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DATE 25 May 1961
25 May 1961
SC No. 01165/61
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25 May 1961
LAOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page
Kong Le - Pathet Lao forces, while observing a cease-
fire on most fronts, are continuing their attacks against
the government's Meo guerrilla bases, particularly in the
Pa Dong area. Intensified efforts to eliminate these
pockets of government forces are expected. The talks at
Namone remain deadlocked on most issues, although there
is agreement among the three groups to "examine" a pro-
posal for a unified delegation to Geneva representing
the "Kingdom of Laos" rather than any Laotian "govern-
ment." Bloc airlift operations continue, and since 16
May there has., been a relatively large number of flights
to southern areas of North Vietnam, suggesting stock-
piling for possible operations in the Tchepone area of Laos
or in South Vietnam. The conference at Geneva has done
littl more than mark time during the past week. -EO ,. re't-
SOUTH KOREA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page
There are indications of a growing split in the
Supreme Council for National Reconstruction between Maj.
Gen. Pak Chang-hui, architect of the 16 May coup, and
Army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Chang To-yong, titular head
of the council. Chang is believed to favor an early re-
turn to civilian government rather than an indefinite
period of military rule. The new group lacks capable
administrators, particularly in the economic field,
where growing confusion has brought business activities
almost to a standstill. While there is no evidence of
North Korean military preparations to take advantage of
the unsettled situation, dissension within the coup
group could make South Korea increasingly susceptible
to Communist propaganda and subversion.
Moscow has given the planned meeting between the
President and Khrushchev a generally optimistic ap-
praisal but has refrained from editorial comment. Soviet
media describe it as an important and timely step which
could contribute to a relaxation of tensions and lead to
further high-level meetings. Moscow attempts to convey
the impression that the meeting is mainly the result of
US initiative and is a "sign" that forces in the US now
favor improving relations with the USSR. Soviet and
satellite commentaries have listed Germany, disarmament,
a nuclear test ban, Laos, and Cuba as possible topics.
Peiping has reported the initial TASS announcement of
the talks but has made no comment.
FRANCE-ALGERIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page
Both French and Algerian delegations appear to have
been favorably impressed by the initial sessions of the
Evian negotiations, but the Algerians continue skeptical
of French willingness to relinquish direct and indirect
authority throughout Algeria, Including the Sahara. As
the talks proceed, the French Government may find that
its most pressing problem is the continuing activity of
right-wing extremists determined to stop Algerian inde-
pendence by any means; there are reports that some of
them may attempt to assassinate De Gaulle. (LVP
KaSavubu and his supporters remain firm in their
decision to reconvene parliament in Leopoldville, although
Gizenga continues to demand that it meet in Kamina. There
are indications that Leopoldville is negotiating with
Tshombe's successors to assure Katanga's participation
in a Congo federation as desired by Kasavubu. Leopold-
ville probably believes that its haad has been strength-
ened by its success in blockin the return of UN repre-
sentative Dayal. (T
IRAN . . . . . . . . ,
. Page 11
Fear of a military coup led Prime Minister Ali Amini
last week to move several officers, including General
Timor Bakhtiar, out of Tehran. Bakhtiar asserts that he
intends to support Amini but will continue with his "con-
tingency, planning" to be ready to act on shoz't notice if
Amini's government "fails." Amini has made announce-
ments calculated to convince the public that his govern-
ment is efficient and frugal and is pushing reforms in
the public interest. Contrary to earlier indications,
the National Front apparently will remain in opposition
to Amini, as it has to every government since the -
lapse of the Mossadeq regime in 1953. X
CUBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13
. . . . . . . . . .
A Soviet ship almost certainly carrying an arms
cargo arrived in Cuba on or about 22 May, a second prob-
ably with military equipment was due to arrive shortly
thereafter, and a third ship is en route. Castro's
prisoners-for-tractors offer has attracted unfai,orable
press comment in other Latin American countries, being
viewed as similar to the Eichmann prisoners-for-trucks
offer of World War II. Castro was, probably influenced
by this reaction in making his statement of 22 May
insisting that the transaction, if consummated, would
represent "indemnification" of Cuba rather than an ex-
change. The special Cuban "good-will mission," which
has just visited Brazil on its tour of Latin American
countries, was reportedly "disappointed" by its visit
25 May 1961
to Mexico but is likely to meet a more favorable recep-
om the Velasco government in Ecuador. (B ---i
. . . . . . . . . .
President Quadros is vigorously seeking diplomatic
and cultural contacts with the new nations of Africa in
furtherance of Brazil's expanding role in world affairs.
He has set up an African scholarship program, js. rapid-
ly establishing diplomatic and consular missions in the
new nations, and can no longer be expected to give Portu-
gal support for its policy in Africa. Brazil also is
interested in obtaining African cooperation in reaching
pricing and marketing agreements for coffee and robably
for other tropical products. -(Top- Ie
EL SALVADOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 16
The provisional government of El Salvador is con-
trolled by young army officers who are strongly anti-
Communist and apparently united in support of a program
of socio-economic;refota. Members of the "14-family"
elite which has long dominated the country are described
as "stunned" by the pro-reform attitude of their tradi-
tional allies, the army and the church. Some senior
officers, displaced or exiled after the coups of last
October and January, are reported planning a return to
power but do not seem to have the military support
needed for success at this time. (Seeret)
. . . . . . . . . . .
Party secretary Frol Kozlov, believed to be Khru-
shchev's choice as his successor, has been convalescing
from a heart attack since late April. Should Kozlov's
illness seriously curtail his activities after his ex-
pected return to duty in early June, political maneuver-
ing among Khrushchev's other lieutenants for the suc-
cession would almost certainly be intensified. Oaa
A change in Soviet economic policy favoring the con-
sumer is implied by Khrushchev's recent remark at the
British Fair in Moscow that the USSR's light industry and
heavy industry will develop at the same pace. Because
the light industrial base is very small compared with
that of heavy industry, such a change can be accomplished
by a relatively small shift of resources without affect-
ing industrial goals set forth in the Seven-Year Plan
(1959-65). Although Khrushchev's remarks have not yet
appeared in the Soviet press, a recent article in the
party journal denied that it is "bourgeois" to improve
the supply of consumer goods. (6epf - a_ _
25 May 1961
Page 19
Soviet economists, industrial and agricultural
managers and. technicians, and possibly even certain top
Political leaders are in sharp disagreement over the ad-
ministration of important elements of the USSR's economy.
Although it does not wsem likely that these disagreements
will impede economic progress, Khrushchev will probably
make a strong effort to resolve the more serious con-
troversies before the convening of the 22nd party
congress in October. He will probably undertake further
organizational experimentations and shuffling of per-
? Page 21
East Germany's,dampaign for de facto recognition has
recently. scored some advances in the Middle East, West
Africa, and Brazil. The most notable was the UAR's
grant of consular status to the East German trade office
in Damascus,. despite strong West German protests. While
Bonn has been able to deter formal diplomatic recognition
of the Ulbricht regime, it is finding it increasingly
difficult to prevent the establishment of East German
consulates and fears that the UAR's action may encourage
others to follow suit. Bonn is also greatly concerned
over the possibility that President Quadros may permit
a high-level East German visit to Brazil--a move which
Ulbricht would view as a major triumph.
Page 22
Political friction between Moscow and Cairo, which
flared up again recently, apparently has not affected
the bloc's military collaboration with the UAR, Finan-
cial arrangements, UAR requests for more advanced weapons,
and Soviet delays in supplying spare parts and new equip-
ment have caused difficulties since 1958 but have not
prevented conclusion of new agreements, nor have they
altered the UAR's almost complete dependence on the
bloc for military supplies. Bloc military deliveries
this accordance with the new agree-
ments concluded in 1960-
ave included MIG-19s, T-54
tanks, and a variety of other items. _(UP Reczs4l~
. Page 23
The Pushtoonistan dispute between Afghanistan and
Pakistan, which has been marked by sporadic clashes and
almost continuous propaganda warfare since 1947, has
flared up again. About 1,000 Afghan troops disguised
as tribesmen attacked Pakistani garrisons near the
border on 22 May, and Pakistani jets bombed dissident
tribal concentrations near the border. Each side
probably wants to avoid major hostilitiesibut will be
under pressure to take whatever action is necessary to
25 May 1961
avoid aloss of prestige among the Pushtoon tribes on
both sides of the border. a m.1 Far)
The Communist-dominated National Action Council, the
most active nonwhite nationalist organization in South
Africa, has called for a three-day strike beginning on
29 May. The leader of the movement says that no violence
is planned; tension is rising, however, in both the white
and non-European communities. The government is steadily
increasing its security precautions.
DEVELOPMENTS IN SURINAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 26
Surinam (Dutch Guiana), which supplies about 20 per-
cent of the free world's bauxite, will seek a greater
degree of autonomy from the Netherlands in preliminary
talks opening in The Hague on 29 May. Local political
leaders believe greater autonomy would help Surinam
gain assistance from the United Nations and the West
for the economic and social development the country
seeks. Although Surinam has little common cultural
background with neighboring countries, its leaders
maintain that it must also strengthen ties with the
Latin American republics by seeking association with
the Organization of American States. tftd &4A&24-_
NEW SOVIET CONSTITUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
There are signs that a new Soviet constitution will
appear some time after the 22nd party pnpgress next
October, replacing the 1936 "Stalin constitution" with
one intended to be associated with Khrushchev. Published
proposals foreshadow a document which will embody Khru-
shchev's assertion that the USSR is engaged in the "full-
scale" building of communism and which will be a rei`lec-
tion of the Communist party program now being drafted.
The constitution may create a new office of "President
25. May 1961
of the USSR" to give Khrushchev not only the formal rank
of chief of state but constitutional sanction for his de
facto powers.
FULBERT YOULOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11
Fulbert Youlou, who will', visit Washington in early
June, was first prime minister and then became the first
President of the Congo Republic (Brazzaville), which
gained independence from France in 1958. Youlou, who is
hereditary chief of the Balai tribe ,has been able to con-
solidate h and Ive!the country rain ve
would e
African affairs but has been unsuccessful decisive in r his efforts
to promote a Central African union. Friendly,toward the
West and stronaly mmunist, Youlou is ambitious
(QOCrot Nolcsa)
The Boun Oum government
apparently is determined to boy-
cott the Geneva conference on .
Laos unless it is recognized as
the legal government. Its po-
sition has been fortified by
expressions of support from King'
Savang and the National Assem
bly and probably reflects Vien-
tiane's awareness that virtual-
ly the sole bargaining asset
it retains is the validity of
its claim to constitutional
authority. Vientiane is at-
tempting to have representatives
of five pro-government political
parties seated at the conference
on a par with the delegations of
Souvanna Phouma and the Neo Lao
Hak Sat. This maneuver seems
certain to fail.
Vientiane does not view
its stand on the Geneva talks
as in any way affected by the
conduct of its negotiations in
Laos with representatives of
Souvanna and the Pathet Lao.
Aware that the government's
concessions at the Namone truce
site have appeared contradic-
tory, General Phoumi has ex-
plained that his strategy has
been to appear willing to meet
the opposition's demands"for
political talks in hopes of
securing agreement on definite
guidelines for the cease-fire.
At the meeting on 24 May, the
negotiators reportedly agreed
to "examine" the question of
forming a unified delegation
to Geneva, representing the
"Kingdom of Laos" rather than
any Laotian "government."
