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“If you can think of it, we could probably make it happen. Yea, it depends on what the requirement is, you know? Where are they going? What do they look like? What environment are they blending into? You know, is it a subgroup that they would need to blend into in that country? Also, what is their operational window of time to apply? But we typically can provide from head to toe, several profile changes per officer.”

July 13, 2023
Season 2 File 012

The Art of Deception: CIA's Disguise Experts Take You Behind the Scenes

You might’ve seen spies use disguises in movies, but for real-life CIA officers, masks, wigs, makeup, and clothing are just the beginning. So what else do Agency officers need to transform themselves into someone else? How do they pull off such sleight of hand under pressure—and under surveillance? And most of all, who makes their disguises and how? On this episode of The Langley Files, Dee and Walter sit down with two of CIA’s disguise specialists to pull back the curtain on those questions and more. Tune in to learn some of the tricks of the disguise trade—and hear how they’ve made all the difference in real-world CIA operations.

Look Inside File 012

Want to dive deeper into today’s episode? Here's a look into more of Langley's (unclassified) files:

Want to read about the life—and surprising second career—of another CIA master of disguise? Check out this profile.

CIA’s disguise technology has had an impact on more than national security—it has also benefited the world of custom prosthetics. Read about that and other CIA contributions to modern technology.

How does CIA test applicants to its disguise team? One way has been to ask them to sculpt an ear.

See a piece of CIA disguise history with this disguise kit.

Did the CIA really create a fake Hollywood production company to exfiltrate six State Department employees from Tehran? Watch The Debrief: Behind the Artifact - ARGO.

For more information about ARGO, check out this story.

Are you curious about some of the occupations CIA has to offer? Check out our website CIA.gov for more information.