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Publication Date:
December 30, 1957
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SUBJECT Scl*utifia - IIOctzvn c$
PUBUSHEO MmthlY DpilOdi-O -'
Axoag the assignments which can be carried out by radio amateurs
during the observation of sita+ls from the artificial Earth satellite is
the determination of the instant when the satellite viii pass over as
observation point. The instant of transit can be determined by various
methods, in particular, by the shift cf the received frequency due to
Doppler effect, or else by the .etbod of equisignal sons (widely used in
radar for determination of angle ecordimates). This article describes the
equisignal-tone method and a simple adapter for observations of the satel-
lite by this method.
The Dquisignal Zone Method
What an equisignal zone is can be seen from Figure I. This figure
shove schematically two identical antennas, Al and A2, which are located
some distance from each other.
Radiation patterns of the antennas in the vertical plane are shown
here by a solid line. For observations by this method, the radiation
patterns of the antennas are formed in such a member that the direction
of best reception of the antennas is somewhat displaced in space. Let us
assume that the satellite is passing over the antennas in such a vsy as to
occupy positions one and two successively. Let us observe the changes of
the sig-a1 ^tength in the antennas during the movement of the satellite.
As is seen from Figure one, when the satellite is located at position owe
the signal in antenna Al viii be at its maxisaa and will considerably ex-
ceed the amplitude of the signal in a.nt!ana A2. As the satellite moves to
the right from point 1, the signal level increases in antenna A2 and de-
creases in antenna Al. Therefore, in position two, which the satellite
will occupy i-veral instants later, the signal amplitude in the antennas
will not differ as such did in position one.
in its further movwment, the satellite will occupy position three,
when the signal becomes equal in both antennas. In this case we can say
that the satellite is located in the equisigne.l zone.
In space, this zone comprises a vertical plane between the antennas,
which the satellite should necessarily intersect when passing over the
point of observation, except when the trajectory of the satellite is par-
allel to the equisignel plane. Registering the instant of transit of the
satailite over the equisignel plane can serve for the precise determina-
tion of its orbit. For a determination of this instant both cntenn.s (Al
and A2) are caenected to the receiver through a special direction-finding
adapter, the basic element of which is an electronic switch. The switch
alternately coweets the antennas to the receiver at a rate of several hun-
dred times per second (Figure 2), which affords opportunity to observe the
oscillations at the output of the receiver (Figure 3) to determine the
ratio of the signals induced in antennas Al and A2.
If the.satellits is outside the equisigml zone, then the signal
strength in.tbe two antennas is different; therefore, the amplitude of the
oscillations 1t the input of the receiver changes with the frequency of the
sa?~naa snitching (Figure 3)? Detection of these oeclllatlons gill produce
square pulses, reproducing the signal envelope at the input of the receiver.
These pulses can be heard as n tone with a frequency equal to that of the
antenna snitching (with local oscillator disconnected). In the course of
the movement of the satellite, the niggnaltineantenna Al vill decrease
wind at the will increase in antenna A2; am & decrease. At the Instant the satelli e transits the uutsoignaal zoos, tc
the htb*
ll Al and ea will eq., and the tong an equisignal planes
in antennas
ng frequency will not be heard (Figure 3). ToAec
the antennas should be completely identical and have symmetrical (with
respect to the verti'al axis) radiation f. The
hertl uired shcanift of
the direction of pens. ing with
threspect to the eaantennes.
attained by a proper position
The basic element of the described )itecth controls two it rtr (Fiiggure
4) Is a symmetrical sultlvibrator (L4,lfj
high-frequency amplifiers (L1,L2) with a common plate load (circuits IQ,
C5,C6 . The signal from each rntenns is transmitted to the corresponding
input (Al A2) of the amplifier by means of a coaxial cable.
