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I)rectur of
o . A
Impact and Implications of
Chemical Weapons Use in the
Iran-Iraq War F]
Istemgercy Iitelligetue Memomdum
DATE: 08-10-2010
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Ache copy of this document i available ram OIR/DLB
printed copies from CPAS/IMC ~r AIM re
NI IIM 88-10004C
information available as of 20 Match 1985 was used in
the preparation of this Memorandum. which was
approved for publication on 22 March 1988 b)- the
Acting Chairman of the -National Intelligence Council.
oS'ep tr 4-
KEY JUDGMENTS .............................................................................. 1
DISCUSSION ........................................................................................ 3
Battlefield Use of Chemical Weapons ................................................. 3
Iraq ................................................................................................... 5
Iran ..................................................................................................... 6
Battlefield Effectiveness of Chemical Weapons ................................. 7
Strategic Results ................................................................................ 8
Implications-Domestic and International-of the
Chemical War ................................................................................... 8
Implications for the United States ....................................................... 8
Implications for Chemical Warfare Treaty Negotiations .................. 11
CASUALTIES ................................................................................... 21
enemy casualties.
Chemical weapons and riot control agents have been part of the
Iran-Iraq war since the early 1980s. Chemical weapons have become a
regular and recurring tactic in the conflict and are likely to increase.
We believe both states have assessed that selective use of chemical
weapons can augment conventional arsenals, attain short-term objec-
tives, influence certain combat situations, and significantly increase
Baghdad and Tehran apparently believe that chemical weapons
have been tactically effective or even decisive in a limited context, but
chemical warfare has not provided a strategic alternative or advantage.
As long as Iran and Iraq continue to employ chemicals primarily in a
defensive role, neither nation will gain a strategic advantage based
purely on the use of chemical weapons.
Iraq has employed such weapons-primarily in response to Iranian
offensive actions-since August 1983, and on 17 March 1984 the nerve
agent tabun was used for the first time ever on the battlefield. The
Iraqis have adopted a dry/dusty form of mustard that affects personnel
rapidly and can penetrate the NATO-type semipermeable chemical
unidentified agent that causes lung irritation.
Iran used chemical weapons on a very limited scale beginning In
1985, probably for testing or training. Since April 1987, Iran has
launched several small-scale chemical attacks with mustard and an
Although estimates of chemical casualty rates are uncertain, in one
campaign they were reported to be as high as 30 percent-of which 3 to
4 percent were fatalities=
As more nations acquire a chemical capability, military and
peacekeeping forces must expect the threat of either intentional or
inadvertent exposure to chemical attack in any regional conflict of the
future. The use of standard agents and agents in different forms creates
unexpected vulnerabilities=
The Intelligence Community believes that Third World countries
perceive that successful chemical weapons use on the battlefield and the
lack of meaningful international sanctions or condemnations suggest
that they can acquire a chemical weapons capability as a deterrent or
military force multiplier without fear of repercussions.)
Foreign assistance has been pivotal in the development and
expansion of the Iranian and Iraqi chemical warfare programs. While
Western export controls initially raised the cost and slowed the
programs somewhat, both countries have become adept at circumvent-
ing these controls and altering the production processes. Their drive for
an independent and indigenous chemical weapons production capabili-
ty will make them less dependent on foreign support and less suscepti-
ble to external political pressures=
If the use of chemicals continues or increases, it would be an
indication to Third World states that chemical weapons have military
utility, and a worldwide chemical protocol or treaty could become more
difficult to obtain=
We do not believe that nations which have recently acquired a
chemical capability, or which perceive a threat and see chemicals as
combating the threat, will willingly give up their new military tool-
especially in areas of frequent conflict such as the Middle East and Asia.
1. This Memorandum examines the degree to
which chemical warfare (CW) in the Iran-Iraq conflict
has been effective and discusses the factors driving
decisions to develop and use chemical weapons. It
appears that chemical weapons have a role on the
Middle Eastern battlefield, and the report addresses
regional and international implications as well as
political and military factors that could affect US
2. Iran and Iraq have developed chemical weapons
and have employed them in their conflict since the
early 1980s. Iraq began to develop its CW capability
in the early 1970s to counter a perceived Israeli CW
threat, while Iran began its program as a response to
Iraqi bsttlefteld use. Baghdad used riot control agents
(RCA) I in the mid-1970s against dissident Kurds in
northern Iraq. Hostilities with Iran gave additional
impetus to the Iraqi CW program in the early 1980s,
and since 1983, Iraq has used chemical weapons every
year in Its war with Iran.=
3. Overall, we believe the frequency of chemical
weapons use, initially constrained by availability, has
increased while the effectiveness of Baghdad's CW
employment in major battles Is improving, President
Saddam Husayn's initial political and military decision
to use chemical weapons against Iran seems to have
been made in an effort to compensate for Iraq's
limited military manpower pool. Iraq was able to use
CW to minimize personnel and territorial losses by
stalling or preventing Iranian human wave attacks and
because Iran had only limited CW protective capabili-
ties and could not retaliate in kind. Although Iraq has
not achieved Its strategic military and political goal of
ending the war, CW has been a significant element in
helping Iraq achieve its tactical battlefield objectives.
