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Document Creation Date: 
September 12, 2023
Document Release Date: 
June 26, 2023
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
June 18, 1964
Approved for Release: 2023/02/17 C00008116 CENTRAL INTELLIGENC'E AGENCY WASHINGTON 25, D, C. OFFICE Of THE DIRECTOR SANITIZED cOPAC MEMORANDUM FOR: The President SUBJECT : Viet Cong Ambush of Military Convoy 1. During my conVersation with you on 18 June, you drew attention to the report by Homer Bigart in the 13 June edition of the New York Times concerning the strong Wet Cong attack on a military convoy near Ben Cat, north of Saigon. You desired to know whether it was correct that many vilagers must have witnessed the preparations for this ambush and that they failed to inform the Ben Cat military garrison because of intimidations by the Viet Cong. 2. The reports that the Big,art story is substantially correct. The details of his story have been confirmed by the Ministry of Interior, by the Vietnamese Military Security Service, and the United States MACV. It clearly appears that residents in the nearby area were well aware of the ambush two to four hours in advance but were under threat not to betray t Viet Cong. Content UNCLASSIFIED. per WM78- dote -- PINITI`,ZED _copy Approved for Release: 2023/02/17 C00008116 Approved for Release: 2023/02/17 C00008116- 0, The area in question is generally considered to be Viet Cong controlled though it is sparsely populated. It remains unexplained as to why artillery support was not requested by the Ben Cat garrison. 4. Ngo Dinh Nhu, political advisor to President Diem and Nuyen Dinh Thuan, Secretary of State for the Presidency, have told representatives of an unconfirmed report that the Viet Cong attack force was disguised as South Vietnamese Army personnel. Milan has ordered a full investigation of the incident. 5. The; "notes that in a Viet Cong controlled area such as this and where the Viet Cong have both the means and willingness to carry out reprisals, there will continue to be a fear on the part of villagers to reveal foreknowledge of an attack. (1)UvLvtezt-tA.--.,_. John A. McCone Director Approved for Release: 2023/02/17 C00008116