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Publication Date:
May 5, 1969
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eeei OSI-WS-11/69 5 May 1969 PL+MAN:NT Pile Copy DO NOT REMOVE ?' y (b) (1) (b) (3) APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: MAR 2008 WEEKLY SURVEYOR S T WEEKLY SUR OR OSI-WJ9 / 6 9 Directorate of Science and Technology 5 May 1969 This publication is intended to furnish the intelligence community with a timely survey of significant current scientific intelligence. The items herein are based on selected incoming reports of all kinds received during the previous week. The com- ments represent the views of the Office of Scientific Intelligence and the Foreign Missile and Space Analysis Center and are coordinated to the extent possible in the time available within CIA but, being based on the material at hand, are sub- ject to change on receipt of further information or analysis. We caution against action taken solely on the basis of the preliminary evaluations herein. Substan- tive questions concerning items in this publication may be addressed directly to the Surveyor Staff, OSI, CIA Headquarters, Langley. Questions concerning distribution should be forwarded through appropriate depart- mental channels. Page No. Early Decision Expected in French Nuclear Power Program . . . . . . . . . . . Weekly Surveyor CONTENTS (Continued) 5 May 1969 Page No. SE ET Weekly Surveyor 5 May 1969 NUCLEAR ENERGY Early Decision Expected in French Nuclear Power Program: France is reported nearing a decision as to what type re- actor to build next. There has been an effective morato- rium on new reactor commitments in France while the direction of further construction was determined. Several alternatives have been considered: An advanced gas reactor (AGR); an American type light water reactor; and a Canadian type heavy water reactor. France seems to have strong feelings against the AGR concept since they do not consider this to be a proven type reactor. Continued difficulties with the Chooz light water reactor would seem to make it a poor choice. The popularity of the heavy water type is gaining; hence, there is a favorable chance that they will choose the heavy water reactor for their next facility. Comment: For some time there has been considerable pressure on the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) by Electricite de France (EDF) to diversify the French nuclear power program to include reactors of a type other than the gas-graphite reactor. The choice of a heavy water reactor using natural uranium fuel, while preferable from the stand- point of possible sales to foreign countries, would neces- sitate the construction of additional heavy water production facilities to augment the 20 ton/year plant presently in operation. If they choose a light water reactor, obtaining fuel would present a problem; it would be necessary either to obtain enriched uranium or to obtain it from the U under sa eguar s. re e indication that the French are seriously considering a pressurized tube, heavy water reactor as the next type to be utilized. Whatever the choice, the first reactor of the new type probably will be built at Fessenheim.