In our judgment, the Iraqis perceive chemical weap-
ons to be an effective complement to their convention-
al arsenal.=
4. Iranian policymakers also have decided to em-
ploy chemical agents and in 1987 began limited
battlefield use of chemical weapons. Tehran currently
has a limited quantity of weaponized chemical agents.
I The United States does not recognize riot control agents such as
It will be at least a year before it can produce the
quantities needed to affect significantly the land war
in other than small-scale engagements. (See annexes A
and B for a complete discussion of Iran's and Iraq's
Battlefield Use of Chemical Weapons
5. The approximately 230 reports of chemical at-
tacks, mostly by Iraq, substantiate that CW has be-
come a recurring evrnt in the war. (See tlgure 1.)
Although Iraq denies the use of chemical weapons,
and contends that the 1925 Ceneva Protocol (of which
both Iraq and Iran are signatories) does not prohibit
chemical weapon use on one's own territory, many of
Iraq's chemical attacks have occurred in Iranian terri-
tory. In those attacks, chemical weapons have been
used primarily in a defensive role= In response to
major Iranian offensives and have involved a variety
of delivery means. (See table 1.) Reporting indicates
that Iranian rear area sunport troops occasionally
sustain large numbers of casualties because they are
less prepared and equipped to cope with chemical
attacks. (See annex C.) In this regard, rear area
chemical attacks may be a force multiplier for Iraq.
There is evidence that Iraqi CW attacks may be
evolving to include preemptive uses.a If Iran were to
threaten Iraqi perceived strategic positions, we believe
that Iraq might authorize massive chemical employ-
ments, as implied by Iraqi politicians. On the Iranian
side, the use of chemical weapons has been insufficient
to determine a pattern of employment or the overall
military effectiveness. If the military objectives of
Baghdad and Tehran are being assisted or accom?
plished by chemical weapons employment, it is unlike-
ly either will forgo the chemical option in the future.
' Iraq has used both lethal and nonlethal chemical agents, primar-
ily in defensive operations and counterattacks. it prefers to use the
riot control agent CS when Iraqi troops are in proximity to Iranians.
The goal of CS use by Baghdad is to force Iranian troops to don
protective gear, thus hampering operations. Even if this does not
halt an Iranian advance, it at least disrupts the Iranian offensive
long enough to permit Iraqi troops to pull back-permitting the use
of lethal chemical agents and causing Iranian casualties
' Iraq used chemical weapons preemptively at least once. On I
January I9S7, Baghdad launched a chemical attuck on Iranian troop
concentrations preparing for offcsivc action its the central border
Top e
Figure 1
Chemical Warfare Attacks Alone flue Iran_trvn Nnr,Ii r IHUI_na
Area and date of
chemical attack
Table I
Chemical Munition Delivery SystemsA
lldircrx System
Aerial ordnance
130-kg booths b
Mustard; cyanide
F?4 or F-5 aircraft
123-kg bombs
\fuslarJ; csanidr hxasible)
I'C6 aircraft (possible)
(:hemtcal canisters
Ground ordnattrc?
106-mm recoilless fine
120-nuns mortar
CS -
Various mortar systems
130-mm artillery
Various types of
155-mm artillery
Cyanogen chloride (possible)
Phosgene (possible)
artillery pieces
2.50-ks bombs
500-kg bombs
90-mm rackets
M1-6 Hip helicopter
Ground ordnance
82-mm mortars
120-mm mortars
130-mm artillery
Various artillery pieces
152-mm artillery
with the Austrian GH-45
155-mm a-tlller?
howitzer being erefermA.
122-mm rockets
Multiple rocket launcher
One ton of chemical agent can cover approximately one square
b Chemical fill in 250?kg bombs has been estimated to be between
50- (GA) and I30? (HD)kg of agent. An Oka weight fill was chosen
as an average based on Soviet munitions data.
6. Beginning in 1982 there were indications of RCA
use by Iraq against Iranian forces. Since then, the
types and lethality of chemicals used by Iraq has
increased, from riot control agent CS to mustard agent
in 1983 and to the first battlefield use of a nerve agent
(tabun) against Iranian troop concentrations near the
Malnoon Islands in March 1984. It appears that early
attacks were limited to using a few artillery shells,
mortar rounds, or aircraft-delivered munitions. Many
types of CW agents and riot control agents are now
being used on the battlefield (see inset)~~
7. Iraq appears to have become more competent in
its capability to integrate chemicals into its conven-
tional battle strategy. (See table 2 for examples of
selected CW employments.) As chemical weapons
have become more available and have been successful-
ly employed. Iraqi political and military leaders ap-
pear to have accepted them as a tactically useful and
effective weapon.. We believe that chemical muni-
tions, in a few cases, have been significant in the
context of specific battles. For example, in the Karbala
VIII campaign of April 1987 the use of chemical
weapons, combined with conventional arms, proved
Iraqi use of chemical weapons to subdue the Kurdish
population inside Iraq, along the triborder area with
Iran and Turkey, is qualitatively different item the use
of chemicals against another country. The Iraqis have
primarily used riot control agents and possibly, In some
cases, chemical weapons against the Kurds to minimize
the diversion of troops from more critical fronts and the
eases that might occur is inaccessible areas that favor
guerrilla forces. It Is very difficult to determine the type
of agents and the exact circumstances under which any
of the agents may have been used=
Iraq used the riot control agent CS against the Kurds
during the civil war of 1974-75. In mid-August 1981.