Members of the government
team at Namone have privately
complained that they are under
a psychological disadvantage
because of Vientiane's weak
military position and because
of restrictive and often con-
fusing directives handed them
by.Phoumi. The Neo Lao Bak
Sat representatives have as-
sumed the air of victors dealing
with the vanquished, and even
Souvanna's political represent-
ative, Pheng Phongsavan, has
confided to the government del-
egation that "it's not as easy
as you think to keep a position
of independence when youtare
surrounded day and night by
these fellows," Despite this
and other evidence of friction
between the Souvanna and Pathet
Lao political factions, there
appears to be no indication of
any serious rupture on the enemy
The International Control
Commission (ICC) in the present
circumstances remains ineffec-
tive. The Communists hold that
the ICC cannot regulate the
cease-fire until military terms
of reference have been estab-
lished by the three Laotian
parties. French Ambassador
Falaize recently commented that
the ICC had been thrown into
Laos without adequate prepara-
tion and facilities to fulfill
its mission. He'pointed out
that ICC representatives are
under restrictions in visiting
the rebel headquarters at
Xieng Khouang.
Although the military sit-
uation continues quiet through-
out most of the country, some
skirmishing continues. The
primary target of Kong Le-
Pathet Lao activity remains
the Meo elements of the Laotian
army; Meo headquarters at Pa
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 1 of 27
~ l I MALAYA- /~-
25 May 61
~ai Chau ?
hongS ly
k ^^^ ~ ' I'Hnt;Ic % .Dien Bien
Ate.. ~2J Tha: ?...: ??~ , Phu
r'/ .NAN171111~ B ~, ...._.
qo Sai: Nam Bac.
Muong`-1 oun \
25 MAY 1961
Dong southwest of the Plaine
des Jarres continues to be un-
der artillery fire, and intensi-
fied' efforts to wipe out Meo
pockets of resistance are ex-
pected. Intercepted messages
from Kong Le's headquarters in
the Plaine des Jarres to units
in the Pa Dong area indicate
that both Pathet Lao and North
Vietnamesei.troops kre being
employed in these attacks.
In south-central Laos,
Laotian army sources continue
to report a build-up of several
thousand enemy troops along
Route'9 between Tchepone and
Savannahket. Although these
reports are unverified and
probably are exaggerated, re-
cent Communist charges of at-
tacks by Laotian and South Viet-
namese forces in the Tchepone
area could be used to provide
justification for a renewed
Communist offensive there.
South Vietnam still has a small
number of troops in defensive
positions along Route 9 a few
miles inside Laos. A recent
Saigon report states that about
1,000-,'North Vietnamese and
Pathet Lao forces in the Tche-
pone area have begun "aggressive
reconnaissance" eastward toward
the South Vietnamese border,
where some Laotian troops are
positioned along with'the South
General Phoumi met with
Premier Sarit in northeastern
Thailand on 19 May during a
trip to southern Laos, and is
said to have sought assurances
from him concerning American.i
intentions regarding a political
settlement in Laos. Phoumi was
reported recently to feel iso-
lated and puzzled by the Ameri-
can positionk:,on Laos, and to
have undertaken his trip south-
ward partly for the purpose of
preparing the transfer of the
Laotian Government in the 'event
of a new enemy drive against
Vientiane or Luang Prabang.
Bloc Airlift
Bloc airlift operations
contiinued throughout the week
except 'on 21 May, when all
flights were canceled, possibly
because of bad weather. From
15 through 21 May, there were
128 airlift and airlift-associat-
ed sorties, which delivered an'
estimated total of about 232
tons. The Soviet AN-12 which
arrived at Haiphong on 15 May
left North Vietnam for the USSR
on 20 May. The IL-14 which ar-
rived at Hanoi on 19 May has
also returned to the USSR.
Since 16 May relatively
large numbers of bloc trans-
ports--five to eight daily ex-
cept on the 18th--have been
scheduled to the Vinh and Dong
Hoi areas. Three IL-14s were
scheduled to fly from Vinh to
Xieng Khouang on 21 May, and
three from Vinh to Muong Ngat
the following day, suggesting
that at least some airlift op-
erations are being staged from
The scope of the operation
involving Vinh and Dong Hoi
indicates that stockpiling is
taking place at these two loca-
tions, possibly in connection
with a Communist build-up in the
Tchepone area.
Paradrop activities involv-
ing Soviet transports have been
reported near Kep airfield--
which is about 45 miles north-
east of Hanoi. Soviet trans-
ports began flying to Kep in
mid-March, and since that time
activity has been noted at the
field almost daily. It was
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 3 of 27
initially thought that the
field was being used to store
supplies brought in from China
and airlifted to Laos. It now
appears that it also is used
for airborne training, not only
from a logistics point of view
but also for personnel to be
dropped into Laos. Such drops
have been periodically reported
by Laotian sources.
Communist Tactics at Geneva
During the opening round
of the Geneva conference, Com-
munist bloc spokesmen have con-
centrated their efforts on
securing Western approval of
the position that the 1954 Ge-
neva agreements,must form the
basis for any negotiated set-
tlement on, Laos. The Commu-
nists' insistence on this point
reflects their determination
to achieve a settlement which
effectively removes Laos from
SEATO protection, prevents the
establishment. )of any form of
international machinery or neu-
trai nations commission to
supervise Laotian economic re-
lations, and retains a bloc
veto power over the activities
of the ICC in Laos.
The Communists have main-
tained that the SEATO "umbrella"
protocol for Laos violates the
declaration of Laotian neutral-
ity made in 1954 and have in-
sisted that the permanent con-
trol mechanism in Laos should
be the ICC, as established in
the 1954 Geneva accords.
Gromyko has indicated to
Secretary Rusk that the Veto
provisions in the Soviet pro-
posals on the ICC are not nego-
tiable. Gromyko has also at-
tempted to play down reported
cease-fire violations by the
Pathet Lao while continuing to
assert the parity of the Pathet
Lao delegation at Geneva with
Souvanna and Vientiane repre-
sentatives. In response to a
Thai request of 23 May that
representatives of Laotian
parties supporting the Boun
Oum government be seated at
the conference on a rotational
basis, Gromyko asserted that
there was an understanding that
only the "three forces" would
be seated.
. In his speech of 17 May,
the Soviet foreign minister
carefully drew a distinction
between Laotian internal and
international questions and con-
tended that the conference
should not take up such ques-
tions as a coalition government
in Laos, the holding of elec-
tions, and the reorganization
of the army. By keeping these
questions out of the conference
deliberations, at least for the
time being, the Communists
hope to blame Vientiane for
any delay in forming a coali-
tion government but at the same
time to stress the Pathet Lao's
willingness to discuss a future
Laotian government.
Bloc. the
conference have made it clear
that they could not accept any
control of economic aid to
Laos. Polish Foreign Minister
Rapacki called upon Laos to
engage in economic relations
on a bilateral basis, maintain-
ing that international control
would constitute interference
in Laotian internal policy.
The USSR, Czechoslovakia, Com-
munist China, and North Vietnam
have set up resident missions
in northern Laos which could
serve to implement the bilateral
economic agreements Souvanna
Phouma has already concluded
Page 4 of 27
The Supreme Council for
National Reconstruction, the
military group.::whichhas control
of the South Korea,
is continuing. to consolidate' its
position and..io_lentralize pos-
sible sources of opposition.
However, there are indications
that coup strgngman Maj. Gen.
Pak Chong-hui is. becoming in=
creasingly displeased with Army
Chief of Staff'Lt. Gen. Chang
To-yong, who is believed to
favor a relatively early return
to civilian government. Should
Chang be forced out of the ruling
junta, the regime: would probably
be strongly influenced by junior
officers who desire an abrupt
break with the past and an in=
definite period of military
The retention of President
Yun Po-sun as chief of state
has given the insurgent govern-
ment a semblance of constitu-
tionality. Government ministries
have been reopened and a new
all-military cabinet appointed.
However, administrative and
technical talent is scarce, and
most of those who qualify for
important positions are tainted
by association with either the
Chang Myon or Rhee administra-
The shortage of capable
senior personnel is particularly
apparent in the economic field.
The regime has taken stopgap
measures to prevent a serious
dislocation of the economy, but
there are indications of busi-
ness stagnation.. Bank of Korea
officials.; report that mounting
administrative confusion is im-
peding economic activity.
The new government is com-
mitted to improve living condi-
tions. Unless it can fulfill
its economic promises, it prob-
ably will experience the same
public antipathy as the Chang
Apprehension is developing
among educated civilians over
the repressive tactics. of the
military rulers. Political.
parties and organizations. have
been ordered abolished,and.most
members of the former adminis-
tration have been placed under
house arrest or imprisoned. A
nationwide roundup of all left-
ists and suspected Communists
is under way. According to
local press reports, between
3,000 and 4,000 persons, many
of them probably hoodlums and
criminals, have been,seized.
Strict press and radio censor-
ship has'been imposed, and many
persons are reportedly listening
to Communist broadcasts from
Pyongyang for news of events in
South Korea.
Asian Communists,' whose
cautious initial reaction to the
coup suggested a lack of first-
hand information, have now taken.
.the measure of Seoul's new lead-
ers,'and hostile propaganda has
mounted steadily during the past
week. Peiping's People's Daily
charged in an editorial of 21
May that the US stage-managed
the coup to maintain its "colo-
nial rule."
Speaking at a rally of
200,000 in Pyongyang on 20 May,
North Korean Vice Premier Kim
11 called on the South Korean
population. to smash the coup;
Pyongyang earlier had urged all
South Korean military personnel
to resist the coup leaders. The
North Koreans have used the dis-
turbed situation to renew their
call for reunification, claiming
that only by joining with the
"self-sufficient" economy of
the North can South Korea solve
its economic problems.
While there is no evidence
of North Korean military prepara-
tions to take advantage of the
unsettled situation, dissension
within the coup group could
make South Korea increasingly
susceptible to Communist propa-
ganda and subversion. 1 CONIf-
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 5 of 27
Since the announcement on
19 May that the President and
Khrushchev would meet in Vienna
on 3 and 4.June, Soviet
prop- aganda has made the meeting a
major topic.. of comment. The
talks between the two leaders
are generally portrayed as of
great. importance and a timely
step which could contribute to
the. relaxation of tension. A
keynote of propaganda is the
standard theme that the US and
the'USSR,.as.the two great,pow-
ers, bear a major responsibility
for securing peace. In the
only high-level comment thus
far, First Deputy Premier Mi-
koyan remarked at a reception
fora British Trade Fair dele-
gation that the talks would be
important even if confined to
an exchange of views.
The Soviet press has
avoided any direct editorial
comment but has used quotations
from the foreign press to con-
vey a generally optimistic ap-
praisal. The President's 22
May:remarks to a group of So-
viet journalists were reported
in a favorable light in the
Soviet press on 23 May. Mos-
cow has attempted to create
the impression that the meeting
was dictated by US public dis-
appointment with American for-
eign policy. In.a widely, broad-
cast. commentary on 19 May, Mos-
cow claimed that agreement on
the meeting is a "sign that
there are forces in the US"
which are working for an im-
provement in Soviet-American
relations and a relaxation of
A broadcast to domestic
audiences on 21 May states that
"one would like to believe"
that the United States under
President Kennedy "merely
swerved onto the senseless
road" of the previous adminis-
tration and now has choden the
"correct road of peaceful'solu-
tion of disputed problems." Al-
though Moscow has reported that
the meeting was arranged through
diplomatic channels and an
exchange of messages, Presi-
dential Press Secretary Salinger
is quoted by the Soviet press
as saying that the US took the
initiative in the President's
letter of 22 February.
