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/specialCollection/cgi/1946/12- December 1946/DCI_Vandenberg_Lecture_at_Air_War_College_11_Dec_1946.PDF
State Cable: Persian Gulf
WSAG Summary of Conclusions, 9:01-10:06 am
/specialCollection/DCI/Vandenberg FOIA/1946/1946-12-11.PDF
VII-021 “The Transition from Conventional to Nuclear Warfare during an Offensive,” by Col. A. Postovalov, Military Thought, secret issue No. 3, 1970, CIA/DO Intelligence Information Special Report, 15 June 1973.
II-49 Address by Roswell L. Gilpatric, Deputy Secretary of Defense, before the Business Council at The Homestead, Hot Springs, VA, 21 October 1961
III-043 Some Problems of Improving Wheeled Combat Vehicles for the Ground Forces, by Maj, Gen. of Engineer Technical Services C. Zimelev, Engineer Colonel A. Frumkin, and Engineer Colonel V. Medvedkov, special collection Military Thought, top secret issue
“Conclusions Drawn from a Tactical Exercise of an Operational-Tactical Missile Brigade Conducted by the Rocket and Artillery Troops Command of the Pomeranian Military District,” Military Thought (Poland quarterly) issue No.3, 1967, CIA/DP, Intelligence In
Hardened Control Post Installations, CIA/DO Intelligence Information Special Report, November 1979 (DOI, 1976).
/specialCollection/nwcda1/14/HOFFMANN, EMIL/HOFFMANN, EMIL_0043.pdf
Draft of the Discussion of Exercise “Shield-76,” by the chief of staff of the Polish General Staff, CIA/DO, Intelligence Information Special Report, 15 February 1977 (DOI, September 1976).
/specialCollection/nwcda1/23/KOZMA, FERENC VOL. 2/KOZMA, FERENC VOL. 2_0031.pdf
/specialCollection/nwcda1/23/KOZMA, FERENC VOL. 3/KOZMA, FERENC VOL. 3_0033.pdf
/specialCollection/nwcda2/52/OSS- SSU- CIG EARLY CIA DOCUMENTS VOL. 5/OSS- SSU- CIG EARLY CIA DOCUMENTS VOL. 5_0006.pdf
/specialCollection/nwcda3/77/SYMPHONY VOL. 1/SYMPHONY VOL. 1_0075.pdf
/specialCollection/nwcda3/71/PASTIME VOL. 1/PASTIME VOL. 1_0005.pdf
/specialCollection/nwcda3/55/AECHAMP VOL. 2/AECHAMP VOL. 2_0054.pdf