the Iraqi military authorities became Increasingly con?
cerned about the deterioration of security conditions In
Iraqi Kurdistan. As a result, military authorities decided
to authorize the use of mustard agent against the Kurds.
In late August, one and a half tons of mustard agent
were transferred from a CW depot near Baghdad and
distributed among Iraqi garrisons in northern Iraq.
Orders were issued to initiate CW operations against
The campaign against the Kurds once again intensi-
fied in early 1987 as Iraq attempted to secure the
northern border areas with Turkey and Iran. Since
April 1987, a military campaign has been waged to
eradicate village bases of support for Kurdish guerrilla
8. Until 1986, release authority for chemical weap.
ons in Iraq was held at the highest levels of decision-
making, perhaps exclusively by President Husayn.
This was probably to ensure control of a limited
stockpile of chemical munitions and to guarantee that
sufficient supplies would be available to counter large
Iranian offensives. Baghdad may also have believed
that tight control of chemical weapons would make it
easier to deny that Iraqi forces had employed CW. In
1986, CW release authority was delegated to corps-
level commanders as the result of Iraqi losses during
the Al Faw and Mehran campaigns and after the
military apparently convinced President Husayn to
change release authority for chemical weapons to
permit better integration of CW into battle plans.
Chemical weapons now appear to be an Important
adjunct for the achievement of tactical objectives.
9. In our Judgment, the Iraqis perceive chemical
weapons to be an effective complement to their
conventional arsenal. Overall, we believe the frequen-
cy of chemical weapons use-probably constrained
groups. To minimize losses of men and materiel. Iraqi
troops have used riot control agents and possibly chemi?
cal weapons repeatedly when conventional weapons
have not sufficed to subdue villagers before razing their
Saddam Husayn reportedly gave the direction of this
campaign to All Hassan al-Maiid, director of internal
security and Saddam's cousin, who devised a "scorched
earth" policy to eliminate dissident Kurdish activity in
northern Iraq. The policy, carried out between April
and July 1987, and apparently resumed in October
1987, has spurred the desertion of many loyalist Kurds
and private criticism from senior Iraqi Government and
military figures. Even the figurehead vice president of
Iraq, a Kurd, has refused to support the policy-a
daring defiance of Saddam Husayn's authority.
The types and lethality of chemical weapons avail-
able to both sides have increased in recent months, and
the fighting in northeastern Iraq demonstrates that
neither has backed off from employing them even
against Kurdish population centers. In mid-March 1988
Iraq and possibly Iran used lethal agents during coun-
terattacks near Halabiah, with casualty figures among
the Kurds caught in the crossfire estimated to be in the
hundreds. We do not believe the prospect of further
civilian casualties would dissuade either side from using
chemical weapons
only by availability-has increased, and the effective-
ness of Baghdad's CW employment in major battles is
10. Constraints on Iraqi Use. By denying its use of
CW, Iraq has shown some concern for international
consequences. Baghdad's main concern has been that
any public outcry would further complicate its efforts
to obtain necessary conventional war materiels as well
as necessary C.. materials. Although limited interna-
tional reaction has thus far not deterred Iraq's chemi-
cal employment, no political or religious constraints
seem to bear seriously on Husayn's decision to employ
CW. International and regional pressure-United
Nations condemnatory resolutions, demarches, and
export controls-have been ineffective in stopping the
development of the CW program or continued battle-
11. We believe that, as Iran's chemical weapons
stockpile increases and Iraqi chemical attacks contin-
ue, Tehran will selectively increase its use of chemicals
Table ii
Selected Chemical Weapon Employments
Approximate Casualties
Iraqi Use
)nh' 1952
Mandall and Rasrah
Augmt 1953
HM Umran and Mt Kordeman
tA?u than 100
Octobcr?Nuecmlx?r 1953
February-March 1954
Mainoon Island
Starch 1954
Al llasrah
50 to 100
March 1955
Hawirah Marsh
February 1936
Al Faw
8,000 to 10.000
December 1956
Umm ar Rasas
Reportedly in the thousands
April 1957
Al Basrah
October 1937
Mustard/nerve agent
March 1998
Munard/nerve agent
Reportedly in the hundreds
Iranian Use
April 1957
Al Basrah
October 1937
Mustard (possible)
Reportedly in the hundreds
March 1989
Cyanogen chloride
Reportedly in the hundreds
This table is
in retaliation, and possibly as a preemptive weapon. In
April 1987, Iran clearly crossed the chemical barrier,
using chemical agents in a militarily significant but
limited quantity in the Al Basrah area. Before then,
Ayatollah Khomeini apparently had restricted the use
of chemical weapons on moral and possibly religious
grounds, reportedly approving the retaliatory use of
chemicals only in early 1987. This apparent change in
policy seems confirmed by a mid-October 1987 Irani-
an mustard attack in retaliation for an Iraqi chemical
12. Constraint. on Iranian Use. Due to Iraq's
mach greater chemical capability, we assess that Iran