Soviet propagandists have
carefully avoided predicting
any outcome, but have suggested
that further high-level meet-
ings may be arranged. The New
York Times is quoted foe the
view that although the talks
would be of a limited nature,
they could bring decisive re-
sults. Some Soviet broadcasts
adopt a hopeful note by point-
ing out that there are no in-
surmountable obstacles to im-
proving US-Soviet relations and
that the USSR intends to "do
everthing to make the meeting
a success."
American press reports
from Geneva were also published
in Moscow in support of the
view that the meeting in Vienna
could lead to diplomatic talks
and a summit meeting on East-
West questions. In this con-
nection, and editorial in the
Soviet weekly New Times specu-
lated that the Vienna meeting
could lead to further talks
at the "highest level." An
East German propagandist stated
on 19 May.that.tb.e.meeting could
be considered a success if it
served asonly a starting point
for future., negotiations.
Both Mikoyan and Soviet
Ambassador Menshikov, however;
evaded a reply to journalists'
questions. whether the USSR was
planning for a series of meet-
ings. Soviet diplomats in
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 6 of 27
Geneva, nevertheless, have in-
spired press speculation that
one result of the meeting could
be an invitation to the Presi-
dent to visit the USSR.
Moscow has made no attempt
to outline a specific agenda
for the meeting and has echoed
the initial announcement that
the meeting would be an exchange
of views rather than a negotia-
tion. Some hint of the subjects
which the bloc expects to be
covered is contained in pub-
lication of foreign press re-
ports speculating that the
Vienna talks could "lift the
nuclear-test-ban negotiations
from the current impasse." A
Hungarian broadcast states that
the meeting might have a favor-
able effect on the negotiations
over Laos in Geneva.
An East German broadcast
on 19 May listed disarmament
as the primary topic, in addi-
tion to Laos, Cuba, and the
German question. An East Ger-
man politburo member in a
speech on. 22 May also expressed
hope that at the meeting Pres-
ident Kennedy would "recognize
the need for a peace settlement
with both German states." The
West German press reports that
in an interview a "well-in-
formed Soviet official in New
York described Berlin, as the
main subject for the talks in
Peiping promptly reported
the TASS announcement of the
meeting but has made no comment
thus far.
Soviet interest in a high-
level meeting with the US was
evident before the inauguration
last January. In December,
Soviet officials made it clear
that Khrushchev desired an
early meeting with the Presi-
dent, either bilaterally or in
a conclave of the heads of gov-
ernment at the UN General As-
sembly. These overtures were
supported by public statements
from Khrushchev and. Foreign
Minister Gromyko expressing
hope for an improvement in US-
Soviet relations.
Soviet diplomats were
also intent on determining in
advance what gestures would
be most conducive to promot-
ing an early meeting, and the
main purpose of the prompt re-
lease of the RB-47 crew mem
hers was to remove possible
obstacles to a resumption of
high-level negotiations. In
mid-January both Khrushchev
and presidium member Suslov,
reaffirmed the Soviet policy
of maintaining contacts with
Western leaders.
Although Moscow continued
attempts to gain an invita-
tion for Khrushchev to meet
with the President during the
UN General Assembly session,
the Soviet leaders by late
February had apparently con-
cluded that this campaign had
failed. When the idea of
a meeting was raised by Am-
bassador Thompson in his con-
versation with Khrushchev on
9 March, however, Khrushchev
was receptive. Although nego-
tiations were suspended by the
US because of developments
over Laos and Cuba, Foreign
Minister Gromyko revived the
idea of a meeting when he called
in Ambassador Thompson on 4 May.
Subsequently, Khrushchev again
raised the question of a meet-
ing in his letter to the Presi-
dent of 12 May delivered by Am-
bassador Menshikov on 16 May.
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 7 of 27
Both French and rebel del-
egations appear to have been
favorably impressed by their
first meeting at Evian and have
settled into working sessions,
being held on alternate days.
The preliminary statements on
20 May reveal general agreement
that Algeria's future status
should be settled through self-
determination, but beyond that
the emphasis of the two sides
differed, with the French stress-
irg; an early cease-fire and the
rebel provisional Algerian gov-
ernment (PAG) claiming sover-
eignty over all of Algeria in-
cluding the Sahara.
Paris took the initiative
on 20 May by announcing a one-
month unilateral cease-fire,
the transfer of PAG Vice Premier
Mohammed Ben Bella and four other
imprisoned rebel ministers to
enforced residence nearer Paris,
and plans to release some 6,000
rebel prisoners. This produced
a strongly negative reaction
among the rebels which, although
later toned down, revealed a
sensitivity and suspicion of
French motives that will prob-
ably be characteristic of the
PAG attitude throughout the
The 22 May edition of El
Mdoujahid, the official rebeT-
organ, attacks the unilateral
nature of the French action
stating',"It was expected that
the cease-fire would be subjected
to an agreement by both parties
during negotiations." The PAG
on 23 May reportedly also re-
quested that Ben Bella and the
other rebel leaders held in
France be permitted to take part
in the Evian talks.
The US Embassy in Tunis
reports a consensus among ob-
servers there following the de-
parture of the PAG delegation
that the rebels desire a peace-
ful settlement and will be rea-
sonable if their doubts that the
French are prepared to relin-
quish direct and indirect au-
thority!.throughout Algeria can
be dissipated. Many sources,
some within the PAG, continue
to indicate that the rebels will
adamantly maintain that the
Sahara must be completely Al-
gerian, but that,once this status
is acknowledged, they are pre-
pared to offer major concessions
concerning economic relations
with France and guarantees for
the European settlers.
Paris has from time to time
put forward the idea of admin-
istering the Sahara through an
association of the contiguous
countries, a solution which has
considerable appeal in Tunisia
and Morocco. Tunisian President
Bourguiba's public support of
the French cease-fire announce-
ment and his call to the PAG to
make a good-will gesture of their
own has angered the rebels. The
PAG feels Tunisia is not giving
it unconditional support in the
negotiations at Evian.
In announcing the cease-
fire the French commander in
chief in Algeria, General Gam-
biez, heralded the "contagious
repercussions of peace." Small-
scale rebel offensives and ter-
rorist attacks have continued,
but the French unilateral truce
apparently has been well accepted
by the great majority of Moslems
and enhanced De Gaulle's prestige
among them. The rebels evident-
ly fear that if they acknowledge
a cease-fire, they will have
serious difficulty in regaining
the lost momentum of their
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 8 of 27
At this stage, rebel ter-
rorism may present a less serious
problem for the French Govern-
ment than the continuing activ-
ity of right-wing extremists'in
France. There is reason to be-
lieve that the networks of
plotters conspiring against De
Gaulle and his policies have
not yet been fully exposed.
Bombings have continued in France
and have even been stepped up
in Algeria; distribution of
threatening letters and pamphlets
put out by rightist extremists!
goes on. Such activity may be
further stimulated by the trial
of the insurgent generals which
opens on 29 May. Discontent
within the army is still wide-
spread. As the Evian negotia-
tions proceed, the frustration
of the rightist extremists may
prompt some of them to make an
assassination attempt on De
Gaulle as a last desperate ef-
fort to prevent Algerian inde-
Soviet Attitudes
Soviet news media,while.
welcoming the start of negotia-
tions,have cautioned that the
French stand will determine
whether the Algerian problem
will be solved by "peaceful
means or otherwise." Bloc com-
mentators predict that the talks
will be "difficult and tense."
Moscow has long maintained
that only direct talks between
the rebels and the French on a
basis of equality can restore
peace to Algeria. In March,
following the announcement that
talks would be held, Khrushchev
in conversations with Arab dip-
lomats took an encouraging line
and the Soviet ambassador in
Paris sought out De Gaulle to
express Khrushchev's hope for
a peaceful settlement. At the
same time, Soviet First Deputy
Premier Kosygin tried to
stiffen the rebels' resistance
to any compromise with France,
advising them to demand recog-
nition as the sole representa-
tives of Algeria.
While there are advantages
for the USSR in a continu-
ation of the rebellion, So-
viet leaders at the present
time are probably inclined
to support a settlement, pro-
vided the rebels can emerge
from the negotiations in
full control of an inde-
pendent Algeria, with limited,
if . .any, ti
up _,
government villehasremained firm Linpits
decision to reconvene parlia-
ment there, although the Stan-
leyville regime continues to
demand that it meet at Kamina.
Kasavubu appears to regard Gi-
zenga's claim to represent the
25 May 61
legal government as ruling out
any compromise. The Leopold-
ville radio has said the Congo
crisis is "in its final stages"
and has warned that "no delaying
tactics will prevent... the
convocation of parliament" by
WEEKLY REVIEW Page 9 of 27
In contrast, there are in-
dications that Leopoldville may
be negotiating with Tshomb6's
successors to assure Katanga's
participation in parliament. The
Munongo triumvirate in Katanga
reportedly has indicated that
it is prepared to accept a Congo
federation as proposed by Kasa-
vubu. A Congolese politician
has informed Ambassador Timber-
lake that the Kasavubu govern-
ment has received a proposal
from Munongo and is drafting a
Leopoldville probably feels
that its success in blocking
the return of UN representative
Dayal to the Congo has strength-
ened its hand. Hammarskjold
informed US officials on 22 May
that Dayal would not be
returned to Leopoldville be-
cause of the latest expressions
of Congolese hostility toward
him. Hammarskjold stated
that Nehru had been informed
and had agreed to recall
the Congo
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 10 of 27
The Stanleyville regime-
confronted with the political
threat of a rapprochement be-
tween Leopoldville and Elisa-
bethville and with deteriorat-
ing economic conditions in
Orientale Province--has moved
to bolster its military position.
According to press reports,
troops from Stanleyville have
appeared in force in Kasai Prov-
ince. Although there is no firm
information that Gizenga plans
any major offensive action, in-
tercepted messages from Gizenga
to Nkrumah have urged that the
Ghanaian President expedite the
airlifting of Soviet arms to
Reports of military activ-
ity in Kasai appear to have led
Kasavubu to place Albert Kalonji
under surveillance in Coquil-
hatville. A UN report has al-
leged that aggressive movements
by Kalonji's Kasai army against
tribal opponents followed a
build-up financed by a Belgian
mining company. Ghanaian UN
troops, which recently were
withdrawn from southern Kasai,
have been ordered back into the
Indian Charge Rahman in
Leopoldville, who on his own
initiative has labored actively
on Gizenga's behalf, stated re-
cently that he did not believe
Gizenga had enough votes in
parliament to become premier.
Rahman speculated that if Gizen-
ga persisted in seeking the pre-
miership he would merely weaken
the "nationalist" position and
pave the way for' dictatorship
by some member of the present
Leopoldville government.
Relations between the UN
and Katanga authorities have
continued strained as a result
of UN moves to retain control,
by force if necessary, of key
areas in northern Katanga. Al-
though Munongo threatened armed
resistance if the UN moved to
take over airfields at Albert-
ville and Nyunzu, he confined
himself to a formal protest
of the UN action and appeared
anxious to avoid a serious
rupture with th UN Command.
Rumors of a possible mili-
tary coup have led the new
Iranian Government to take spe-
cial precautions. Prime Minis-
ter All Amini established a
partial military alert on the
evening of 19 May, and on 21
May he told an American official
that, "to be on the safe side,"
he had asked General Timur
Bakhtiar, former chief of the
National Intelligence and Secu-
rity Organization (SAVAK), to
go to the Caspian for a few days.
Brigadier General Alavi-Kia,
deputy chief of SAVAK, reported-
ly has been relieved of his com-
mand temporarily; he left on 22
May for a trip to Israel. Gen-
eral Feridun Farokhnia, commander
of the Second Independent Infan-
try Brigade in Tehran, has been
sent on an "inspection trip."
suggests a
--yx -Lo may arokhnia had visited the vil-
lage where former Prime Minis-
ter Mossadeq has been living for
several years and informed the'
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 11 of 27
guards there that surveillance
of Mossadeq had been taken over
jointly by the Second Brigade
and by SAVAK.
