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Publication Date: 
February 4, 1968
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Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010644 LIU LIBRARY Mandatory Review Case # NLJ Document # SC No. 07431/68 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence 4 February 1068 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM The,7:t o S.)1: th Vitri }10. - (As err' There were najer neviLlit trio:Zs by Commu- nist forces during the_nighl: of 3-4 rebruary. Allied forces continue to clear an in enemy elements from the city of Hue. WrIs3.1. Aucasn tbef.11,..C.N�pi ino res -DOW in frie.ndly )ant12.!, but"Speradic mortar and sniper fire is ported in or 1. of_the_provincial capitals. sc. jcrlic.ififtlfilf,D'ccurred tluI�ing the night in -tho syea; Although A few geattered enemy remnants tool; place within the city. Enemy activityin the Delta provinces vos Chrtractprized by a'neries of Sinai unit assaults against district towns, outposts, And night defensive positions. .� Despite the prat:mit relative calm, thoro Aro continuing -11 tot _the CerSup:nis t s-are�rt 13_ st,p�offonqivek; -in,trtippl.nr74. in the Da Nang area er.2 not and -Vveiit � of SiiDen in South- yietnaM'f.3 � Ili ...Ono hua�, The trends previously reported on the initial reaction of the populace to the attacks, continue to be evident. The assaults apparently produced for And surprise over the VC presence and strength, and revulsion at the gross enemy .violation of the sacred Tct holiday in nbout even proportions. Evident Also is A strong undercurrent of belief that, if the government does not move speedily and vith vigor to normalise the situation in the cities, and restore its presence Anti authority in the countryside, it will Irmo heavilyterns of pePular confidence. Approved for Release Date COPY J.YZ4DON AINES J Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010644 -1.LBRARY X Corps 1. No significant Co=unist offensive activi- tio wereres)orted during the ni.ght of R-/A February; however, Euveral small-aeale mortar attar-Rs and nround pzebez took place. 2.. Mo.: At mid-morning on 4-rehruary, sporadic contact LZWeen allied and ene:Ay forces continued thirt the walled eitadel area of the city just aorth of the Pc;rfume, River. South.Vietnamese have coxp)ote �Control tow or.the.citadel_airstripLands together �witiOUS units,. are continuing to swoop sections of the-eitfidel. Tho-oaomY is still �holed t% flscattered city hnildings on the south bank of the river. .. 3. Interrogation. of a prisoner taken in tho � -..11.uoLfighting reveals that at least some of the at- - ttcicifol=1.was eompesod of Viet Cong or regroupees;. The. captive clamed_that_the_llue_eity.vavaici pal. unit 'and the 800t1' Viet Cong flattalion of the North Viet- 'nameSc Gt% Regiment- were tasked with attacking the. MACY. compound for_throe-days and if�resistanee proved . � hoavy,� to continue the for an additional four days:. Ho also_einimed'thRt-it thesc-forces were- � reinforeed,-the fiGhting could-continue for �15-clayS.-_ 4. Other .olements._of the North Viotnamese'fith flc�ntprobablyiWere also .given target areas within the city to atack. The-enemy's stubborn' resistance.: within the city may-stcm-from-their_intontion to folXow the battle plan or in .anticipation of addi- � tonal enemy forces:coming to their-oid. There have been reports of large 'groups of enemy troopr.--probably �rbinforeing elements�On the outskirts of town, but nlliod blocking-nanenvers have effectively .kept them from joiniug-up-with-the�onemy.within the city. . _ - Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010644- 4 5. Cluanj: Tin P:ovinut: A South Vietnamese field position and a 15:c5T-re.1:15(le area se:qo 10 miles north of 1Cy v9re attacked yesterday. The enemy penetrated the retugeo camp AM destroyed 71 Wildings with grenades and explosive charges. Twenty-five eivi3ians and one soldier were killed and anether 19 eivilSans wounded during the action. � ,�� � � as, � es... � was fa,. � tm. ����� I. .LYN DUN BAINES JOIUSON LIBRAEY Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010644 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010644 6. No further details ore ovai:nnto on tnu largo-so:Ile action roportod earlior hetwc:.41 DS rarine und gnew units several miles south of Da Nam however,an.LilditionoVsubordivate:or the. Korth Nii.etnanese OPP-Division-has joined .the build- -up (%t Communist units in tho coastal flatlaod - Re, fot.and Da v, ..7�-:! This wassing-ot onem.Y main force elements -in this.lrpertant-area-along-the coast,- togothgr with tho.rePortee: position1ng-01-a-regimontal,--s1ze enomy _.....cgree near tho.strategic-liai-Von pass just north of ..wt Nang, suggest h CommunistOffOrt-_-ray,be under- way to gut off_Dn Nang. _This could. load to, or bo conneetod furthor.atzans,-inclueting.reohot and artillery, on-the hey. US airbaso as.vell Ds the � city itself, IX Corps 8. Thoro has boon littlo significant enemy .activity in control South. Vietnam thus far on 4 Fob-. rury. The situation in the coastal city of Phan Thiot, capital of Dinh Thvan Provincoshas improved and all ma:',or pbpulation centers are now undor friendly control. D. Nan Thigt: On the mornin; of 4 February sporadic firgiTws continuing around the outskirts of town following the Laecessful-allied drivo to ropol throe Co:Amu:lists battalions which attacked during the night. A wisoaer stated that one of tbo .onemy ullits involved in the fighting�the 840th Viet Co nfl nattalion�is withdrawing to a. secret base camp' of the city. Early on 4 February a cony-sized Viet Co ng fore� attacked a staoll village just north or, Phan Thiet, possibly as a diversionary tactic to covor the retreat of the other Units. �� � � ���� � � �Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010644� COPY riDom BAINES JoiCisoN Lyttimty. to t � pproved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010644 10. Ban t.,!e. Thoot: The city re.:Itains quiet, hew- over,.roperts ceati.InU-6 on the baild-up of North Viet- namese 2,000--aear tho city. 1:.'nollic...attalien pi the North Vietnames. Regime= bre:: bean aS relocating jrif 7,0utb of tbi. nC prowincial capital.. . 11, Yontum: Light -enemy mortar and small arms fire.wac s7=WomIng in at novel-al points in the City at�notin on 4 February.. Speradic.Snipinv has also ,OP114rued dur.;ng both nighttime-and daytime hours. 1;,3(pius attempt agains.t the airfield rens made durin -the_nIght, but wan swiftly::boaten-bac%.-��. OnlySporadie...$'hns boon � . , � ,� Da.iat as-South�Vietnamese-reinforcoments confirm� to ,;VO into the city. � ,Sax4ena;i i17 Corp �13. NO major-gighting-ooeUrrod-in-Saigcn Curing -the�niftht ar oarly voro � _several assaults en��tho US baSe-iaeil.itiet And district -towns dt:ring the night. . . M. Saigon: � Soveral-sharpclashes toe lace �� betwoen haMHZYViet.Cong�antl:Senthlrietnaficso police trld Rangers. in at least two. instnaCesu,.goVern:itent fom;.es had�OlAteoa sizo_enemy_foreeS surrounded in .Eaigon buildings and mero preparin to attack and -cicar them Out:, In oncvcaue a�croup�Oi-terrorists ��vore roportpd hriVing...itik0)1-;r0iIIS* Vth003. 1104160, They it1�0 armedith_automaticLyeapons and ...grenade launchers and had:a_maehine..gun�on-the root Pi the school. 11-nild7Up.: Captured decument &_)(4) indicato-that-the'fith-Viet Co ng _which Aormally oparatea,iknorthwest-.1.7..7. along tho.Cambodian bordor--may bo noving Sigon. � 10. One ciA 4gbooc cAptuvod several -�reaty8 no about 3094i t:.wost ot Skizon--oiAlines !!flow miSsioe i!or the 0th AeCerding,to the notes8-higher headquarters recently ordered the - - 4 - �� � � � ��� COPY a LYNDON BA I NE S JOHN SOS LIBRARY ts. Approved for Release: 201.9./0.4717 -00001 0644. 11���������� Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010644 . Dth to undertako a "long march" which would bo tho uroatest.mArch in tho histor1. of," tho.war_against �. tho Amoricans.wittem****olitetita4: at lona eloments ol tho ivision wero to leavo.Camhodian � territory on 21 January, movo through .Tay.Ninh Prov- ince,- tnd arrive in Cu Chi District northwest of . . . Saigon 0n.30 January. The division was. to_oT,orato Area_ where the- terrain featUres.were extremoly 'complicated, an Area never experienced in the . During the .:11arch evory ellort. would be'mado to maintain riarch schedule, sectirity, and noise discipline. -. . .17.- 4,1?er the_sa:Ie arca �-. --. nlv f' :idontify-tho Dth.bivisiOn's' 271st "RegiNent-and-prob- Abl elev . e e 1 nop.4",.t. . 1 � 4' � tho 9th DiViKiOn s �Ixrc4 no i( tho 273rd, WAS deployed just .to tho . north ofihe capitn1 in south orn Dinh DuOng Provinco A. Tint Flue -District, Gu. Dinh Province. The lattor district hdquarters-isJecated-only fivo-mtics northWost of Saigon.- 18, A South Viotnamose Marino base in Thu DUO eiritriCt Caco uader A sharp, but onsuocossful., onemy attEck on 3 Fobruary, possibly by a battalion of the 273rd Viet Cong Rogimonc. burin tho past-low days ail of tho VS basos located in an area around Saigon from northwost to northoast--Cu Chi, Don Cat, Lai Ella., and Bien IW.