will remain cautious and selective in its use of chemi-
cals We are confident, however, that the Iranians will
continue to use and probably increase their employ-
ment of chemical weapons to meet military require-
ments or to retaliate for Iraqi chemical attacks,
Battlefield Effectiveness of Chemical Weapons
13. Faced with superior numbers of Iranian soldiers
in a war of attrition, Iraq elected in 1982 to use the
riot control agent CS in conjunction with conventional
weapons, hoping to solve its military dilemma. Iraqs
early uses of mustard and tabun in 1983 and 1984
were probably militarily ineffective because of poor
employment techniques and unsuitable weather con-
ditions. In some cases, Iraqi pilots released chemical
munitions from too high altitudes and rarely delivered
enough agent at one time to be militarily effective. In
other cases, chemical bombs were released too low for
their fuzes to function. Iran thus obtained numerous
Iraqi chemical weapons intact and scored a major
propaganda victory by publicizing this evidence (see
figure 2). Also, Iraq used chemical weapons in damp
conditions-particularly in the southern border area-
when the wind was blowing toward its own troops and
in daylight. In 1983, for example, Iraq used fighter-
bombers, artillery, and helicopters to deliver mustard
in an effort to dislodge Iranian forces around Mount
Kordeman in the northern border area. The chemical
attacks had little effect on Iranian troops, however, the
Iraqi forces were exposed when the wind shifted
toward Iraqi lines and the dense vapor flowed down-
hill-away from the Iranians.=
14. The Intelligence Community believes that in
some cases during specific battles Iraqi chemical em-
ployments have been tactically effective. Whenever
the Iraqis used good delivery techniques, weather
conditions and terrain were favorable, and the Irani-
ans were not adequately prepared or trained, the use
of chemical weapons has been effective. Iraqi mustard
Figure 2. Iranian soldier with mustard sample from Iraqi
chemical bomb.
use was a major factor in stopping an Iranian advance
at Paniwin in 1983, and in the February 1986 Al Few
campaign about 20 to 30 percent of the Iranian
casualties were from CW. In some campaigns, Iraqi
CW attacks contributed to stopping the Iranians and
disturbing the momentum of an Iranian attack. (See
figure 3 for a listing of chemical agents used in the war
and their effects.F
Strategic Results
18. As currently employed, chemical weapons will
sometimes allow tactical advantage, but are unlikely to
affect the war strategically. Baghdad, thus far, has not
shown the intention to commit the full CW resources
necessary to gain a true strategic advantage. Because
Iran does not currently have a significant chemical
capability, we anticipate Its use of chemicals will
continue to Increase slowly but will not be decisive. As
long as both Iran and Iraq continue to employ chemi-
cals in primarily defensive operations, neither nation
will gain a strategic advantage, based purely on the use
of chemical weatwns. However, a concentrated use of
chemicals by either side may create a tactical advan-
tage in a localized situation. We should also expect to
observe the Introduction of more lethal agents such as
Implications-Domestic and International-of
the Chemical War
16. The 1925 Geneva Protocol has not been an
effective Impediment to the spread and use of such
weapons in the region. We believe the perceived
successes of such weapons on the Iran-Iraq battlefield,
coupled with the lack of meaningful international
sanctions or condemnations, may suggest to Third
World states that they can acquire a CW capability as
a deterrent or a military force multiplier. Proliferation
in the Third World has been tied primarily to the
availability of technologies-mostly from Western Eu-
rope. The high profits from the sale of technology and
precursor chemicals, as well as the difficulty of regu-
lating dual-use materiel, have made it impossible to
achieve the necessary economic and political steps to
stop proliferation and weaponization. The increasing
number of nations that possess chemical capabilities
suggests that chemical weapons are being integrated
into their conventional weapons arsenals. (See figure
Implications for the United States
17. As more nations acquire a chemical capability,
military and peacekeeping forces must expect the
threat of either intentional or inadvertent exposure to
chemical attack. We do not currently believe that Iran
intends to use CW in the Persian Gulf area, but it is
likely that in a confrontation chemical weapons could
be used. The Proliferation of CW programs indicates a
widening threat from an increasing number of chemi-
cal agents. The United States must expect to face a
variety of agents-not only those that are expected to
be used on the NATO battlefield, but others such as
those used by Iran and Iraq.' The use of "standard"
CW agents and agents in different forms such as those
that have been identified in the Iran-Iraq war has
created unexpected vulnerabilities, such as:
- The simultaneous use of several agents during
any attack, and resultant problems for detection
and casualty treatment. Iraq and, to a lesser
extent, Iran have each demonstrated the capabil-
ity to concurrently employ different agents,
? Eumptes of estxrled Warsaw Part ageuas are Gi3. CD. tap.