Bakhtiar told a close
friend on 20 May that Gen. Haj
All KiA, former chief of intel-
ligence of the Supreme Command-
er's Staff, had informed Amini
that Bakhtiar was planning a
coup. General Kia is a long-
time enemy of Bakhtiar and has
sought several times to dis-
credit him. Bakhtiar asserts
that he intends to support Amini
but will continue his contin-
gency planning to be able to act
on short notice if it appears
that Amini's regime has failed
to establish itself.
General Hejazi, chief of
the Supreme Commander',s Staff,
who has said that he believes
Amini's alert was unjustified
ere are no grounds
for concern and that he has no
information justifying suspicion
of a coup.
Amini continues to work
energetically, announcing moves
calculated to show that his gov-
ernment is efficient, frugal,
and concerned with public wel-
fare rather than with class
privileges. He warned on 21 May
that Iran's landlords could
either give up their vast hold-
ings voluntarily or see them-
selves swept away in a revolu-
tion. According to press re-
ports, 20 landlords have made
their properties available to
the government for distribution
to the peasants.
Other moves by Amini include
a restriction on official enter-
tainment, an order requiring
army officers to wear civilian
clothes when off duty, and in-
structions to the police to ex-
ert more effective control over
Tehran traffic.
Amini has publicly opposed
demands by the antiregime Nation-
al Front for elections to be
held within a month. He argues
that a new election law is a
prerequisite and points out that
in the past the National Front
has been the most vociferous
critic of the present law. The
National Front is increasing its
activities and, contrary to
earlier indications, apparently
will remain in opposition to
Amini; it has opposed every gov-
ernment since the collapse of
the Mossadeq regime in 1953.
is having trouble with the Na-
tional Front and added that its
moderate leaders were under ex-
treme pressure from the many
"ambitious demagogues'! among its
is doing every-
ng poss le to obtain Nation-
al Front support for Amini.
A member of the National
Front Executive Committee said
on 20 May that the front might
have to call a general strike
if elections are delayed.
The National Front hopes to
avoid this, however, because
if a strike got out of con-
trol the military might take
traveling in the provinces
to re-establish their organi-
zation and undertake political
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 12 of 27
The Soviet merchant ship
Bolshevik Sukhanov delivered a
cargo to the Cuban port of
Mariel on 21 or 22 May under
circumstances which suggest that
this is the first major bloc
military shipment to Cuba Rinnn
10 April,
precautions normally invoked
for handling arms deliveries--
including prohibition of air-
craft flights over the unloading
area and stationing guards along
the delivery routes--were taken
just prior to the ship's arrival.
Another Soviet vessel, the
Ivan Sechenov, was due to arrive
shortly afterward, probably
with a second military shipment,
and at least one other Soviet
arms carrier may be en route to
Cuba. Prior to these deliveries,
14 Soviet ships had supplied
about 40,000 tons of bloc arms
and military equipment to Cuba
since major shipments began last
The Cuban Government is
giving maximum propaganda cover-
age to Castro's offer to ex-
change most of the 1,200 cap=
tured insurgents for 500 heavy
tractors. The government-con-
trolled press and radio have re-
peatedly heralded the "generos-
ity" and the "self-confidence"
of the Cuban regime in making
such an offer. One Havana radio
commentator said the proposal
was the "true socialist" solu-
tion to the problem of what to
do with the anti-Castro rebels.
Castro's statement of 22
May threatening to withdraw the
offer unless it were recognized
that the 500 tractors constitut-
ed "indemnification" for the
material losses Cuba suffered
during the landings rather than
an exchange is in conflict with
Castro's original wording of
the proposal. On 17 May, in a
speech commemorating the second
anniversary of Cuba's agrarian
reform program, he said that if
"imperialism" wanted the freedom
of the captured Cubans, "let it
exchange tractors and machinery
for them..,, We will exchange
all except murderers for 500 bull-
By now demanding the tractors
as "indemnification," Castro
probably hopes to further as-
sociate the landings with the
US Government in the eyes of the
world and to avoid further com-
parison of his proposal to Adolf
Eichmann's prisoners-for-trucks
offer during World War II. The
press in Argentina, Bolivia,
El Salvador, Panama, Uruguay,
and other Latin American coun-
tries was quick to draw such a
parallel. Private organizations
in Guatemala, Nicaragua, and
Uruguay have announced fund-rais-
ing drives to help pay for the
The two-pronged Cuban dip-
lomatic delegation touring Latin
America,on a special "good-will
mission".may be seeking support
for a new association of Latin
American states to supplant the
present Organization
e on 18 May that the main
group of Cuban emissaries, led
by Deputy Foreign Minister Carlos
Olivares, was "disappointed"
with the results of their talks
with Mexican President Lopez
Mateos and Foreign Minister Tello.
On its arrival in Rio de
Janeiro on 20 May, the Olivares
group reportedly assured Brazil-
ian officials that Cuba would
not attempt to "export" its rev-
olution, that its government
was not Communist, and that it
desired to remain within the
Page 13 of 27
inter-American system. The
Olivares party saw President
Quadros on 24 May before going
on to Ecuador.
The second group of Cuban
emissaries, in talks on 19 May
with Costa Rican President
Echandi and Foreign Minister
Vargas, took a similar line and
sought unsuccessfully to promote
a rapprochement between the two
countries, according to a reli-
able report. Echandi and Var-
gas maintained the previously
announced Costa Rican position
that any further executions in
Cuba would cause San Jose to
break relations with Havana,
the report said.
Latin American and Sino-
Soviet bloc delegates are attend-
ing the meetings of the Commu-
nist-controlled International
Union of Students, which opened
in Havana on 23 May. The work of
the congress will include an
"international student work
camp" from 2 to 4 June, during
which period a school. is to be
constructed in the Vedado area
of Havana, and will culminate
in an "international seminar on
illiteracy" from 6 to 8 June.
This seminar will afford Castro
a further opportunity to publi-
cize his regime's plans to elim-
inate illiteracy from Cuba this
The Cuban Government's or-
ders that public works employees
in three of Cuba's six provinces
be mobilized to cut sugar cane
suggest that this year's harvest
is lagging behind the planned
production schedule. Agrarian
reform director Antonio Nunez
Jimenez and other regime leaders
recently announced'that sugar
production had already surpassed
6,000,000 tons this year, and
they anticipated a total crop
of "more than 7,000,000 tons."
Although a good crop appears as-
sured for this year, the damage
done to young plants by inex-
perienced harvesters may be re-
flected in a smaller crop in 1962.
Soviet propaganda on Cuba,
which has decreased steadily
over the past several weeks, has
dropped more sharply sieve the
announcement on 19 May of the
forthcoming meeting between
Khrushchev and President Kennedy.
Soviet broadcasts indicated con-
cern late last week over the
possibility of a US move against
Cuba, and the USSR expressed
this concern privately to at
leadt one Latin American country.
On 16 and 18 May, Moscow repeated
American press reports that the
US was preparing "new aggres-
sive plans" against Cuba, and
a commentary on 17 May re-
peated Khrushchev's criticism
of the US Naval Base at
Soviet Ambassador Menshikov
sought out Venezuelan Ambas-
sador Mayobre in Washington on
18 May and told him that
any aggressive move toward
Cuba would "complicate the
situation" seriously. He added
that the problem of Cuba
should be settled peacefully
and that the principle of
"self-determination" for Cuba
should be respected. -T310tRqL-
Brazil has long been in-
terested in Africa, having at
one time elaborated a plan for
a South Atlantic Pact including
France as the chief colonial
power in western Africa. More
recently, but prior to President
Quadros' inauguration last
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 14 of 27
January, a key Foreign Ministry
official told a US Embassy rep-
resentative that Brazil is unique-
ly 'suited '. to exert influence
in Africa by virtue of its geo-
graphic position, its traditions
of political democracy and racial
equality, and its struggle
against economic underdevelop-
ment. Such a policy also accords
with Brazil's desire to be con-
sidered a world power.
A vigorous African policy,
however, began only under Quadros.
While cutting back other over-
seas expenditures on grounds of
economy, he is expanding the
government's African activities,
beginning with the rapid estab-
lishment of diplomatic and con-
sular missions in most of the
African countries.
In mid-April he appointed
as ambassador to Ghana a jour-
nalist who is said to-be Brazil's
first Negro ambassador. Presi-
dent Youlou of Congo (Brazza-
ville) is plannin isit
Brazil shortly.
Brazil's UN dele-
gation voted with a minority
which supported Cameroun's at-
tempt to void the results of the
UN-supervised plebiscite held
in British Cameroon last February.
A program of scholarships
for Africans has been announced
and is expected to begin in Oc-
tober. Twenty scholarships are
to be granted in 1961 and the
number is to be increased to
100 in 1964. In mid-April Presi-
dent Quadros recommended the'-
creation of a Brazilian informa-
tion centerin Africa, with head-
quarters in Dakar. Under the in-
formation program, small librar-
ies, films on Brazil, and Brazil-
ian observers will be sent to
Africa. A new cultural radio pro-
gram in foreign languages is to
be broadcast to Africa and the
Near East as well as Europe and
One of the most receptive
of the African states to Brazil-
aent Senghor, who was visiting
there, had said that his connec-
tion with Portuguese--"as his
name which is derived from
'senhor' indicates"--had led him
to decide to engage a Brazilian
professor to teach Portuguese
literature at the University of
Dakar. Quadros has agreed to
send a lecturer to Dakar and
proposed studies for the eventual
appointment of lecturers in
Rabat and Accra as well as the
arrangement of a number of
lectures by Brazilian scholar's
in other parts of Africa.
Brazil's new interest in
Africa has forced some compromise
in its traditional policy of
support for Portugual as a colo-
nial power. The Brazilian foreign
minister stated in mid-April
that Brazil's vote in the United
Nations on any resolution con-
demning Portugal's Angola policy
would be "conditioned" by "anti-
colonialism," and "we cannot as-
sure that our vote will not be
.given against-Poxtugal."
Another factor in Brazil's
relations with Africa is the
economic problem posed by com-
petition in sales of coffee, and
other tropical products. Brazil
has carry-over coffee stocks
equal to world consumption for
an entire year, and the next
crop is expected to increase
stocks by almost a third. Bra"
zilian interest in the Africans
therefore probably stems in part
from concern over Africa's ris-
ing coffee production, which
may exceed one fifth of the
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 15 of 27
world's total in 1960/61. The
Brazilian Foreign Ministrv~
protested Portugal's
e or to dissuade African cof-
fee producers from choosing Rio
de Janeiro as the site for an
approaching meeting on the In-
ternational Coffee Agreement.
El Salvador's provisional
government is controlled by army
officers who are anti-Communist
and appear firmly committed to
the government's socio-economic
reform program. The government
continues to voice its intention
to return power to an elected
government before the end of the
year, but the military have set
no election date and are unlike-
ly to relinquish control until
the reform program seems assured.
With a population of over
2,500,000 in an area about the
size of New Jersey, E1 Salvador
is the most densely populated
country on the American conti-
nents. Over 90 percent of the
people are mestizos, with In-
dian racial characteristics
predominant. It is primarily
an agricultural country, and`
about 80 percent of export in-
come normally comes from coffee.
Economic and political relation-
ships in the countryside have
changed little since early co-
lonial times, and theiascendancy
of the "coffee barons" had not
until recently been challenged.
