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February 3, 1968
PDF icon THE SITUATION IN SOUTH VI[15617792].pdf449.29 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010642 LIM LIBRARY Mandatory Review Case # NIA/ p. 4230 Document se-07420/68 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence 3 February 1068 INTELLIGENCE MEUORANDUM Tho Situation in_South_Vietnarn_Nos_11. ----/As761781130-A-Di. The Communist offensive -continues to maintain considerable momentum in some urban areas and against some allied military_installations. Enemy forces are still resisting allied efforts to drive them out. Of many provincial capitals, and have launched sev- .eral new attacks in the /II and IV Corps areas. Saigon was relatively quiet-during-the night, but there were some indications_thal_new_enemy_initia- tives.may soon be staged there. :I COrps 1. The situation_througfiout this area;was gen-, - ,erally quiet On the night of 2-3 February; however, the fighting in Hue is continuingwith the enemy still offering stiff reSittance in their_offortSto hold several strongpoints in the city. 2. IWO: The northern portion of the citadel and parts7r the city itself are still under enemy - control. Several of the compound areas within the citadel exchanged hands late.yesterday._ Reports of sizeable enemy units in the city's environs continue. One prisoner claimed that 2-3 battalions were massing - -orrthe southern side of the river which divides the cities, and that their mission was to attack the MACY compound. Other prisoners have stated the enemy plans to hold Hue for seven days. Heavy enemy sniper activity from rooftops and other strategic locations continues to hamper the allied reaction forces which have been making slow progress in clear- ing the city. Six Sonth-Vietnamese Army battalions, a ranger battalion, a tank company, plus two Appro.?, Data ,COPY 'LYNDON BAWER JoasaN LIBRA Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010642 RIMMilinallOMMIAMMERMIllApproved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010642 � battalions of the US 1st Air Cavalry Division And two US Marine battalions are now committed to reeovering the city. 3. DMZ: The allied strongpoint at Con Tbien was hit bY-73 rounds of enemy artillery fire, while and nearby US Marine positions received 65 rounds of artillery and rocket fire late yesterday. There have been no reports of enemy activity at Khe Sanh; however, a press report claims 650 rounds of artillery, rocket, and mortar fite wero_directed at allied posi- tions all'alongjhe southern portion of the DMZ on 3 February; II Corps 4. righting continued in two provincial capitals-- Dalat and Phan Thiet--in contral7South7Vietnam on 3 February, Although the enemy presence in or near the western highlandncities-ef'KentUm,--Pleikuiiand Ban Me Thuot-romains considerable, these cities were gen- erally (via overnight .and the Communists may now, in fact, be .withdrawing under -strong allied pressure. . -B. Dalt t Early thig morning, an unknown size-- 'force strTek-at the railroad station, two US billets, - a South Vietnamese Army outposti-and a-sector head- quarters in a brief-15-minute attack. No-resultt- have been reported. South-Vietnamese forces are presently establishing control of the city. 6. Phan Thiett Sharp fighting whickbegan .yestordaynioon was-reported-continuing in this coastal � city this morning.. The bulk of the battle is con- centrated in-north and northeast sections of the city in the vicinity of the MACV:Oempoand, 120/0 is still secured by friendly forees. Saigon � 7. _Saigon was relatively -quiet during the night .and this morning with only A few scattered clashes. 8. _Some reports-state that gronpsof Viet Cong have been sighted withdrawing from the city. Other reports raise the possibility of widespread renewed attacks, Prisoners find Captured documents indicate � � 2 ly 0_0. � MI,. �,--3E�rs a ,�����.����� � � 11,wilik.4. abe. � � ��� �� � � COpy. IVA DoN-SAINES JOHAsTrtrEnk " - � Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010642 � Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010642 that the action so far *ay have been aimed at creat- ing turmoil in preparation for another attack. EOM& 25 to 30 Viet Cong battalions are said to be staging in areas north and south of the city. Other III Corps Developments � 10. Two provineial capitals, 'Wan Loc and.Phuoc *Le, Came under attack during the night. By noon on -3 February, however, most provinces in the III Corps area reported that the military_situation had sta- bilized. 21.. Xuan Lod: 'Wan Locwas_assauIted:for the second contWaRIVE night. Art-ARVN artillory.position 'was hit by rocket firevground:-probes were directed__ , at the MACY compound, the National Police Station, and other points in the city. There were few 0e- tails on casualties. 12. Phmoc Le; 2To capital of Phmoc Tmy Pray- . ince east of Saigen-was attacked on 1 February and at last repert late on 2 February (local Vietnam time), 'parts of the city were still occupied by a_Viet Cong company, Heavy fighting was-repertedii but the only --confirmed casualties have-been one US civilian and one Australian killed. 13. Dien Hoa: Estimates of civilian refugees in the Bien }Loa plea now reach as hill as 111000. qatQrnation rom risoner indicate at tho 'fain Force eg m 1 of the Viet Cong Division partickkated in the attacks on Dien �a, Tho Prisoners7OWAVIrthstiy had neVithdriOalr 1 ea they were told that it would be easy to overrun. _city, .411W.� COPY LYNDA BAINES JOHNSCY.41 L B Y �Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010642' a � � .� � �� � � ' ; ���� Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010642 Other Action 14. In other recent action JAI Ur-Corps US -Army troops reported a sharp clash with an enemy . force of undetermined site about five miles north- east of Saigon, while Viet Cong gunners attacked .the US Army base at Cu Chi for the third time within a week on 2 February. Some 100 rounds of mortar and heavy rocket fire bit thecamp. VS losses were light. IV Corps � �10. Reports indicate-that there VAS a slacken- ing off of fighting in several previously hard hit provinces in this areaduring the night of 2-3 February. 