--have been sholled repeatedly, in many CAsOS With heavy l2:i-nm..rechots Vac% aro hcqd only by main force units. The 274th And 275th flo!siments cyl tbo 5th Viot Cong. Division were identi- - Pied in tho Attacks on Bien Hoa, northoant o:i! Saigon. coW Clore i$ fairly good evidence that tho Dth niViCiOA iN aplying pressure from the northwest. The goaoral Communist strategy mny havo boon for theve forces to follow-up and roinforce the initial Attackt;. in tho Saigon aroa uhich aro believed to It hoon conducted by Viet"Conz local forces and special ,,liadn. Failing this tha Dth and Sth Divi- nionA may hope to spread out VS forces and tie the,m dorm oa tho onts:cirts of_the capital. 10. � IL .� � ����� �1.44..e� � tombs* Ilwo COPY LYNDON BAINES Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010644 t ISDN _LIBRARY I a � � � 'er . � 4, � � pproved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010644 ' Otter III Corps: 20. In othor action in the III Corps area, a 'US baso camp and district town in in Long Provinco came %Inder attack last night. There was no report of casuzltios, bnt the US base was hit by heavy 322-11m. rooRet fir�. Thoro hi u As y..�t boon no attaeli on An Lou, the capital of Binh Lon, but reports today indi- cate that the Viet Cong have taken over control of "Dst Of thc. Vatmlot& in the WoVinge and can movo M. will. They have also sot up roadblocks on the routes loading into An Leo. A somovAlat similar condition exists in Tay Kinh Provinco where Rovolutionary Dovolop- ment ?cams have bad to vitherao from their hamlets � to their roxpectivo district tows. . 21._.An-attack.vasroportOd_last-night'on Tam Uyon diEtrict town in -Bien 'tea Provinee. An unRnown- SizoViot.Cong fore� breached-tho ton's proteativo � wire barriOrs overran sovoral-soOtions Of -tho. town � -ttncl at lash roport vau�advanOing:On-the-distriot.� ' hoadquartOus. Thoro vas no word -on casnaltios. US Array swoops in Ban -Nstia.and Binh Duong.ProVincos--� roperteil sporadic-contact with onemy troops yoster- day afternoon. -��---- -22. Xuan Lot, 06-capital:Of Long Kbanh Prov.-.� ��-���inco northonst-of� Saigon, vas-quiet Lt-l5 t report yesterday evon;,ng but the town was �tonso._ Some�. Viot Cong..aro-still-holieVod-to-be-in the townand Allied authorities anticipAted- further �attachs on their oomponnds during__ the night. 23. The intention of �tbo enomy �to-continuo his prossnro on urban aroas is contihninco to be borno outity.A4Oppner1M04404VOimMWand. nowilty capture� 64 .6utn.- One such doonclont.captOod at Vim Tan Son Nhut AArbas6 poritlotor statos�ttat-in ordor to �berviotorions, the VC muSt..oxpand attackint forces .111,.. � � 4 COPY a L *MON BAIHE 401WOZif LIBRARY Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010644 ��� 7 pproved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010644 � and guerrilla var to the cities, and increase at- tacks on ltne!:.; oi as tejsolate the urban areas. XV nor's 2. All- of the major provincial capitals in the dela aro in friendly hands, a)though en the Periphery of several citieLl sporadic contact with Vie Con forces is still reported. During the night of 3-d February, the CoNmunists launched small unit ftttacks on'astrict towns, outposts, and al]ied field positions. 23. So Dec: Early this morning, An undetermined size Viet UUFK -force attacked Sa Dec city and n nearby district town. The EACv compound was fm- fore the attnchers wero_driven back after a two-hour fight. This attack folIov,ed one-late on 3 Pebrnary . uhich was diroeted against the Ch;eu iej center and the provincial huadquarLor building. At last-report, elexents of the enemy force were still in the city. 26 Too Linh: This capitol city of Men Phong province ws gilTowa today by an estimated two Viet Cong companies. The onomy withdrew after_one hour of fightin; no casualties were reported. . 27. Other Delta Actions: In Dinh Wong Prov- ince, five diii&6771F-aW175-Vietnamosu outposts wore struck with rocoilless ri.fle barrages Into on 3 February.fl Phong Dinh Province, the Thuon When District town and the Binh Thuy airfield yore hit by Viet Con mortarmon. Twolva Aircraft were damaged At Binh Thuy. In Vinh Long Province, the provincial capital of Vinh Long, its airfield, and nearby district town wore nll attached with harassing mOrtAr and small arms fire. Ben Tre and thc_nenrhy district town of Mo Cay, in RiCIA Hoa wore hit by light mortar attacks during tho night. Other scattered district towns were also Light-1y mortarod on 3-d rebruary as tho Viet Co ng continued to maintain pressure on populated areas throughout, the delta provinces. � � 7 . � � � � ge,�-� ����,_ 1.� 1141..� AIL /PR �� mar % COPY � BAINES JOMSON LIBRARY Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010644 waI. � � ���� 111 10 ��� � -�-