The gulf between the ex-
tremely wealthy "14 families"
and the impoverished majority
is probably greater in El Sal-
vador than in any other Latin
American country; the country's
three-month experience with a
Communist-influenced regime,
which was overthrown by present
government leaders in January,
jolted many Salvadorans into a
recognition that reforms must
be implemented quickly to stem
Communist gains. Changes made
in the government last month as
a result of pressure by young
officers reduced the ruling
civilian-military directorate
to three members and reshuffled
the cabinet, eliminating some of-
ficials not wholly in support of
the reform program. The Ameri-
can Embassy considers the new
cabinet officers capable and
amenable to guidance and support
by the United States.
The government is taking
steps to overcome the resistance
of the wealthy to the regime's
first reforms--a reduction in
rents for low-income housing and
a paid day of rest on Sundays
for agricultural workers. The
Catholic hierarchy now feels
that reforms are long overdue;
a church official has described
the upper classes as "stunned"
by the reversal of the historic
position of the army and the
church, their traditional allies.
Another discontented element
is a group of displaced or exiled
officers who had enjoyed senior
status prior to the coups of
last October and January and
who evidently are now plotting
a return to power. One of their
ai on ay a
under way for a
coup, but he admitted that the
plot leaders do not have the
support of the strategic garri-
sons in the capital. It is un-
likely that this faction has the
capability of mounting a success-
ful coup at this time. ~`SFBR
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 16 of 27
Party secretary FFol Kozlov,
Khrushchev's apparent' choice as
his eventual successor, may now
be at a disadvantage as a're-
sult of illness. Any serious
curtailment of Kozlov's activi-
ties would necessitate the re-
distribution of ,some of his
present administrative responsi-
bilities among Khrushchev's
other lieutehantsand would
bring the succession problem
once again to the forefront of
Moscow politics.
Khrushchev admitted to
Ambassador Thompson on 23 May
that Kozlov had Buffered a fa,ix-
ly serious heart attack. An
earlier report, attributed to
a Soviet Foreign Ministry offi-
cial, revealed that Kozlov had
been convalescing from his at-
tack since 22 April. Khrushchev
stated that the doctors were
going to permit Kozlov to return
to work about 5 June, but he
did not indicate whether or not
Kozlov's recovery was expected
to be complete.
Kozlov took a leading part
in theccelebration honoring
astronaut Gagarin on 14 April
and attended an African recep-
tion on 17 April, but he has
not been identified in public
since. Although his portrait
was prominently displayed near
Khrushchev'e in connection with
the May Day celebration, he was
not present at the parade.
Mikhail Suslov, the other lead-
ing party secretary, was the
ranking party official at sever-
al Moscow functions during the
latter part;of Khrushchev's
vacation in April.
There has been considerable
evidence sthce 1959 that Khru-
shchev, concerned with the prob-
lem of an orderly transfer of
power on his death or retirgment,
has picked Kozlov as his suc-
cessor. In a conversation with
Averell Harriman in June 1959,
Khrushchev iidtculed.the sug-
gestion that Kirichenko, then
party second-in-command, would
succeed him, and stated that
he (Khrushchev) and Mikoyan had
chosen Kozlov to carry on after
them. At that' time Kozlov was
one of the first deputy chair-
men of the USSR Council of Min-
isters, as well as a memberiof
the party presidium.
Kirichenko was ousted from
the party secretariat in Janu-
ary 1960, and several months lat-
er Kozlov was shifted over from
the Council of Ministers to take
his place. This move suggested
that Khrushchev was serious
about establishing Kozlov as
his successor, particularly
since the secretariat post is
a key vantage point for
gaining control o; the pro-
fessional party machine.
Since his appointment to
the secretariat, Kozlov has
been acting as party second-
in-command, supervising party
organization and personnel af-
fairs,:and filling in for
Khrushchev during his many ab-
sences. He recently presided
over the removal of the?top
party leaders in the Armenian
and Tadzhik republics: He is
the only presidium member,
other than Khrushchev, slated
to give a major address at the
party congress in October.
Khrushchev, by his own ad-
mission, is jealous of his prerog-
atives as party boss and has
not been willing to delegate
sufficient authority to Kozlov
to assure his ultimate assump-
tion of supreme power in the
Soviet Union. His backing of
Kozlov, however, has probably
tended to restrain political,
maneuvering among other party
leaders. Should Kozlov's activ-
ities, be restricted for an
extended period, such maneuver-
ing would undoubtedly be intensi-
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 17 of 27
A modest but significant
change of Soviet economic policy
favoring the consumer is implied
by Khrushchev's remark on 20 May
at the British Fair in Moscow
that the USSR's light industry
and heavy industry will develop
at the same pace. Because the
light industrial base is very
small compared with that of
heavy industry, which has sub-
stantially surpassed its pro-
duction goals for the past two
years, such a change can be
accomplished with a relatively
small shift of resources. A
shift of just 2 percent of total
industrial investment, for ex-
ample, would raise investment
in light and food industries
about 25 percent.
Khrushchev's remarks on
growth rates made clear that
the change would be limited to
the relationship between the
annual growth rates planned
for "Group All (which in Soviet
jargon stands for the means of
production) and for "Group B"
(consumer goods).
1951 1952 1953
Note: As of 1 January 1960, industries manufacturing only producer goods (goods referred to in Soviet
jargon as Group A) accounted for 49.8 percent of total capital assets in Soviet industry; industries
turning out only consumer goods (Group B) for 8.7 percent. The remaining industries produce goods in
both categories, but mainly producer goods and military equipment.
The Khrushchev regime, while
emphasizing the rapid development
of heavy industry, has often
favored modest improvements in
consumer welfare to provide the
material incentives deemed neces-
sary for growth in labor produc-
tivity, to improve the foreign
image of the Soviet citizen's
lot, and to influence favorably
the attitude of the populace to-
ward the regime.
Economic policy since World
War II has consistently provided
the consumer with an annual in-
crease in the quantity of manu-
factured goods, but this increase
has not kept pace with the over-
all annual growth in the output
of industry. During the Malenkov
era the annual rates of growth
in the two branches of industry
were nearly equalized. The
general discussions surrounding
the removal of Malenkov, however,
implied that the correct approach
to consumer welfare was through
a build-up of agriculture, along
with a high priority for heavy
industry. Only when this was
accomplished would consumer goods
1950= 100
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 18 of 27
be emphasized. Since 1954,
under Khrushchev's aegis, the
spread--favoring heavy industry
--has grown relatively large,
although it has narrowed slight-
ly during the last two years.
The shift apparently is to
be accomplished by reducing over
fulfillment in heavy industry,
with the biggest share of'shifted
resources probably to be assigned
to agriculture. The regime
announced last December that it
considered that the overfulfill-
ment of plans of heavy industry
warranted some reallocation of
resources toward fulfilling
"public demand." At the central
committee plenum in January,
Khrushchev claimed that 11.3
billion (new) rubles of output
in excess of plan had been pro
duced by industry, making possi-
ble additional appropriations
to consumer branches. He la-
beled the 2.5-3.0 billion (new)
ruble increase in the investment
for textile and footwear indus-
try, announced last May, insuf-
ficient, but stressed that fur-
ther support for the consumer
goods industry depended on
additional investment in agri-
Significant increases in
the output of consumer goods
could be obtained at a relativel,
small cost to ?heavy industry.
The 1961 plan schedules an in-
crease of 9.5 percent in the''
output of"Group "A" industries
and 6.9 percent in those of
"Group "B'!: Because of overful
fillment iii :''Group "A" industries
.'Group' A"
"Group B"
Agriculture (State and Collective)
Transport and Communications
Housing (excludes private-urban and rural)
Cultural and Trade Activities
*Including state, collective farm, and cooperative
enterprise Investment.
25 MAY 1961
during the last two years, how-
ever, the over-all increase in
that group could be reduced by
over one percent annually with-
out jeopardizing Seven-Year
Plan goals.
The new approach has appar-
ently already created the need
for doctrinal justification.
A recent article in the party
journal'Kommunist, which restated
Khrushbhev s call at the January
plenum for a balanced economic
development, declared basically
wrong those "theoreticians" who
claim that a uniform development
of the national economy=-which,
includes "paramount" concern
for the people and the improve-
ment of the supply of consumer
goods--is a "petit bourgeois"
approach to the "building of
Khrushchev's remarks have
not yet appeared in the Soviet
press, and there is no confirma-
tion of a'Western press report
that the change has already taken
place. The formal announcement
of the change may be reserved
for presentation at the 22nd
party congress in October for
incorporation into the economic
program adopted at that time.
(Prepared by ORR)
Soviet economists, indus-
trial and agricultural managers
and technicians, and possibly
even certain top political lead-
ers are in sharp disagreement
over the administration of im-
portant elements of the USSR's
.economy. Although it does not
seem likely that these disagree-
ments will impede economic prog-
ress,, Khrushchev will probably
make a strong effort to resolve
the more serious controversies
before the convening of the 22nd
party congress in October. He
will probably undertake further
organizational experimentations
and shuffling of personnel'.
The rapid growth of the
economy in both size and com-
plexity, the 1957 economic re-
organization which led to the
creation of numerous state eco-
nomic committees and over 100 ter-
ritorial'economic administrations,
LJ , ~J it
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 19 of 27
and the concomitant increase in
economic responsibility at the
republic level.. increased the
amount of overlapping authority
and created considerable juris-
dictional confusion and jealousy
A recent report alleges
that an "intense feeling of ani-
mosity" exists among various
Soviet economic organizations.
They reproach each other for
neglect of leadership, excessive
consumption of raw materials,
falling production, and statis-
tical falsification. Soviet
industrial officials, according
to the report, have told their
Hungarian counterparts that they
are "seriously worried" that
there will be an extensive
economic purge. The report
states, however, that neither
the wave of criticism nor the
anticipated purge is politically
motivated but that both, appear
to be based on "considerations
of economic efficiency and ef-
fective industrial management."
The maintenance of an ef-
ficient industrial supply system
has long been a challenge to
Soviet planners; both the 1959
and 1960 central committee
plenums on industrial technology
called on responsible agencies
'to, seek better planning and
administrative arrangements for
supply. An article in the 10
March 1961 issue of the party
journal Kommunist on problems
which have ar sen in this sphere
reaffirmed the supply principle
enunciated in Khrushchev's
1957 industrial reorganization
--centralized distribution of
the major material resources
but decentralization of most
supply activities to encourage
local initiative.
The article discussed cur-
rent shortcomings with unusual
frankness and admitted that
"sharp arguments are now going
on- over organizational ques-
tions." Some think that supply
must be completely centralized,
while others advocate complete
decentralization. The dif-
ference of opinion between the
Soviet Union's two first deputy
premiers, Mikoyan and Kosygin,
over a
g relate to such
a asic disagreement.
The program for technologi-
cal improvement appears still
to be hampered by lack of de-
cisiveness and possibly contro-
versy among its administrators.
Automation chief A.I. Kostousov
admitted in Pravda on 5 May
that the quarterly plan for in-
troducing new technology had
not been met and laid the blame
on lack of precise planning
methods and lack of coordination
among plants producing the
needed equipment. The plenums
on technology in 1959 and 1960
had both issued comprehensive
instructions and orders to
study and solve these problems.
Moreover, a Soviet economist
recently claimed that the bonus
system, decreed last year to
reward those who carry out tech-
nological improvements, was not
being implemented for lack of
a satisfactory means of measur-
ing the effectiveness of such
Despite the recent agri-
cultural reorganization, dif-
ferences over the future of
agricultural organization con-
tinue to be manifest. In 1958,
when the state-owned Machine-
Tractor Stations were abolished
and collective farms were allowed
to own farm equipment, Khrushchev
said that collective and state
farms were to continue side by
side until the two farms grad-
ually merged at some time in
the future. Yet, recently, state
farms have been undergoing a
rapid growth at the expense of
collective farms, and their
share in the delivery of grain
and milk to the government ex-
ceeded the level planned for
1965. An article in the April
issue of Problems of Economics
called for ur er" sou y o e
question, indicating that the re-
gime has not yet elaborated its
point of view on all aspects of
agricultural organization.