CX, and L; exanudcs of Middle East ascots are CA, 31X. CC, and
Figure 3
Casualty Characteristics of Chemical Warfare Agents
Mii ail
Ali! il.l
Iltl ~
' j %Ij
it i,ili
j IN
Agent _
Primary routes
of exposure
tract blisters
Nenvus system paralysis
Figure 4
Worldwide Chemical Warfare Capabilities
E=3 Confirmed L7 Initial stage
sometimes in the same munition, in an Integrated
fire plan.
- Decontamination of tabun can lead to liberation
of dangerous cyanide compounds.
- The currently fielded US-NATO atropine-oxime
treatment regime may not be as effective against
tabun as it is against sarin and VX, because of the
oxime used.
- Nitrogen mustard that may be in the Inventories
of both Iran and Iraq is not detectable with
current chemical alarms or detector papers.
-Sulfur mustard (in a dusty form) may not be
detected by the current chemical alarms.
E-1 Latent
ii ns Country under watch
- Mustard employed as a powder or dust (particles
less than 5 microns in size) can penetrate current
NATO air-pernieable protective clothing. In ad-
dition, the dust form of CW agents may cause
problems for detectors that use a filter and rely
on agent vapors foorIetectton?- CIA/DI SW
86-10038Xj3eere August 1986,
Dusty Mustard: Iraq's Use of an Old Chemical
T*tk*41t Y,Oa.nrv., Nlrq ~p
I .rsa{{a.t., d hta,, tat.. W W y
.1. tMEgmt Yla. ONa 00. Wry NptMltaten
..?.ttlgtu.t,..tw.t f,
Observations From the Chemical War
-CW in various agent forms have Penetrated pro-
tective clothing.
- CW tactical delivery methods have improved with
-CW has been locally effective in some instances.
Its effect has been maximised when surprise has
been achieved against unprepared troops.
-CW can contribute to tactical successes as one
component of an integrated fireplan.
- CW has been used largely in the defense role.
- CW agent has been used as an area denial
- CW, ineptly employed, has not proved to be a
panacea to make up for other weaknesses. Non-
chemical tactical weaknesses such as failure to
maximize advantages and ineffective employment
of tactical airpower carry over into employment
of CW.
- CW employment shortcomings have included use
of inadequate concentrations in relation to re-
quired area coverage, enemy troop numbers,
weather and terrain, ineffective delivery, and
failure to integrate CW properly with the scheme
of maneuver.)
Implications for Chemical Warfare Treaty
18. The continuing proliferation of chemical weap-
ons-which lips been spurred by CW in the Gulf
war-greatly complicates attempts to conclude a trea-
ty banning chemical weapons. Several CW-capable
states have made disproportionately large investments
in these weapons and may be unwilling to relinquish
these weapons under a treaty. most proliierant states
are seeking a CW capability because of a perceived
threat from neighbors and probably would not entirely
dispose of their capabilities if they felt their enemies
might cheat on a treaty. Finally, many of these states
may decide to maintain their CW programs even after
signing a treaty in light of the limited international
response to Iran's and Iraq's use of chemical weapons.
Top SitroL
The mass casualties resulting from Iraq's chemical
attacks, Tehran's apparent belief that Iraq's chemical
campaign has affected the outcome of several offen-
sives. and the apparent lack of international condem-
nation of Iraq have led Iran to develop a chemical
weapons capability. The chemical program, begun in
1983, is believed to be primarily under the auspices of
the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps with some
involvement by the Ministry of Defense. (See figure 5
for the organization of Iran s CW program.) The goals
of the program appear to:
-? Develop a chemical warfare (CW) program in an
effort to deter Iraqi chemical weapons use.
- Inflict CW casualties on Iraqi troops.
- Employ chemical weapons as a force multiplier.
- If necessary, offer chemical weapons or technol-
ogy to other countries, in trade for other arms
We believe that Iran has been producing small
quantities of CW agents since at least 1984. Iran's
indigenous chemical industry may have permitted it
to make progress in developing a production capability
for some CW agents, although the quality and quanti-
peed is sulfur mustard, with lesser quantities of
other agents-possibly cyanogen chloride and nitrogen
mustard-being produced. Tehran has weaponized
toxic industrial chemicals such as phosgene. In addi-
tion, Iran has shown interest in making nerve agents,
although sizable production apparently has not yet
occurred. No specific full-scale production site has
been identified. Iran may also have recovered chemi-
cal munitions and recycled chemical agents from Iraqi
battlefield duds into its own delivery systems.
Iran has developed a number of deliverable chemi-
cal munitions since 1984. In early 1986 it attempted to
purchase conventional spray systems for light aircraft
as agent disseminators. Reports in early 1987 indicated
Iran possessed 500 agent-filled 250-kg bombs, which
equates to over 40 tons of agent fill. We believe that
Tehran has a small arsenal of chemical artillery and
mortar shells, and about 200 tons of stockpiled agent.
