLIGENCE MELJORANDUM The aituation in South Vietnam No. 3 ---(Neor4fLT6-117.11:-EBW------ 7C 1.133 LIBRARY ' Mandatary .Revio Cae#NIJ lkocument4�Saigon: � Woke dawn on 31 . January, tWoliFiryelVOMPread_te the Saigon area there a reries of mortar and.ground assaults Vera launched. The US Embassy wap subjected to mortar or rocket fire, with small arms fire oc- curing outside the ooppound.. Late reports mdi- cato that this tire has-abated. A_report that the Viet Cons had penetrated the EmbaPSY and taken . ".'control" is apparently false. Newevert_terrorists reportedly did enter the,buildins.and bleW up the main reception desk. No_oasualties have been re- _ - --ported, aside from the_wounding of one Marine guard. Military pelice_have_bseri sont to reinforce the cbm- . lpound. 2. Abcotdins to vArious repG.rts, shelling and imall fire hap been occurring elsewhere in .and around the capital. Both Tan Son Nhut airfield serving ,Saigon and nearby BienHoa air base have been under mortar fire. There has been no report of damage or casualties. Press reports also state that Saigon radio is off the air, and that Viet Cons in ARVN .Uniforms were attacking around the presidential palace. These reports.remain uncinfirmed. � B. VI Nang: Allied mopping-up operations are . reportedly continuing in the Da Mpg urban area fol- Iowins the series of attacks there on allied instal- lations and strategic points on 30 January. Sporadic) exchanges of fire with groups of Viet Cons are said to be continuing in a hamlet within the city limits About a mile from the ARVN Corps headquarters. . � Civilian casualties are reported V, be heavy due to the Sighting and the strafingo4 sections of the city by government planes. Approved for IIAMA5 Dute 1112�E=� .. Copy LY.IDON BAINES Approved for Release: 2619/04/04-000010650 � ;SON LIBRARY 14 Approved for Release: 2019/04/04 C00010650 ,. 6. Hot An: In the 30 Janutiry attack OA this .. city, thg-PoWneial capitalvotiguang Nardi it now ; .�� Appears that an estimated 200-300 'Snarly troops seized . .. a numberloUallied installations including the. prov- . � inotal hospital and ARVII engineer battalion compound. The-Communist forces apparently,Still-control the Area. A Republic of Korea (ROX), Marine Drigade VAS have retakeitth-e-lioiTAP airfield and, At last report, was advancing tOward the city. Ele- ments of the North,Vietnamese 2qd Division appear to have been involved in the Moi At action, along with other-local Viet_Cong forces. ! I 6. Attacks in the Western!Highlands: Confirma- tion has UVUWITaaved7IFSI�IroWs of the VS 4th Infantry Division have.pushed_the Communists -out of Kontum city where'theyhad_apparently occupied sev.- oral government installations Orly on 30 January. The enemy force, estimated at to battftlion-strength-, has been driven to positions on_the_northern out- skirts of the city, where allied artillery and tacti. cal Air bombardmentcOn be brought to hear. The attaching force was apparently composed both of Viet - -Con guerrillas and North _Vietnamese soldiers--the latter probably from the NVA 24th Regiment. i. . 7. Tha-DHZ Area: A ere have been no official .4' , � reports orTAWITTeat ;Lotion today in any sector of the Demilitarized Zone. Pre4s reportsithat Khe � 6-anh air strip_was closed due t0 enemy bombardment have, not yet been confirmed or qlarified through official channels. I Si Othor Related-Actions: The Communists have continued fhirr -broOcaets-,:begtin on 30 January, Which condemn the.allieSfor violating the Tot truce. The broadcasts have annOunced that Commu- nist forces have launched many 4imultaneous attacks In northern and central South V etnam. One broadcast said the attacks were aimed at �valuing the "winter- spring" campaign and "punishing' -the US for violating COPY LYJDON BAINES JOMSON LIBRARY Approved for Release: 2019/04/04 C00010650 ----EximApproved for Release: 2019/04/04 C00010650 � II 18..� . the Communist "orderu tor a Weation of militArY . attacks. Hanoi has also issuedia Foreign Hinistry statement claiming that the US kas "completely ' cancelled the 1968 Tot truce" nod condemnipg the Americans for continuing the air attacks during . Tet. . O. There has so far been no othor signifi. cant foroign bimmentary; dither from bloc or non bloc sourcos, on the current illititary action in Pouth Viotnam. � I. � I.. � � � � � � � � COPY moos BAINES J4o4 LIUARY Approved for Release: 2019/04/04 C00010650