POR (Prepared
East Germany has recently
gained some further degree of
de facto recogniton in the Mid-
dle East, Africa,and Brazil.
It has not yet, however, induced
any country outside the Soviet
bloc--except Yugoslavia--to
risk West German retaliation
by granting de jure recogni-
Closely following the an-
nouncement on 22 April that
Ceylon had authorized an East
German trade mission in Colombo,
the UAR announced that it would
permit the East German trade of-
fice in Damascus to assume con-
sular status. This move pre-
ceded the opening of negotia-
tions between the UAR and West
Germany in Bonn concerning West
German aid, notably on the
Euphrates Dam project. When
the West German ambassador in
Cairo protested that Nasir had
expressly promised in 1959 not
to raise the Damascus office to
consular status, the UAR presi-
dential affairs minister denied
that such a promise had been
given and maintained that the
move was "routine" and involved
no change in the UAR's policy
of granting formal recognition
only to Bonn.
Although a West German For-
eign Ministry official main-
tains that Nasir in fact gave
such an assurance in 1959 and
should have informed Bonn be-
fore breaking the agreement,
he stated that there was little
possibility of.effective West
German countermeasures. In
the same year, the UAR had ex-
plained that the establishment
of the East German Consulate
General in Cairo did not con-
stitute diplomatic recognition.
Because a West German severance
of diplomatic ties with Cairo
would only lead to Nasir's rec-
ognition of the Ulbricht re-
gime, Bonn will have to remain
content with the UAR's explana-
Bonn realizes, however,
that its tacit acquiescence in
the elevation of the Damascus
mission may tempt Lebanon and
Iraq to grant consular status
to the East German trade mis-
sions in Beirut and Baghdad.
It may, therefore, refuse to
undertake any new aid commit-
ments to the UAR. Cairo has
announced that the UAR nego-
tiator will not leave for Bonn
as planned.
In West Africa, East Ger-
many is attempting to establish
a foothold in Mali, while con-
tinuing to extend its influence
in Ghana and Guinea. Under a
trade agreement announced on
19 April, East German officials
are arriving to staff a trade
mission in Bamako, the Mali cap-
ital, while two newspapermen
have taken positions in the Mali
Information Ministry, presumably
under the technical assistance
agreement signed earlier this
Mali's foreign minister
told the West German ambassador
that Bamako would not permit the
trade mission to assume diplo-
matic prerogatives nor would
Mali establish its own mission
in East Berlin. The US Embassy
in Bamako nevertheless reports
that the East Germans, with
the support of the Czech ambas-
sador, who is dean of the dip-
lomatic corps there, are making
a determined effort to present
their mission as a diplomatic
In Brazil, the Ulbricht
regime is taking advantage of
President Janio Quadros' inten-
tion of widening his contacts
with bloc countries to urge a
major expansion of East German
Brazilian trade, which last
year totaled nearly $20,000,-
000. The East Germans have
relatively little to give Bra-
zil in comparison with the
aid that Bonn is presently
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 21 of 27
considering--$50,000,000 in a
new aid fund plus about the same
amount.; in guarantees for ex-
ports from West Germany. The
East Germans, however, will play
up their increased contacts with
Brazilian officials as de facto
recognition; if Quadros goes
through with his announced in-
tention of inviting a high-East
German official to Brasilia,
the East Germans would consid-
er they had scored a triumph.
Bonn, seriously concerned,
hopes to induce Quadros not to
permit such a visit. The Bra-
zilian ambassador in Bonn re-
ported on 13 May that the West
German Foreign Ministry told
him that the reference to the
"German Democratic Republic"
in the invitation comes close
to de facto recognition of the
Ulbricht regime, calling atten-
tion to Bonn's break with Yugo-
slavia when Belgrade recognized
East Germany in 1957. The West
Germans also have attempted to
persuade Quadros to cancel a
visit to East Germany by Bra-
uadros had emphasized,
that the visit is to
be made in a "strictly personal
East Germany, with the
founding of the Bamako mission,
now has 30 trade missions in
nonbioc countries. Those in
Cairo, Djakarta, and Rangoon
have been recognized as con-
sulates general by the host
countries but with diplomatic
recognition expressly withheld.
In addition, it has agreements
for missions in Ceylon and Cam-
bodia and reportedly is angling
for offices in Tunisia and Mo-
rocco. At least eight of these
missions--those in NATO countries
and Sweden--represent the East
German Chamber of Foreign Trade,
ostensibly a nongovernment or-
ganization; the others represent
the East German Foreign Trade
Ministry, but are recognized as
technical, not diplomatic, es-
Political friction between
Moscow and Cairo, which flared
up again recently, apparently
has not affected the bloc's mil-
itary collaboration with the
UAR. Financial arrangements,
requests for advanced weapons,
and Soviet delays in supplying
spare parts and new equipment
have caused difficulties since
1958 but have not prevented
eventual conclusion of new
agreements, nor have they al
tered the UAR's almost complete
dependence on the bloc for mil-
itary supplies. Recent deliver-
ies of advanced jet fighters,
tanks, and other military end
items, as well as a continued
high level of training activity,
suggest a normal relationship.
Cairo is aware of its vulnera-
bility to Soviet pressure in the
military sphere, but so far Mos-
cow appears to have avoided us-
ing pressure to further its po-
litical objectives.
Bloc military deliveries
to the UAR were at a high level
from late last year through at
least March, apparently as a
result of new agreements con-
cluded in 1960. Major shipments
appear to have tapered off re-
cently, but smaller deliveries
continue, and contracting is
still under way for repair fa-
cilities, additional spare-
parts, and perhaps more new
inaicate a as many as 52 MIG-
19s have been delivered to the
UAR since the first shipment
last January. Most of them have
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 22 of 27
reportedly been assembled and
tested by a team of Soviet ex-
perts which arrived in early
February. Although this number
is considerably more than can
be corroborated by shipping in-
formation or other sources, it
is close to the quantity origi-
nally requested by the UAR in
1958. Initially Moscow rejected
this request, but talks through-
out 1960 may have resulted in
its revival. These aircraft
are said to be equipped to carry
air-to-air missiles which re-
portedly have also been deliv-
There is no evidence that
Moscow has yet agreed to supply
the more advanced MIG-21 jet
fighter to the UAR, although
Cairo reportedly requested such
aircraft last year. Indonesia
is the only nonbloc country to
have been promised eventual de-
livery of MIG-21s.
Other arms supplied under
new agreements include T-54
medium tanks--perhaps as many
as 120--additional self-propelled
assault guns, artillery, and a
wide variety of other military
items, such as early-warning
and fire-control radar, engi-t
neering equipment, repair shops,
and motor vehicles. A contract
reportedly was signed recently
for 10 YAK-24 helicopters, and
.rumors persist that three more
submarines will be delivered
under new naval agreements.
About 20 UAR pilots re-
turned from the USSR early this
year after six months of train-
ing on MIG-19s. Another 20
probably have returned by now,
and more have been sent to the
Soviet Union. The first two
groups are probably participat-
ing in flight instruction ac-
tivities on the MIG-19s in the
this phase o the
training was delayed because
the USSR had not shipped nec-
essary. equipment and pressurized
suits for the pilots. Presum-
ably this deficiency has been
At present there is only
sketchy information on the value
of the new bloc arms pacts with
the UAR. From 1955 to 1960 the
bloc delivered more than $700,-
000,000 worth of arms to both
regions of the UAR. Substantial
discounts--often two thirds of
the value--were granted on this
materiel, and the bloc accorded
extremely favorable repayment
terms. Incomplete information
suggests the MIG-19 contracts
alone are worth more than $25,-
000,000 and the total value of
new equipment to be delivered
may well run to over $100,000,-
000. Price reductions and re-
payment provisions may not be
as generous as in previous agree-
ments; discounts on the new
equipment probably amount to
about one third the quoted price.
A trend toward more "busi-
nesslike" terms has been evi-
dent in Soviet-UAR military re-
lations since 1958, perhaps re-
flecting political friction but
also as a result of Cairo's re-
quests for more advanced materiel.
pared by OR
The Pushtoonistan dispute
between Afghanistan and Paki
stan, which has been marked by
sporadic clashes and almost con-
tinuous propaganda warfare since
1947, has taken anew and dancer-
} ous turn with the introduction
of regular Afghan troops dis-
guised as tribesmen into Afghan
operations in Pakistan.
Kabul has consistently de-
manded that the Pushtoon tribes
living on the Pakistani side of
the border be given the right
of self-determination. Pak-
istan has just as consistently
rejected these demands as in-
terference in its internal af-
fairs. The most recent signifi-
cant clash prior to last week
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 23 of 27
occurred in September,when a
force of Afghan tribal irreg-
ulars was driven from the Ba-.
jaur area with heavy losses.
Since then Kabul has been try-
ing to regain some of its pre
tige among the tribes by in-
creasing its support to dissi-
dent' tribal elements in Paki-
Afghan special forces,num-
bering about 1,000,attacked
several Pakistani garrisons
near the border on 20 May. Co-
operating with local tribesmen
armed by Afghan agents, they
employed heavy infantry weapons
including mortars and machine
Kabul had been planning
for several months to use some
of its regular units espe-
cially equipped for guerrilla
made weapons rather than new
Soviet-supplied arms were being
distributed to some units along
the border opposite Bajaur.
The Afghan Army uniform facto-
ry in Kabul manufactured 10,000,
sets. of tribal-type clothing,
apparently for use by Afghan
troops disguised as tribal
irregulars. Kabul, however,
has denied that its forces
were directly involved in the
Following the latest at-
tacks, Pakistani Air Force jets
began bombing hostile concentra-
tions near the border. Pakistani
officials have indicated pri-
vately that they are prepared
to bomb artillery positions in
Afghanistan if the Afghans fire
into Pakistani territory.
Rawalpindi continues con-
fident of its ability to handle
the situation.
ans rema n un-
c ange to withdraw from Bajaur
some of the troops which were
stationed there last fall.
25 MAY 1961
Both sides probably want
to avoid the outbreak of major
hostilities. Neither side, how-
ever, can afford a serious
loss of prestige among the
Pushtoon tribes living on both
sides of the border, and a
major victory by either side
could bring stronger action
by the defeated party.
This latest clash may
lead to new criticism of the
United States by both Afghani-
stan and Pakistan. President
Ayub has complained that Ameri-
can inquiries about the use
of US-supplied arms in the
tribal area made the Afghans
"bolder." The Afghans, on'the
other hand, have frequently
complained that US military as-
sistance to Pakistan is used to
"suppress the freedom-loving
Pushtoon tribesmen." ( EC1tgT
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 24 of 27
The South African Govern-
ment is steadily increasing its
security precautions in an ef-
fort to head off nonwhite demon-
strations at the end of this
month. The National Action
Council (NAC),.a Communist-
dominated group which gained the
initiative among nonwhite na-
tionalists late in March, has
called a three-day stay-home
strike beginning on 29 May to
protest South Africa's acces-
sion to republic status on 31
May. Nelson Mandela, leader of
the NAC, has denied that demon-
strations are planned during
the strike; he reportedly as-
serted, however, that intimida-
tion would be enforce
it in some areas. Tension is
rising in both the white and
the non-European communities,
and even a trivial incident
could provoke a violent out-
The NAC was formed to imple-
ment a strike call which had
been made by the Communist-con-
trolled "all, in"African confer-
ence held in Natal Province
late in March. Mandela, a
probable Communist who had been
under government restriction
orders until just before the
conference, is believed to have
been responsible for much of
the NAC's success in seizing
the initiative from anti-Common
nist groups such as the Pan-
Africanist Congress and the
largely white Liberal party.