To the screen grids of tubes L1 and IQ is supplied a voltage in the
fora of square pulses, which change the potential of the screen grids in
steps from 0 to 4120 volts. Ir accordance with there occurs n~l-
ternate connection of the bigb-frequency amplification
adapter (ges , and from eoemon plate load to the output stage
fled signals alternate from each of the antennas.
The sultivibretar, built with an electron coupled c 1c cuQtt, generates
rmined b
pulses which are almost square. The switching frequency oi rdtresistor-9
the capacitance of the capacitors C77, Cg and
Rio. For the magnitudes of the" eleeenta in this circuit, the switch ng
frequency is 270 cycles. For the complete cutoff of tubes I,e 2f small
positive (with respect to the catsodea of tubes 4,, volta is buabttry
10 volts is applied to the cathodes of tubes L1 L2,
by the current in the circuits of the cathodes of tubes LI, L2, L3 actors
the resistor R5.
Autotranaformers are used to match the characteristic impedance of
the cable (75 ohms) at the input circuits.
The cathode circuit of the output stage, which comprises a cocoon
cathode follower, is closei on the direct current through the incoming
circuit of the receiver. -
method, it is necessary that
For observation by the vent al s~ amplification. Adjustment of
both high-iregwncy stages have the e same .mop
amplification is accomplished by changing the bias at the grids of tubes
LI, I2 with the _id of resistor R3.
The capacitors C and CIO, each 100 alcromicrofareds, decocq?le the
screen grids of the higfl-frequeo Y amplifier tubes and do not affect the
form of switching voltage. The adapter is installed close to the antennas;
therefore, a low voltage of 12.6 volts is selected for its power supply.
This voltage is supplied directly to the beating circuits of the tubes,
divided into two'seri a-conxcted groups.
The aiddla point of the primary winding of the power transformer is
grounded and serves to equalise the heater voltage (6.3 volts) in both
groups. For power supply to plate cir_uits, a common KeD trop rectifier
67e`;S (L6) is used. A potential of 12.6 volts is obtained from a special
traneforewar installed in the vicinity of the receiver; this transformer
ccc?allf has to be designed for a potential of 13-14 volts to coepeneata
for the potential drop in the connecting wire.
Structurally, this direction-finding adapter is built on a seprrata
clsusais having the dimensions 190 by 150 by 60 sm. The location of the
tantc components on the chassis is seen in Figure 5. r' duce the mutual
effect of stegee, copper, brass, or aluminum screening sections (tubs
shields) are placed between tubes L1, 12 and I.. On the side of the
c.`.Ass is are three t.rrctnal'bloeks for coaxial able (two for antennas Al
and A2 and one for the connection to the receiver).
Miring of both stages of high frequency amplification should be carried
out according to the same wiring system. ibe grounding of all components
belonging to the ease stage in done at one point near the corresponding
Trimming capacitors Cl, C5 and CI2 are mounted in such a Penner that
the tuning of the circuits can be achie ed without rettaving the lower
lid of the dlrectioh-finding adapter.
Pugh-frequency coils L1, I.2, L3 are mounted at the output of the
corresponding trimming capacitors. These coils are made with silvered
wire with a diameter from one to 1-1/2 mm, wound on an 8-em mandrel, and
cortaining seven turns. After winding, the coil is stretched to a length
of 18 sm. Coils LI and L3 have tape fro^ the second turn, counting frost
the grounded end.
Trl has a core of plates Sh-19 (thickness of the assembly, 20 ass).
NiMtng oo, has 2 by 110 turns of P EL-1 wire, 0.74, three secondary- 11-
2 by 4,900 turns of PSL-1, wire, 0.12.
