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Veterans play a vital role in our mission. We value the skills, dedication, and unique perspectives military veterans bring to the Agency.

Veteran’s Benefits

If employed by CIA, your veteran status may influence what benefits you receive. For a list of Agency benefits, visit the Benefits page.

Annual Leave

Military personnel who separate from uniformed service, but are not retired, receive full annual leave credit for service performed under honorable conditions. The annual leave you earn each pay period is based on the years of uniformed service you performed:

Years of Military ServiceHours/Pay PeriodDays/Year
Less than 3413
3 but less than 15620
15 or more826

Military personnel who retire from uniformed service are generally not eligible for annual leave accrual credit.

Service Credit for Retirement

Separated, but not retired, military personnel can use their uniformed service for credit toward civilian retirement by making a 3% deposit to the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS).

Retired military personnel can use their uniformed service toward civilian retirement by making a deposit to the retirement fund and waiving their military retirement pay at their civilian retirement. If a military retiree wants to keep their military retirement pay, they can’t use the military service toward civilian retirement.

Military Leave Accrual for National Guard or Reserves Duty

Full-time employees serving in the National Guard or the Reserves for Active Duty or Training accrue 15 days (120 hours) of military leave each fiscal year. Accrual rates for part-time employees are prorated. Employees can carry up to 120 unused military leave hours into the new fiscal year. Employees on military leave receive civilian and military pay.

Military Leave Policy

Employees required for emergency duty (for law enforcement or the protection of life and property) as ordered by the president or a state governor, or in support of contingency operations as defined in 10 U.S.C. 101(A)(13), receive the following military leave benefits:

  • Employees earn up to 22 days of leave per calendar year
  • Leave cannot be carried over into the next calendar year
  • Civilian salary is reduced by the amount of pay for the days of military leave; An employee may choose to take annual instead of military leave and receive both military and civilian pay

Career Opportunities through Operation Warfighter

We are a proud participant of Operation Warfighter. Operation Warfighter supports recovering service members convalescing at military centers by identifying temporary internship assignments and career opportunities—benefiting both the service member and CIA.

Participants in Operation Warfighter work outside of the medical center environment and gain career experience using their military and non-military skills. Work schedules are flexible to accommodate medical treatment and recuperation. Generally, participants work about 20 hours each week and are paid by their respective armed service organization.

Eligible participants are:

  • Wounded, ill, or injured Active Duty Service Members, Mobilized Reservists, and National Guardsmen
  • Assigned to a Warrior Transition Unit
  • Located in the Washington, DC area

All internship opportunities require a Top Secret security clearance.

There is no promise of permanent employment with the Agency upon completion of a military assignment. However, we encourage participants with appropriate education, training, and experience separating from the military to consider a full-time position at CIA.

For more information about the Operation Warfighter Program, contact the Operation Warfighter Regional Coordinator at your local medical center.

Operation Warfighter is operated in conjunction with the Department of Defense and overseen administratively by the Defense Intelligence Agency.

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When you work at CIA, you are part of a family of service—a diverse, equitable, and inclusive group of professionals who are proud to be the Nation’s first line of defense. Apply now and continue to do more for your country than you ever dreamed possible.

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An image of the outdoors of the old CIA Building.