'Wavy action is still going on in some sectOrs, how- ever, and many major -cities are still experiencing sniper and harassing fire. 16. Bon'Tre: Some of the heaviest fighting in the delta has Continued:oVer-the paSt-three days in this provincial capital, located some 43 miles south__ of Saigon. Viet-Cong'fordet,-Ostimated to be 800 strong, have all parts* of the city and control most of it, especially at night. More than half of the buildings in the city-have been destroyed. 3?. The ARVN Regiment defending Ben Tro is reportedly fighting "tenaciously,-: but ratherineffec- tively because of A lack of"planning and organiga- tionk" One US Army unit has already arrived in the city and most of the 2nd Brigade of the USOth In- - fantry Division was scheduled to arrive during the night. -18. Chan Phu: _Chau Phu, a provincial, capital near the border 115 miles due west of Saigon, VAS reported almost completely secure this morning. An ARV N search and destroy operation is :sweeping the - -outskirts Of the city Unconfirmedestimates list 77 Viet Cons killed and oight captured._ Sotto 100 civilians have been wounded and-it is ostimated that the fighting against at least two Viet Cong battalions in the city over the past few days destroyed the homes of up to 4,000 people. copy LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON I. art. **,..^**** �� 4,���� Ory � � � � � * � � � Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010642=0.11411111111111MINEMEI NirmommonEwommemezeL62211 for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010642 �� � c � , le attac On ChaU Phu eunched with considerable ideological prepara- tions but without the thorough -tactical rehearsels which traditionally proceed Viet Cong attacks. Ho tl..tbat he first learned-of:the Tet offensive about 40,Trior to the Chau Phu attack. 20. Viet Cong main force units, abcordiug to -Abe prigioriir, wore given the responsibility of "liberating" provincial capitals, whereas district � forces and guerrillas were responsible for seizing their respective district seats. claims that the force which attacked Chau Phu-citY-Thcluded ten party -members who were to constitute -the city front which was to organize a provisional government. The prisonee irst heard the term oollition-government.about six nths ago, but had never heard. it brought into formal rty proceedings until the briefings-for-the Tet peration. � � 21. - If these statements do provide an accurate reflection of current Vitt-Cong strategy, the Commu- nists have indeed decided to expend a-great part of tbeir resources in the -Tet offenttive. Other Deltn Action 22. Sporadic mortar and small .arms fire_con- tinues within or on the outskirts-oi. Oeverel prov- -- incial capitals--including Can Thos MY Tho, Moe Moe, Vinh Long, and Rach Oia.,-as well as a number of other smaller towns. At Ca Mau a Viet Cong assault was repulsed during the night of 1-2 February but further attacks were oxpeeted.--- .^ e� -5 - AM, ir����,����A � � � COPY �LY3D021 a Y Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010642 11.11.111MMINEBERNIIMMApproved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010642 � . .� Political and Psychological_ Developments 23. There�nre ihdicatioas of considerabe con- fusion and indecision withinAhe Saigon government in the wake of the current Communist offensive. 24. Information n- dicates that Prime Minister Loc has taken no U tik- tivo toward restoring public-confidenee-in the gov- ernment's ability to act effectively. 'Joe, who was :doteribed as "bewilderod"_when_the enemy-attck ,first erepted,:has sit= rejected suirgestions .that he act to strengthen healthy vestal, information and emergency relief services and that he try to en- list active support in_the:crisis from _labor, Buddhist, intellectual and other groups. Loc's at- titude reportedly is that civilians can do nothing until, the military have restored some normality to the situation. 25, claims that the *nment has: e o unction "rea, sonably Well," although there has been:A-noticeable lack of operdtbationi particularly through conflicting orders to Civil servants about reporting for work during the curfew. This sourceclaims that President Thieu is now beginning to turn his attention to the pressing political and psychological aspects of the crisis. Thieu reportedly met on 2 February with Lacy_ Vice President_Ky, and senior cabinet, armed forces, and National Assembly officers to discuss urgent food and medical needs, and to arrange for a public pledge of support from assembly loaders. M The source feels, however, that the people of Saigon are edgy and susceptiblo to rumors and that not enough has yet been done to reassure them. Re fears that, if the Viet Cong aro not cleaned out of the city within 48 hours, publicmorale will further deteriorate, supplies may run out, and allied troop fatigue may force resort to increased bombing and strafing with counterproductive effects on the popula- tion. 21. Overall information on popular reactions to the crisis is still relatively sparse�particularly for areas outside Saigon. From the evidence available, -6 - MB 1,11.elE�� f� IVO � COPY LriDel BAINES JOICISO4 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C-0001-0642 1111111=EMINNIMEAMMEMIApproved for Release: 2019/04/17 C00010642 . � however, it still appears, as earlier reported, that the general reaction is one first: of fear, second: of surprise, at the demonstration of continued Commu- nist strength and, third: of disgruntlement at.the government's inability to block the attacks. 28. There are numerous reports of belief in a widespread rumor that the VS connived with the VC in the attacks in order to force formation of a coalition government. While the enemy is doubtless pushing this line as part of the psywar side of his current offen- sive, the widespread Willingness to believe the story is significant, since itisoomingly-indicates a growing political malaise among the PooPle over the war. con Lupo1,4 BAINES -.10if4SON tI. Y � � � Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C000106421