The size of its production capability and stockpile
were sufficient to permit the shipment of chemical
weapons to Libya in September 1987, Despite Its range
of weapons and the amount of agent, we believe that
Tehran's military options are limited by insufficient
quantities of weaponized chemicals to affect a major
battle, uncertainty of its weapons, and a limited
logistic capability to support the movement of chemi-
cal weapons to the battlefront. As an example, while
the Iraqi Air Force was able to fly approximately 125
chemical sorties on four days in March 1987, a similar
level of use would exhaust the entire estimated stock-
pile of Iranian bombs
Iran produced about 100 tons of CW agent (mostly
mustard) in 1987 and may produce twice that in 1988.
Production could increase tenfold or more in the next
several years if Tehran continues to stress quantity
over quality and if a decision is made to meet military
requirements for chemical weapons to support the war
with Iraq.
We believe that Tehran has developed its CW agent
rnrnduntinn nnnahitih, with fnrnion atetaanra F-
firms in
India and Singapore have been employed to disguise
the end user and circumvent export controls. Tehran
may likewise have obtained the necessary chemical
processing equipment from foreign suppliers, mostly
in Western Europe. Much of the technical expertise
has been obtained from Iran's own scientists and
engineers; however, since they have mostly petro-
chemical experience, many problems have been en-
countered and agent quality may have suffered. To
alleviate some of these problems, Iran reportedly is
receiving technical assistance from West European
Expected Trends
Because Iraq has not been deterred by international
pressures, it appears that Iran sees little choice but to
expand its chemical weapons capability. Embargoes
and export controls have merely slowed down
Tehran's acquisition of precursors, raised costs, and
motivated Iran to develop and expand its indigenous
programs to reduce its dependence on external sup-
We do not believe that Iran currently intends to
spread its chemical war into the Gulf region. None of
the Gulf states is known to have an offensive CW
capability and there is no formal tear with the other
Gulf states. Iran has taken steps, however, to warn its
naval elements to be prepared to use CW weapons
Although Iranian-produced chemical weapons have
been transferred to Libya, we do not know if Tehran
would supply other nations or organizations. We Judge
that the transfer of chemical weapons to terrorists is
unlikely under current circumstances.) 1
Iraq initially sought to acquire a CW capability to
counter a perceived Israeli CW threat. The develop-
ment of its chemical weapons capability began in the
early to mid-1970s, well before its war with Iran. In
the early to mid-1970s riot control agents were em-
ployed to subdue dissident Kurdish activity in north-
ern Iraq. The hostilities with Iran in the early 1950s
gave additional impetus to the chemical program. The
initial political and military decision to employ chemi-
cal weapons against Iran seems to have been made in
an effort to minimize personnel (Baghdad's critical
resource) and material losses. Baghdad apparently
believed that chemical weapons, in combination with
conventional weapons, would be useful in defeating or
stalling Iranian attacks
Iraq now possesses the largest chemical weapons
production capability in the Middle East and has the
capacity to increase Its stockpile significantly over the
next few years. The principal agents being produced
at Iraq's CW production facility near Samarra' are the
blister agent mustard and the nerve agents tabun and
sarin. The riot control agent CS is also produced there.
In addition, Iraq appears to be producing at least small
quantities of the nerve agent VX and researching the
production of the psychochemical BZ.
current Iraqi production rates to about
165 metric tons (mt)/month of sulfur mustard, 4
mt/month of tabun, 20 mt/month of Sarin, and 5 to 10
mt/month of CS. (See figure 6.) Based on these figures,
the Iraqis could, in one month, produce enough agent
to fill 2,000 250-kg bombs with mustard, about 50 250-
kg bombs with tabun, around 250 250-kg bombs with
sarin, and 6,500 mortar rounds with CS, or any
combinations of the above.
Besides its primary CW production facilities near
Samarra' and research and development facility at
Salman Pak, three probable new CW production
facilities have been identified in the Al Habbantyah
area of Iraq. Baghdad may be trying to establish
redundancy in its system, making it less susceptible to
preemptive strikes against its chemical
infrastructure, while at the some time increasing the
amount of agent available for use in the war
Before the onset of hostilities with Iran, the lack of
urgency for the development of a chemical weapons
program allowed Iraq time to place students in select-
ed schools abroad, with the goal of developing a pool
of technically competent scientists. In 1979, however,
Iraq still lacked indigenous technical expertise for the
production of lethal chemical agents. This necessitated
Baghdad's relying heavily on foreign countries for
technical assistance, as well as for materials. As of late
1987, Iraq was still relying on foreign assistance to
build, maintain, and supply materials for its future
and existing chemical production facilities. We esti-
mate that its technical manpower and engineering
shortfalls will be overcome within the next four to six
Embargoes on precursor chemicals have not stopped
Iraq's program-only slowed the pace of the chemical
weapons program. They have increased the cost of the
program and intensified Baghdad's search for addi-
tional peecursor sources, equipment, and technology,
as well as stimulating Iraq's efforts to internally pro-
duce precursor chemicals. Despite numerous Western
export controls, acceleration of the Iraqi program has
been made possible by aid from a number West
German firms
e believe that, with the help of these
firms an of ers such as
the Iraqi program will be self-supporting and
v r ua y independent of foreign embargoes a-?? out-
side intervention within the next few yearsF---]
Weapons Delivery
Iraq has delivered its chemical agents In 250- and
500-kg bombs, aerial spray apparatus, and, to a lesser
degree, in 90-millimeter air-to-ground rockets. Soviet-
built SU-22 and MIC-23 aircraft, as well as MI-8 and
French-built Gazelle helicopters and Mirage aircraft,
have been the air force delivery platforms for chemi-
cals. (See figure 7.) Early employment problems seem
to have been solved by pilots using improved delivery
parameters coupled with proper fuzingF__~
flaws 7. Air delivery pkstform.