An able organizer who re-
portedly has ample. funds at his
disposal, he seems to have re-
vitalized the "Congress move-
ment," the Communist-dominated
multiracial group which had been
moribund since the banning last
year of the African National,
its principal component. The
NAC reportedly has begun a house-
to-house campaign to drum up
support for the strike call,
and it plans to intensify its
efforts during the coming week end.
Mandela claims to have the
support of most of the country's
coloreds (persons of mixed blood)
and Indians. These two com-
munities, which are an impor-
tant economic factor in western
Cape Province and Natal re-
spectively, apparently are split
on the question of cooperation
with the Africans. Sentiment
in favor of cooperation seems
to be running stronger than it
did in the outbreaks last year.
Mandela allegedly hopes
violence can be avoided, since
peaceful demonstrations would
increase the NAC's aura of
respectability. He is said to
have admitted, however, that a
fifth of his followers favor
violent action. He believes
that the presence of large
numbers of security forces will
inhibit demonstrations in the
larger cities but that disturb-
ances in the towns are more
The government has been
conducting a series of police
raids since late April in an
effort to break up the organiza-
tion behind the strike call and
to intimidate the nonwhite pop-
ulation. In mid-May it called
up several units of reserves
and militia, rounded up more
than two thousand Africans on
trivial charges, and banned all
meetings until the end of June.
Foreign Minister Louw told the
American ambassador recently
that the government hopes these
measures will avert an incident
like the one at Sharpeville last
spring; however, he expressed
concern over the security
situation in the country.
At preliminary talks sched- I all live in the narrow fertile
uled to begin in The Hague on 29
May, the Netherlands and Suri-
nam will discuss possible modi-
fication of the Realm Statute
of 1954 with a view to giving
Surinam a greater degree of
independence, Final proposals
worked out at these discussions
will be submitted to a full
round-table conference to be
held later.
Surinam (Dutch Guiana) is
a sparsely populated, underde-
veloped territory about the
size of Illinois. The majority
of its 300,000 people are of
Asian extraction (Hindustanis,
Javanese, and Chinese), and the
rest predominantly African
("Creoles") and European; nearly
HAITI REPUBLIC tvFxio o (Nth.)SaJnr:?1SWM, Fr.)
SdMr6.uutlwe 6
(NethJ c,Antigua
Gus(Fr) &"J\-
IF!. U
Saint Lucy
(U. K.)
strip of coastal plain. Suri-
nam and the six islands of the
Netherlands Antilles comprise
the overseas realm of the King-
dom of the Netherlands; the
1954 Realm Statute formalized
the internal self-government
already in effect in both ter-
ritories but reserved foreign
affairs and defense matters
to The Hague.
,Bauxite, mined by a sub-
sidiary of ALCOA and by a Dutch
firm, accounts for about 80 per-
cent of the value of Surinam's
exports, Surinam exported 3,600,-
000 tons of bauxite in 1960;
it provides about 20 percent
of the free world's supply.
.PT(U.K.) D
~~~'~~~' JJJJJJ
Netherlands Territories In the Waste rn Hemisphere
25 MAY1961
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 26 of 27
The territory's political
activity is dominated by a small
minority of professional and
businessmen varied in their
racial origins but largely Dutch
in educational background and
general orientation. They de-
sire expansion and diversifi-
cation of the economy to reduce
the present excessive dependence
on bauxite mining, and they
believe that to obtain greater
technical and financial assist-
ance from both the United Nations
.and the West, their country
first must be recognized as an
international entity.
These men feel that under
the present arrangement, the
Dutch Foreign Ministry does not
adequately represent Surinam's
interests--particularly in re-
gard to securing aid for such
high-priority programs as the
development of hydroelectric
power and the expansion of the
transportation network to open
up the untapped timber and min-
eral resources of the interior.
They want independent represen-
tation in several key countries
in the western hemisphere as
well as at the United Nations.
Although Surinam has pros-
pered during the past several
years as demand has increased
for its bauxite, timber, and
food products, its political
leaders are dissatisfied with
the pace of its development.
They maintain, that more rapid
and varied development is nec-
essary to meet the growing pres-
sure for social services such
as housing--which is admittedly
inadequate--and to provide em-
ployment for the-increasing
number of Surinamers being
trained in the Netherlands.
Minister-President Emanuels,
who will head Surinam's delega-
tion, intends to use the oppor-
tunity to confer with German
and French officials regarding
their countries' possible par-
ticipation in development plans.
The desire for greater
autonomy has also been stimu-
lated in recent years by the
declining prestige of the colo-
nial powers, the rapid emergence
of independent states in Africa,
and the progress of the British
West Indies and neighboring
British Guiana toward independ-
ence. The "Creoles" are the
dominant party in the pro-
Western, tripartite coali-
tion they formed with the Hindu-
stani and Catholic parties and
are the most outspoken on the
question of greater independ-
ence. Some signs of racial
friction are appearing,
largely as a result of the
growing economic and political
power of the Hindustanis, who'
already control much of Sur-
inam's local economy. Fear-
ing domination by the Asians,
the "Creoles" tend increasingly
to identify their aspirations
with those of the newly in-
dependent, uncommitted Af-
rican states and to look to
them for leadership.
In contrast to the polit-
ical situation in neighboring
British Guiana, leftist ele-
ments have wielded little
influence. As long as the
government's economic and so-
cial development programs pro-
ceed, the future of Surinam's
small leftist party will remain
Although neither racially
nor culturally a Latin country,
Surinam recognizes it must devel-
op closer ties with the neigh-
boring republics. The first
step would be to seek associa-
tion with the OAS. So far, how-
ever, Surinam has felt relatively
detached from Latin American
25 May 61 WEEKLY REVIEW Page 27 of 27
25 May 61 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page 2 of 15
TOF SEnfET -P-141. 4-P
a v u~i vaau a rrr+~
There are several indica-
tions that a new Soviet consti-
tution will appear sometime
after the 22nd party congress
next October. Proposals for
changes in the existing law in-
dicate that the new constitution
will be based on Khrushchev's
assertions that the Soviet Un-
ion has begun the "full-scale
building of a Communist society."
The document may also provide
for the establishment of the of-
fice of "President of the USSR."
The present Soviet consti-
tution is chiefly a description
of the state apparatus and a
record of past achievements
which needs periodic updating
in accord with economic and so-
cial change.
There have been three con-
stitutions since the revolution.
The first, adopted in 1918, ex-
propriated private property and
disenfranchised Russia's proper-
tied classes and set forth the
new system of government by
commissars and soviets. The
second appeared in 1924, follow-
ing the extension of Red power
into the Ukraine, Belorussia,
and the Transcaucasus, and the
consequent birth of the Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics.
It recognized the division of
the world into "two camps of
socialism and capitalism," but
otherwise limited itself to
describing the new state ad-
ministrative machinery. This
instrument was superseded in
1936 by the present constitution,
which was framed in keeping
with Stalin's dictum that, "in
the main," socialism had been
built in the Soviet Union.
Like his predecessor, Khru-
shchev evidently wants the
achievements of his administra-
tion embodied in the highest law
of the land. He first broached
the question of revising the con-
stitution at the 21st party con-
gress in 1959, but the subject
apparently was not raised again
for several' months. Rumors of
impending change began to circu-
late in Moscow on the eve of the
central committee plenum last,
spring, and on 3 May 1960 Khru-
shchev acknowledged that the
plenum would consider "constitu-
tional questions." He stated
that it had again become neces-
sary to bring the constitution
into line with the new situation
in Soviet economic and social
life, but added that the Commu-
nist party would first "work
out the lines of future devel-
Responsibility for draft-
ing the basic provisions of the
new law evidently has been as-
signed to P. S. Romashkin, di-
rector of the Institute of Law
of the Soviet Academy of Sci-
ences, and work on the project
probably started last summer.
In July, Romashkin advanced de-
tailed proposals for changes,
and his recommendations were
published last fall in the top
legal journal, Soviet State and
Law. In January 1, mashkin
stated that his institute's sec-
tor of state law was "seriously
working out" questions of changes
25 May 61 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page 4 of 15
O .. .E NAR
and additions to the constitu-
tion, and assumed that "this
work will be expanded following
the adoption of the party pro-
gram at the 22nd congress."
The Forthcoming Constitution
The earlier Soviet consti-
tutions contain no references
to the advent of Communism. In-
deed, in 1936, Stalin stated
flatly that the constitution
had to be limited to a descrip-
tion' of past achievements, since
it was impossible for a basic
law to talk about events which
had not yet come to pass. The
Communist party has received
similar treatment. It was not
mentioned at all in the first
two constitutions, and was cited
only once in that of 1936.
If Romashkin's proposals
are adopted, however, the forth-
coming constitution will be
uniquely "communist" in nature.
It will, for the first time, ex-
plicitly commit the Soviet Un-
ion to continue on a communist
course. Taking its cue from the
party program now being revised
under Khrushchev's direction, it
will also lay down guidelines
for the future.
Romashkin insists on in-
cluding "a clear statement of
the prospects of development of
the Soviet state which will re-
flect the determination of
the entire people to build
communism." He further thinks
that the party's leading role
in Soviet life should be men-
tioned much more often and that
references should be made to
such harbingers of the future
as the strength of the world so-
cialist movement, the growth of
the brigades of Communist labor,
and the eventual "withering
away of the state."
A constitution of this
type would certainly be touted
as a significant milestone in
the development of Marxism-
Leninism. Its appearance after
the 22nd congress, and the con-
comitant boasting of Soviet
superiority and praise for the
party first secretary, would,
provide all the more opportu-
nity to link the Khrushchev
name with the "building of com-
munism." Like the "Stalin con-
stitution" of 1936, the forth-
coming document might also bear
the name of its chief inspirer.
Possible Soviet Presidency
While there is little evi-
dence that a move to create a
"President of the USSR" is con-
templated, rumors to this ef-
fect were making the rounds in
Moscow last May. A presidency
was subsequently established in
Rumania. Czechoslovakia and East
Germany have retained the office,
and there have been reports that
other European satellites intend
to set up.the office as they too
"complete the transition to so-
25 May 61 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page 5 of 15
A presidency could be
formed simply by conferring the
title on the chairman of the
presidium of the Supreme So
viet,who is titular head of the
state. However, there are
no easily discernible advan-
tages in tacking a new label
onto a job which is already es-
sentially ceremonial.
The future president of
the USSR--if there is to be one
--is much more likely to step
into a position of real power
and prestige. He would pre-
sumably enjoy authority at
least equal to that of his sat-
ellite counterparts, and in
large measure his office would
probably be modeled after the
Czechoslovak and Rumanian presi-
The new constitution might,
then, assign to a Soviet presi-
dent certain functions now re-
served to the Supreme Soviet
presidium and ceremonially ex-
ercised by its chairman. These
include formal representation
of the state, negotiation and
ratification of treaties, and
the power to nominate and re-
call the premier and individual
members of the government.
