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CIA- Office of National Estimates: The Expulsion from Egypt- Some Consequences for the Soviets
I-085 “The Use of Artillery in Support of an Army Counterattack,” Information Collection of the Artillery, issue No.49, 1959, CIA/ DP Clandestine Report Special Collection, 28 November 1961.
Soviet Plans for Warsaw Pact Theater Commands Opposite NATO, CIA/NFAC/OSR Intelligence Assessment, April 1979.
VII-285 “Certain Problems in the Conduct of Tactical-Special Exercises by Communications Troops,” a Warsaw Pact journal article, by Maj. Gen. G. Enchu, published in the secret Soviet publication, Information Collection of the Headquarters and Technical
Probable Soviet Course of Action Regarding Berlin and Germany, NIE 100-2-59, 24 February 1959.