Baghdad has chemical artillery shells for its 82-mm
and 120-mm mortars and its 130-mm, 152-mm, and
155-mm guns. (See figure 8.) more recently, Iraq has
used 122-mm ground-to-ground rockets loaded with
plastic canisters filled with multiple types of chemical
agents. A 40-tube launcher is capable of delivering 120
to 240 kg of agent per salvo. (See figure 9.) Reportedly,
Iraq plans to produce a chemical warhead for a longer
range missile.
In our Judgment, Iraq continues to acquire casings
for the delivery of both chemical artillery and aerial
bombs, and is now purchasing equipment for the
manufacture of these munitions. Baghdad's al-Aiuth-
anna Enterprises, which is in some way related to the
State Organization for Chemical Industries (SOCf),
and al-Qaqaa State Establishment are involved in CW
agent and CW munitions production. Both are subor.
dinate to the State Organization for Technical Indus-
tries (SOTI), which reportedly was renamed the State
figure 9. Chemical-capable multiple rocket launc~
Organization for War Production (SOWP) in mid-
1987. (See figure 10 for the organization of the Iraqi
CW program. ~
T--P3ftl"- P-G7WZ600,AOeAk
Chemical casualties require not only transportation
but, in some cases, labor-intensive hospital care. Iran
has apparently tried to care for its chemically wound-
ed, but with onl limited success. In some battles the
chemical casualties have been in the thousands, which
has overwhelmed the medical transportation system
and caused secondary contamination casualties among
the transportation and medical staffs. Iraq's medical
support system has not been significantly tested. If
Iran were to increase its use of chemicals, it would
probably also overwhelm Iraq's medical systems. We
believe that neither country's medical logistic capabili-
ty could manage a large number of chemical casualties
over a sustained period=
The majority of the Iranian casualties have been
mainly from mustard agents in both liquid and dusty
forms. The latter type is finely ground (0.1 to 10.0
microns) silica impregnated with mustard agent. The
two forms differ with respect to the nature of skin
injury, the Intensity of lung injuries, and the latent
period with the dusty form being more effective. The
latent period can be militarily significant because it
affects the time a soldier can continue to fight before
the effect of the agent becomes debilitating. Dusty
mustard can affect soldiers within as few as 15
minutes, while the liquid or vapor mustard may not
Casualty Handling
Iran's combat casualty handling system is not suffi-
cient to cope with the tens of thousands of non-CW
-war casualties. The influx of chemical casualties and
the special handling associated with decontamination
and treatment have exacerbated the situation. The
government is unwilling or unable to take the neces-
sary steps to improve significantly the situation. Even
though Tehran's capabilities to treat chemical warfare
victims have improved since the early 1930s because
of measures initiated in the wake of repeated chemical
attacks, they still cannot handle large numbers of
chemical casualties over a sustained period.
Several factors have contributed to large numbers of
Iranian chemical casualties: soldiers are unable to (ion
protective clothing quickly when attacks occur (per-
haps attributable to a lack of training and field
conditions that are too hot for protective clothing to be
worn at all titres); a great many of the Iranian soldiers
are bearded, causing poor mask fit (see figure 11);
soldiers are unable to quickly ascertain that they are
involved in a chemical attack or identify the agents
early in an attack; soldiers receive ineffective decon-
tamination and treatment at aid stations; and antidotes
are often used incorrectly. Another cause of increased
casualties is that Iranian soldiers received little or no
the Revolutionary Guards receive more
protective clothing and masks than the regular army,
although the regular army seems to be conducting
Top e
better defensi%v chemical training.
Because there is no antidote for mustard. inn iedi.de
decontamination is cssrutial. In many- Iranian cases,
ducontcunination has been decayed for one to 24 hours
following exposure. In general. Iranian decontamina-
tion has been poorly accomplished-by showering or
by the use of bleach solutions--or it is simply not
done. The inadequacy of the decontamination system
is best demonstrated by the fact that a number of
victims have arrived at the larger Iranian and Europe-
an hospitals still contaminated with mustard agent.