The choke of ftlter_Arl ban a core of Sh-15 plates, having an assembly
thickneas of 25 m. The winding is dcos with P14 -i wire, 0.15, covering
the vtote form. A step-down transformer for the power supply to the adapter
(rot indicated in the figure) is built with a core of Sh-19 plates; the
thickness of the aaaembly is 50 ma. The priPary winding of this trsasformer
to d-algned for conre'ttoa to a power line of 110, 127, and 220 volts %M
coTitalna, accordingly, 550 turns plus 83 turns of PEL-1 wire, 0.44, 4 470
turns of PrL-1, wire 0.33. The step-down winding consists of 87 turns at
Fly.-l wire, 1.2, and bas tape from the 72d, 77th, and 82d turns for selac-
tton to the adapter of a normal voltage of 12.6 volts. Between the pri-
nary and the secondary winding is a screen made of a single layer of PEL-1
vl:ea, 0.15 to 0.2.
Adjusting to the direction finding adapter Is usually begun by check-
li,g tube performance. The operation of the multivibrator is checked with
the aid or an oacillograph; the pulses should he practically square at
the plates of tubes lt? L5. When there is a considerable difference in
the duration cf the two belt-periods of the generated oscillations, it is
necessary to change sacvbat the value of leek resistance or .be capacitance
of the separatloa capacitor in the circuit of the control grid of one of
the tubes. It I. desirable to check the frequency of the aultivibrator-
generated oscillations with the aid of an audiogeneretor (with respect to
ISssajoua figures on the screen of the oecilingraph). If it is necessary,
the frequency can be changed by the selection of capacitors C7, C8 or the
resistors R9, R10.
For tuning the high-frequency saplifier, generator 80-1 and voltmeter
D?:3-7 can be used. For this purpose, a 75-ohm resistance is connected
tc porarily at an output of a cathode follower.
T"- tuning of each stage of the high-frequency amplifier is repeated
cavcral times.
The final tuning stage is balanced through a balancing and equalisipg
of the amplification of both arms of the amplifier (with the aid of R3).
Stall-wave split dipoles, similar to those which are used for the
reception of TV programs, can be used as the antennas. To secure the
desired direction for the best reception, the antennas should be placed
at a height of a quarter of a wave above the earth's surface. In contrast
to television reception, the diameter of the dipoles can be .elected only
on the basis of constructional considerations} the antenna band-width is
of no significance. The antenna structure should be sufficiently rigid
so that it will not be swayed by a strong wind.
For measurements by the equisignal zone method, two identical dipoles
are used, placed exactly parallel to each other at a distance of the order
of half a wave length. (In the future, this distance will be more accu-
rately defined.)
The dipoles are oriented (ane Figure 8) so that the line connecting
their centers will coincide with the east-vest direction and so that the
equisignal plane is in the direction of the meridian. The dirrction-
finding adapter is installed on the ground between the antennas, is covered
with a protecting jacket, and is connected to the antennas by cables of
equal length (with an accuracy up to one to 2 cm).
Becaure the earth's surface participates forming the antenna radia-
tion pattern, the antenna should be located on a level site; any consider-
able unevenness of the relief at the site of the antenna will distort the
egida iinal zone and will cause errors in observations. For the same rea-
son, for a distance of up to ten vayelengths, there should not be any
large metallic masses and other shielding objects. It is also objection-
able to use metal guy rods for fastening the_antennaa. As already men-
tioned, using the equisignal method is impractical in cities. The con-
struction of one of the possible antenna variants for a wave length of
7.5 meters (40 megacycles) is shown in Figure 7. Coupling the antenna
to an unbalanced 75-ohm coaxial cable is done with the aid of a balancing
U-shaped bred. The dipoles are located at a height of 18.75 meters above
the earth's surface, and the distance between then is 3.75 asters. The
radiation pattern of a single antenna for this particular we is shown.
in Figure 9.
For operations without the switch, one of the antennas is directly
connected to the input of the receiver.
(Appended figures follow.)
OLt Figuxe 2..
~? d gRl~;b
e It: R1)1r.
1fai Cj .(C
`? 1U.1tN
C?4?a 1 i
s,crl w,f. IS
Figure 4
Bolder the able
cable rk-lo rk-3,