Other provisions could be copied
from the Czechs, whose president
has the right to preside over
meetings of the government, is
commander in chief of the armed
forces, and "exercises powers
not expressed in the constitu-
The key qualification for
the office would not be embodied
in the law, however. It is cer-
tainly no accident in Czechoslo
vakia and Rumania that the presi-
dent is also first secretary of
the party; in the Communist sys-
tem, the party chief is the ulti-
mate source of political authori-
ty. In the USSR, however, he has
never ruled by right of law, and
the creation of a Soviet presi-
dency like that of the two satel-
lites would give constitutional
sanction to the powers he has al-
ways exercised in fact. Making
the president (i.e., party first
secretary) technically responsi-
ble to the legislature--which is
fundamentally powerless--would
maintain the fiction that the
Supreme Soviet is the nation's
"highest organ of state authori-
This kind of job would seem
made to order for Khrushchev. He
might see some propaganda advan-
tage to having his powers legal-
ized, and there are certainly no
indications that he would object
to more prestige. His "election"
to the presidency would also put
an end to any contention about
who is really head of the Soviet
state. While this question is of
little actual consequence, it has
nevertheless proved irritating in
the conduct of foreign relations;
in 1959, for example, Khrushchev
had to visit this country as
"chief of state"--for which there
is no Soviet constitutional pro-
vision--in order to be on a pro-
tocol par with the US President.
(SGR `r)
25 May 61 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page 6 of 15
25 May 61 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page 7 of 15
25 May 61 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page 8 of 15
25 May 61 SPECIAL-ARTICLES Page 9 of 15
25 May 61 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page 10 of 15
Fulbert Youlou has been the
leader of the Congo Republic
(Brazzaville), first as prime
minister and later as President,
since it gained its independence
from France in 1958. He has
steadily consolidated his power,
and his firm rule has given the
country comparative stability,
which in turn has added to
Youlou's prestige as an African
leader. He is friendly toward
the West and has shown himself
aware of the debt his country
owed France and De Gaulle, whose
polities made possible its
peaceful accession to independ-
ence and maintenance of friendly
ties--facts which Youlou is
fond of contrasting with the
chaos "across the river" in
In that year, Youlou founded
the Democratic Union for Defense
of African Interests (UDDIA),
which now is the country's ruling
party. In 1956 he entered the
electoral campaign for the French
National Assembly in spite of
church disapproval. He lost the
election and was suspended for
breach of sacerdotal vows, but
he has continued to wear the
cassock and use the title Abbe.
In 1957 he won election to the
Congo Assembly, and since then
his political rise has been
President Youlou is to visit
Canada, Washington, New York,
Puerto Rico, and Haiti early
next month. He made a brief
visit to the United Nations for
the 15th general assembly, but
otherwise he has not traveled
in the United States. He is
keenly anticipating the visit,
and he knd his entourage went
to considerable pains to arrange
it, constantly pointing out thht
Lumumba and Sekou Toui'd had al-
ready been received in Washington
and that Youlou also had invita-
Youlou, who will be 44 on
9 June, was born near Brazza-
ville, the son of an illiterate
peasant farmer. He was educated
at Catholic mission schools and
later attended seminaries in
Cameroun and Gabon. He speaks
French fluently. Ordained in
1946, he was a parish priest in
Brazzaville and elsewhere until
1955, when he became interested
in politics.
Youlou derives much of his
power and support from the fact
that he is the paramount chief
of the Balai tribe in the
southern sector of the country.
--and radio are almost fulsome
in their praise of him, and
25 May 61 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page 11 of 15
following his visit to Katanga
in mid-February dwelt largely
on the honors shown him in
popular with the other: Equatorial
African leaders, who are sus-
picious of his motives and
Government I Operations
Youlou would like to play
a decisive part in African af-
fairs beyond his own country.
He was active in promoting the
Union of the Republics of Cen-
tral Africa--which was to have
included Gabon, Central Africa,
and Chad as well as his own
country--but jealousies among
the various leaders and inabil-
ity to agree on major issues
caused plans for this union to
collapse in the summer of 1960.
This year he showed a desire
to play a leading role in the
African-Malagasy Union worked
out at the Yaotuide conference.
On the whole, Youlou is not
Youlou runs the country as
a benevolent despot. He has
railroaded through the assembly
laws giving the government--i.e.,
himself--almost unlimited powers
to deal with subversion, press
criticism, and public meetings,
as well as to search without a
warrant and to arrest, keep in
custody, or summarily execute
anyone who might threaten secu-
rity. So far the President has
used these powers sparingly--
largely against the country's
few Communists--but there is
little doubt he would employ
them ruthlessly if his position
were threatened. In February
1959--even before these laws
were passed--Youlou imprisoned
opposition leader Jacques Opan-
gault for almost five months,
and he has taken even harsher
measures against other domestic
For the most part, however,
Youlou has maintained his posi-
tion by adroit political manipu-
lation and frequent reshuffling
of the cabinet. Opangault, re-
stored to grace, now is vice
president, and the cooperation
of other former opposition lead-
ers is an established feature
of the political scene.
Although he had been elect-
ed president of the republic by
the National Assembly in Novem-
ber 1959, Youlou desired his
office to come from the people.
Accordingly, he somewhat hastily
arranged an "election" for March
of this year--really a plebi-
scite, since he was the only can-
didate.. He won well over 90
percent of, the possible votes.
In February,he had induced the
25 May 61 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page 12 of 15
Gulf of
Kooil\ D6
National Assembly to adopt a
new constitution which strength-
ened the position of the presi-
dent without making too obvious
a rubber stamp of the assembly.
Youlou's actions stem, at
least in part, from a convictian
that a new African state re-
quires firm leadership to over-
come economic and sociological
problems. When asked if he
were not calling the presiden-
tial election on very short
notice, Youlou replied that "in
Africa, you have to do things
25 May 61 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page 13 of 15
i - ,..* IlrOAN 0-fto
quickly." In the electoral
campaign, Youlou induced other
national leaders, including his
major political and tribal op-
ponents, to give him strong
support, and he stressed the
theme of national unity in an
effort to overcome the tribal
animosities that divide the
Youlou spent a week trav-
eling with Opangault among the
M'Bochi of the north. Two years
ago he would not have ventured
into M'Bochi country, nor would
Opangault, an- M'Bochi, have
wandered far among Youlou's
Balai tribesmen of the south.
Future Prospects
The Congo has relatively
few resources, and its economy,
based largely on agricultural
products, is not viable without
extensive French assistance.
Its geographical location and
the railroad which runs from
Brazzaville to Pointe Noire give
it some stature as a commerdial
state, providing the chief out-
let for products from the Cen-
tral African Republic and even
Mineral exploitation in
Congo amounts to only about
8,000 tons a year of lead ore,
while gold mining--never very
extensive--has declined into
insignificance and diamond min-
ing has stopped raltogether.
The country has a staggering
trade deficit, imports normally
being about four times the value
of its exports. About 70 per-
cent of the exports go to France.
The 1960 budget of $15,900,-
000 was balanced only by virtue
of $2,200,000 in direct French
subsidy. The total French con-
tribution, however, approached
$7,500,000 when the salaries of
the French military personnel,
technicians, and administrators
are included. France supplies
cadres for the army--which pres-
ently consists of one company
--and gendarmerie, and has
stationed about 3,500 troops in
the country, commanded almost
entirely by French officers. The
overly ambitious 1961 budget is
18 percent larger, and calls
for more indirect taxes, higher
customs duties, and increased
French assistance.
Youlou has great hopes for
the large hydroelectric plant
to be built at Kouilou. This
installation is envisaged as a.
source of cheap power for the
industrial complex, including
wood-processing plants and a
large aluminum smelter--using
bauxite from Guinea--to be built
at Pointe Noire, a deepwater
port with plenty of land for in-
dustrial sites.
In foreign relations, You-
lou and his government have
gotten on well with the French
but have insisted on at least
ostensibly running the country
themselves. Europeans have been
quietly eliminated from as
25 May 61 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page 14 of 15
Youlou has taken a strong
anti-Communist stand, both in-
ternally and in foreign affairs,
where he has so far avoided
various blandishments from the
Communist bloc.
Events in the former Bel-
gian Congo have been of great
concern to Youlou. At first he
supported Kasavubu and counseled
moderation. During the worst of
the disturbances in Leopoldville,
Youlou and his government were
friendly and helpful to US refu-
gees. He strongly opposed Lu-
mumba--whom he refused to invite
to the Brazzaville independence
ceremonies in August 1960. He
has become increasingly disen-
chanted with Kasavubu, however,
enou h
25 May 61 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page 15 of 15
Published during week of 17-23 May 1961
France and the Algerian problem: De Gaulle's
position in France after the April'61 coup
attempt in Algeria and prospects for a ne-
gotiated settlement within the next six
months. U.S.I.B. SNIE22-2-61. May 23'61.
Outlook for Yugoslavia: domestic policies and
position of the regime; economic situation
and foreign trade; and foreign relations
with the Bloc the West, and the neutralists.
U.S.I.B. NiE 15-61. May 23'61. (S)
Short-term outlook for Iran: lixely relations
of the new Amini government with the Shah
and possibility of a military coup. U.S.I.B.
SNIE 34-2-61. May 23'61. (S)
Afghanistan: Brief: a general summary of the
National Intelligence Survey on Afghanistan.
Maps, tables. NIS 34, chapter I. 54pp.
Oct'60. (S Noforn)
Ecuador: Telecommunications. Illustrations,
map, tables. NIS 87, chapter M. section 38.
7pp. Oct'60. (C Noforn)
French West Indies: Ports and naval facili-
ties. Illustrations maps, plans, tables.
NIS 83, chapter ih, section 35. 23pp.
Sept'60. (C Noforn)
Ghana: Propaganda. Illustrations, table. NIS
50A, chapter V, section 58. l5pp. Oct'60.
(C Noforn)
Hungary: Subversion, i.e., domestic and for-
eign activities against Hungary. Illustra-
tions, map, tables. NIS 19, chapter VZZ
section 57, revised. 31pp. Sept'60. (S/
Malaya and Singapore: Manufacturing and con-
struction. Bibliography, illustrations, ta-
bles. NIS 44A, chapter VI, section 64.
72pp. Jan'60. (C Noforn)
North Korea: Trade and finance. Graphs,
tables. NIS 41A, chapter VI, section 65,
revised. 25pp. Oct'60. (S)
Sweden: Health and sanitation. Bibliography,
illustrations, map, tables. NIS 11 ~p
ter IV, section 45, revised. 37pp. 1~I tr'60.
The date on an NIS listing is the date the ma-
terial was approved for use in the NIS by the
producing agency, not the date of publication.
South Asian press information on Indian Com-
munist Party and front organizations' ac-
tivities at the local and national level,
Oct'60-Feb'61. F.D.D. Summary 2991.
30pp. May 19'61. (C)
Changes In state structure in the USSR, Nov'60-
Mar'61, as reported in Soviet newspapers
and journals: a chronological listing. F.D.D.
Summary 2970. 8pp. May 1'61. (C)
Employment and utilization of Soviet profes-
sional manpower in nonmilitary pursuits:
assessment of practices and trends. Bib-
liography, tables. O. I. Scientific Intelli
Bence Report OBI-SR~61-14. 33pp. Apr 21
Recent developments in the administration of
domestic trade in the USSR: changes made,
1953-60. Bibliography, tables. O.R.R. Eco-
nomic Intelligence Report CIA/RR ER 61-
20. 23pp. May'61. (C)
Soviet BW program: capability of Soviet sci-
ence to support BW, facilities and status
of agent research, devel de-
fensive program, and
Illustrations map, p ans. 0-S-1-
Scientific Intelligence he search Aid OSI-
RA/Bl-3 1RRnn Anr Will (8 Noforn
Requests for publications cited above should be
made through normal requesting channels to the
CIA Library/Circulation Branch.