This is not only an indication of a lack of chemical
awareness, but perhaps more significantly, it is a
serious source of secondary contamination that in-
creases the number of casualties. There are reports
that pilots transporting chemically wounded troops,
and physicians treating casualties In rear area hospitals
tttaminated by residual agent.
__Iranian physicans have reported
that sodium thiosulfate administered intravenously
followed by topical application of sodium thiosulfate is
effective if initiated within three hours of exposure to
mustard. Reportedly, Iran has used atropine in the
trtatnivrtt of mustard casuslticc. atropine is uurmally
used only for nerve agent vietints.~
The Iranian troops have been provided both atro-
vine autoiujeetors and any-l nitrite capsules, antidotes
for nerve agent and cyanide intoxication, respectively.
Although inappropriate and another indication of iwur
training, these antidotes have been self-administered
following exposure to mustard gas. Most of the Iraqi
protective equipment has been received from the
Soviets through military aid agreements or produced
indigenously. It is similar to standard field issue for
Soviet troops. Protective equipment for Iranian forces
has beet: obtained from a wide variety of Western
sources as well as from indigenous production, but
quantities are insufficient to outfit the entire army.
The treatment of casualties at the battlefront and
evacuation are apparently inadequate. This results in a
reported high mortality rate at the front for both the
chemical and conventional casualties. Field stations
are not equipped to handle chemical casualties. The
chemical casualties that survive are transported rear-
wards to medical dispensaries or to large cities such as
Tehran. (See figure 12.) Evacuation is accomplished by
trucks or in some cases by planes, which reportedly
have no special arrangements for transporting the
wounded. Poor frontline medical treatment and an
inadequate transportation system have caused chemi-
cal casualties with reported mortality rates as high as
60 to 80 percent during transportation from the
battlefield to the larger city hospitals
Another reported complication in the evacuation
process is that the chemically wounded are not sepa-
rated from the patients with conventional wounds.
Due to the lack of effective decontamination, the
nonchemical casualties have at times become contami-
nated with chemical agent. One medical facility, the
Shahriar Hospital in Tehran, will not treat CW victims
as several physicians and nurses have been contami-
nated while administering treatment. Casualties re-
main at this facility only until arrangements can be
made to ship them to other hospitals or foreign
countries for treatment.=
Early in the chemical war, hospitals in the larger
cities seemed to have been overwhelmed by the
number of chemical casualties. In an attempt to solve
the problem, Tehran has apparently established a
number of medical facilities that are dedicated to:C%V
casualties, an example being the Val-Fair infirmary in
Tehran, a large sports arena that was converted to
administer care to minor chemical victims. Since 1984,
the ability to cope has improved somewhat and a
higher quality of care for the chemically wounded
seems to be available. United Nations reporting has
established that the level of care at these facilities,
~hhough improving, is still below Western standards.
mation on the length of hospitalization for chemical
casualties. For one group of 176 victims injured in
February-March 1986, the length of hospitalization
ranged from three days to about two months. No
further breakdown was provided. In the case of the
Val-Fair Infirmary In Tehran, the average stay was
reportedly four days for skin injuries and seven days
for eye lesions. (See figure 13.) This may not indicate
quick cure or recovery, but the fact that the infirmary
is a minor care facilitt
Figure 13. Iranian chemical casualties. Injuries include skin
lesions and blisters indicative of mustard agent
The total number of chemical casualties from chem- exist, however, for the February-March 1986 offen-
ical use is difficult to estimate. The further breakdown sire. Iranian sources report that in this campaign
into mortality is equally difficult. A breakdown does chemical casualties could have ranged from 8,000 to
10,000 of the 30,000 to 50,000 battlefield casualties.'
This compares with a 25-percent estimate for the
Operation Khelbar offensive in 1984. A very broad
generalization can be made from a survey of the data
base on the chemical war concerning mortality. Of the
chemical casualties, the death rate appears to be
between 3 and 4 percent. We believe that the pros-
pects for improvement of the Iranian medical reaction
to chemical attacks remain bleak primarily because of
the lack of effective military discipline. Failure to
enforce the proper issue and wearing of protective
clothing and masks will continue to result in high
chemical casualty rates, especially among the Pas-
daran and Basill
' Estimates of casualties in the Iran-Ira war are difficult to
Because of the low-level CW use by Iran, informa-
tion on Iraq's chemical preparedness and chemical
casualty management is limited. The concept of medi-
cal care seems to consist of retrieving the casualties.
and sorting, treating. and evacuating the wounded to
the nearest hospital. Evacuation has been a problem as
the Iraqis have a limited capability, and we are
convinced a large number of chemical casualties over
an extended period would severely tax an already
marginal system
There is no information available on the evacuation
and treatment of recent Iraqi chemical casualties, but
it is assumed that Iraq's procedure probably would be
based on Soviet casualty procedures. Although Iraqi
mustard victims have been treated at Rashid Military
Hospital in Baghdad, the nature of the treatment
rendered is not known