About the Original Headquarters Building (OHB)
The CIA’s Original Headquarters Building was designed in the mid-1950s by the New York firm Harrison and Abramovitz. The designers followed the vision of former DCI Allen Dulles, who dreamed of a place where intelligence officers could work in a college campus-like atmosphere. He also wanted this secure and secluded environment to be close to US policymakers. (Langley is eight miles outside of downtown Washington.) OHB’s cornerstone was laid on Nov. 3, 1959. Construction was completed in March 1961. OHB consists of 1,400,000 square feet of space. OHB and its companion, New Headquarters Building, sit on 258 acres of land.

An angled view of the well-lit Original Headquarters Building at night.

A wide view of the original CIA Headquarters Building and its front lawn during the day.

An angled view of the original CIA Headquarters Building during the day.